public LogisticMap(double mu, double r0, double rmax, double dr)
            mapData.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point ;
            mapData.MarkerSize = 1;
            mapData.MarkerColor = Color.Black;

            int numberOfThreadsInMap =1 ;
            List<double> activeThreadValues;
            double eps = .005;
            for(double r = r0; r < rmax; r+= dr ){
                activeThreadValues = new List<double>();
                Func<double, double> log = i => r * i * (1 - Math.Pow(i, mu));
                for (int i = 150; i < 260; i++) {
                    var A = new Sequence(log,	.2).GetElementAt(i);
                    if (A > double.MaxValue || A < double.MinValue) {
                    if (activeThreadValues.Where(j => j < A + eps && j > A - eps).Count() == 0)
                    mapData.Points.AddXY(r, A);
                if (activeThreadValues.Count > numberOfThreadsInMap) {
                    Console.WriteLine("Bifurcation point: " + r.ToString() + " " + activeThreadValues.Count.ToString() + " threads.");
                    numberOfThreadsInMap = activeThreadValues.Count();
                    eps /= numberOfThreadsInMap;
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int totalCount = 3;
            List<Student> listStudent = new List<Student>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Student objStudent = new Student();
                Console.Write("Please enter the Student ID: ");
                objStudent.StudentId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.Write("Please enter the Student Name: ");
                objStudent.Name = Console.ReadLine();

            //Query to get by name - only first occurence
            //Student student = listStudent.First(x => x.Name == "Karthik");
            Student student = listStudent.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Karthik");

            if(student != null)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ID: {0} Name: {1}", student.StudentId, student.Name));

            //Query to get by name - all occurences
            //IEnumerable<Student> stdList = listStudent.Where(x => x.Name == "Karthik");
            IEnumerable<Student> stdList = listStudent.Where(x => x.StudentId >= 20);
            foreach (var student1 in stdList)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ID: {0} Name: {1}", student1.StudentId, student1.Name));

            listStudent.Sort((std1, std2) => std1.Name.CompareTo(std2.Name));
 private  List<CalendarItem> MergeItems(List<CalendarItem> newItems, List<CalendarItem> fromRepo)
     var result = new List<CalendarItem>();
     var newModels = newItems.Except(fromRepo, new CalendarItemEqualityComparer()).ToList();
     var updatet = fromRepo.Except(newModels,new CalendarItemEqualityComparer()).ToList();
     updatet.ForEach(x =>
         var model = newItems.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == x.Id);
         if (model != null)
             model.SyncStatus.CalenadCalendarItemStatus = IsModified(model, x)
                 ? CalendarItemStatus.Updated
                 : CalendarItemStatus.Unmodified;
     var deleted = fromRepo.Where(x => x.Start.Date >= DateTime.Now.Date).Except(newItems).Except(updatet);
     newModels.ForEach(x => x.SyncStatus.CalenadCalendarItemStatus = CalendarItemStatus.New);
     deleted.ForEach(x =>
         x.SyncStatus.CalenadCalendarItemStatus = CalendarItemStatus.Deleted;
     return result.OrderBy(x => x.Start).ToList();
        private static void LambdaExpression(List<Student> students)
            List<Student> selectedStudents = students.Where(s => s.GroupNumber == 2)
                                                   .OrderBy(s => s.FirstName)

            selectedStudents.ForEach(s => Console.WriteLine("First name: {0}, Group number: {1}", s.FirstName, s.GroupNumber));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>Returns numeric indicator of market activity. Higher value means higher activity (i.e. lot of trades with higher volume).</summary>
        /// <param name="tradeHistory">Description of last executed trades of exchange</param>
        /// <param name="now">Current local time of the exchange</param>
        /// <returns>Coeficient in [0.0, 1.0] where 0.0 means totally peacefull market, 1.0 is wild.</returns>
        internal static float GetMadness(List<Trade> tradeHistory, DateTime now)
            //Trades of past 4mins
            List<Trade> trades = tradeHistory.Where(trade => trade.Time >= now.AddSeconds(-240)).ToList();
            if (!trades.Any())
                return 0.0f;

            //Group by time, so that single trade with big volume doesn't look like many trades
            var groupped = new Dictionary<string, Trade>();
            foreach (var trade in trades)
                var key = trade.timestamp + "_" + trade.type;
                if (!groupped.ContainsKey(key))
                    groupped.Add(key, new Trade(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.Type));
                    groupped[key].amount += trade.amount;
                    if (TradeType.BUY == trade.Type && trade.amount > groupped[key].amount)
                        groupped[key].amount = trade.amount;
                    else if (TradeType.SELL == trade.Type && trade.amount < groupped[key].amount)
                        groupped[key].amount = trade.amount;

            //        Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: {0} trades in past 90sec, {1} groupped by time", tradeHistory.Count, groupped.Count);

            const int MIN_TRADES = 4;
            const int MAX_TRADES = 14;
            float intenseCoef;
            if (groupped.Count < MIN_TRADES)        //Too few trades
                intenseCoef = 0.0f;
            else if (groupped.Count >= MAX_TRADES)  //Too many trades
                intenseCoef = 1.0f;
                intenseCoef = (float)(groupped.Count - MIN_TRADES) / (MAX_TRADES - MIN_TRADES);

            const double MIN_AVG_VOLUME = 20;
            const double MAX_AVG_VOLUME = 50;
            float volumeCoef;
            double avgVolume = groupped.Sum(trade => trade.Value.amount) / groupped.Count;
            //        Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: avgVolume={0}", avgVolume);
            if (avgVolume < MIN_AVG_VOLUME)
                volumeCoef = 0.0f;
            else if (avgVolume >= MAX_AVG_VOLUME)
                volumeCoef = 1.0f;
                volumeCoef = (float)((avgVolume - MIN_AVG_VOLUME) / (MAX_AVG_VOLUME - MIN_AVG_VOLUME));

