/// <summary>
        ///     Called after the client chooses from a list of possible BodyParts that can be operated on.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleReceiveBodyPart(int key)
            CloseSurgeryUI(_performerCache.GetComponent <BasicActorComponent>().playerSession);
            //TODO: sanity checks to see whether user is in range, user is still able-bodied, target is still the same, etc etc
            if (!_optionsCache.TryGetValue(key, out object targetObject))
                _sharedNotifyManager.PopupMessage(_bodyManagerComponentCache.Owner, _performerCache, Loc.GetString("You see no useful way to use the {0} anymore.", Owner.Name));
            BodyPart target = targetObject as BodyPart;

            if (!target.TryInstallDroppedMechanism(this))
                _sharedNotifyManager.PopupMessage(_bodyManagerComponentCache.Owner, _performerCache, Loc.GetString("You can't fit it in!"));
                _sharedNotifyManager.PopupMessage(_bodyManagerComponentCache.Owner, _performerCache, Loc.GetString("You jam the {1} inside {0:them}.", _performerCache, ContainedMechanism.Name));