public void TypeRefFinding()
			var modA = DParser.ParseString(@"module modA;
class A(T)
	int n;
	static int prop;
	static A!float statA;

void main()
	auto a = new A!int();
	A.prop = 3;
	int b = A.prop + 4;
	A!double.statA.statA = new A!double();

			var ed = new EditorData { 
				SyntaxTree = modA,
				ParseCache = new LegacyParseCacheView(new RootPackage[0])

			var res = TypeReferenceFinder.Scan(ed, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None, null);

			Assert.That(res.Count, Is.GreaterThan(6));
Beispiel #2
        public static EditorData CreateEditorData(Document EditorDocument, DModule Ast, CodeCompletionContext ctx, char triggerChar = '\0')
            bool removeChar = char.IsLetter(triggerChar) || triggerChar == '_';

            var deltaOffset = 0;//removeChar ? 1 : 0;

            var caretOffset = ctx.TriggerOffset - (removeChar ? 1 : 0);
            var caretLocation = new CodeLocation(ctx.TriggerLineOffset - deltaOffset, ctx.TriggerLine);
            var codeCache = CreateCacheList(EditorDocument);

            var ed = new EditorData
                CaretLocation = caretLocation,
                CaretOffset = caretOffset,
                ModuleCode = removeChar ? EditorDocument.Editor.Text.Remove(ctx.TriggerOffset - 1, 1) : EditorDocument.Editor.Text,
                SyntaxTree = Ast,
                ParseCache = codeCache

            if (EditorDocument.HasProject)
                var cfg = EditorDocument.Project.GetConfiguration(IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration);

                if (cfg is DProjectConfiguration)
                    var dcfg = cfg as DProjectConfiguration;
                    ed.GlobalDebugIds = dcfg.CustomDebugIdentifiers;
                    ed.IsDebug = dcfg.DebugMode;
                    ed.DebugLevel = dcfg.DebugLevel;
                    ed.GlobalVersionIds = dcfg.GlobalVersionIdentifiers;
                    double d;
                    ulong v;
                    if (Double.TryParse(EditorDocument.Project.Version, out d))
                        ed.VersionNumber = (ulong)d;
                    else if (UInt64.TryParse(EditorDocument.Project.Version, out v))
                        ed.VersionNumber = v;
                else if (cfg is DubProjectConfiguration)
                    var versions = new List<string>(VersionIdEvaluation.GetOSAndCPUVersions());

                    var dcfg = cfg as DubProjectConfiguration;
                    ed.IsDebug = dcfg.DebugMode;

                    HandleDubSettingsConditionExtraction(versions, (dcfg.ParentItem as DubProject).CommonBuildSettings);
                    HandleDubSettingsConditionExtraction(versions, dcfg.BuildSettings);

                    ed.GlobalVersionIds = versions.ToArray();

            if (ed.GlobalVersionIds == null)
                ed.GlobalVersionIds = VersionIdEvaluation.GetOSAndCPUVersions();

            return ed;
        public static EditorData GenEditorData(int caretLine, int caretPos, string focusedModuleCode, params string[] otherModuleCodes)
            var cache = CreateCache(otherModuleCodes);
            var ed = new EditorData { ParseCache = cache };

            UpdateEditorData(ed, caretLine, caretPos, focusedModuleCode);

            return ed;
        public static void UpdateEditorData(EditorData ed, int caretLine, int caretPos, string focusedModuleCode)
            var mod = DParser.ParseString(focusedModuleCode);
            var pack = ed.ParseCache[0] as MutableRootPackage;


            ed.ModuleCode = focusedModuleCode;
            ed.SyntaxTree = mod;
            ed.CaretLocation = new CodeLocation(caretPos, caretLine);
            ed.CaretOffset = DocumentHelper.LocationToOffset(focusedModuleCode, caretLine, caretPos);
		public static void UpdateEditorData(EditorData ed, int caretLine, int caretPos, string focusedModuleCode)
			var mod = DParser.ParseString(focusedModuleCode);
			var pack = (ed.ParseCache as LegacyParseCacheView).EnumRootPackagesSurroundingModule(null).First() as MutableRootPackage;


			ed.ModuleCode = focusedModuleCode;
			ed.SyntaxTree = mod;
			ed.CaretLocation = new CodeLocation(caretPos, caretLine);
			ed.CaretOffset = DocumentHelper.LocationToOffset(focusedModuleCode, caretLine, caretPos);
Beispiel #6
        public static INode GetNode(EditorData ed, string id, ref ResolutionContext ctxt)
            if (ctxt == null)
                ctxt = ResolutionContext.Create (ed, true);