            //        Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: intensityCoef={0}, volumeCoef={1}", intenseCoef, volumeCoef);

            //Average of volume and frequency coeficients
            return (intenseCoef + volumeCoef) / 2;
Beispiel #6
        private static void Expression(List<Student> students)
            var selectedStudents = students.Where(s => s.Group.DepartmentName.Equals("Mathematics"))

            foreach (var student in selectedStudents)
                Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Department: {1}", student.FirstName + " " + student.LastName, student.Group.DepartmentName);
        private static void Expression(List<Student> students)
            var selectedStudents = students.Where(s => s.Marks.Count > 0 && s.Marks.Contains(6))
                                    .Select(s => new 
                                        FullName = s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName,
                                        Marks = s.MarksPrint()

            foreach (var student in selectedStudents)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", student.FullName, student.Marks);
        private static void Main()
            List<Student> list = new List<Student>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                Student student = new Student(GenerateRandom.Text(10), GenerateRandom.Text(10));
                student.Age = GenerateRandom.Number(15, 35);


            list.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x));

            Console.WriteLine("\nFilterd 1:\n");
            var sorted1 = list.Where(x => x.Age >= 18 && x.Age <= 24)
                              .Select(x => new
                                  FirstName = x.FirstName,
                                  LastName = x.LastName,
                                  Age = x.Age

            sorted1.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName + " " + x.Age));

            Console.WriteLine("\nFilterd 2:\n");
            var sorted2 = from s in list
                          where s.Age >= 18 && s.Age <= 24
                          select new
                              FirstName = s.FirstName,
                              LastName = s.LastName,
                              Age = s.Age

            foreach (var x in sorted2)
                Console.WriteLine(x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName + " " + x.Age);
        private static void Expression(List<Student> students)
            var selectedStudents = students.Where(s => s.Fn.ToString().Substring(s.Fn.ToString().Length - 2, 2) == "06")
                                    .Select(s => new
                                        Fn = s.Fn,
                                        Marks = s.Marks

            foreach (var student in selectedStudents)
                Console.Write(student.Fn + ": ");

                foreach (var mark in student.Marks)
                    Console.Write("{0} ", mark);    

        private WeatherInfo AggregateInternal(List<WeatherInfo> weatherInfos)
            var weatherInfo = new WeatherInfo();

            var existingWeatherInfos = weatherInfos.Where(p => p != null).ToList();

            weatherInfo.Country = existingWeatherInfos.GetOneResult(info => info.Country != null, info => info.Country);
            weatherInfo.Description = existingWeatherInfos.GetOneResult(info => info.Description != null, info => info.Description);
            weatherInfo.Elevation = existingWeatherInfos.GetOneResult(info => info.Elevation != null, info => info.Elevation);
            weatherInfo.RelativeHumidity = existingWeatherInfos.GetOneResult(info => info.RelativeHumidity != null, info => info.RelativeHumidity);
            weatherInfo.WindDirection = existingWeatherInfos.GetOneResult(info => info.WindDirection != null, info => info.WindDirection);

            var latititudes = existingWeatherInfos.GetMultipleResults(p => p.Latitude.HasValue, p => p.Latitude);
            weatherInfo.Latitude = latititudes.Any() ? latititudes.Average() : null;

            var longitudes = existingWeatherInfos.GetMultipleResults(p => p.Longitude.HasValue, p => p.Longitude);
            weatherInfo.Longitude = longitudes.Any() ? longitudes.Average() : null;

            var pressuresInMb = existingWeatherInfos.GetMultipleResults(p => p.PressureMb.HasValue, p => p.PressureMb);
            weatherInfo.PressureMb = pressuresInMb.Any() ? MathExtensions.Floor(pressuresInMb.Average()) : null;

            var temperaturesCelcius = existingWeatherInfos.GetMultipleResults(p => p.TemperatureCelcius.HasValue, p => p.TemperatureCelcius);
            weatherInfo.TemperatureCelcius = temperaturesCelcius.Any() ? temperaturesCelcius.Average() : null;

            var visibilityDistances = existingWeatherInfos.GetMultipleResults(p => p.VisibilityDistance.HasValue, p => p.VisibilityDistance);
            weatherInfo.VisibilityDistance = visibilityDistances.Any() ? visibilityDistances.Average() : null;

            var windAngles = existingWeatherInfos.GetMultipleResults(p => p.WindAngle.HasValue, p => p.WindAngle);
            weatherInfo.WindAngle = windAngles.Any() ? MathExtensions.Floor(windAngles.Average()) : null;

            var windSpeedsKph = existingWeatherInfos.GetMultipleResults(p => p.WindSpeedKph.HasValue, p => p.WindSpeedKph);
            weatherInfo.WindSpeedKph = windSpeedsKph.Any() ? windSpeedsKph.Average() : null;

            var windSpeedsMs = existingWeatherInfos.GetMultipleResults(p => p.WindSpeedMs.HasValue, p => p.WindSpeedMs);
            weatherInfo.WindSpeedMs = windSpeedsMs.Any() ? windSpeedsMs.Average() : null;

            return weatherInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// 消费数据分析
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        bool cosumeRecordAnalysis()
            this._IsRunning = true;
            bool res = true;
                bool canStart = false;
                TimeSpan tsNow = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second);
                foreach (TimeSpan item in this._ListCollectSpan)
                    TimeSpan tsEnd = new TimeSpan();
                    if (item.Hours == 23)
                        tsEnd = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);
                        tsEnd = new TimeSpan(item.Hours + 1, item.Minutes, 0);

                    if (tsNow > item && tsNow < tsEnd)
                        canStart = true;
                if (!canStart)
                    this._IsRunning = false;
                    return false;

