        // Reminder: Ensure LazyLoading is disabled
        public static void ShowExplicitLoading()
            Console.WriteLine("Load related entities using Explicit Loading:\n");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                // Load a Product
                var product = context.Products.Find(942);

                // Explicitly load the work orders
                context.Entry(product).Collection(x => x.WorkOrders).Load();

                var worCount = 0;
                foreach (var workOrder in product.WorkOrders)
                    // Explicitly load the work order routings
                    context.Entry(workOrder).Collection(x => x.WorkOrderRoutings).Load();
                    worCount += workOrder.WorkOrderRoutings.Count;

                Console.WriteLine("Product Id: {0}", product.ProductID);
                Console.WriteLine("Product Name: {0}", product.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Work Orders: {0}", product.WorkOrders.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("Work Order Routings: {0}", worCount);
Beispiel #2
         * Use ObjectQuery(T) Class or ObjectSet<T> on the object context to access data using Entity SQL Builder methods.
         * Both methods requires an instance of type ObjectContext. As a result, Entity SQL Builder methods are not supported
         * on objects of type DbContext.
        public static void RunESQLBuilderExample()
            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                System.Console.WriteLine("\nUsing Entity SQL Builder");

                if (context.GetType() == typeof (ObjectContext))
                    // An example of ESQL Builder using an ObjectSet<T> on the ObjectContext
                    // var order = context.CreateObjectSet<SalesOrderHeader>("SalesOrderHeader").Where("it.SalesOrderID = 43661");
                    // System.Console.WriteLine("\nSalesOrderID: {0} \nOrderDate: {1} \nDueDate: {2} \nShipDate: {3}", order.SalesOrderID, order.OrderDate, order.DueDate, order.ShipDate);

                    var objContext = new ObjectContext("name=AdventureWorksEntities");
                    var queryString =
                        @"SELECT VALUE salesOrders FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeader AS salesOrders";
                    var salesQuery1 = new ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader>(queryString, objContext, MergeOption.NoTracking);
                    var salesQuery2 = salesQuery1.Where("it.SalesOrderID = 43661");

                    foreach (var order in salesQuery2)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\nSalesOrderID: {0} \nOrderDate: {1} \nDueDate: {2} \nShipDate: {3}",
                                                 order.SalesOrderID, order.OrderDate, order.DueDate, order.ShipDate);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nSorry! Context is not of type ObjectContext. ESQL Builder is not supported.");

Beispiel #3
        public static void FindEntityUsingPk()
            System.Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Identity with PK");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                var order = context.SalesOrderHeaders.Find(43661);

                System.Console.WriteLine("\nSalesOrderID: {0} \nOrderDate: {1} \nDueDate: {2} \nShipDate: {3}", order.SalesOrderID, order.OrderDate, order.DueDate, order.ShipDate);
        public static void GetEmployeeManagers()
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Managers using Stored Procedures:\n");

             using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                 var entityId = 6;
                 var managerResults = context.uspGetEmployeeManagers(entityId).ToList();
                 var firstEmployee = managerResults.ElementAt(0);

                 Console.WriteLine("Managers for {0} {1}\n", firstEmployee.FirstName, firstEmployee.LastName);

                 foreach (var result in managerResults)
                     Console.WriteLine("Manager Name: {0} {1}", result.ManagerFirstName, result.ManagerLastName);
        public static void ShowEagerLoading()
            Console.WriteLine("Load related entities using Eager Loading:\n");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                var product = context.Products.Include(x => x.ProductInventories).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == 1);

