/// <summary>
        /// given a pid, add/removes the component from LinkComponents and its pid from LinkComponentPIDs, as necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newPID">pid of component to add to this model configuration</param>
        public void insertModelComp(String newPID)
            //check that component not already in the list
            for (int i = 0; i < LinkComponents.Count; i++)
                if (newPID == LinkComponents[i].ComponentPID)

            //make new component
            String newPath = path + "/component" + nextComponentNumber;
            String newconfigname = modelDoc.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Name;
            int Errors;
            byte[] pid;
            pid = Convert.FromBase64String(newPID);
            Component2 newcomponent = (Component2)modelDoc.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference3(pid, out Errors);
            modelComponent newComponent = new modelComponent(newPath, newconfigname, Type, newcomponent, newPID);
        /// <summary>
        /// adds the given component to the list of link components if it not in the list already
        /// and adds the PID to LinkComponentPIDs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">component to add to this model configuration</param>
        public void insertModelComp(Component2 component)
            if (component == null)

            //check that component not already in the list
            for (int i = 0; i < LinkComponents.Count; i++)
                if (component == LinkComponents[i].Component)

            //make new component
            String newPath = path + "/component" + nextComponentNumber;
            String newconfigname = modelDoc.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Name;
            byte[] pid = modelDoc.Extension.GetPersistReference3(component);
            String newpid = Convert.ToBase64String(pid);
            modelComponent newComponent = new modelComponent(newPath,newconfigname,Type,component,newpid);

            //insert in order: Collision, Visual, Physical
            //assume that LinkComponents already ordered as so
            for (int i = 0; i < LinkComponents.Count; i++)
                if (newComponent.ConfigType < LinkComponents[i].ConfigType)
                    LinkComponents.Insert(i, newComponent);
            if (!LinkComponents.Contains(newComponent)) // insert newComponent at end
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads existing modelconfiguration from the swdata, 
        /// or creats new one if not already existing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        public ModelConfiguration(String path, int type, Link owner)
            //setup fields
            this.modelDoc = RobotInfo.ModelDoc;
            this.swData = RobotInfo.SwData;
            this.path = path;
            this.Type = type;
            this.Owner = owner;
            LinkComponents = new List<modelComponent>();

            //If the link components data exists, load the components data
            LinkComponentPIDs = new StringStorageArray(swData, path + "/components");
            nextComponentNumber = 0;

            modelComponent newComp;
            if (LinkComponentPIDs.Count != 0)
                foreach (String s in LinkComponentPIDs)
                    newComp = new modelComponent(path + "/component" + nextComponentNumber);