                DateTime dtMacSync = DateTime.MinValue;
                #region 找出消费机主档信息,检查是否全部收数完毕,是则进行平数处理,否则不操作

                List<ConsumeMachineMaster_cmm_Info> listMachineInfos = this._IConsumeMachineBL.SearchRecords(new ConsumeMachineMaster_cmm_Info()
                        cmm_cStatus = Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMachineStatus.Using.ToString(),
                if (listMachineInfos == null)
                    this._IsRunning = false;
                    return false;
                    if (listMachineInfos != null && listMachineInfos.Count > 0)
                        if (listMachineInfos != null && listMachineInfos.Count > 0)
                            dtMacSync = listMachineInfos[0].cmm_dLastAccessTime;

                    List<ConsumeMachineMaster_cmm_Info> listUnSyncMachineInfos = listMachineInfos.Where(x =>
                          x.cmm_dLastAccessTime.Hour != dtMacSync.Hour).ToList();
                    if (listUnSyncMachineInfos != null && listUnSyncMachineInfos.Count > 0)
                        this._IsRunning = false;
                        return false;

                    List<ConsumeMachineMaster_cmm_Info> listUnConnMachineInfos = listMachineInfos.Where(x =>
                        x.cmm_lIsActive == true
                        && x.cmm_lLastAccessRes == false
                    if (listUnConnMachineInfos == null || (listUnConnMachineInfos != null && listUnConnMachineInfos.Count > 0))
                        this._IsRunning = false;
                        return false;


                #region 学生真实就餐时段列表
                List<CodeMaster_cmt_Info> listMealTimeSpan = this._ICodeMasterBL.SearchRecords(new CodeMaster_cmt_Info()
                    cmt_cKey1 = Common.DefineConstantValue.CodeMasterDefine.KEY1_MealTimeSpan
                if (listMealTimeSpan == null || (listMealTimeSpan != null && listMealTimeSpan.Count < 1))
                    this._IsRunning = false;
                    return false;

                #region 学生定餐设置生成时间列表

                List<CodeMaster_cmt_Info> listBookingMealTimeSpan = this._ICodeMasterBL.SearchRecords(new CodeMaster_cmt_Info()
                    cmt_cKey1 = Common.DefineConstantValue.CodeMasterDefine.KEY1_BWListUploadInterval
                if (listBookingMealTimeSpan == null || (listBookingMealTimeSpan != null && listBookingMealTimeSpan.Count < 1))
                    this._IsRunning = false;
                    return false;


                #region  获取当前所有未结算的未可确认扣费的消费记录

                List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info> listUnSettlePreCost = this._IPreConsumeRecordBL.SearchRecords(new PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info()
                    pcs_cConsumeType = Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMoneyFlowType.IndeterminateCost.ToString()
                List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info> listWaitSettlePreCost = this._IPreConsumeRecordBL.SearchRecords(new PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info()
                    pcs_cConsumeType = Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMoneyFlowType.AdvanceMealCost.ToString()
                if (listUnSettlePreCost != null)
                    listUnSettlePreCost = listUnSettlePreCost.Where(x =>
                        x.pcs_lIsSettled == false//需要状态为未结算
                    listUnSettlePreCost = listUnSettlePreCost.Where(x =>
                        x.pcs_dConsumeDate <= dtMacSync//使用消费机最后同步时间之前的未结算数据进行同步


                #region 获取当前所有对冲数据记录

                List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info> listHedge = this._IPreConsumeRecordBL.SearchRecords(new PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info()
                    pcs_cConsumeType = Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMoneyFlowType.HedgeFund.ToString()
                listHedge = listHedge.Where(x =>
                    x.pcs_lIsSettled == false//需要为未结算状态
                    && x.pcs_dConsumeDate <= dtMacSync//需要为消费机最后同步前的数据


                #region 获取当前所有状态为未结算的打卡消费数据

                List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info> listUnSettleCardCost = this._IConsumeRecordBL.SearchRecords(new ConsumeRecord_csr_Info()
                    IsSettled = false
                if (listUnSettleCardCost != null && listUnSettleCardCost.Count > 0)
                    listUnSettleCardCost = listUnSettleCardCost.Where(x =>
                        x.csr_dConsumeDate <= dtMacSync//需要为消费机最后同步前的数据


                List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info> listUpdate_Consume = new List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info>();
                List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info> listUpdate_PreCost = new List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info>();
                List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info> listUpdate_UnMealConsume = new List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info>();
                List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info> listDelete_PreCost = new List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info>();

                if (listUnSettleCardCost != null && listUnSettleCardCost.Count > 0)//存在未结算处理的消费记录时
                    #region 处理打卡数据(定餐打卡,饮料打卡,加菜打卡,热水打卡)

                    foreach (ConsumeRecord_csr_Info consumeItem in listUnSettleCardCost)
                        if (consumeItem.csr_cConsumeType == DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMachineType.StuSetmeal.ToString())
                            #region 处理定餐消费记录

