public void UpdateSoftBody(SoftBody softBody, ShapeData shapeData)
            // Could just allocate a Vector3 array here at each frame, but reusing shapeData.SoftBodyData is faster.
            // Probably uses more memory though.
            softBody.GetVertexNormalData(out shapeData.SoftBodyData);
            shapeData.SetDynamicVertexBuffer(device, shapeData.SoftBodyData);

            if (softBody.Faces.Count == 0 && softBody.Tetras.Count == 0)
                shapeData.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
        Mesh CreateStaticPlaneShape(StaticPlaneShape shape)
            // Load shader
            if (planeShader == null)
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                Stream shaderStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("DemoFramework.checker_shader.fx");

                planeShader = Effect.FromStream(device, shaderStream, ShaderFlags.None);

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4 * 2];

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(device, 2, 4, MeshFlags.SystemMemory, VertexFormat.Position | VertexFormat.Normal);

            Vector3 planeOrigin = shape.PlaneNormal * shape.PlaneConstant;
            Vector3 vec0, vec1;
            PlaneSpace1(shape.PlaneNormal, out vec0, out vec1);
            float size = 1000;

            Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[4]
                    planeOrigin + vec0*size,
                    planeOrigin - vec0*size,
                    planeOrigin + vec1*size,
                    planeOrigin - vec1*size

            SlimDX.DataStream vertexBuffer = mesh.LockVertexBuffer(LockFlags.Discard);
            vertexBuffer.Position += 12;
            vertexBuffer.Position += 12;
            vertexBuffer.Position += 12;
            vertexBuffer.Position += 12;

            SlimDX.DataStream indexBuffer = mesh.LockIndexBuffer(LockFlags.Discard);


            complexShapes.Add(shape, mesh);

            return mesh;

        ShapeData CreateTriangleMeshShape(StridingMeshInterface meshInterface)
            BulletSharp.DataStream vertexStream, indexStream;
            int numVerts, numFaces;
            PhyScalarType vertsType, indicesType;
            int vertexStride, indexStride;
            meshInterface.GetLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexData(out vertexStream, out numVerts, out vertsType, out vertexStride,
                out indexStream, out indexStride, out numFaces, out indicesType);

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            shapeData.VertexCount = numVerts;
            shapeData.IndexCount = numFaces * 3;

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            int v = 0;
            int vStrideExtra = vertexStride - Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Vector3));
            while (vertexStream.Position < vertexStream.Length)
                Vector3 v0 = vertexStream.Read<Vector3>();
                vertexStream.Position += vStrideExtra;
                Vector3 v1 = vertexStream.Read<Vector3>();
                vertexStream.Position += vStrideExtra;
                Vector3 v2 = vertexStream.Read<Vector3>();
                vertexStream.Position += vStrideExtra;

                Vector3 v01 = v0 - v1;
                Vector3 v02 = v0 - v2;
                Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(v01, v02);

                vertices[v++] = v0;
                vertices[v++] = normal;
                vertices[v++] = v1;
                vertices[v++] = normal;
                vertices[v++] = v2;
                vertices[v++] = normal;

            int i = 0;
            if (numVerts > 65536)
                uint[] indices = new uint[shapeData.IndexCount];
                while (indexStream.Position < indexStream.Length)
                    indices[i++] = indexStream.Read<uint>();
                shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);
                ushort[] indices = new ushort[shapeData.IndexCount];
                while (indexStream.Position < indexStream.Length)
                    indices[i++] = (ushort)indexStream.Read<int>();
                shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);

            return shapeData;
        ShapeData InitShapeData(CollisionShape shape)
            ShapeData shapeData;

            if (shapes.TryGetValue(shape, out shapeData) == false)
                switch (shape.ShapeType)
                    case BroadphaseNativeType.SoftBodyShape:
                        shapeData = new ShapeData();
                    case BroadphaseNativeType.BoxShape:
                        shapeData = CreateBoxShape(shape as BoxShape);
                    case BroadphaseNativeType.CapsuleShape:
                        shapeData = CreateCapsule(shape as CapsuleShape);
                    case BroadphaseNativeType.CylinderShape:
                        shapeData = CreateCylinderShape(shape as CylinderShape);
                    case BroadphaseNativeType.ConvexHullShape:
                        shapeData = CreateConvexHullShape(shape as ConvexHullShape);
                    case BroadphaseNativeType.GImpactShape:
                        shapeData = CreateTriangleMeshShape((shape as GImpactMeshShape).MeshInterface);
                    case BroadphaseNativeType.SphereShape:
                        shapeData = CreateSphereShape(shape as SphereShape);
                    case BroadphaseNativeType.TriangleMeshShape:
                        shapeData = CreateTriangleMeshShape((shape as TriangleMeshShape).MeshInterface);
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                // Create an initial instance data buffer for a single instance
                instanceDataDesc.SizeInBytes = InstanceData.SizeInBytes;
                shapeData.InstanceDataBuffer = new Buffer(device, instanceDataDesc);
                shapeData.BufferBindings[1] = new VertexBufferBinding(shapeData.InstanceDataBuffer, instanceDataDesc.SizeInBytes, 0);

