Beispiel #1
        // specifics support
        public Specifics Specs()
            Specifics specs = new Specifics();

            if (redundancy.Length > 0)
                specs.Add("Redundancy", redundancy);
            specs.Add("Repair", new CrewSpecs(repair).Info());
            specs.Add("<color=#00ffff>Standard quality</color>");
            specs.Add("MTBF", Lib.HumanReadableDuration(mtbf));
            specs.Add("<color=#00ffff>High quality</color>");
            specs.Add("MTBF", Lib.HumanReadableDuration(mtbf * Settings.QualityScale));
            if (extra_cost > double.Epsilon)
                specs.Add("Extra cost", Lib.HumanReadableCost(extra_cost * part.partInfo.cost));
            if (extra_mass > double.Epsilon)
                specs.Add("Extra mass", Lib.HumanReadableMass(extra_mass * part.partInfo.partPrefab.mass));
Beispiel #2
        public void generate_details(Configure cfg)
            // If a setup component is defined after the Configure module in the ConfigNode,
            // then it is not present in the part during Configure::OnLoad (at precompilation time)
            // so, find_module() will fail in that situation, resulting in no component details
            // being added to the Configure window. Therefore we are forced to generate the details
            // at first use every time the module is loaded, instead of generating them only once.

            // already generated
            if (details != null)

            // generate module details
            details = new List <Detail>();
            foreach (ConfigureModule cm in modules)
                // find module, skip if it doesn't exist
                PartModule m = cfg.find_module(cm);
                if (m == null)

                // get title
                IModuleInfo module_info = m as IModuleInfo;
                string      title       = module_info != null?module_info.GetModuleTitle() : cm.type;

                if (title.Length == 0)

                // get specs, skip if not implemented by module
                ISpecifics specifics = m as ISpecifics;
                if (specifics == null)
                Specifics specs = specifics.Specs();
                if (specs.entries.Count == 0)

                // add title to details
                details.Add(new Detail(Lib.BuildString("<b><color=#00ffff>", title, "</color></b>")));

                // add specs to details
                foreach (Specifics.Entry e in specs.entries)
                    details.Add(new Detail(e.label, e.value));

            // get visible resources subset
            List <ConfigureResource> visible_resources = resources.FindAll(k => Lib.GetDefinition(;

            // generate resource details
            if (visible_resources.Count > 0)
                // add resources title
                details.Add(new Detail("<b><color=#00ffff>Resources</color></b>"));

                // for each visible resource
                foreach (ConfigureResource cr in visible_resources)
                    // add capacity info
                    details.Add(new Detail(, Lib.Parse.ToDouble(cr.maxAmount).ToString("F2")));

            // generate extra details
            if (mass > double.Epsilon || cost > double.Epsilon)
                details.Add(new Detail("<b><color=#00ffff>Extra</color></b>"));
                if (mass > double.Epsilon)
                    details.Add(new Detail("mass", Lib.HumanReadableMass(mass)));
                if (cost > double.Epsilon)
                    details.Add(new Detail("cost", Lib.HumanReadableCost(cost)));
Beispiel #3
        // specifics support
        public Specifics Specs()
            Specifics specs = new Specifics();

            if (redundancy.Length > 0)
                specs.Add("Redundancy", redundancy);
            specs.Add("Repair", new CrewSpecs(repair).Info());

            specs.Add("<color=#00ffff>Standard quality</color>");
            if (mtbf > 0)
                specs.Add("MTBF", Lib.HumanReadableDuration(EffectiveMTBF(false, mtbf)));
            if (turnon_failure_probability > 0)
                specs.Add("Ignition failures", Lib.HumanReadablePerc(turnon_failure_probability, "F1"));
            if (rated_operation_duration > 0)
                specs.Add("Rated burn duration", Lib.HumanReadableDuration(EffectiveDuration(false, rated_operation_duration)));
            if (rated_ignitions > 0)
                specs.Add("Rated ignitions", EffectiveIgnitions(false, rated_ignitions).ToString());
            if (mtbf > 0 && rated_radiation > 0)
                specs.Add("Radiation rating", Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(rated_radiation / 3600.0));

            specs.Add("<color=#00ffff>High quality</color>");
            if (extra_cost > double.Epsilon)
                specs.Add("Extra cost", Lib.HumanReadableCost(extra_cost * part.partInfo.cost));
            if (extra_mass > double.Epsilon)
                specs.Add("Extra mass", Lib.HumanReadableMass(extra_mass * part.partInfo.partPrefab.mass));
            if (mtbf > 0)
                specs.Add("MTBF", Lib.HumanReadableDuration(EffectiveMTBF(true, mtbf)));
            if (turnon_failure_probability > 0)
                specs.Add("Ignition failures", Lib.HumanReadablePerc(turnon_failure_probability / Settings.QualityScale, "F1"));
            if (rated_operation_duration > 0)
                specs.Add("Rated burn duration", Lib.HumanReadableDuration(EffectiveDuration(true, rated_operation_duration)));
            if (rated_ignitions > 0)
                specs.Add("Rated ignitions", EffectiveIgnitions(true, rated_ignitions).ToString());
            if (mtbf > 0 && rated_radiation > 0)
                specs.Add("Radiation rating", Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(Settings.QualityScale * rated_radiation / 3600.0));