                            List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info> listResPreCost = listUnSettlePreCost.Where(x =>
                                  x.pcs_cUserID == consumeItem.csr_cCardUserID//需为消费用户对应ID
                                  && x.MealType == consumeItem.csr_cMealType//餐类型需要相同
                                      //&& x.pcs_dConsumeDate.Date == consumeItem.csr_dConsumeDate.Date
                                  && x.pcs_dAddDate.Date == consumeItem.csr_dConsumeDate.Date//以添加时间为准,找出
                                  && Math.Abs(x.pcs_fCost) == Math.Abs(consumeItem.csr_fConsumeMoney)//消费金额需一致
                            if (listResPreCost != null && listResPreCost.Count > 0)//!要注意这里会不会搜索出两条记录出来
                                if (listResPreCost.Count > 1)
                                    bool lSign = true;//标识特殊case:同一条打卡消费记录对应两条定餐未结算记录
                                consumeItem.csr_lIsSettled = true;
                                consumeItem.csr_dSettleTime = DateTime.Now;

                                List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info> listPreTmp = listResPreCost.OrderBy(x => x.pcs_dAddDate).ToList();
                                for (int i = 0; i < listPreTmp.Count; i++)
                                    PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info preCost = listPreTmp[i];
                                    preCost.pcs_cSourceID = consumeItem.csr_cRecordID;//转换预付款记录的源记录ID,原为定餐记录,现为消费记录
                                    preCost.pcs_lIsSettled = true;
                                    preCost.pcs_dSettleTime = DateTime.Now;
                                    preCost.pcs_cConsumeType = Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMoneyFlowType.SetMealCost.ToString();
                                    preCost.pcs_dConsumeDate = consumeItem.csr_dConsumeDate;
                                    PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info resCompUp = listUpdate_PreCost.Find(x => x.pcs_cRecordID == preCost.pcs_cRecordID);
                                    PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info resCompDel = listDelete_PreCost.Find(x => x.pcs_cRecordID == preCost.pcs_cRecordID);
                                    if (resCompUp == null && resCompDel == null)
                                        if (i == 0)
                                        bool lSign = true;//异常数据标识

                            consumeItem.csr_lIsSettled = true;
                            consumeItem.csr_dSettleTime = DateTime.Now;


                #region 筛选出定餐但无打卡的数据

                int iCount = 0;
                int iCOunt2 = 0;
                foreach (PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info unMealPreCost in listUnSettlePreCost)
                    PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info resUnMeal = listUpdate_PreCost.Find(x => x.pcs_cRecordID == unMealPreCost.pcs_cRecordID);
                    PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info resDelMeal = listDelete_PreCost.Find(x => x.pcs_cRecordID == unMealPreCost.pcs_cRecordID);
                    if (resUnMeal == null && resDelMeal == null)
                        unMealPreCost.pcs_cConsumeType = Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMoneyFlowType.SetMealCost.ToString();
                        unMealPreCost.pcs_dAddDate = DateTime.Now;
                        unMealPreCost.pcs_cAdd = this._ServiceName;


                #region 消减平账记录

                var groupUserHedge = listHedge.GroupBy(x => x.pcs_cUserID);
                foreach (var userItem in groupUserHedge)
                    Guid userID = userItem.Key;
                    List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info> listUserConsume = listUpdate_Consume.Where(x => x.csr_cCardUserID == userID).ToList();
                    List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info> listUnMealConsume = listUpdate_UnMealConsume.Where(x => x.csr_cCardUserID == userID).ToList();
                    if (listUnMealConsume != null && listUnMealConsume.Count > 0)

                    if (listUserConsume == null || (listUserConsume != null && listUserConsume.Count < 1))

                    List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs_Info> listUserHedge = userItem.OrderBy(x => x.pcs_dConsumeDate).ToList();
                    if (listUserHedge != null && listUserHedge.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < listUserHedge.Count; i++)
                            List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info> listConsumeComp = new List<ConsumeRecord_csr_Info>();
                            if (i > 0 && i == listUserHedge.Count - 1)
                                listConsumeComp = listUserConsume.Where(x => x.csr_dConsumeDate <= listUserHedge[i].pcs_dConsumeDate && x.csr_dConsumeDate > listUserHedge[i - 1].pcs_dConsumeDate).ToList();
                            else if (i < listUserHedge.Count - 1)
                                listConsumeComp = listUserConsume.Where(x => x.csr_dConsumeDate < listUserHedge[i + 1].pcs_dConsumeDate && x.csr_dConsumeDate >= listUserHedge[i].pcs_dConsumeDate).ToList();
                            else if (i == 0 && listUserHedge.Count == 1)
                                listConsumeComp = listUserConsume.Where(x => x.csr_dConsumeDate <= listUserHedge[i].pcs_dConsumeDate).ToList();

                            if (listConsumeComp == null)

                            if (listConsumeComp.Count > 1)
                                decimal fComp = Math.Abs(listUserHedge[i].pcs_fCost) - Math.Abs(listConsumeComp.Sum(x => x.csr_fConsumeMoney));
                                if (fComp <= 0)
                                    listUserHedge[i].pcs_lIsSettled = true;
                                    listUserHedge[i].pcs_dSettleTime = DateTime.Now;
                                    listUserHedge[i].pcs_dConsumeDate = DateTime.Now;
                                    listUserHedge[i].pcs_fCost = fComp;

