Beispiel #1
        public unsafe bool Save(Project originalProject, int songId, int loopCount, string ffmpegExecutable, string filename, int resX, int resY, bool halfFrameRate, int channelMask, int audioBitRate, int videoBitRate, int pianoRollZoom)
            if (channelMask == 0 || loopCount < 1)

            Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Detecting FFmpeg...");

            if (!DetectFFmpeg(ffmpegExecutable))

            videoResX = resX;
            videoResY = resY;

            var project = originalProject.DeepClone();
            var song    = project.GetSong(songId);

            ExtendSongForLooping(song, loopCount);

            Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Initializing channels...");

            var frameRateNumerator = song.Project.PalMode ? 5000773 : 6009883;

            if (halfFrameRate)
                frameRateNumerator /= 2;
            var frameRate = frameRateNumerator.ToString() + "/100000";

            var numChannels        = Utils.NumberOfSetBits(channelMask);
            var channelResXFloat   = videoResX / (float)numChannels;
            var channelResX        = videoResY;
            var channelResY        = (int)channelResXFloat;
            var longestChannelName = 0.0f;

            var channelGraphics = new RenderGraphics(channelResX, channelResY);
            var videoGraphics   = new RenderGraphics(videoResX, videoResY);

            var theme        = RenderTheme.CreateResourcesForGraphics(videoGraphics);
            var bmpWatermark = videoGraphics.CreateBitmapFromResource("VideoWatermark");

            // Generate WAV data for each individual channel for the oscilloscope.
            var channelStates = new List <VideoChannelState>();

            List <short[]> channelsWavData = new List <short[]>();
            var            maxAbsSample    = 0;

            for (int i = 0, channelIndex = 0; i < song.Channels.Length; i++)
                if ((channelMask & (1 << i)) == 0)

                var pattern = song.Channels[i].PatternInstances[0];
                var state   = new VideoChannelState();

                state.videoChannelIndex = channelIndex;
                state.songChannelIndex  = i;
                 = song.Channels[i];
                state.patternIndex      = 0;
                state.channelText       = + ( ? $" ({song.Project.ExpansionAudioShortName})" : "");
                state.wav = new WavPlayer(SampleRate, 1, 1 << i).GetSongSamples(song, song.Project.PalMode, -1);


                // Find maximum absolute value to rescale the waveform.
                foreach (short s in state.wav)
                    maxAbsSample = Math.Max(maxAbsSample, Math.Abs(s));

                // Measure the longest text.
                longestChannelName = Math.Max(longestChannelName, channelGraphics.MeasureString(state.channelText, ThemeBase.FontBigUnscaled));

            // Tweak some cosmetic stuff that depends on resolution.
            var smallChannelText = longestChannelName + 32 + ChannelIconTextSpacing > channelResY * 0.8f;
            var bmpSuffix        = smallChannelText ? "" : "@2x";
            var font             = smallChannelText ? ThemeBase.FontMediumUnscaled : ThemeBase.FontBigUnscaled;
            var textOffsetY      = smallChannelText ? 1 : 4;
            var pianoRollScaleX  = Math.Max(0.6f, resY / 1080.0f);
            var pianoRollScaleY  = channelResY < VeryThinNoteThreshold ? 0.5f : (channelResY < ThinNoteThreshold ? 0.667f : 1.0f);
            var channelLineWidth = channelResY < ThinNoteThreshold ? 3 : 5;

            foreach (var s in channelStates)
                s.bmp = videoGraphics.CreateBitmapFromResource(ChannelType.Icons[] + bmpSuffix);

            // Generate the metadata for the video so we know what's happening at every frame
            var metadata = new VideoMetadataPlayer(SampleRate, 1).GetVideoMetadata(song, song.Project.PalMode, -1);

            var oscScale    = maxAbsSample != 0 ? short.MaxValue / (float)maxAbsSample : 1.0f;
            var oscLookback = (metadata[1].wavOffset - metadata[0].wavOffset) / 2;

            var dummyControl = new DummyGLControl();
            dummyControl.Move(0, 0, videoResX, videoResY);

