Beispiel #1
        private async void AddTask(object sender, EventArgs e)
            addTask.IsEnabled = false;
            int projectID;

            //De nieuwe taak toevoegen aan project in de database
                projectID = saved.projectid;
                ContactDataBase.addTaskToProject(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken, nameEntry.Text, descriptionEntry.Text, project.projectid, int.Parse(rroeValueEntry.Text), int.Parse(jobSizeEntry.Text), int.Parse(userBusinessValueEntry.Text), int.Parse(timeCriticalityEntry.Text), int.Parse(uncertaintyEntry.Text));
                List <Project> projects = (List <Project>)ContactDataBase.GetProjects(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken);
                foreach (Project project in projects)
                    if (project.projectid == projectID)
                        project.Tasks = (List <Task>)ContactDataBase.GetTasks(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken, project.projectid);
                        Sprint      s     = (Sprint)ContactDataBase.GetSprint(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken, project.projectid);
                        List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();
                        foreach (Task t in project.Tasks)
                            if (s != null && t.sprintid == s.sprintid)
                        if (s != null)
                            s.Sprinttasks         = tasks;
                            project.CurrentSprint = s;
                        await Navigation.PushAsync(new TabbedPage()
                            Children = { new ProjectInfoPage(project), new SprintPage(project.CurrentSprint, project.Tasks, project), new NewSprintPage(project), new burndown(project) }, Title = project.projectname
                // Het verwijderen van de oude pages in de stack
                for (int counter = 1; counter <= 2; counter++)
                addTask.IsEnabled = true;
            //Opvangen error
                await DisplayAlert(Globals.taakallerttitel, Globals.taakallertmessage, "ok");

                addTask.IsEnabled = true;
Beispiel #2
        //Refresh de pagina
        private async void refreshPage()
            int projectID = t.projectid;

                List <Project> projects = (List <Project>)ContactDataBase.GetProjects(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken);
                foreach (Project project in projects)
                    if (project.projectid == projectID)
                        project.Tasks = (List <Task>)ContactDataBase.GetTasks(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken, project.projectid);
                        Sprint      s     = (Sprint)ContactDataBase.GetSprint(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken, project.projectid);
                        List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();
                        foreach (Task t in project.Tasks)
                            if (s != null && t.sprintid == s.sprintid)
                        if (s != null)
                            s.Sprinttasks         = tasks;
                            project.CurrentSprint = s;
                        await Navigation.PushAsync(new TabbedPage()
                            Children = { new ProjectInfoPage(project), new SprintPage(project.CurrentSprint, project.Tasks, project), new NewSprintPage(project), new burndown(project) }, Title = project.projectname

                // Het verwijderen van de oude pages in de stack
                for (int counter = 1; counter <= 2; counter++)
                //error opvangen
                await DisplayAlert(Globals.taakallerttitel, Globals.taakallertmessage, "ok");
        //Voeg gebruiker toe aan project
        private async void B_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            b.IsEnabled = false;
            string userName  = ContactDataBase.currentUserName;
            string token     = ContactDataBase.currentToken;
            int    projectID = ding.projectid;

            //Controleer JOIN_PROJECT_SUCCESS
            if ((string)ContactDataBase.JoinProject(userName, token, projectID) == "JOIN_PROJECT_SUCCESS")
                //Popup success
                await DisplayAlert(Globals.joinpassname, Globals.joinpass, Globals.okknop);

                Project f            = ding;
                var     tokenSource2 = new CancellationTokenSource();
                await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
                    Boolean hasAccess = true;
                    Sprint s          = null;
                    //Krijg taken en sprints van database
                        f.Tasks = (List <Task>)ContactDataBase.GetTasks(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken, f.projectid);
                        s       = (Sprint)ContactDataBase.GetSprint(ContactDataBase.currentUserName, ContactDataBase.currentToken, f.projectid);
                    catch { hasAccess = false; }

                        //Voeg taken en sprints toe
                        List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();
                        foreach (Task t in f.Tasks)
                            if (s != null && t.sprintid == s.sprintid)
                        if (s != null)
                            s.Sprinttasks   = tasks;
                            f.CurrentSprint = s;
                    catch { }
                    //Laat normale pagina of join pagina zien (afhankelijk van hasAccess)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        if (hasAccess)
                            Navigation.PushAsync(new TabbedPage()
                                Children = { new ProjectInfoPage(f), new SprintPage(f.CurrentSprint, f.Tasks, f), new NewSprintPage(f), new burndown(f) }, Title = f.projectname
                            Navigation.PushAsync(new TabbedPage()
                                Children = { new JoinProjectPage(f), }, Title = f.projectname, BackgroundColor = GeneralSettings.mainColor
                }, tokenSource2.Token);