                                foreach (ConsumeRecord_csr_Info item in listConsumeComp)
                                    ConsumeRecord_csr_Info consumeHedge = listUpdate_Consume.Find(x => x.csr_cRecordID == item.csr_cRecordID);
                                    if (consumeHedge == null)
                                        consumeHedge = listUpdate_UnMealConsume.Find(x => x.csr_cRecordID == item.csr_cRecordID);
                                        consumeHedge.csr_lIsSettled = true;
                                        consumeHedge.csr_dSettleTime = DateTime.Now;
                                        consumeHedge.csr_lIsSettled = true;
                                        consumeHedge.csr_dSettleTime = DateTime.Now;
                                if (listUserHedge[i].pcs_dConsumeDate < dtMacSync)


                if (listUpdate_UnMealConsume != null && listUpdate_UnMealConsume.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ConsumeRecord_csr_Info item in listUpdate_UnMealConsume)
                        if (!item.csr_lIsSettled)
                            item.csr_lIsSettled = true;
                            item.csr_dSettleTime = DateTime.Now;

                if (listUpdate_PreCost.Count > 0 || listUpdate_Consume.Count > 0)
                    ReturnValueInfo rvInfo = this._ICardUserAccountBL.BatchSyncAccountDetail(listUpdate_PreCost, listDelete_PreCost, listUpdate_Consume);
                    if (rvInfo.boolValue && !rvInfo.isError)
                        this._LocalLogger.WriteLog("同步账户数据成功!" + DateTime.Now.ToString(), string.Empty, SystemLog.SystemLog.LogType.Trace);
                        res = true;
                        if (rvInfo.isError)
                            this._LocalLogger.WriteLog("同步账户数据失败!" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + rvInfo.messageText, string.Empty, SystemLog.SystemLog.LogType.Error);
                            this._LocalLogger.WriteLog("同步账户数据失败!" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + rvInfo.messageText, string.Empty, SystemLog.SystemLog.LogType.Warning);
                        res = false;
                    this._IsRunning = false;
                    return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this._LocalLogger.WriteLog(ex.Message, string.Empty, SystemLog.SystemLog.LogType.Error);
                res = false;

            this._IsRunning = false;
            return res;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 显示子窗体
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">发送显示请求的按钮或其他控件</param>
        /// <param name="dpnlContainer">显示容器</param>
        /// <param name="strTabName">卡位位置</param>
        /// <param name="strTabName">显示卡位位置</param>
        public void ShowSubForm(object sender, DockPanel dpnlContainer, string strTabName, DockState state)
            string strFormName = string.Empty;

            MenuItem itemMenu = sender as MenuItem;
            if (itemMenu != null)
                strFormName = (itemMenu.Tag as Sys_FormMaster_fom_Info).fom_cExePath;
                ToolStripButton itemBtn = sender as ToolStripButton;
                if (itemBtn != null)
                    strFormName = (itemBtn.Tag as Sys_FormMaster_fom_Info).fom_cExePath;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFormName))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFormName))
                    BaseForm frmTarget = GetFormIn(strFormName);

                    frmTarget.EditState = this.EditState;
                    frmTarget.BaseParam = this.BaseParam;
                    frmTarget.UserInformation = this.UserInformation;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTabName))
                        frmTarget.TabText = strTabName;

                    if (frmTarget == null)
                        //var tmpList = dpnlContainer.Contents.Where(x => x.DockHandler.TabText == frmTarget.TabText).ToList();
                        var tmpList = dpnlContainer.Contents.Where(x => x.DockHandler.Form.Name == frmTarget.Name).ToList();
                        if (tmpList != null && tmpList.Count < 1)
                            frmTarget.BaseDockPanel = dpnlContainer;
                            frmTarget.Show(dpnlContainer, state);
                        else if (tmpList != null && tmpList.Count > 0)//當使用相同窗體不同編輯模式時,Form相同,需要外加編輯狀態屬性判斷是否已被打開該窗體
                            List<BaseForm> listCompForm = new List<BaseForm>();
                            foreach (var panItem in tmpList)
                                BaseForm bsTarget = panItem.DockHandler.Form as BaseForm;
                                if (bsTarget != null)

                            var listTmp = listCompForm.Where(x => x.EditState == this.EditState).ToList();
                            if (listTmp != null && listTmp.Count < 1)
                                frmTarget.BaseDockPanel = dpnlContainer;
                                frmTarget.Show(dpnlContainer, state);
                            else if (listTmp != null && listTmp.Count > 0)
Beispiel #13
        public static IEnumerable<ExigoService.Calendar> GetCalendars(GetCalendarsRequest request)
            var context = Exigo.ODataCalendars();
            var corporateCalendarContext = Exigo.OData();
            var calendars = new List<Calendar>();
            var cacheKey = "GetCalendars/{0}/{1}".FormatWith(request.CustomerID ?? 0, request.IncludeCalendarSubscriptions);
            var cache = (HttpContext.Current != null) ? HttpContext.Current.Cache : null;

            // Check the cache to see if we've already made this call recently
            if (cache == null || cache[cacheKey] == null)

                    // Add the customer's personal calendars
                    () =>
                        if (request.CustomerID != null)
                            var apiCalendars = context.Calendars
                                .Where(c => c.CustomerID == (int)request.CustomerID)
                            foreach (var apiCalendar in apiCalendars)

                    // Include the customer's calendar subscriptions if applicable
                    () =>
                        if (request.CustomerID != null && request.IncludeCalendarSubscriptions)
                            var calendarSubscriptions = GetCustomerCalendarSubscriptions((int)request.CustomerID);
                            var calendarSubscriptionsIDs = calendarSubscriptions.Select(c => c.CalendarID).ToList();

                            if (calendarSubscriptionsIDs.Count > 0)
                                var apiCalendars = context.Calendars
                                    .Where(calendarSubscriptionsIDs.ToOrExpression<CalendarContext.Calendar, Guid>("CalendarID"))
                                foreach (var apiCalendar in apiCalendars)

                    // Include any additional requested calendars
                    () =>
                        if (request.CalendarIDs != null && request.CalendarIDs.Count() > 0)
                            var apiCalendars = context.Calendars
                                .Where(request.CalendarIDs.ToList().ToOrExpression<CalendarContext.Calendar, Guid>("CalendarID"))
                            foreach (var apiCalendar in apiCalendars)