                shapes.Add(shape, shapeData);

            return shapeData;
        ShapeData CreateConvexHullShape(ConvexHullShape shape)
            ConvexPolyhedron poly = shape.ConvexPolyhedron;
            if (poly != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            ShapeHull hull = new ShapeHull(shape);

            int indexCount = hull.NumIndices;
            UIntArray indices = hull.Indices;
            Vector3Array points = hull.Vertices;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            shapeData.VertexCount = indexCount;

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[indexCount * 2];

            int v = 0, i;
            for (i = 0; i < indexCount; i += 3)
                Vector3 v0 = points[(int)indices[i]];
                Vector3 v1 = points[(int)indices[i + 1]];
                Vector3 v2 = points[(int)indices[i + 2]];

                Vector3 v01 = v0 - v1;
                Vector3 v02 = v0 - v2;
                Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(v01, v02);

                vertices[v++] = v0;
                vertices[v++] = normal;
                vertices[v++] = v1;
                vertices[v++] = normal;
                vertices[v++] = v2;
                vertices[v++] = normal;

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);

            return shapeData;
        Mesh CreateMultiSphereShape(MultiSphereShape shape)
            Mesh mesh = null;

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < shape.SphereCount; i++)
                Vector3 position = shape.GetSpherePosition(i);

                Mesh sphereMesh = Mesh.CreateSphere(device, shape.GetSphereRadius(i), 12, 12);
                if (i == 0)
                    Matrix[] transform = new Matrix[] { Matrix.Translation(position) };
                    mesh = Mesh.Concatenate(device, new Mesh[] { sphereMesh }, MeshFlags.Managed, transform, null);
                    Mesh multiSphereMeshNew;
                    Matrix[] transform = new Matrix[] { Matrix.Identity, Matrix.Translation(position) };
                    multiSphereMeshNew = Mesh.Concatenate(device, new Mesh[] { mesh, sphereMesh }, MeshFlags.Managed, transform, null);
                    mesh = multiSphereMeshNew;
            complexShapes.Add(shape, mesh);
            return mesh;
        ShapeData CreateSphereShape(SphereShape shape)
            float radius = shape.Radius;

            int slices = (int)(radius * 10.0f);
            int stacks = (int)(radius * 10.0f);
            slices = (slices > 16) ? 16 : (slices < 3) ? 3 : slices;
            stacks = (stacks > 16) ? 16 : (stacks < 2) ? 2 : stacks;

            float hAngleStep = (float)Math.PI * 2 / slices;
            float vAngleStep = (float)Math.PI / stacks;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();

            shapeData.VertexCount = 2 + slices * (stacks - 1);
            shapeData.IndexCount = 6 * slices * (stacks - 1);

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            ushort[] indices = new ushort[shapeData.IndexCount];

            int i = 0, v = 0;

            // Vertices
            // Top and bottom
            vertices[v++] = new Vector3(0, -radius, 0);
            vertices[v++] = -Vector3.UnitY;
            vertices[v++] = new Vector3(0, radius, 0);
            vertices[v++] = Vector3.UnitY;

            // Stacks
            int j, k;
            float angle = 0;
            float vAngle = -(float)Math.PI / 2;
            Vector3 vTemp;
            for (j = 0; j < stacks - 1; j++)
                vAngle += vAngleStep;

                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    angle += hAngleStep;

                    vTemp = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(vAngle) * (float)Math.Sin(angle), (float)Math.Sin(vAngle), (float)Math.Cos(vAngle) * (float)Math.Cos(angle));
                    vertices[v++] = vTemp * radius;
                    vertices[v++] = Vector3.Normalize(vTemp);

            // Indices
            // Top cap
            ushort index = 2;
            for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                indices[i++] = index++;
                indices[i++] = 0;
                indices[i++] = index;
            indices[i - 1] = 2;