            // Setup piano roll and images.
            var pianoRoll = new PianoRoll();
            pianoRoll.Move(0, 0, channelResX, channelResY);
            pianoRoll.Width  = channelResX;
            pianoRoll.Height = channelResY;

            pianoRoll.StartVideoRecording(channelGraphics, song, pianoRollZoom, pianoRollScaleX, pianoRollScaleY, out var noteSizeY);

            // Build the scrolling data.
            var numVisibleNotes = (int)Math.Floor(channelResY / (float)noteSizeY);
            ComputeChannelsScroll(metadata, channelMask, numVisibleNotes);

            if (song.UsesFamiTrackerTempo)

            var videoImage   = new byte[videoResY * videoResX * 4];
            var channelImage = new byte[channelResY * channelResX * 4];
            var oscilloscope = new float[channelResY, 2];

            var badAlpha = DetectBadOpenGLAlpha(dummyControl, videoGraphics, videoImage);

            // Start ffmpeg with pipe input.
            var tempFolder    = Utils.GetTemporaryDiretory();
            var tempVideoFile = Path.Combine(tempFolder, "temp.h264");
            var tempAudioFile = Path.Combine(tempFolder, "temp.wav");

                Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Exporting audio...");

                // Save audio to temporary file.
                WaveFile.Save(song, tempAudioFile, SampleRate, 1, -1, channelMask);

                var process = LaunchFFmpeg(ffmpegExecutable, $"-y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt argb -s {videoResX}x{videoResY} -r {frameRate} -i - -i \"{tempAudioFile}\" -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v {videoBitRate}K -c:a aac -b:a {audioBitRate}k \"{filename}\"", true, false);

                // Generate each of the video frames.
                using (var stream = new BinaryWriter(process.StandardInput.BaseStream))
                    for (int f = 0; f < metadata.Length; f++)
                        if (Log.ShouldAbortOperation)

                        if ((f % 100) == 0)
                            Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, $"Rendering frame {f} / {metadata.Length}");

                        Log.ReportProgress(f / (float)(metadata.Length - 1));

                        if (halfFrameRate && (f & 1) != 0)

                        var frame = metadata[f];

                        // Render the full screen overlay.
                        videoGraphics.BeginDraw(dummyControl, videoResY);
                        videoGraphics.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));

                        foreach (var s in channelStates)
                            int channelPosX0 = (int)Math.Round((s.videoChannelIndex + 0) * channelResXFloat);
                            int channelPosX1 = (int)Math.Round((s.videoChannelIndex + 1) * channelResXFloat);

                            var channelNameSizeX = videoGraphics.MeasureString(s.channelText, font);
                            var channelIconPosX  = channelPosX0 + channelResY / 2 - (channelNameSizeX + s.bmp.Size.Width + ChannelIconTextSpacing) / 2;

                            videoGraphics.FillRectangle(channelIconPosX, ChannelIconPosY, channelIconPosX + s.bmp.Size.Width, ChannelIconPosY + s.bmp.Size.Height, theme.DarkGreyLineBrush2);
                            videoGraphics.DrawBitmap(s.bmp, channelIconPosX, ChannelIconPosY);
                            videoGraphics.DrawText(s.channelText, font, channelIconPosX + s.bmp.Size.Width + ChannelIconTextSpacing, ChannelIconPosY + textOffsetY, theme.LightGreyFillBrush1);

                            if (s.videoChannelIndex > 0)
                                videoGraphics.DrawLine(channelPosX0, 0, channelPosX0, videoResY, theme.BlackBrush, channelLineWidth);

                            var oscMinY = (int)(ChannelIconPosY + s.bmp.Size.Height + 10);
                            var oscMaxY = (int)(oscMinY + 100.0f * (resY / 1080.0f));

                            GenerateOscilloscope(s.wav, frame.wavOffset, (int)Math.Round(SampleRate * OscilloscopeWindowSize), oscLookback, oscScale, channelPosX0 + 10, oscMinY, channelPosX1 - 10, oscMaxY, oscilloscope);

                            videoGraphics.AntiAliasing = true;
                            videoGraphics.DrawLine(oscilloscope, theme.LightGreyFillBrush1);
                            videoGraphics.AntiAliasing = false;