            DToken tk;
            var bt = DParser.ParseBasicType (id, out tk);
            var t = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(bt, ctxt);

            var n = (t as DSymbol).Definition;
            Assert.That (n, Is.Not.Null);
            return n;
Beispiel #7
        public static EditorData CreateEditorData(Document EditorDocument, DModule Ast, CodeCompletionContext ctx, char triggerChar = '\0')
            bool removeChar = char.IsLetter(triggerChar) || triggerChar == '_' || triggerChar == '@';

            var deltaOffset = 0;//removeChar ? 1 : 0;

            var caretOffset = ctx.TriggerOffset - (removeChar ? 1 : 0);
            var caretLocation = new CodeLocation(ctx.TriggerLineOffset - deltaOffset, ctx.TriggerLine);
            var codeCache = CreateCacheList(EditorDocument);

            var ed = new EditorData
                CaretLocation = caretLocation,
                CaretOffset = caretOffset,
                ModuleCode = removeChar ? EditorDocument.Editor.Text.Remove(ctx.TriggerOffset - 1, 1) : EditorDocument.Editor.Text,
                SyntaxTree = Ast,
                ParseCache = codeCache

            if (EditorDocument.HasProject)
                var cfg = EditorDocument.Project.GetConfiguration(Ide.IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration) as DProjectConfiguration;

                if (cfg != null)
                    ed.GlobalDebugIds = cfg.CustomDebugIdentifiers;
                    ed.IsDebug = cfg.DebugMode;
                    ed.DebugLevel = cfg.DebugLevel;
                    ed.GlobalVersionIds = cfg.GlobalVersionIdentifiers;
                    double d;
                    int v;
                    if (Double.TryParse(EditorDocument.Project.Version, out d))
                        ed.VersionNumber = (int)d;
                    else if (Int32.TryParse(EditorDocument.Project.Version, out v))
                        ed.VersionNumber = v;

            if (ed.GlobalVersionIds == null)
                ed.GlobalVersionIds = VersionIdEvaluation.GetOSAndCPUVersions();

            return ed;
Beispiel #8
        public static EditorData GetEditorData(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document doc = null)
            var ed = new EditorData();

            if (doc == null)
                doc = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument;

            if (doc == null ||
                doc.FileName == FilePath.Null)
                return null;

            var editor = doc.GetContent<ITextBuffer>();
            if (editor == null)
                return null;

            int line, column;
            editor.GetLineColumnFromPosition(editor.CursorPosition, out line, out column);
            ed.CaretLocation = new CodeLocation(column, line);
            ed.CaretOffset = editor.CursorPosition;

            var ast = doc.ParsedDocument as ParsedDModule;
                return null;

            ed.SyntaxTree = ast.DDom as DModule;
            ed.ModuleCode = editor.Text;

            if (ed.SyntaxTree == null)
                return null;

            var Project = doc.Project as DProject;
            // Encapsule editor data for resolving
            ed.ParseCache = Project != null ?
                Project.ParseCache :

            return ed;
Beispiel #9
        public override TooltipItem GetItem(TextEditor editor, int offset)
            // Note: Normally, the document already should be open
            var doc=IdeApp.Workbench.GetDocument(editor.Document.FileName);

            if (doc == null || !(doc.ParsedDocument is ParsedDModule))
                return null;

            // Due the first note, the AST already should exist
            var ast = (doc.ParsedDocument as ParsedDModule).DDom;

            if (ast == null)
                return null;

            // Get code cache
            var codeCache = DResolverWrapper.CreateCacheList(doc);