            // Stacks
            //for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
            int sliceDiff = slices * 3;
            for (j = 0; j < stacks - 2; j++)
                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    indices[i] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 2];
                    indices[i + 1] = index++;
                    indices[i + 2] = indices[i - sliceDiff];
                    i += 3;

                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    indices[i] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 1];
                    indices[i + 1] = indices[i - sliceDiff];
                    indices[i + 2] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 4];
                    i += 3;
                indices[i - 1] = indices[i - sliceDiff];

            // Bottom cap
            for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                indices[i++] = index--;
                indices[i++] = 1;
                indices[i++] = index;
            indices[i - 1] = indices[i - sliceDiff];

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);
            shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);

            return shapeData;
        public ShapeData CreateCapsule(CapsuleShape shape)
            int up = shape.UpAxis;
            float radius = shape.Radius;
            float cylinderHalfHeight = shape.HalfHeight;

            int slices = (int)(radius * 10.0f);
            int stacks = (int)(radius * 10.0f);
            slices = (slices > 16) ? 16 : (slices < 3) ? 3 : slices;
            stacks = (stacks > 16) ? 16 : (stacks < 3) ? 3 : stacks;

            float hAngleStep = (float)Math.PI * 2 / slices;
            float vAngleStep = (float)Math.PI / stacks;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            shapeData.VertexCount = 2 + slices * (stacks - 1);
            shapeData.IndexCount = 6 * slices * (stacks - 1);

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            ushort[] indices = new ushort[shapeData.IndexCount];

            int i = 0, v = 0;

            // Vertices
            // Top and bottom
            vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(0, -cylinderHalfHeight - radius, 0, up);
            vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(-Vector3.UnitY, up);
            vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(0, cylinderHalfHeight + radius, 0, up);
            vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(Vector3.UnitY, up);

            // Stacks
            int j, k;
            float angle = 0;
            float vAngle = -(float)Math.PI / 2;
            Vector3 vTemp;
            Vector3 cylinderOffset = GetVectorByAxis(0, -cylinderHalfHeight, 0, up);
            for (j = 0; j < stacks - 1; j++)
                float prevAngle = vAngle;
                vAngle += vAngleStep;

                if (vAngle > 0 && prevAngle < 0)
                    cylinderOffset = GetVectorByAxis(0, cylinderHalfHeight, 0, up);

                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    angle += hAngleStep;

                    vTemp = GetVectorByAxis((float)Math.Cos(vAngle) * (float)Math.Sin(angle),
                        (float)Math.Cos(vAngle) * (float)Math.Cos(angle), up);
                    vertices[v++] = vTemp * radius + cylinderOffset;
                    vertices[v++] = Vector3.Normalize(vTemp);

            // Indices
            // Top cap
            ushort index = 2;
            for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                indices[i++] = index++;
                indices[i++] = 0;
                indices[i++] = index;
            indices[i - 1] = 2;

            // Stacks
            int sliceDiff = slices * 3;
            for (j = 0; j < stacks - 2; j++)
                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    indices[i] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 2];
                    indices[i + 1] = index++;
                    indices[i + 2] = indices[i - sliceDiff];
                    i += 3;

                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    indices[i] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 1];
                    indices[i + 1] = indices[i - sliceDiff];
                    indices[i + 2] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 4];
                    i += 3;
                indices[i - 1] = indices[i - sliceDiff];

            // Bottom cap
            for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                indices[i++] = index--;
                indices[i++] = 1;
                indices[i++] = index;
            indices[i - 1] = indices[i - sliceDiff];

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);
            shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);

            return shapeData;
        ShapeData CreateCylinderShape(CylinderShape shape)
            int up = shape.UpAxis;
            float radius = shape.Radius;
            float halfHeight = shape.HalfExtentsWithoutMargin[up] + shape.Margin;

            int numSteps = 10;
            float angleStep = (2 * (float)Math.PI) / numSteps;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            shapeData.VertexCount = 2 + 6 * numSteps;
            shapeData.IndexCount = (4 * numSteps + 2) * 3;

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            ushort[] indices = new ushort[shapeData.IndexCount];

            int i = 0, v = 0;
            ushort index = 0;
            ushort baseIndex;
            Vector3 normal;