                        videoGraphics.DrawBitmap(bmpWatermark, videoResX - bmpWatermark.Size.Width, videoResY - bmpWatermark.Size.Height);

                        // Render the piano rolls for each channels.
                        foreach (var s in channelStates)
                            s.volume = frame.channelVolumes[s.songChannelIndex];
                            s.note   = frame.channelNotes[s.songChannelIndex];

                            var color = Color.Transparent;

                            if (s.note.IsMusical)
                                if ( == ChannelType.Dpcm)
                                    var mapping = project.GetDPCMMapping(s.note.Value);
                                    if (mapping != null && mapping.Sample != null)
                                        color = mapping.Sample.Color;
                                    color = Color.FromArgb(128 + s.volume * 127 / 15, s.note.Instrument != null ? s.note.Instrument.Color : ThemeBase.DarkGreyFillColor2);

                            channelGraphics.BeginDraw(pianoRoll, channelResY);
                            pianoRoll.RenderVideoFrame(channelGraphics, Channel.ChannelTypeToIndex(, frame.playPattern, frame.playNote, frame.scroll[s.songChannelIndex], s.note.Value, color);


                            // Composite the channel image with the full screen video overlay on the CPU.
                            int channelPosX = (int)Math.Round(s.videoChannelIndex * channelResXFloat);
                            int channelPosY = 0;

                            for (int y = 0; y < channelResY; y++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < channelResX; x++)
                                    int videoIdx   = (channelPosY + x) * videoResX * 4 + (channelPosX + y) * 4;
                                    int channelIdx = (channelResY - y - 1) * channelResX * 4 + (channelResX - x - 1) * 4;

                                    byte videoA    = videoImage[videoIdx + 3];
                                    byte gradientA = (byte)(x < 255 ? 255 - x : 0); // Doing the gradient on CPU to look same on GL/D2D.

                                    byte channelR = channelImage[channelIdx + 0];
                                    byte channelG = channelImage[channelIdx + 1];
                                    byte channelB = channelImage[channelIdx + 2];

                                    if (videoA != 0 || gradientA != 0)
                                        // Fix bad sRGB alpha.
                                        if (badAlpha)
                                            videoA = SRGBToLinear[videoA];
                                        videoA = Math.Max(videoA, gradientA);

                                        int videoR = videoImage[videoIdx + 0];
                                        int videoG = videoImage[videoIdx + 1];
                                        int videoB = videoImage[videoIdx + 2];

                                        // Integer alpha blend.
                                        // Note that alpha is pre-multiplied, so we if we multiply again, image will look aliased.
                                        channelR = (byte)((channelR * (255 - videoA) + videoR * 255 /*videoA*/) >> 8);
                                        channelG = (byte)((channelG * (255 - videoA) + videoG * 255 /*videoA*/) >> 8);
                                        channelB = (byte)((channelB * (255 - videoA) + videoB * 255 /*videoA*/) >> 8);

                                    // We byteswap here to match what ffmpeg expect.
                                    videoImage[videoIdx + 3] = channelR;
                                    videoImage[videoIdx + 2] = channelG;
                                    videoImage[videoIdx + 1] = channelB;
                                    videoImage[videoIdx + 0] = 255;

                                    // To export images to debug.
                                    //videoImage[videoIdx + 0] = channelR;
                                    //videoImage[videoIdx + 1] = channelG;
                                    //videoImage[videoIdx + 2] = channelB;
                                    //videoImage[videoIdx + 3] = 255;

                            var prevChannelEndPosX = (int)Math.Round((s.videoChannelIndex - 1) * channelResXFloat) + channelResY;

                            // HACK: Since we round the channels positions, we can end up with columns of pixels that arent byteswapped.
                            if (s.videoChannelIndex > 0 && channelPosX != prevChannelEndPosX)
                                for (int y = 0; y < videoResY; y++)
                                    int videoIdx = y * videoResX * 4 + (channelPosX - 1) * 4;

                                    byte videoR = videoImage[videoIdx + 0];
                                    byte videoG = videoImage[videoIdx + 1];
                                    byte videoB = videoImage[videoIdx + 2];

