Beispiel #1
        public static void DrawLine(STETilemap tilemap, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint[,] tileData, bool randomize = false)
            int w = tileData.GetLength(0);
            int h = tileData.GetLength(1);

            TilemapDrawingUtils.Line(x0, y0, x1, y1,
                                     (x, y) =>
                int dataIdx0 = randomize ? Random.Range(0, w) : (x % w + w) % w;
                int dataIdx1 = randomize ? Random.Range(0, h) : (y % h + h) % h;
                tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[dataIdx0, dataIdx1]);
Beispiel #2
        public void FloodFill(Tilemap tilemap, Vector2 localPos, uint tileData)
            if (IsUndoEnabled)
                Undo.RecordObject(tilemap, Tilemap.k_UndoOpName +;
                Undo.RecordObjects(tilemap.GetComponentsInChildren <TilemapChunk>(), Tilemap.k_UndoOpName +;
            tilemap.IsUndoEnabled = IsUndoEnabled;

            TilemapDrawingUtils.FloodFill(tilemap, localPos, tileData);

            tilemap.IsUndoEnabled = false;
        public static void DrawLine(Tilemap tilemap, Vector2 locPosA, Vector2 locPosB, uint[,] tileData)
            int w  = tileData.GetLength(0);
            int h  = tileData.GetLength(1);
            int x0 = TilemapUtils.GetGridX(tilemap, locPosA);
            int y0 = TilemapUtils.GetGridY(tilemap, locPosA);
            int x1 = TilemapUtils.GetGridX(tilemap, locPosB);
            int y1 = TilemapUtils.GetGridY(tilemap, locPosB);

            TilemapDrawingUtils.Line(x0, y0, x1, y1,
                                     (x, y) =>
                tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[(x % w + w) % w, (y % h + h) % h]);
        public static void DrawEllipse(Tilemap tilemap, Vector2 locPosA, Vector2 locPosB, uint[,] tileData, bool isFilled)
            int w  = tileData.GetLength(0);
            int h  = tileData.GetLength(1);
            int x0 = TilemapUtils.GetGridX(tilemap, locPosA);
            int y0 = TilemapUtils.GetGridY(tilemap, locPosA);
            int x1 = TilemapUtils.GetGridX(tilemap, locPosB);
            int y1 = TilemapUtils.GetGridY(tilemap, locPosB);
            int xf = 0;
            int yf = 0;

            //fix for cases where x1 x2 y1 or y2 are negative or x1 > x2 or y1 > y2
            // NOTE: I tested this only for case x1 == y1 == 0
            if (x0 > x1)
                Swap <int>(ref x0, ref x1);
            if (y0 > y1)
                Swap <int>(ref y0, ref y1);
            if (x0 < 0)
                xf = x0; x0 = 0; x1 -= xf;
            if (y0 < 0)
                yf = y0; y0 = 0; y1 -= yf;
            TilemapDrawingUtils.Ellipse(x0, y0, x1, y1, isFilled,
                                        (x, y) =>
                tilemap.SetTileData(x + xf, y + yf, tileData[((x + xf) % w + w) % w, ((y + yf) % h + h) % h]);
Beispiel #5
        public static void DrawEllipse(STETilemap tilemap, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint[,] tileData, bool isFilled, bool randomize = false)
            int w  = tileData.GetLength(0);
            int h  = tileData.GetLength(1);
            int xf = 0;
            int yf = 0;