            // Draw two sides
            for (int side = 1; side != -3; side -= 2)
                normal = GetVectorByAxis(side * Vector3.UnitY, up);

                baseIndex = index;
                vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, side * halfHeight, 0), up);
                vertices[v++] = normal;

                vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, side * halfHeight, radius), up);
                vertices[v++] = normal;
                index += 2;

                for (int j = 1; j < numSteps; j++)
                    float x = radius * (float)Math.Sin(j * angleStep);
                    float z = radius * (float)Math.Cos(j * angleStep);

                    vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(x, side * halfHeight, z), up);
                    vertices[v++] = normal;

                    indices[i++] = baseIndex;
                    if (side == 1)
                        indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                        indices[i++] = index++;
                        indices[i++] = index;
                        indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                indices[i++] = baseIndex;
                if (side == 1)
                    indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                    indices[i++] = (ushort)(baseIndex + 1);
                    indices[i++] = (ushort)(baseIndex + 1);
                    indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);

            normal = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, 0, radius), up);

            baseIndex = index;
            vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, halfHeight, radius), up);
            vertices[v++] = normal;

            vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, -halfHeight, radius), up);
            vertices[v++] = normal;
            index += 2;

            for (int j = 1; j < numSteps + 1; j++)
                float x = radius * (float)Math.Sin(j * angleStep);
                float z = radius * (float)Math.Cos(j * angleStep);

                normal = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(x, 0, z), up);

                vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(x, halfHeight, z), up);
                vertices[v++] = normal;

                vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(x, -halfHeight, z), up);
                vertices[v++] = normal;

                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 2);
                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                indices[i++] = index;
                indices[i++] = index;
                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index + 1);
                index += 2;
            indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 2);
            indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
            indices[i++] = baseIndex;
            indices[i++] = baseIndex;
            indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
            indices[i] = (ushort)(baseIndex + 1);

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);
            shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);

            return shapeData;
Beispiel #8
        ShapeData CreateBoxShape(BoxShape shape)
            Vector3 size = shape.HalfExtentsWithMargin;
            float x = size.X;
            float y = size.Y;
            float z = size.Z;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            shapeData.VertexCount = 36;

            Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            Vector3 normal;
            int v = 0;

            // Draw two sides
            for (int i = 1; i != -3; i -= 2)
                normal = new Vector3(i, 0, 0);
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, y, -z); // Position
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, -y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, -y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, -y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;

            for (int i = 1; i != -3; i -= 2)
                normal = new Vector3(0, 0, i);
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, -y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, -y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, -y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;

            for (int i = 1; i != -3; i -= 2)
                normal = new Vector3(0, i, 0);
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, i * y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, i * y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, i * y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, i * y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, i * y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, i * y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vectors);

            return shapeData;
        ShapeData CreateBoxShape(BoxShape shape)
            Vector3 size = shape.HalfExtentsWithMargin;
            float x = size.X;
            float y = size.Y;
            float z = size.Z;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();
            shapeData.VertexCount = 36;

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            Vector3 normal;
            int v = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                for (int i = 1; i != -3; i -= 2)
                    normal = GetVectorByAxis(0, i, 0, j);
                    vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(i, i, i, j) * size;
                    vertices[v++] = normal;
                    vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(1, i, -1, j) * size;
                    vertices[v++] = normal;
                    vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(-1, i, 1, j) * size;
                    vertices[v++] = normal;
                    vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(-i, i, -i, j) * size;
                    vertices[v++] = normal;
                    vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(-1, i, 1, j) * size;
                    vertices[v++] = normal;
                    vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(1, i, -1, j) * size;
                    vertices[v++] = normal;

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);

            return shapeData;
Beispiel #10
        public void InitInstancedRender()
            // Clear instance data
            foreach (ShapeData s in shapes.Values)

            AlignedCollisionObjectArray objects = demo.PhysicsContext.World.CollisionObjectArray;
            int i = objects.Count - 1;

            for (; i >= 0; i--)
                CollisionObject colObj = objects[i];

                Matrix transform;
                if (colObj is SoftBody)
                    transform = Matrix.Identity;
                    ((colObj as RigidBody).MotionState as DefaultMotionState).GetWorldTransform(out transform);
                InitInstanceData(colObj, colObj.CollisionShape, ref transform);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <CollisionShape, ShapeData> sh in shapes)
                ShapeData s = sh.Value;