            // Create editor context
            var line=editor.GetLineByOffset(offset);

            var ed = new EditorData {
                CaretLocation = new CodeLocation(offset - line.Offset, editor.OffsetToLineNumber(offset)),
                ModuleCode = editor.Text,
                ParseCache = codeCache,
                SyntaxTree = ast

            // Let the engine build all contents
            DResolver.NodeResolutionAttempt att;
            var rr = DResolver.ResolveTypeLoosely(ed, out att);

            // Create tool tip item
            if (rr != null)
                return new TooltipItem(rr, offset, 1);
            return null;
Beispiel #10
        public override TooltipItem GetItem(TextEditor editor, int offset)
            // Note: Normally, the document already should be open
            var doc=IdeApp.Workbench.GetDocument(editor.Document.FileName);

            if (doc == null || !(doc.ParsedDocument is ParsedDModule))
                return null;

            // Due the first note, the AST already should exist
            var ast = (doc.ParsedDocument as ParsedDModule).DDom;

            if (ast == null)
                return null;

            // Get code cache
            var codeCache = DCodeCompletionSupport.EnumAvailableModules(doc);

            // Create editor context
            var line=editor.GetLineByOffset(offset);

            var EditorContext = new EditorData {
                CaretLocation = new CodeLocation(offset - line.Offset, editor.OffsetToLineNumber(offset)),
                ModuleCode = editor.Text,
                ParseCache = codeCache,
                SyntaxTree=ast as DModule

            // Let the engine build all contents
            var ttContents= AbstractTooltipProvider.BuildToolTip(EditorContext);

            // Create tool tip item
            if (ttContents != null)
                return new TooltipItem(ttContents, offset, 1);
            return null;
Beispiel #11
		public static EditorData CreateEditorData(Document EditorDocument, DModule Ast, CodeCompletionContext ctx, char triggerChar = '\0')
			bool removeChar = char.IsLetter(triggerChar) || triggerChar == '_';

			var deltaOffset = 0;//removeChar ? 1 : 0;

			var caretOffset = ctx.TriggerOffset - (removeChar ? 1 : 0);
			var caretLocation = new CodeLocation(ctx.TriggerLineOffset - deltaOffset, ctx.TriggerLine);
			var codeCache = CreateParseCacheView(EditorDocument);

			var ed = new EditorData
				CaretLocation = caretLocation,
				CaretOffset = caretOffset,
				ModuleCode = removeChar ? EditorDocument.Editor.Text.Remove(ctx.TriggerOffset - 1, 1) : EditorDocument.Editor.Text,
				SyntaxTree = Ast,
				ParseCache = codeCache

			if (EditorDocument.HasProject)
				var versions = new List<string>();
				var debugConstants = new List<string> ();

				var cfg = EditorDocument.Project.GetConfiguration(IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration);

				if (cfg is DProjectConfiguration)
					var dcfg = cfg as DProjectConfiguration;
					ed.IsDebug = dcfg.DebugMode;
					ed.DebugLevel = dcfg.DebugLevel;
					double d;
					ulong v;
					if (Double.TryParse(EditorDocument.Project.Version, out d))
						ed.VersionNumber = (ulong)d;
					else if (UInt64.TryParse(EditorDocument.Project.Version, out v))
						ed.VersionNumber = v;
				else if (cfg is DubProjectConfiguration)
					var dcfg = cfg as DubProjectConfiguration;
					ed.IsDebug = dcfg.DebugMode;

				foreach (var prj in GetProjectDependencyHierarchyToCurrentStartupProject(EditorDocument.Project, cfg.Selector))
					if(prj is AbstractDProject)
						ExtractVersionDebugConstantsFromProject (prj as AbstractDProject, versions, debugConstants);
				ed.GlobalDebugIds = debugConstants.ToArray ();
				ed.GlobalVersionIds = versions.ToArray ();

			if (ed.GlobalVersionIds == null || ed.GlobalVersionIds.Length == 0)
				ed.GlobalVersionIds = VersionIdEvaluation.GetOSAndCPUVersions();

			return ed;
Beispiel #12
        public void GetTip(string filename, int startLine, int startIndex, int endLine, int endIndex)
            IAbstractSyntaxTree ast = null;
            if (!_modules.TryGetValue(filename, out ast))
                throw new COMException("module not found", 1);