            //fix for cases where x1 x2 y1 or y2 are negative or x1 > x2 or y1 > y2
            // NOTE: I tested this only for case x1 == y1 == 0
            if (x0 > x1)
                Swap <int>(ref x0, ref x1);
            if (y0 > y1)
                Swap <int>(ref y0, ref y1);
            if (x0 < 0)
                xf = x0; x0 = 0; x1 -= xf;
            if (y0 < 0)
                yf = y0; y0 = 0; y1 -= yf;
            TilemapDrawingUtils.Ellipse(x0, y0, x1, y1, isFilled,
                                        (x, y) =>
                int dataIdx0 = randomize ? Random.Range(0, w) : ((x + xf) % w + w) % w;
                int dataIdx1 = randomize ? Random.Range(0, h) : ((y + yf) % h + h) % h;
                tilemap.SetTileData(x + xf, y + yf, tileData[dataIdx0, dataIdx1]);
Beispiel #6
        public void DoPaintDragged(STETilemap tilemap, Vector2 localPos, EventModifiers modifiers = default(EventModifiers))
            //Debug.Log("DoPaintDragged (" + TilemapUtils.GetGridX(tilemap, localPos) + "," + TilemapUtils.GetGridY(tilemap, localPos) + ")");
            bool isSingleEmptyTile = BrushTilemap.GridWidth == 1 && BrushTilemap.GridHeight == 1 && BrushTilemap.GetTileData(0, 0) == Tileset.k_TileData_Empty;

            if (m_paintMode == eBrushPaintMode.Pencil || isSingleEmptyTile)
                Paint(tilemap, localPos);
                if (m_isDragging)
                    Vector2 brushLocPos = tilemap.transform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position);
                    Vector2 startPos    = BrushUtil.GetSnappedPosition(m_pressedPosition, BrushTilemap.CellSize) + BrushTilemap.CellSize / 2f - brushLocPos;
                    Vector2 endPos      = BrushUtil.GetSnappedPosition(localPos, BrushTilemap.CellSize) + BrushTilemap.CellSize / 2f - brushLocPos;
                    bool    isCtrl      = (modifiers & EventModifiers.Control) != 0;
                    bool    isShift     = (modifiers & EventModifiers.Shift) != 0;
                    switch (m_paintMode)
                    case eBrushPaintMode.Line:
                        if (isCtrl)
                            TilemapDrawingUtils.DrawLineMirrored(BrushTilemap, startPos, endPos, m_brushPattern);
                            TilemapDrawingUtils.DrawLine(BrushTilemap, startPos, endPos, m_brushPattern);

                    case eBrushPaintMode.Rect:
                    case eBrushPaintMode.FilledRect:
                    case eBrushPaintMode.Ellipse:
                    case eBrushPaintMode.FilledEllipse:
                        if (isShift)
                            Vector2 vTemp = endPos - startPos;
                            float   absX  = Mathf.Abs(vTemp.x);
                            float   absY  = Mathf.Abs(vTemp.y);
                            vTemp.x = (absX > absY) ? vTemp.x : Mathf.Sign(vTemp.x) * absY;
                            vTemp.y = Mathf.Sign(vTemp.y) * Mathf.Abs(vTemp.x);
                            endPos  = startPos + vTemp;
                        if (isCtrl)
                            startPos = 2f * startPos - endPos;
                        if (m_paintMode == eBrushPaintMode.Rect || m_paintMode == eBrushPaintMode.FilledRect)
                            TilemapDrawingUtils.DrawRect(BrushTilemap, startPos, endPos, m_brushPattern, m_paintMode == eBrushPaintMode.FilledRect, (modifiers & EventModifiers.Alt) != 0);
                        else if (m_paintMode == eBrushPaintMode.Ellipse || m_paintMode == eBrushPaintMode.FilledEllipse)
                            TilemapDrawingUtils.DrawEllipse(BrushTilemap, startPos, endPos, m_brushPattern, m_paintMode == eBrushPaintMode.FilledEllipse);
Beispiel #7
        private void DoPaintInspector()
            Event e = Event.current;

            Tilemap tilemap = (Tilemap)target;

            if (DoToolBar() ||
                DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length > 0 || // hide brush when user is dragging a prefab into the scene
                EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow != SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView)    // hide brush when it's not over the scene view
                m_brushVisible = false;

            int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive);

            EventType currentEventType = Event.current.GetTypeForControl(controlID);
            bool      skip             = false;
            int       saveControl      = GUIUtility.hotControl;

                if (currentEventType == EventType.Layout)
                    skip = true;
                else if (currentEventType == EventType.ScrollWheel)
                    skip = true;

                if (tilemap.Tileset == null)

                if (!skip)
                    if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown)
                        if (e.keyCode == ShortcutKeys.k_FlipH)
                            e.Use(); // Use key event
                        else if (e.keyCode == ShortcutKeys.k_FlipV)
                            e.Use(); // Use key event
                        else if (e.keyCode == ShortcutKeys.k_Rot90)
                            e.Use(); // Use key event
                        else if (e.keyCode == ShortcutKeys.k_Rot90Back)
                            e.Use(); // Use key event