                // Is the instance buffer the right size?
                if (s.InstanceDataBuffer.Description.SizeInBytes != s.InstanceDataList.Count * 68)
                    // No, recreate it

                    if (s.InstanceDataList.Count == 0)
                        if (s.IndexBuffer != null)

                    instanceDataDesc.SizeInBytes = s.InstanceDataList.Count * 68;
                    s.InstanceDataBuffer         = new Buffer(device, instanceDataDesc);
                    s.BufferBindings[1]          = new VertexBufferBinding(s.InstanceDataBuffer, 68, 0);

                // Copy the instance data over to the instance buffer
                using (var data = s.InstanceDataBuffer.Map(MapMode.WriteDiscard))

            if (removeList.Count != 0)
                for (i = removeList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Beispiel #11
        public void UpdateSoftBody(SoftBody softBody, ShapeData shapeData)
            AlignedFaceArray faces = softBody.Faces;

            if (faces.Count != 0)
                shapeData.VertexCount = faces.Count * 3;

                Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
                int v = 0;

                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++)
                    NodePtrArray nodes = faces[i].N;
                    Node n0 = nodes[0];
                    Node n1 = nodes[1];
                    Node n2 = nodes[2];
                    n0.GetX(out vectors[v]);
                    n0.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 1]);
                    n1.GetX(out vectors[v + 2]);
                    n1.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 3]);
                    n2.GetX(out vectors[v + 4]);
                    n2.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 5]);
                    v += 6;

                shapeData.SetDynamicVertexBuffer(device, vectors);
                AlignedTetraArray tetras = softBody.Tetras;
                int tetraCount = tetras.Count;

                if (tetraCount != 0)
                    shapeData.VertexCount = tetraCount * 12;

                    Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[tetraCount * 24];
                    int v = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < tetraCount; i++)
                        NodePtrArray nodes = tetras[i].Nodes;
                        Vector3 v0 = nodes[0].X;
                        Vector3 v1 = nodes[1].X;
                        Vector3 v2 = nodes[2].X;
                        Vector3 v3 = nodes[3].X;
                        Vector3 v10 = v1 - v0;
                        Vector3 v02 = v0 - v2;

                        Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(v10, v02);
                        vectors[v] = v0;
                        vectors[v + 1] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 2] = v1;
                        vectors[v + 3] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 4] = v2;
                        vectors[v + 5] = normal;

                        normal = Vector3.Cross(v10, v3 - v0);
                        vectors[v + 6] = v0;
                        vectors[v + 7] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 8] = v1;
                        vectors[v + 9] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 10] = v3;
                        vectors[v + 11] = normal;

                        normal = Vector3.Cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1);
                        vectors[v + 12] = v1;
                        vectors[v + 13] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 14] = v2;
                        vectors[v + 15] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 16] = v3;
                        vectors[v + 17] = normal;

                        normal = Vector3.Cross(v02, v3 - v2);
                        vectors[v + 18] = v2;
                        vectors[v + 19] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 20] = v0;
                        vectors[v + 21] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 22] = v3;
                        vectors[v + 23] = normal;
                        v += 24;

                    shapeData.SetDynamicVertexBuffer(device, vectors);
                else if (softBody.Links.Count != 0)
                    AlignedLinkArray links = softBody.Links;
                    int linkCount = links.Count;
                    shapeData.VertexCount = linkCount * 2;

                    Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[linkCount * 4];

                    for (int i = 0; i < linkCount; i++)
                        NodePtrArray nodes = links[i].Nodes;
                        nodes[0].GetX(out vectors[i * 4]);
                        nodes[1].GetX(out vectors[i * 4 + 2]);