                                    videoImage[videoIdx + 3] = videoR;
                                    videoImage[videoIdx + 2] = videoG;
                                    videoImage[videoIdx + 1] = videoB;
                                    videoImage[videoIdx + 0] = 255;


                        // Dump debug images.
                        //var pb = new Gdk.Pixbuf(channelImage, true, 8, channelResX, channelResY, channelResX * 4);
                        //pb.Save($"/home/mat/Downloads/channel.png", "png");
                        //var pb = new Gdk.Pixbuf(videoImage, true, 8, videoResX, videoResY, videoResX * 4);
                        //pb.Save($"/home/mat/Downloads/frame_{f:D4}.png", "png");
                        //fixed (byte* vp = &videoImage[0])
                        //    var b = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(videoResX, videoResY, videoResX * 4, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, new IntPtr(vp));
                        //    b.Save($"d:\\dump\\pr\\frame_{f:D4}.png");

                process = null;

            catch (Exception e)
                Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, "Error exporting video.");
                Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, e.Message);
                foreach (var c in channelStates)

Beispiel #2
        public static Project Load(string filename)
            var project = new Project();

            var envelopes = new Dictionary <int, Envelope>[Envelope.Max] {
                new Dictionary <int, Envelope>(), new Dictionary <int, Envelope>(), new Dictionary <int, Envelope>()
            var duties      = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            var instruments = new Dictionary <int, Instrument>();
            var dpcms       = new Dictionary <int, DPCMSample>();
            var columns     = new int[5] {
                1, 1, 1, 1, 1
            var noteLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>
                ["A-"] = 9,
                ["A#"] = 10,
                ["B-"] = 11,
                ["C-"] = 0,
                ["C#"] = 1,
                ["D-"] = 2,
                ["D#"] = 3,
                ["E-"] = 4,
                ["F-"] = 5,
                ["F#"] = 6,
                ["G-"] = 7,
                ["G#"] = 8

            DPCMSample currentDpcm  = null;
            int        dpcmWriteIdx = 0;
            Song       song         = null;
            string     patternName  = "";

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename);

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                var line = lines[i].Trim();

                if (line.StartsWith("TITLE"))
                    project.Name = line.Substring(5).Trim(' ', '"');
                else if (line.StartsWith("AUTHOR"))
                    project.Author = line.Substring(6).Trim(' ', '"');
                else if (line.StartsWith("COPYRIGHT"))
                    project.Copyright = line.Substring(9).Trim(' ', '"');
                else if (line.StartsWith("MACRO"))
                    var halves = line.Substring(5).Split(':');
                    var param  = halves[0].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    var curve  = halves[1].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    var type = int.Parse(param[0]);
                    var idx  = int.Parse(param[1]);
                    var loop = int.Parse(param[2]);
                    var rel  = int.Parse(param[3]);

                    if (type < 3)
                        var env = new Envelope();
                        env.Length  = curve.Length;
                        env.Loop    = loop;
                        env.Release = type == Envelope.Volume ? rel : -1;
                        for (int j = 0; j < curve.Length; j++)
                            env.Values[j] = sbyte.Parse(curve[j]);
                        if (type == 2)
                        envelopes[type][idx] = env;
                    else if (type == 4)
                        duties[idx] = int.Parse(curve[0]);
                else if (line.StartsWith("DPCMDEF"))
                    var param = SplitStringKeepQuotes(line.Substring(7));
                    var name  = param[2];
                    var j     = 2;

                    while (!project.IsDPCMSampleNameUnique(name))
                        name = param[2] + "-" + j++;
                    currentDpcm = project.CreateDPCMSample(name, new byte[int.Parse(param[1])]);
                    dpcms[int.Parse(param[0])] = currentDpcm;
                    dpcmWriteIdx = 0;
                else if (line.StartsWith("DPCM"))
                    var param = line.Substring(6).Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    foreach (var s in param)
                        currentDpcm.Data[dpcmWriteIdx++] = Convert.ToByte(s, 16);
                else if (line.StartsWith("KEYDPCM"))
                    var param = line.Substring(7).Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (param[0] == "0")
                        int octave   = int.Parse(param[1]);
                        int semitone = int.Parse(param[2]);
                        int note     = octave * 12 + semitone + 1;