                // If we asked for a specific customer's calendars, and none of the calendars belong to that customer, create a default calendar and add it to the collection.
                if (request.CustomerID != null && calendars.Where(c => c.CustomerID == (int)request.CustomerID).Count() == 0)
                    var defaultCalendar = CreateDefaultCalendar((int)request.CustomerID);

                if (cache != null)
                    cache.Insert(cacheKey, calendars,
                calendars = (List<ExigoService.Calendar>)cache[cacheKey];

            // Return the calendars
            foreach (var calendar in calendars)
                yield return calendar;
 private static void Expression(List<Student> students)
     List<Student> selectedStudents = students.Where(s => s.Tel.Substring(0, s.Tel.IndexOf('/')) == "02").ToList();
     selectedStudents.ForEach(student => Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", student.FirstName, student.LastName, student.Tel));
Beispiel #15
        private void BindcboMachineBigArea(string description)
            var allarea = MasterBLLFactory.GetBLL<IAreaMasterBL>(MasterBLLFactory.AreaMaster).SearchRecords(new AreaMaster_amr_Info());

            List<AreaMaster_amr_Info> alldescription = new List<AreaMaster_amr_Info>();

            foreach (AreaMaster_amr_Info item in allarea)


            alldescription = alldescription.Where(d => d.amr_cPublicInstitution.Trim().ToUpper() == description.ToUpper().Trim()).ToList();

            cboMachineBigArea.DisplayMember = "amr_cAreaName";
            cboMachineBigArea.ValueMember = "amr_cRecordID";
            cboMachineBigArea.DataSource = alldescription;

            cboMachineBigArea.SelectedIndex = -1;
Beispiel #16
 public ActionResult SaveStructPic(string x, string y, string id, string cat, string pid)
     string path = Server.MapPath("~") + "/config/";
     List<StructPoint> points = new List<StructPoint>();
     XmlHelper.DeserializerXML(string.Format("{1}structPointConfig{0}.xml", pid, path), ref points);
     StructPoint searchPoint = points.Where(m => && m.type.Equals(cat)).FirstOrDefault<StructPoint>();
     if (searchPoint != null)
         searchPoint.x = x;
         searchPoint.y = y;
         points.Add(new StructPoint { x = x, y = y, id = id, type = cat });
     XmlHelper.SerializerXML(string.Format("{1}structPointConfig{0}.xml", pid, path), points);
     return Content("ok");
        private void DeleteFinishedTasksFromQueues(ref List<Tuple<string, IEnumerable<ActiveEstimatedTask>, IEnumerable<EstimatedTask>, IEnumerable<TasksDepenendency>>>wfs)

                foreach (var currentTask in nodeCurrent.ToList())
                    // if there is a task executed on this node
                    if (currentTask.Value != null)
                        int wfId = currentTask.Value.Item1,
                            taskId = currentTask.Value.Item2;

                        var global = taskIDs.Where(t => t.Value.Item1 == wfId && t.Value.Item2 == taskId);

                        string wfKey = wfIDs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == wfId).Key;

                        // if current task is in ActiveEstimated tasks, it is not finished yet
                        // else we should delete it from queues
                        var currentWf = wfs.Where(wf => wf.Item1 == wfKey).ToList();
                        bool isWFFinished = false,
                            isLaunchedNotInActive = false,
                            isLaunchedNotInActiveAndEstimated = false;
                        if (currentWf.Count == 0)
                            //logger.Info("DeleteFinishedTasksFromQueues(). Workflow " + wfId.ToString() + " (key " + wfKey + ") was not found in a list of workflows");
                            isWFFinished = true;

                            ulong globalTaskId = global.First().Key;
                            var activeTasks = currentWf.First().Item2;

                            var foundTask = activeTasks.Where(task => task.Parameters["id"] == taskId.ToString()).ToList();

                            isLaunchedNotInActive = (foundTask.Count == 0 && wasActive[globalTaskId] == true);
                            isLaunchedNotInActiveAndEstimated = false;

                            if (!isLaunchedNotInActive)
                                // second case - when task was not in active list
                                // in this case wasActive status = false, but it is neither in active nor in estimated lists
                                var estimatedTasks = currentWf.First().Item3;
                                var foundEstimatedTask = estimatedTasks.Where(task => task.Parameters["id"] == taskId.ToString()).ToList();
                                if (foundTask.Count == 0 && foundEstimatedTask.Count == 0)
                                    isLaunchedNotInActiveAndEstimated = true;
                        if (isLaunchedNotInActive || isLaunchedNotInActiveAndEstimated || isWFFinished)// && CheckTime())
                            int nodeId = currentTask.Key;
                            // remove current task from current node
                            nodeCurrent[nodeId] = null;

                            //logger.Info("Node current of " + nodeId.ToString() + " was nulled");
                            finishedTasks.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(wfId, taskId));


                            logger.Info("DeleteFinishedTasksFromQueues(). Task " + taskId.ToString() + " of workflow " + wfId.ToString() +
                                " was finished on " + currentTask.Key.ToString());
                            //logger.Info("DeleteFinishedTasksFromQueues(). Task " + taskId.ToString() + " was removed from taskIds");
               // PrintNodeQueues();
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("DeleteFinishedTasksFromQueues() exception. " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>There's a dump on market, best time to SELL.</summary>
        private static bool runningSelloff(List<TradeResponse> tradeHistory)
            //There's lot of activity in recent time and price is falling
            const double PRICE_DIFF = 3 * 0.001;  //0.3%

            var endTime = tradeHistory.Last().TimeTyped;
            var startTime = endTime.AddSeconds(-90);    //Trades of past 90 seconds
            var pastTrades = tradeHistory.Where(trade => trade.TimeTyped >= startTime).ToList();
            if (pastTrades.Count < 10)        //TODO: tune up
                return false;

            var startPrice = pastTrades.First().price;
            var endPrice = pastTrades.Last().price;
            return (startPrice > endPrice && startPrice - endPrice >= startPrice * PRICE_DIFF);
        public void PopulateCommissionBonusesChartXml()
            // Establish our chart variables
            var xAxisLabels = new List<string>();
            var seriesCollection = new List<ChartSeries>();