                    shapeData.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
                    shapeData.SetDynamicVertexBuffer(device, vectors);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #12
         * Mesh CreateStaticPlaneShape(StaticPlaneShape shape)
         * {
         *  // Load shader
         *  if (planeShader == null)
         *  {
         *      Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
         *      Stream shaderStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("DemoFramework.checker_shader.fx");
         *      planeShader = Effect.FromStream(device, shaderStream, ShaderFlags.None);
         *  }
         *  Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4 * 2];
         *  Mesh mesh = new Mesh(device, 2, 4, MeshFlags.SystemMemory, VertexFormat.Position | VertexFormat.Normal);
         *  Vector3 planeOrigin = shape.PlaneNormal * shape.PlaneConstant;
         *  Vector3 vec0, vec1;
         *  PlaneSpace1(shape.PlaneNormal, out vec0, out vec1);
         *  float size = 1000;
         *  Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[4]
         *      {
         *          planeOrigin + vec0*size,
         *          planeOrigin - vec0*size,
         *          planeOrigin + vec1*size,
         *          planeOrigin - vec1*size
         *      };
         *  SlimDX.DataStream vertexBuffer = mesh.LockVertexBuffer(LockFlags.Discard);
         *  vertexBuffer.Write(verts[0]);
         *  vertexBuffer.Position += 12;
         *  vertexBuffer.Write(verts[1]);
         *  vertexBuffer.Position += 12;
         *  vertexBuffer.Write(verts[2]);
         *  vertexBuffer.Position += 12;
         *  vertexBuffer.Write(verts[3]);
         *  vertexBuffer.Position += 12;
         *  mesh.UnlockVertexBuffer();
         *  SlimDX.DataStream indexBuffer = mesh.LockIndexBuffer(LockFlags.Discard);
         *  indexBuffer.Write((short)1);
         *  indexBuffer.Write((short)2);
         *  indexBuffer.Write((short)0);
         *  indexBuffer.Write((short)1);
         *  indexBuffer.Write((short)3);
         *  indexBuffer.Write((short)0);
         *  mesh.UnlockIndexBuffer();
         *  mesh.ComputeNormals();
         *  complexShapes.Add(shape, mesh);
         *  return mesh;
         * }

        ShapeData CreateTriangleMeshShape(StridingMeshInterface meshInterface)
            BulletSharp.DataStream vertexStream, indexStream;
            int           numVerts, numFaces;
            PhyScalarType vertsType, indicesType;
            int           vertexStride, indexStride;

            meshInterface.GetLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexData(out vertexStream, out numVerts, out vertsType, out vertexStride,
                                                           out indexStream, out indexStride, out numFaces, out indicesType);

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();

            shapeData.VertexCount = numVerts;
            shapeData.IndexCount  = numFaces * 3;

            Vector3[] vertices     = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            int       v            = 0;
            int       vStrideExtra = vertexStride - Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Vector3));

            while (vertexStream.Position < vertexStream.Length)
                Vector3 v0 = vertexStream.Read <Vector3>();
                vertexStream.Position += vStrideExtra;
                Vector3 v1 = vertexStream.Read <Vector3>();
                vertexStream.Position += vStrideExtra;
                Vector3 v2 = vertexStream.Read <Vector3>();
                vertexStream.Position += vStrideExtra;

                Vector3 v01    = v0 - v1;
                Vector3 v02    = v0 - v2;
                Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(v01, v02);

                vertices[v++] = v0;
                vertices[v++] = normal;
                vertices[v++] = v1;
                vertices[v++] = normal;
                vertices[v++] = v2;
                vertices[v++] = normal;

            int i = 0;

            if (numVerts > 65536)
                uint[] indices = new uint[shapeData.IndexCount];
                while (indexStream.Position < indexStream.Length)
                    indices[i++] = indexStream.Read <uint>();
                shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);
                ushort[] indices = new ushort[shapeData.IndexCount];
                while (indexStream.Position < indexStream.Length)
                    indices[i++] = (ushort)indexStream.Read <int>();
                shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);

Beispiel #13
         * Mesh CreateMultiSphereShape(MultiSphereShape shape)
         * {
         *  Mesh mesh = null;
         *  int i;
         *  for (i = 0; i < shape.SphereCount; i++)
         *  {
         *      Vector3 position = shape.GetSpherePosition(i);
         *      Mesh sphereMesh = Mesh.CreateSphere(device, shape.GetSphereRadius(i), 12, 12);
         *      if (i == 0)
         *      {
         *          Matrix[] transform = new Matrix[] { Matrix.Translation(position) };
         *          mesh = Mesh.Concatenate(device, new Mesh[] { sphereMesh }, MeshFlags.Managed, transform, null);
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          Mesh multiSphereMeshNew;
         *          Matrix[] transform = new Matrix[] { Matrix.Identity, Matrix.Translation(position) };
         *          multiSphereMeshNew = Mesh.Concatenate(device, new Mesh[] { mesh, sphereMesh }, MeshFlags.Managed, transform, null);
         *          mesh.Dispose();
         *          mesh = multiSphereMeshNew;
         *      }
         *      sphereMesh.Dispose();
         *  }
         *  complexShapes.Add(shape, mesh);
         *  return mesh;
         * }
        ShapeData CreateSphereShape(SphereShape shape)
            float radius = shape.Radius;

            int slices = (int)(radius * 10.0f);
            int stacks = (int)(radius * 10.0f);

            slices = (slices > 16) ? 16 : (slices < 3) ? 3 : slices;
            stacks = (stacks > 16) ? 16 : (stacks < 2) ? 2 : stacks;

            float hAngleStep = (float)Math.PI * 2 / slices;
            float vAngleStep = (float)Math.PI / stacks;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();

            shapeData.VertexCount = 2 + slices * (stacks - 1);
            shapeData.IndexCount  = 6 * slices * (stacks - 1);