            _tipStart = new CodeLocation(startLine, startIndex);
            _tipEnd = new CodeLocation(startLine, startIndex + 1);
            _tipText = "";

            EditorData editorData = new EditorData();
            editorData.CaretLocation = _tipStart;
            editorData.SyntaxTree = ast as DModule;
            editorData.ModuleCode = _sources[filename];
            editorData.CaretOffset = getCodeOffset(editorData.ModuleCode, _tipStart);
            AbstractTooltipContent[] content = AbstractTooltipProvider.BuildToolTip(editorData);
            if(content == null || content.Length == 0)
                _tipText = "";
                foreach (var c in content)
                   _tipText += c.Title + ":" + c.Description + "\n";

            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #13
        public void GetSemanticExpansions(string filename, string tok, uint line, uint idx, string expr)
            IAbstractSyntaxTree ast = null;
            if (!_modules.TryGetValue(filename, out ast))
                throw new COMException("module not found", 1);

            CodeLocation loc = new CodeLocation((int)idx, (int) line);
            EditorData editorData = new EditorData();
            editorData.CaretLocation = loc;
            editorData.SyntaxTree = ast as DModule;
            editorData.ModuleCode = _sources[filename];
            editorData.CaretOffset = getCodeOffset(editorData.ModuleCode, loc);
            VDServerCompletionDataGenerator cdgen = new VDServerCompletionDataGenerator();
            AbstractCompletionProvider provider = AbstractCompletionProvider.BuildCompletionData(cdgen, editorData, tok);
            _expansions = cdgen.expansions;
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
		public bool UpdateTypeResolutionContext ()
			if (!NeedsResolutionContextUpdate && resolutionCtx != null)
				return true;
			NeedsResolutionContextUpdate = false;

			var ff = DebuggingService.CurrentCallStack.GetFrame(Backtrace.CurrentFrameIndex);
			var document = Ide.IdeApp.Workbench.OpenDocument (ff.SourceLocation.FileName);
			if (document == null)
				return false;

			var codeLocation = new CodeLocation (ff.SourceLocation.Column,

			// Only create new if the cursor location is different from the previous
			if (firstFrameEditorData != null &&
				firstFrameEditorData.SyntaxTree.FileName == ff.SourceLocation.FileName &&
				firstFrameEditorData.CaretLocation.Line == codeLocation.Line)
				return true;

			firstFrameEditorData = DResolverWrapper.CreateEditorData (document);

			firstFrameEditorData.CaretLocation = codeLocation;

			resolutionCtx = ResolutionContext.Create (firstFrameEditorData, false);
			CodeCompletion.DoTimeoutableCompletionTask (null, resolutionCtx, () => resolutionCtx.Push (firstFrameEditorData));

			return true;
Beispiel #15
                public override bool Matches(object actual)
                    var code = actual as string;
                    if (code == null)
                        return false;

                    code += "\n";

                    var m = DParser.ParseString (code);
                    var cache = ResolutionTests.CreateCache ();
                    cache.FirstPackage().AddModule (m);

                    var ed = new EditorData{
                        ModuleCode = code,
                        CaretOffset = code.Length-1,
                        CaretLocation = DocumentHelper.OffsetToLocation(code,code.Length-1),
                        SyntaxTree = m,
                        ParseCache = cache

                    var gen = new TestCompletionDataGen (null, null);
                    var res = CodeCompletion.GenerateCompletionData (ed, gen, 'a');

                    return neg ? !res : res;
Beispiel #16
        void UpdateEditorData(EditorData ed,int caretLine, int caretPos, string focusedModuleCode)
            var mod = DParser.ParseString (focusedModuleCode);
            var pack = ed.ParseCache [0] as MutableRootPackage;

            pack.AddModule (mod);
            pack.UfcsCache.CacheModuleMethods (mod, ResolutionContext.Create(ed));

            ed.ModuleCode = focusedModuleCode;
            ed.SyntaxTree = mod;
            ed.CaretLocation = new CodeLocation (caretPos, caretLine);
            ed.CaretOffset = DocumentHelper.LocationToOffset (focusedModuleCode, caretLine, caretPos);