                Console.WriteLine("Product: {0}\n", product.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("{0, 10} {1, 10} {2, 10} {3, 10} {4, 10}", "ProductID", "LocationID", "Shelf", "Bin", "Quantity");

                foreach (var item in product.ProductInventories)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0, 10} {1, 10} {2, 10} {3, 10} {4, 10}", item.ProductID, item.LocationID, item.Shelf, item.Bin, item.Quantity);
        public static void ShowProducts()
            Console.WriteLine("Adventure Works Products:\n");
            using (var ctx = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                var products = ctx.Products.Take(4);

                foreach (var product in products)
                    Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", product.ProductID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", product.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("Number: {0}", product.ProductNumber);
                    Console.WriteLine("Price: {0}", product.ListPrice);
Beispiel #7
        public static void GetDaysfromOrders()
            System.Console.WriteLine("Number of Days from Order - Function Example:\n");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                var days = (from o in context.SalesOrderHeaders
                           where EntityFunctions.DiffDays(o.OrderDate, o.ShipDate) > 3
                           select o).Take(4);

                foreach (var day in days)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("OrderNumber: 000{0}", day.SalesOrderID);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Took {0} Days", (day.ShipDate - day.OrderDate).Value.Days);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Was Ordered on {0} and Shipped on {1}", day.OrderDate.Date.ToShortDateString(), day.ShipDate.Value.Date.ToShortDateString());
        public static void ShowEagerLoadingMultipleLevels()
            Console.WriteLine("Load related entities using Eager Loading at multiple levels:\n");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                // Load all Products, all related Work Orders, and all related Work Order Routings
                var products = context.Products.Include(x => x.WorkOrders.Select(w => w.WorkOrderRoutings)).ToList();

                foreach (var product in products)
                    // Select Work Order Routings Count for each Work Order
                    // Work Order Routing count is obtained from the products object graph in the conceptual model
                    var worCount = product.WorkOrders.SelectMany(o => o.WorkOrderRoutings).Count();

                    Console.WriteLine("Product Id: {0}", product.ProductID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Product Name: {0}", product.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("Work Orders: {0}", product.WorkOrders.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("Work Order Routings: {0}", worCount);
Beispiel #9
        public static void RunLinqExample1()
            System.Console.WriteLine("\nUsing LINQ");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                var order = (from o in context.SalesOrderHeaders
                            where o.SalesOrderID == 43661
                            select o).FirstOrDefault();

                System.Console.WriteLine("\nSalesOrderID: {0} \nOrderDate: {1} \nDueDate: {2} \nShipDate: {3}", order.SalesOrderID, order.OrderDate, order.DueDate, order.ShipDate);
Beispiel #10
        public static void RunRawSQL()
            System.Console.WriteLine("\nUsing Raw SQL");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                var order = context.SalesOrderHeaders.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader").FirstOrDefault(x => x.SalesOrderID == 43661);

                System.Console.WriteLine("\nSalesOrderID: {0} \nOrderDate: {1} \nDueDate: {2} \nShipDate: {3}", order.SalesOrderID, order.OrderDate, order.DueDate, order.ShipDate);
Beispiel #11
        public static void RunLinqExample2()
            System.Console.WriteLine("\nUsing LINQ Expression");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                var order = context.SalesOrderHeaders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SalesOrderID == 43661);

                System.Console.WriteLine("\nSalesOrderID: {0} \nOrderDate: {1} \nDueDate: {2} \nShipDate: {3}", order.SalesOrderID, order.OrderDate, order.DueDate, order.ShipDate);
        public static void ShowLazyLoading()
            Console.WriteLine("Load related entities using Lazy Loading at multiple levels:\n");

            using (var context = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                if (!context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled)
                    Console.WriteLine("LazyLoading is disabled...related entities will not be loaded!");

                // Load all Products
                var products = context.Products.ToList();

                foreach (var product in products)
                    // Select Work Order Routings Count for each Work Order
                    // Work Order Routing count is obtained from the storage model; results in multiple trips to Db
                    var worCount = product.WorkOrders.SelectMany(o => o.WorkOrderRoutings).Count();

                    Console.WriteLine("Product Id: {0}", product.ProductID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Product Name: {0}", product.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("Work Orders: {0}", product.WorkOrders.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("Work Order Routings: {0}", worCount);