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            ushort[]  indices  = new ushort[shapeData.IndexCount];

            int i = 0, v = 0;

            // Vertices
            // Top and bottom
            vertices[v++] = new Vector3(0, -radius, 0);
            vertices[v++] = -Vector3.UnitY;
            vertices[v++] = new Vector3(0, radius, 0);
            vertices[v++] = Vector3.UnitY;

            // Stacks
            int     j, k;
            float   angle  = 0;
            float   vAngle = -(float)Math.PI / 2;
            Vector3 vTemp;

            for (j = 0; j < stacks - 1; j++)
                vAngle += vAngleStep;

                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    angle += hAngleStep;

                    vTemp         = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(vAngle) * (float)Math.Sin(angle), (float)Math.Sin(vAngle), (float)Math.Cos(vAngle) * (float)Math.Cos(angle));
                    vertices[v++] = vTemp * radius;
                    vertices[v++] = Vector3.Normalize(vTemp);

            // Indices
            // Top cap
            ushort index = 2;

            for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                indices[i++] = 0;
                indices[i++] = index;
                indices[i++] = index;
            indices[i - 1] = 2;

            // Stacks
            //for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
            int sliceDiff = slices * 3;

            for (j = 0; j < stacks - 2; j++)
                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    indices[i++] = indices[i - sliceDiff];
                    indices[i++] = indices[i - sliceDiff];
                    indices[i++] = index;

                for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                    indices[i++] = indices[i - sliceDiff];
                    indices[i++] = indices[i - sliceDiff];
                    indices[i++] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 2];
                indices[i - 1] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 1];

            // Bottom cap
            for (k = 0; k < slices; k++)
                indices[i++] = 1;
                indices[i++] = index;
                indices[i++] = index;
            indices[i - 1] = indices[i - sliceDiff + 1];

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);
            shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);

Beispiel #14
        ShapeData CreateCylinderShape(CylinderShape shape)
            int   up         = shape.UpAxis;
            float radius     = shape.Radius;
            float halfHeight = shape.HalfExtentsWithoutMargin[up] + shape.Margin;

            int   numSteps  = 10;
            float angleStep = (2 * (float)Math.PI) / numSteps;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();

            shapeData.VertexCount = 2 + 6 * numSteps;
            shapeData.IndexCount  = (4 * numSteps + 2) * 3;

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            ushort[]  indices  = new ushort[shapeData.IndexCount];

            int     i = 0, v = 0;
            ushort  index = 0;
            ushort  baseIndex;
            Vector3 normal;

            // Draw two sides
            for (int side = 1; side != -3; side -= 2)
                normal = GetVectorByAxis(side * Vector3.UnitY, up);

                baseIndex     = index;
                vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, side * halfHeight, 0), up);
                vertices[v++] = normal;

                vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, side * halfHeight, radius), up);
                vertices[v++] = normal;
                index        += 2;

                for (int j = 1; j < numSteps; j++)
                    float x = radius * (float)Math.Sin(j * angleStep);
                    float z = radius * (float)Math.Cos(j * angleStep);

                    vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(x, side * halfHeight, z), up);
                    vertices[v++] = normal;

                    indices[i++] = baseIndex;
                    indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                    indices[i++] = index++;
                indices[i++] = baseIndex;
                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                indices[i++] = (ushort)(baseIndex + 1);

            normal = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, 0, radius), up);

            baseIndex     = index;
            vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, halfHeight, radius), up);
            vertices[v++] = normal;

            vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(0, -halfHeight, radius), up);
            vertices[v++] = normal;
            index        += 2;

            for (int j = 1; j < numSteps + 1; j++)
                float x = radius * (float)Math.Sin(j * angleStep);
                float z = radius * (float)Math.Cos(j * angleStep);

                normal = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(x, 0, z), up);

                vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(x, halfHeight, z), up);
                vertices[v++] = normal;

                vertices[v++] = GetVectorByAxis(new Vector3(x, -halfHeight, z), up);
                vertices[v++] = normal;