                    EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)Screen.width, (float)Screen.height), MouseCursor.Arrow);
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID;
                        Plane   chunkPlane = new Plane(tilemap.transform.forward, tilemap.transform.position);
                        Vector2 mousePos   = Event.current.mousePosition; mousePos.y = Screen.height - mousePos.y;
                        Ray     ray        = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);
                        float   dist;
                        if (chunkPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
                            Rect rTile = new Rect(0, 0, m_tilemap.CellSize.x, m_tilemap.CellSize.y);
                            rTile.position = tilemap.transform.InverseTransformPoint(ray.GetPoint(dist));

                            Vector2 tilePos = rTile.position;
                            if (tilePos.x < 0)
                                tilePos.x -= m_tilemap.CellSize.x;
                            if (tilePos.y < 0)
                                tilePos.y -= m_tilemap.CellSize.y;
                            tilePos.x     -= tilePos.x % m_tilemap.CellSize.x;
                            tilePos.y     -= tilePos.y % m_tilemap.CellSize.y;
                            rTile.position = tilePos;

                            Vector2 startPos            = new Vector2(Mathf.Min(m_startDragging.x, m_endDragging.x), Mathf.Min(m_startDragging.y, m_endDragging.y));
                            Vector2 endPos              = new Vector2(Mathf.Max(m_startDragging.x, m_endDragging.x), Mathf.Max(m_startDragging.y, m_endDragging.y));
                            Vector2 selectionSnappedPos = BrushUtil.GetSnappedPosition(startPos, m_tilemap.CellSize);
                            Vector2 selectionSize       = BrushUtil.GetSnappedPosition(endPos, m_tilemap.CellSize) - selectionSnappedPos + m_tilemap.CellSize;

                            BrushBehaviour brush = BrushBehaviour.GetOrCreateBrush(tilemap);
                            // Update brush transform
                            m_localPaintPos = (Vector2)tilemap.transform.InverseTransformPoint(ray.GetPoint(dist));
                            Vector2 brushSnappedPos = BrushUtil.GetSnappedPosition(brush.Offset + m_localPaintPos, m_tilemap.CellSize);
                            brush.transform.rotation   = tilemap.transform.rotation;
                            brush.transform.localScale = tilemap.transform.lossyScale;
                            brush.transform.position   = tilemap.transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(brushSnappedPos.x, brushSnappedPos.y, -0.01f));

                            int prevMouseGridX = m_mouseGridX;
                            int prevMouseGridY = m_mouseGridY;
                            if (e.isMouse)
                                m_mouseGridX = BrushUtil.GetGridX(m_localPaintPos, tilemap.CellSize);
                                m_mouseGridY = BrushUtil.GetGridY(m_localPaintPos, tilemap.CellSize);
                            bool isMouseGridChanged = prevMouseGridX != m_mouseGridX || prevMouseGridY != m_mouseGridY;
                            //Update Fill Preview
                            if (GetBrushMode() == eBrushMode.Fill && isMouseGridChanged)
                                TilemapDrawingUtils.FloodFillPreview(tilemap, brush.Offset + m_localPaintPos, brush.BrushTilemap.GetTileData(0, 0), m_fillPreview);

                            if (
                                (EditorWindow.focusedWindow == EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow) && // fix painting tiles when closing another window popup over the SceneView like GameObject Selection window
                                (e.type == EventType.MouseDown || e.type == EventType.MouseDrag && isMouseGridChanged)
                                if (e.button == 0)
                                    if (m_dblClick.IsDblClick && brush.BrushTilemap.GridWidth == 1 && brush.BrushTilemap.GridHeight == 1)
                                        // Restore previous tiledata modified by Paint, because before the double click, a single click is done before
                                        tilemap.SetTileData(brush.Offset + m_localPaintPos, m_floodFillRestoredTileData);
                                        brush.FloodFill(tilemap, brush.Offset + m_localPaintPos, brush.BrushTilemap.GetTileData(0, 0));
                                    // Do a brush paint action
                                        switch (GetBrushMode())
                                        case eBrushMode.Paint:
                                            m_floodFillRestoredTileData = tilemap.GetTileData(m_mouseGridX, m_mouseGridY);
                                            brush.Paint(tilemap, brush.Offset + m_localPaintPos);

