Beispiel #1
 public HndzFloor(Double thickness, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey = null, Double baseOffset = 0) :
     this(null, profile, storey, baseOffset)
     FloorThickness = thickness;
     ExtrusionLine  = new HndzLine(new Point3d(profile.Centroid.X, profile.Centroid.Y, storey.Elevation - FloorThickness + baseOffset),
                                   new Point3d(profile.Centroid.X, profile.Centroid.Y, storey.Elevation + baseOffset));
 public HndzStairLanding(Double thickness, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey, Double finishFloorThickness, Double baseOffset = 0) :
     this(null, profile, storey, baseOffset)
     SlabThickness = thickness;
     ExtrusionLine = new HndzLine(new Point3d(profile.Centroid.X, profile.Centroid.Y, storey.Elevation -
                                              SlabThickness - finishFloorThickness + baseOffset),
                                  new Point3d(profile.Centroid.X, profile.Centroid.Y, storey.Elevation - finishFloorThickness + baseOffset));
Beispiel #3
 public HndzStairFlight(string name, string description, HndzStorey baseStorey, int numberOfRisers,
                        int numberOfTreads, double riserHeight, double treadLength, HndzProfile profile)
     : base(name, description, baseStorey)
     Profile        = profile;
     NumberOfRisers = numberOfRisers;
     NumberOfTreads = numberOfTreads;
     RiserHeight    = riserHeight;
     TreadLength    = treadLength;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor takes extrusion line and base storey. To use this the building must have a storey above the current storey
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Beam Name</param>
        /// <param name="description">Beam Description</param>
        /// <param name="extrusionLine">line represents start and end point of the beam and its direction</param>
        /// <param name="storey">Base Storey</param>
        /// <param name="baseOffset">Base Offset from base storey Elevation value</param>
        /// <param name="discipline">Discipline as Enum e.g. Arch, Structure ... etc</param>
        /// <param name="profile">Beam Profile</param>
        public HndzBeamStandardCase(String name, String description, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey = null, Double baseOffset = 0) :
            base(name, description, extrusionLine, profile, storey, baseOffset)
            //to use this, the building must have a storey above the current storey
            double  beamTopElevation = this.BuildingStorey.StoreyHeight;
            Point3d extStartPoint    = new Point3d(extrusionLine.RhinoLine.From.X, extrusionLine.RhinoLine.From.Y, beamTopElevation);
            Point3d extEndPoint      = new Point3d(extrusionLine.RhinoLine.To.X, extrusionLine.RhinoLine.To.Y, beamTopElevation);
            Line    extLine          = new Line(extStartPoint, extEndPoint);

            Profile = profile;
Beispiel #5
 public HndzOpening(string name, string description, HndzProfile profile = null, HndzLine extrusionLine = null, HndzExtrudedElement relatedProduct = null, Double baseOffset = 0) : base()
     Name           = name;
     Description    = description;
     Profile        = profile;
     ExtrusionLine  = extrusionLine;
     RelatedProduct = relatedProduct;
     BaseOffset     = baseOffset;
     if (RelatedProduct != null)
         base.BuildingStorey = RelatedProduct.BuildingStorey;
Beispiel #6
 public HndzFloor(HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey = null, Double baseOffset = 0) :
     this(HndzResources.DefaultName, HndzResources.DefaultDescription, profile, extrusionLine, storey, baseOffset)
Beispiel #7
 public HndzFloor(String name, String description, HndzProfile profile, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzStorey storey = null, Double baseOffset = 0) :
     base(name, description, extrusionLine, storey, baseOffset)
     Profile = profile;
Beispiel #8
 public HndzOpening(HndzProfile profile, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzExtrudedElement relatedProduct = null,
                    Double baseOffset = 0) :
     this(HndzResources.DefaultName, HndzResources.DefaultDescription, profile,
          extrusionLine, relatedProduct, baseOffset)
 public HndzStairLanding(String name, String description, HndzProfile profile, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzStorey storey = null, Double baseOffset = 0) :
     base(name, description, profile, extrusionLine, storey, baseOffset)
Beispiel #10
 }                                     // ana msh m7tagha
 #region Constructors
 protected HndzColumn(String name, String description, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey = null, Double baseOffset = 0,