                        if (project.NoteSupportsDPCM(note))
                            int dpcm  = int.Parse(param[3]);
                            int pitch = int.Parse(param[4]);
                            int loop  = int.Parse(param[5]);

                            project.MapDPCMSample(note, dpcms[dpcm], pitch, loop != 0);
                else if (line.StartsWith("INST2A03"))
                    var param = SplitStringKeepQuotes(line.Substring(8));

                    int idx  = int.Parse(param[0]);
                    int vol  = int.Parse(param[1]);
                    int arp  = int.Parse(param[2]);
                    int pit  = int.Parse(param[3]);
                    int dut  = int.Parse(param[5]);
                    var name = param[6];
                    var j    = 2;

                    if (!project.IsInstrumentNameUnique(name))
                        name = param[6] + "-" + j++;

                    var instrument = project.CreateInstrument(name);

                    if (vol >= 0)
                        instrument.Envelopes[0] = envelopes[0][vol].Clone();
                    if (arp >= 0)
                        instrument.Envelopes[1] = envelopes[1][arp].Clone();
                    if (pit >= 0)
                        instrument.Envelopes[2] = envelopes[2][pit].Clone();
                    if (dut >= 0)
                        instrument.DutyCycle = duties[dut];

                    instruments[idx] = instrument;
                else if (line.StartsWith("TRACK"))
                    var param = SplitStringKeepQuotes(line.Substring(5));

                    song               = project.CreateSong(param[3]);
                    song.Length        = 0;
                    song.PatternLength = int.Parse(param[0]);
                    song.Speed         = int.Parse(param[1]);
                    song.Tempo         = int.Parse(param[2]);
                else if (line.StartsWith("COLUMNS"))
                    var param = line.Substring(7).Split(new[] { ' ', ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        columns[j] = int.Parse(param[j]);
                else if (line.StartsWith("ORDER"))
                    var orderIdx = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(6, 2), 16);
                    var values   = line.Substring(5).Split(':')[1].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    var order    = new int[5];
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        int patternIdx = Convert.ToInt32(values[j], 16);
                        var name       = values[j];
                        var pattern    = song.Channels[j].GetPattern(name);

                        if (pattern == null)
                            pattern = song.Channels[j].CreatePattern(name);

                        song.Channels[j].PatternInstances[orderIdx] = pattern;

                else if (line.StartsWith("PATTERN"))
                    patternName = line.Substring(8);
                else if (line.StartsWith("ROW"))
                    var channels = line.Split(new[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    var rowIdx   = Convert.ToInt32(channels[0].Substring(4, 2), 16);

                    for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
                        var noteData = channels[j].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        var pattern  = song.Channels[j - 1].GetPattern(patternName);

                        if (pattern == null)

                        // Note
                        if (noteData[0] == "---")
                            pattern.Notes[rowIdx].Value = Note.NoteStop;
                        else if (noteData[0] == "===")
                            pattern.Notes[rowIdx].Value = Note.NoteRelease;
                        else if (noteData[0] != "...")
                            int famitoneNote;

                            if (j == 4)
                                famitoneNote = (Convert.ToInt32(noteData[0].Substring(0, 1), 16) + 31) + 1;
                                int semitone = noteLookup[noteData[0].Substring(0, 2)];
                                int octave   = noteData[0][2] - '0';
                                famitoneNote = octave * 12 + semitone + 1;

                            if (famitoneNote >= Note.NoteMin && famitoneNote <= Note.NoteMax)
                                pattern.Notes[rowIdx].Value      = (byte)famitoneNote;
                                pattern.Notes[rowIdx].Instrument = j == 5 ? null : instruments[Convert.ToInt32(noteData[1], 16)];
                                // Note outside of range.