            // Group our data to ensure that we show accurate data.
            var groupedData = CommissionBonusesDetails
                .GroupBy(c => new { c.BonusDescription, c.AcceptedDate }, (key, group) => new
                    BonusAmount = group.Sum(a => a.BonusAmount)

            // Loop through each row and define our variables from the data
            foreach (var detail in groupedData)
                // X-axis
                var monthDescription = detail.AcceptedDate.ToString("MMMM yyyy");
                if (!xAxisLabels.Contains(monthDescription)) xAxisLabels.Add(monthDescription);

                // ConnectionStrings series
                var seriesName = detail.BonusDescription;
                var existingSeries = seriesCollection.Where(c => c.SeriesName == seriesName).Select(c => c).FirstOrDefault();
                if (existingSeries == null)
                    var newSeries = new ChartSeries();
                    newSeries.SeriesName = seriesName;

            // Compile the individual sections. Let's start with the categories.
            var categoriesXml = string.Empty;
            foreach (var label in xAxisLabels)
                categoriesXml += string.Format(@"<category label='{0}' />", label);
            categoriesXml = "<categories>" + categoriesXml + "</categories>";

            // Next, compile the datasets
            var datasetXml = string.Empty;
            foreach (var series in seriesCollection)
                // Dataset Values
                var datasetValuesJson = string.Empty;
                foreach (var value in series.Values)
                    datasetValuesJson += string.Format("<set value='{0}' />", value);
                datasetXml += string.Format("<dataset seriesName='{0}'>", series.SeriesName) + datasetValuesJson + "</dataset>";

            // Compile the Json
            var json = new StringBuilder();
            json.AppendFormat("<chart caption='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='Payouts' bgcolor='FFFFFF, FFFFFF' showBorder='0' showValues='0' labelDisplay='auto' showvalues='0' showSum='1' decimals='2' formatNumberScale='0' numberprefix='$'>{0}{1}</chart>",

            // Set the Json to the corresponding property
            CommissionBonusesChartXml = json.ToString();
        public CommissionSummaryViewModel(DataSet dataset)
            // Divide our dataset into separate tables for easy reading
            var commissionEarningsData = dataset.Tables[0];
            var commissionBonusesData = dataset.Tables[1];

            // Populate our details collections
            CommissionEarningsDetails = new List<CommissionEarningsDetail>();
            foreach (DataRow row in commissionEarningsData.Rows)
                var detail                      = new CommissionEarningsDetail();
                detail.CommissionRunID          = Convert.ToInt32(row["CommissionRunID"]);
                detail.CommissionRunDescription = row["CommissionRunDescription"].ToString();
                detail.AcceptedDate             = Convert.ToDateTime(row["AcceptedDate"]);
                detail.PeriodTypeID             = Convert.ToInt32(row["PeriodTypeID"]);
                detail.PaidRankID               = Convert.ToInt32(row["PaidRankID"]);
                detail.PaidRankDescription      = row["PaidRankDescription"].ToString();
                detail.Earnings                 = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Earnings"]);
                detail.PaidAsRankCount          = Convert.ToInt32(row["PaidAsRankCount"]);

            CommissionBonusesDetails = new List<CommissionBonusDetail>();
            foreach (DataRow row in commissionBonusesData.Rows)
                var detail                      = new CommissionBonusDetail();
                detail.CommissionRunID          = Convert.ToInt32(row["CommissionRunID"]);
                detail.CommissionRunDescription = row["CommissionRunDescription"].ToString();
                detail.AcceptedDate             = Convert.ToDateTime(row["AcceptedDate"]);
                detail.PeriodTypeID             = Convert.ToInt32(row["PeriodTypeID"]);
                detail.BonusID                  = Convert.ToInt32(row["BonusID"]);
                detail.BonusDescription         = row["BonusDescription"].ToString();
                detail.BonusAmount              = Convert.ToDecimal(row["BonusAmount"]);

            // Get the weekly totals
            var weeklyDetailsByRunID =
                    .Where(c => c.PeriodTypeID == (int)PeriodTypes.Weekly)
                    .GroupBy(c => new { c.CommissionRunID, c.AcceptedDate }, (key, group) => new
                        CommissionRunID = key.CommissionRunID,
                        AcceptedDate    = key.AcceptedDate,
                        Payout          = group.Sum(a => a.Earnings)

            var orderedWeeklyPayouts = weeklyDetailsByRunID.OrderByDescending(c => c.Payout);
            if (orderedWeeklyPayouts.Count() > 0)
                HighestWeeklyPayout     = orderedWeeklyPayouts.First().Payout;
                HighestWeeklyPayoutDate = orderedWeeklyPayouts.First().AcceptedDate;
                LowestWeeklyPayout      = orderedWeeklyPayouts.Last().Payout;
                LowestWeeklyPayoutDate  = orderedWeeklyPayouts.Last().AcceptedDate;
                AverageWeeklyPayout     = orderedWeeklyPayouts.Average(c => c.Payout);