                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 2);
                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                indices[i++] = index;
                indices[i++] = index;
                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
                indices[i++] = (ushort)(index + 1);
                index       += 2;
            indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 2);
            indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
            indices[i++] = baseIndex;
            indices[i++] = baseIndex;
            indices[i++] = (ushort)(index - 1);
            indices[i++] = (ushort)(baseIndex + 1);

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vertices);
            shapeData.SetIndexBuffer(device, indices);

Beispiel #15
        ShapeData CreateBoxShape(BoxShape shape)
            Vector3 size = shape.HalfExtentsWithMargin;
            float   x    = size.X;
            float   y    = size.Y;
            float   z    = size.Z;

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();

            shapeData.VertexCount = 36;

            Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
            Vector3   normal;
            int       v = 0;

            // Draw two sides
            for (int i = 1; i != -3; i -= 2)
                normal       = new Vector3(i, 0, 0);
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, y, -z); // Position
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, -y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, -y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(i * x, -y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;

            for (int i = 1; i != -3; i -= 2)
                normal       = new Vector3(0, 0, i);
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, -y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, -y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, -y, i * z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;

            for (int i = 1; i != -3; i -= 2)
                normal       = new Vector3(0, i, 0);
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, i * y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, i * y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, i * y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, i * y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(-x, i * y, z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;
                vectors[v++] = new Vector3(x, i * y, -z);
                vectors[v++] = normal;

            shapeData.SetVertexBuffer(device, vectors);

Beispiel #16
        public void UpdateSoftBody(SoftBody softBody, ShapeData shapeData)
            AlignedFaceArray faces = softBody.Faces;

            if (faces.Count != 0)
                shapeData.VertexCount = faces.Count * 3;

                Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[shapeData.VertexCount * 2];
                int       v       = 0;

                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++)
                    NodePtrArray nodes = faces[i].N;
                    Node         n0    = nodes[0];
                    Node         n1    = nodes[1];
                    Node         n2    = nodes[2];
                    n0.GetX(out vectors[v]);
                    n0.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 1]);
                    n1.GetX(out vectors[v + 2]);
                    n1.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 3]);
                    n2.GetX(out vectors[v + 4]);
                    n2.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 5]);
                    v += 6;

                shapeData.SetDynamicVertexBuffer(device, vectors);
                AlignedTetraArray tetras = softBody.Tetras;
                int tetraCount           = tetras.Count;

                if (tetraCount != 0)
                    shapeData.VertexCount = tetraCount * 12;

                    Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[tetraCount * 24];
                    int       v       = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < tetraCount; i++)
                        NodePtrArray nodes = tetras[i].Nodes;
                        Vector3      v0    = nodes[0].X;
                        Vector3      v1    = nodes[1].X;
                        Vector3      v2    = nodes[2].X;
                        Vector3      v3    = nodes[3].X;
                        Vector3      v10   = v1 - v0;
                        Vector3      v02   = v0 - v2;

                        Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(v10, v02);
                        vectors[v]     = v0;
                        vectors[v + 1] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 2] = v1;
                        vectors[v + 3] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 4] = v2;
                        vectors[v + 5] = normal;

                        normal          = Vector3.Cross(v10, v3 - v0);
                        vectors[v + 6]  = v0;
                        vectors[v + 7]  = normal;
                        vectors[v + 8]  = v1;
                        vectors[v + 9]  = normal;
                        vectors[v + 10] = v3;
                        vectors[v + 11] = normal;

                        normal          = Vector3.Cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1);
                        vectors[v + 12] = v1;
                        vectors[v + 13] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 14] = v2;
                        vectors[v + 15] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 16] = v3;
                        vectors[v + 17] = normal;

                        normal          = Vector3.Cross(v02, v3 - v2);
                        vectors[v + 18] = v2;
                        vectors[v + 19] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 20] = v0;
                        vectors[v + 21] = normal;
                        vectors[v + 22] = v3;
                        vectors[v + 23] = normal;
                        v += 24;

                    shapeData.SetDynamicVertexBuffer(device, vectors);
                else if (softBody.Links.Count != 0)
                    AlignedLinkArray links = softBody.Links;
                    int linkCount          = links.Count;
                    shapeData.VertexCount = linkCount * 2;

                    Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[linkCount * 4];

                    for (int i = 0; i < linkCount; i++)
                        NodePtrArray nodes = links[i].Nodes;
                        nodes[0].GetX(out vectors[i * 4]);
                        nodes[1].GetX(out vectors[i * 4 + 2]);

                    shapeData.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
                    shapeData.SetDynamicVertexBuffer(device, vectors);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();