                        // Volume
                        if (noteData[2] != ".")
                            pattern.Notes[rowIdx].Volume = Convert.ToByte(noteData[2], 16);

                        // Read FX.
                        for (int k = 0; k < columns[j - 1]; k++)
                            string fx = noteData[3 + k];

                            switch (fx[0])
                            case 'B':     // Jump
                                pattern.Notes[rowIdx].Effect = Note.EffectJump;

                            case 'D':     // Skip
                                pattern.Notes[rowIdx].Effect = Note.EffectSkip;

                            case 'F':     // Tempo
                                pattern.Notes[rowIdx].Effect = Note.EffectSpeed;


                            pattern.Notes[rowIdx].EffectParam = Convert.ToByte(fx.Substring(1), 16);

            foreach (var s in project.Songs)

                foreach (var c in s.Channels)

Beispiel #3
        public static bool Save(Project originalProject, string filename, int[] songIds)
            var project = originalProject.Clone();


            var envelopes = MergeIdenticalEnvelopes(project);

            var lines = new List <string>();

            lines.Add("# FamiTracker text export 0.4.2");

            lines.Add("# Song information");
            lines.Add("TITLE           \"" + project.Name + "\"");
            lines.Add("AUTHOR          \"" + project.Author + "\"");
            lines.Add("COPYRIGHT       \"" + project.Copyright + "\"");

            lines.Add("# Global settings");
            lines.Add("MACHINE         0");
            lines.Add("FRAMERATE       0");
            lines.Add("EXPANSION       0");
            lines.Add("VIBRATO         1");
            lines.Add("SPLIT           21");

            lines.Add("# Macros");
            for (int i = 0; i < Envelope.Max; i++)
                var envArray = envelopes[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < envArray.Length; j++)
                    var env = envArray[j];
                    lines.Add($"MACRO{i,8} {j,4} {env.Loop,4} {env.Release,4}   0 : {string.Join(" ", env.Values.Take(env.Length))}");
            lines.Add($"MACRO{4,8} {0,4} {-1}   -1    0 : 0");
            lines.Add($"MACRO{4,8} {1,4} {-1}   -1    0 : 1");
            lines.Add($"MACRO{4,8} {2,4} {-1}   -1    0 : 2");
            lines.Add($"MACRO{4,8} {3,4} {-1}   -1    0 : 3");

            if (project.UsesSamples)
                lines.Add("# DPCM samples");
                for (int i = 0; i < project.Samples.Count; i++)
                    var sample = project.Samples[i];
                    lines.Add($"DPCMDEF{i,4}{sample.Data.Length,6} \"{sample.Name}\"");
                    lines.Add($"DPCM : {String.Join(" ", sample.Data.Select(x => $"{x:X2}"))}");

            lines.Add("# Instruments");
            for (int i = 0; i < project.Instruments.Count; i++)
                var instrument = project.Instruments[i];

                int volEnvIdx = instrument.Envelopes[Envelope.Volume].Length > 0 ? Array.IndexOf(envelopes[Envelope.Volume], instrument.Envelopes[Envelope.Volume])   : -1;
                int arpEnvIdx = instrument.Envelopes[Envelope.Arpeggio].Length > 0 ? Array.IndexOf(envelopes[Envelope.Arpeggio], instrument.Envelopes[Envelope.Arpeggio]) : -1;
                int pitEnvIdx = instrument.Envelopes[Envelope.Pitch].Length > 0 ? Array.IndexOf(envelopes[Envelope.Pitch], instrument.Envelopes[Envelope.Pitch])    : -1;

                lines.Add($"INST2A03{i,4}{volEnvIdx,6}{arpEnvIdx,4}{pitEnvIdx,4}{-1,4}{instrument.DutyCycle,4} \"{instrument.Name}\"");

            if (project.UsesSamples)
                lines.Add($"INST2A03{project.Instruments.Count,4}{-1,6}{-1,4}{-1,4}{-1,4}{-1,4} \"DPCM\"");

                for (int i = 0; i < project.SamplesMapping.Length; i++)
                    var mapping = project.SamplesMapping[i];

                    if (mapping != null && mapping.Sample != null)
                        int note     = i + Note.DPCMNoteMin;
                        var octave   = (note - 1) / 12;
                        var semitone = (note - 1) % 12;
                        var idx      = project.Samples.IndexOf(mapping.Sample);
                        var loop     = mapping.Loop ? 1 : 0;