                                        case eBrushMode.Erase:
                                            brush.Erase(tilemap, brush.Offset + m_localPaintPos);

                                        case eBrushMode.Fill:
                                            brush.FloodFill(tilemap, brush.Offset + m_localPaintPos, brush.BrushTilemap.GetTileData(0, 0));
                                else if (e.button == 1)
                                    if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown)
                                        m_isDragging = true;
                                        m_startDragging = m_endDragging = m_localPaintPos;
                                        m_endDragging = m_localPaintPos;
                            else if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp)
                                if (e.button == 1) // right mouse button
                                    m_isDragging = false;
                                    // Copy one tile
                                    if (selectionSize.x <= m_tilemap.CellSize.x && selectionSize.y <= m_tilemap.CellSize.y)
                                        uint tileData = tilemap.GetTileData(m_localPaintPos);
                                        if (tileData == Tileset.k_TileData_Empty)
                                            tilemap.Tileset.SelectedTileId = Tileset.k_TileId_Empty;
                                            brush.BrushTilemap.SetTileData(0, 0, Tileset.k_TileData_Empty);
                                            int brushId = Tileset.GetBrushIdFromTileData(tileData);
                                            int tileId  = Tileset.GetTileIdFromTileData(tileData);

                                            // Select the copied tile in the tileset, alternating between the brush and the tile drawn by the brush
                                            if (brushId > 0 && brushId != tilemap.Tileset.SelectedBrushId)
                                                tilemap.Tileset.SelectedBrushId = brushId;
                                                tilemap.Tileset.SelectedTileId = tileId;
                                                brush.BrushTilemap.SetTileData(0, 0, tileData & ~Tileset.k_TileDataMask_BrushId); // keep tile flags

                                        // Cut tile if key shift is pressed
                                        if (e.shift)
                                            int startGridX = BrushUtil.GetGridX(startPos, m_tilemap.CellSize);
                                            int startGridY = BrushUtil.GetGridY(startPos, m_tilemap.CellSize);
                                            brush.CutRect(tilemap, startGridX, startGridY, startGridX, startGridY);

                                        brush.Offset =;
                                    // copy a rect of tiles
                                        int startGridX = BrushUtil.GetGridX(startPos, m_tilemap.CellSize);
                                        int startGridY = BrushUtil.GetGridY(startPos, m_tilemap.CellSize);
                                        int endGridX   = BrushUtil.GetGridX(endPos, m_tilemap.CellSize);
                                        int endGridY   = BrushUtil.GetGridY(endPos, m_tilemap.CellSize);

                                        // Cut tile if key shift is pressed
                                        if (e.shift)
                                            brush.CutRect(tilemap, startGridX, startGridY, endGridX, endGridY);
                                            brush.CopyRect(tilemap, startGridX, startGridY, endGridX, endGridY);
                                        brush.Offset.x = m_endDragging.x > m_startDragging.x ? -(endGridX - startGridX) * tilemap.CellSize.x : 0f;
                                        brush.Offset.y = m_endDragging.y > m_startDragging.y ? -(endGridY - startGridY) * tilemap.CellSize.y : 0f;

                            if (m_isDragging)
                                Rect rGizmo = new Rect(selectionSnappedPos, selectionSize);
                                HandlesEx.DrawRectWithOutline(tilemap.transform, rGizmo, new Color(), Color.white);
                            else // Draw brush border
                                Rect  rBound = new Rect(brush.BrushTilemap.MapBounds.min, brush.BrushTilemap.MapBounds.size);
                                Color fillColor;
                                switch (GetBrushMode())
                                case eBrushMode.Paint:
                                    fillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