                      HndzProductDiscipline discipline = HndzProductDiscipline.Structural) :
     base(name, description, extrusionLine, profile, storey, baseOffset)
     UnconnectedHeight = extrusionLine.RhinoLine.Length;
Beispiel #11
 protected HndzPurlin(String name, String description, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey = null,
                      double baseOffset = 0, Vector3d direction = default(Vector3d)) :
     base(name, description, extrusionLine, profile, storey, baseOffset)
 protected HndzStructuralElement(string name, string description, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey = null, double baseOffset = 0) :
     base(name, description, extrusionLine, storey, baseOffset, HndzProductDiscipline.Structural)
     Profile = profile;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor takes extrusion line and base storey
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="extrusionLine">line represents base point of the column and end point represents where column extrusion will end </param>
 /// <param name="storey">Base Storey</param>
 /// <param name="baseOffset">Base Offset from base storey Elevation value</param>
 /// <param name="discipline">Discipline as Enum e.g. Arch, Str ... etc</param>
 /// <param name="profile">Column Profile</param>
 public HndzColumnStandardCase(HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey = null, Double baseOffset = 0,
                               HndzProductDiscipline discipline = HndzProductDiscipline.Structural) :
     this(HndzResources.DefaultName, HndzResources.DefaultDescription, profile, extrusionLine, storey, baseOffset, discipline)
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor takes extrusion line and base storey
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Column Name</param>
 /// <param name="description">Column Description</param>
 /// <param name="extrusionLine">line represents start and end point of the column and its direction</param>
 /// <param name="storey">Base Storey</param>
 /// <param name="baseOffset">Base Offset from base storey Elevation value</param>
 /// <param name="discipline">Discipline as Enum e.g. Arch, Str ... etc</param>
 /// <param name="profile">Column Profile</param>
 public HndzColumnStandardCase(String name, String description, HndzProfile profile, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzStorey storey = null, Double baseOffset = 0,
                               HndzProductDiscipline discipline = HndzProductDiscipline.Structural) :
     base(name, description, extrusionLine, profile, storey, baseOffset, discipline)
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// main constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="profile">constant profile along column extrude direction</param>
 /// <param name="name">name for the column</param>
 /// <param name="description">description for the column</param>
 /// <param name="height">column actual height(in Z-direction)</param>
 /// <param name="storey">storey which contains the column base elevation</param>
 /// <param name="topLevel">storey which intersects with column top elevation</param>
 /// <param name="baseOffset">offset from base</param>
 /// <param name="topOffset">offset from top</param>
 public HndzBracingStandrdCase(string name, string description, HndzProfile profile, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzStorey storey = null,
                               double baseOffset = 0) :
     base(name, description, extrusionLine, profile, storey, baseOffset)
     Profile = profile;
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// our default constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="profile">constant profile along column extrude direction</param>
 /// <param name="height">column actual height(in Z-direction)</param>
 /// <param name="storey">storey which contains the column base elevation</param>
 /// <param name="topLevel">storey which intersects with column top elevation</param>
 /// <param name="baseOffset">offset from base</param>
 /// <param name="topOffset">offset from top</param>
 public HndzBracingStandrdCase(HndzProfile profile, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzStorey storey = null, HndzStorey topLevel = null,
                               double baseOffset = 0, double topOffset = 0) :
     this(HndzResources.DefaultName, HndzResources.DefaultDescription, profile, extrusionLine, storey, baseOffset)
Beispiel #17
 protected HndzBeam(String name, String description, HndzLine extrusionLine, HndzProfile profile, HndzStorey storey = null, double baseOffset = 0) :
     base(name, description, extrusionLine, profile, storey, baseOffset)