            //error JOIN_PROJECT niet gelukt
                await DisplayAlert(Globals.error, Globals.joinfail, Globals.okknop);

                b.IsEnabled = true;
            Navigation.RemovePage(Navigation.NavigationStack[Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2]);
        public AddTaskToSprintPage(Sprint givenSprint, List <Task> projectTasks, Project project)
            this.f           = project;
            sprint           = givenSprint;
            addTask.Clicked += AddTaskClicked;
            BackgroundColor  = GeneralSettings.backgroundColor;
            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (Task t in projectTasks)
                //Als een taak nog niet af is en nog geen sprint heeft kan hij worden toegevoegd
                if (t.sprintid == 0 && t.timecompleted == null)
            //Listview met alle taken die aan de sprint kunnen worden toegevoegd
            table = new ListView
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                ItemsSource     = tasks,
                HasUnevenRows   = true,

                ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
                    // Creëer de labels met bindings

                    Label nameLabel = new Label();
                    nameLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "taskname");
                    nameLabel.FontSize  = 20;
                    nameLabel.TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor;

                    Label jobSizeLabel = new Label();
                                            new Binding("JSPoints", BindingMode.OneWay,
                                                        null, null, "Job Size: {0:d}"));
                    jobSizeLabel.TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor;

                    Label importancePointsLabel = new Label();
                                                     new Binding("UBVPoints", BindingMode.OneWay,
                                                                 null, null, "User- business value: {0:d}"));
                    importancePointsLabel.TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor;

                    //Maak viewcell met stacklayout
                    return(new ViewCell
                        View = new StackLayout
                            Margin = GeneralSettings.pageMargin,
                            Padding = new Thickness(0, 2),
                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                            Children =
                                new StackLayout
                                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                                    Spacing = 0,
                                    Children =

            addTask.IsEnabled = false;
            table.ItemTapped += Table_ItemTapped;
            Content           = new StackLayout {
                Children = { table, addTask }
Beispiel #5
        public SprintPage(Sprint s, List <Task> projectTasks, Project project)
            Title       = Globals.nieuwesprintpaginatitel;
            givenTasks  = projectTasks;
            givenSprint = s;
            this.f      = project;
            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();

            Title           = Globals.paginasprint;
            BackgroundColor = GeneralSettings.backgroundColor;
            //Pagina icon
            Icon = "Calender.png";
            //Controleren of er taken zijn in de sprint
            if (s != null && s.Sprinttasks != null)
                tasks = s.Sprinttasks;
                tasks = Sort.SortTasks(tasks);
            table = new ListView
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                ItemsSource     = tasks,
                HasUnevenRows   = true,

                ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
                    // Create views with bindings for displaying each property.
                    Label nameLabel = new Label();
                    nameLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "taskname");
                    nameLabel.FontSize  = 20;
                    nameLabel.TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor;
                    //Label met binding voor Job Size
                    Label CompanyLabel = new Label();
                                            new Binding("JSPoints", BindingMode.OneWay,
                                                        null, null, "Job Size: {0:d}"));
                    CompanyLabel.TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor;
                    //Label met binding voor UBV
                    Label importancePointsLabel = new Label();
                                                     new Binding("UBVPoints", BindingMode.OneWay,
                                                                 null, null, "User- business value: {0:d}"));
                    importancePointsLabel.TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor;

                    // Return ViewCell.
                    return(new ViewCell
                        View = new StackLayout
                            Margin = GeneralSettings.pageMargin,
                            Padding = new Thickness(0, 2),
                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                            Children =

                                new StackLayout
                                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                                    Spacing = 0,
                                    Children =
            //Nieuwe button voor taak toevoegen
            Button b = new Button()
                BackgroundColor = GeneralSettings.mainColor, TextColor = GeneralSettings.btextColor

            b.Text     = Globals.knoptaaktoevoegen;
            b.Clicked += B_Clicked;

            Label sprintName, sprintStartDate, sprintDuration, sprintTimeRemaining;

            //Content aanmaken
            if (s != null)
                sprintName = new Label {
                    Text = "Name: " + s.sprintname, TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor
                sprintDuration = new Label {
                    Text = "Sprint duration: " + s.duration, TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor
                sprintStartDate = new Label {
                    Text = "Start date: " + s.sprint_start_date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor
                sprintTimeRemaining = new Label {
                    Text = "Time Remaining: " + TimeRemaining(s.sprint_start_date, s.duration) + " Dagen", TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor
                sprintName = new Label {
                    Text = "No Sprint available", TextColor = GeneralSettings.warningColor
                sprintDuration = new Label {
                    Text = " ", TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor
                sprintStartDate = new Label {
                    Text = "", TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor
                sprintTimeRemaining = new Label {
                    Text = "", TextColor = GeneralSettings.textColor
            //Content toevoegen aan stacklayout
            Content = new StackLayout
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Children        =
                    table, b
            table.ItemTapped += Table_ItemTapped;