            lines.Add("# Tracks");
            for (int i = 0; i < project.Songs.Count; i++)
                var song = project.Songs[i];


                lines.Add($"TRACK{song.PatternLength,4}{song.Speed,4}{song.Tempo,4} \"{song.Name}\"");
                lines.Add($"COLUMNS : 1 1 1 1 1");

                for (int j = 0; j < song.Length; j++)
                    var line = $"ORDER {j:X2} :";

                    for (int k = 0; k < Channel.Count; k++)
                        line += $" {song.Channels[k].Patterns.IndexOf(song.Channels[k].PatternInstances[j]):X2}";

                int maxPatternCount = -1;
                foreach (var channel in song.Channels)
                    maxPatternCount = Math.Max(maxPatternCount, channel.Patterns.Count);

                for (int j = 0; j < maxPatternCount; j++)
                    lines.Add($"PATTERN {j:X2}");

                    for (int k = 0; k < song.PatternLength; k++)
                        var line = $"ROW {k:X2}";
                        for (int l = 0; l < Channel.Count; l++)
                            var channel = song.Channels[l];

                            if (j >= channel.Patterns.Count)
                                line += " : ... .. . ...";
                                var pattern          = channel.Patterns[j];
                                var note             = pattern.Notes[k];
                                var noteString       = GetFamiTrackerNoteName(l, note);
                                var volumeString     = note.HasVolume ? note.Volume.ToString("X") : ".";
                                var instrumentString = note.IsValid && !note.IsStop ? (note.Instrument == null ? project.Instruments.Count : project.Instruments.IndexOf(note.Instrument)).ToString("X2") : "..";
                                var effectString     = "...";

                                switch (note.Effect)
                                case Note.EffectJump: effectString = $"B{note.EffectParam:X2}"; break;

                                case Note.EffectSkip: effectString = $"D{note.EffectParam:X2}"; break;

                                case Note.EffectSpeed: effectString = $"F{note.EffectParam:X2}"; break;

                                line += $" : {noteString} {instrumentString} {volumeString} {effectString}";


            File.WriteAllLines(filename, lines);

Beispiel #4
        public Project Load(string filename)
            var idx = 0;

            bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

            var id = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, idx, FileHeaderId.Length); idx += FileHeaderId.Length;

            if (id != FileHeaderId)
                Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, "Invalid FTM file ID.");

            var version = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, idx); idx += sizeof(uint);

            if (version < MinVersion || version > MaxVersion)
                Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, "Unsupported file version. Only FTM version 0.4.4 to 0.4.6 are supported.");

            var blockToc = new Dictionary <string, BlockInfo>();

            while (bytes[idx + 0] != 'E' ||
                   bytes[idx + 1] != 'N' ||
                   bytes[idx + 2] != 'D')
                var blockId   = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, idx, BlockNameLength).TrimEnd('\0'); idx += BlockNameLength;
                var blockVer  = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, idx); idx += sizeof(uint);
                var blockSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, idx); idx += sizeof(uint);

                blockToc[blockId] = new BlockInfo()
                    offset = idx, version = blockVer, size = blockSize

                idx += blockSize;

            // We read block in a specific order to minimize the amound of bookeeping we need to do.
            var blocksToRead = new Dictionary <string, ReadBlockDelegate>
                { "PARAMS", ReadParams },
                { "INFO", ReadInfo },
                { "HEADER", ReadHeader },
                { "DPCM SAMPLES", ReadDpcmSamples },
                { "SEQUENCES", ReadSequences },
                { "SEQUENCES_VRC6", ReadSequencesVrc6 },
                { "SEQUENCES_N163", ReadSequencesN163 },
                { "INSTRUMENTS", ReadInstruments },
                { "FRAMES", ReadFrames },
                { "PATTERNS", ReadPatterns },

            project           = new Project();
            project.TempoMode = TempoType.FamiTracker;

            foreach (var kv in blocksToRead)
                var blockName = kv.Key;
                var blockFunc = kv.Value;

                if (blockToc.TryGetValue(blockName, out var info))
                    blockSize    = info.size;
                    blockVersion = info.version;

                    if (!blockFunc(info.offset))