                                case eBrushMode.Erase:
                                    fillColor = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.1f);

                                case eBrushMode.Fill:
                                    fillColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 0f, 0.2f);

                                    fillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                HandlesEx.DrawRectWithOutline(brush.transform, rBound, fillColor, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.2f));

                    if (currentEventType == EventType.MouseDrag && Event.current.button < 2) // 2 is for central mouse button
                        // avoid dragging the map
            // Avoid loosing the hotControl because of a triggered exception
            catch (System.Exception ex)

            GUIUtility.hotControl = saveControl;
        public static void DrawRect(Tilemap tilemap, Vector2 locPosA, Vector2 locPosB, uint[,] tileData, bool isFilled, bool is9Sliced = false)
            int w  = tileData.GetLength(0);
            int h  = tileData.GetLength(1);
            int x0 = TilemapUtils.GetGridX(tilemap, locPosA);
            int y0 = TilemapUtils.GetGridY(tilemap, locPosA);
            int x1 = TilemapUtils.GetGridX(tilemap, locPosB);
            int y1 = TilemapUtils.GetGridY(tilemap, locPosB);

            if (x0 > x1)
                Swap <int>(ref x0, ref x1);
            if (y0 > y1)
                Swap <int>(ref y0, ref y1);
            TilemapDrawingUtils.Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, isFilled,
                                     (x, y) =>
                if (is9Sliced)
                    if (x == x0 && y == y0)
                        tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[0, 0]);
                    else if (x == x0 && y == y1)
                        tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[0, h - 1]);
                    else if (x == x1 && y == y0)
                        tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[w - 1, 0]);
                    else if (x == x1 && y == y1)
                        tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[w - 1, h - 1]);
                        int cw = w - 2;
                        int ch = h - 2;
                        int cx = cw >= 1 ? 1 + (x % cw + cw) % cw : (x % w + w) % w;
                        int cy = ch >= 1 ? 1 + (y % ch + ch) % ch : (y % h + h) % h;
                        if (x == x0)
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[0, cy]);
                        else if (x == x1)
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[w - 1, cy]);
                        else if (y == y0)
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[cx, 0]);
                        else if (y == y1)
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[cx, h - 1]);
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[cx, cy]);
                    tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[(x % w + w) % w, (y % h + h) % h]);
Beispiel #9
        public static void DrawRect(STETilemap tilemap, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint[,] tileData, bool isFilled, bool is9Sliced = false, bool randomize = false)
            int w = tileData.GetLength(0);
            int h = tileData.GetLength(1);

            if (x0 > x1)
                Swap <int>(ref x0, ref x1);
            if (y0 > y1)
                Swap <int>(ref y0, ref y1);
            TilemapDrawingUtils.Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, isFilled,
                                     (x, y) =>
                if (is9Sliced)
                    if (x == x0 && y == y0)
                        tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[0, 0]);
                    else if (x == x0 && y == y1)
                        tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[0, h - 1]);
                    else if (x == x1 && y == y0)
                        tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[w - 1, 0]);
                    else if (x == x1 && y == y1)
                        tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[w - 1, h - 1]);
                        int cw = w - 2;
                        int ch = h - 2;
                        int cx = cw >= 1 ? 1 + (x % cw + cw) % cw : (x % w + w) % w;
                        int cy = ch >= 1 ? 1 + (y % ch + ch) % ch : (y % h + h) % h;
                        if (x == x0)
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[0, cy]);
                        else if (x == x1)
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[w - 1, cy]);
                        else if (y == y0)
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[cx, 0]);
                        else if (y == y1)
                            tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[cx, h - 1]);
                            if (randomize)
                                tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[w > 2 ? Random.Range(1, w - 1) : cx, h > 2 ? Random.Range(1, h - 1) : cy]);
                                tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[cx, cy]);
                    int dataIdx0 = randomize ? Random.Range(0, w) : (x % w + w) % w;
                    int dataIdx1 = randomize ? Random.Range(0, h) : (y % h + h) % h;
                    tilemap.SetTileData(x, y, tileData[dataIdx0, dataIdx1]);