            // Get the monthly totals
            var monthlyDetailsByRunID =
                        .Where(c => c.PeriodTypeID == (int)PeriodTypes.Weekly)
                        .GroupBy(c => new { c.CommissionRunID, c.AcceptedDate }, (key, group) => new
                            CommissionRunID = key.CommissionRunID,
                            AcceptedDate    = key.AcceptedDate,
                            Payout          = group.Sum(a => a.Earnings)

            var orderedMonthlyPayouts = monthlyDetailsByRunID.OrderByDescending(c => c.Payout);
            if (orderedMonthlyPayouts.Count() > 0)
                HighestMonthlyPayout     = orderedMonthlyPayouts.First().Payout;
                HighestMonthlyPayoutDate = orderedMonthlyPayouts.First().AcceptedDate;
                LowestMonthlyPayout      = orderedMonthlyPayouts.Last().Payout;
                LowestMonthlyPayoutDate  = orderedMonthlyPayouts.Last().AcceptedDate;
                AverageMonthlyPayout     = orderedMonthlyPayouts.Average(c => c.Payout);

            // Charts
Beispiel #21
 /// <summary>
 /// 记录筛选--可用于计算欠款的预付款记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listFilter"></param>
 List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs> filterRecord_CanComputePreCost(List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs> listFilterPreCost)
     List<PreConsumeRecord_pcs> listFilterPreCostRv = listFilterPreCost.Where(x =>
         x.pcs_cConsumeType != Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMoneyFlowType.IndeterminateCost.ToString()
         && x.pcs_cConsumeType != Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMoneyFlowType.AdvanceMealCost.ToString()
         && x.pcs_cConsumeType != Common.DefineConstantValue.ConsumeMoneyFlowType.HedgeFund.ToString()
     return listFilterPreCostRv;
Beispiel #22
        public static ItemCategory GetItemCategory(int itemCategoryID)
            var context = Exigo.OData();

            // Get the nodes
            var categories      = new List<ItemCategory>();
            var rowcount        = 50;
            var lastResultCount = rowcount;
            var callsMade       = 0;

            while (lastResultCount == rowcount)
                // Get the data
                var results = context.WebCategories
                    .Where(c => c.WebID == 1)
                    .OrderBy(c => c.ParentID)
                    .OrderBy(c => c.SortOrder)
                    .Skip(callsMade * rowcount)
                    .Select(c => c)

                results.ForEach(c =>

                lastResultCount = results.Count;

            // Recursively populate the children
            var category = categories.Where(c => c.ItemCategoryID == itemCategoryID).FirstOrDefault();
            if (category == null) return null;

            category.Subcategories = GetItemCategorySubcategories(category, categories);

            return category;
Beispiel #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Hand> all = new List<Hand>();

            int result = 0;
            int a  = 0;
            using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader("p054_poker.txt"))
                    string line = r.ReadLine();

                    string hand1String = line.Substring(0, 14);
                    string hand2String = line.Substring(15).Trim();

                    Hand h1 = Hand.Parse(hand1String);
                    Hand h2 = Hand.Parse(hand2String);




                    var ct = new CombinationTester();

                    if (ct.IsWin(h1, h2))
                        result += 1;

                    a += 1;


            var ss = all.Where(h => h.SameSuit()).ToList();
            var cs = all.Where(h => h.Consecutive()).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// 加載樹節點的所有子節點
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeCurrent">當前樹節點</param>
        /// <param name="listForms">窗體記錄列表</param>
        /// <param name="iParentID">當前節點綁定的窗體ID</param>
        void GetFormList(TreeNode nodeCurrent, List<Sys_FormMaster_fom_Info> listForms, int iParentID)
            List<Sys_FormMaster_fom_Info> listSubForms = listForms.Where(x => x.fom_iParentID == iParentID).ToList();
            if (listForms == null)
            if (listForms.Count < 1)

            foreach (Sys_FormMaster_fom_Info formItem in listSubForms)
                if (formItem == null)
                TreeNode subNode = new TreeNode(formItem.fom_cFormDesc);
                subNode.Name = formItem.fom_iRecordID.ToString();
                subNode.Tag = formItem.fom_cExePath.ToString();

                GetFormList(subNode, listForms, formItem.fom_iRecordID);
Beispiel #25
 private void BindMenuDropList(int parentId, int depth, List<DataRow> lDataRow)
     List<DataRow> lChild = lDataRow.Where((dr) => int.Parse(dr["ParentId"].ToString()) == parentId).ToList();
     lChild.ForEach((dr) =>
         int iMenuId = int.Parse(dr["Id"].ToString());
         drpParentMenu.Items.Add(new ListItem(new string(' ', depth) + "|_" + dr["MenuName"].ToString(), iMenuId.ToString()));
         BindMenuDropList(iMenuId, depth + 1, lDataRow);
Beispiel #26
        protected override Task Execute()
            return Task.Run(() =>
                var result = new List<AssetQuote>();

                lock (_feed)
                    result.AddRange(from feedData in _feed.Values
                        let assetName =
                            _ourQuotes.ContainsKey(feedData.Id) ? _ourQuotes[feedData.Id] : feedData.Id
                        select new AssetQuote
                            Id = assetName,
                            Ask = feedData.Ask,
                            Bid = feedData.Bid,
                            DateTime = feedData.DateTime,


                if (result.Count > 0)
                    _feedDatas?.Invoke(result.Where(itm =>  GlobalSettings.FinanceInstruments.ContainsKey(itm.Id)).ToArray());

Beispiel #27
        public ActionResult StructPic(string id)
            string path = Server.MapPath("~") + "/config/";
            int pid = 0;
            int.TryParse(id, out pid);
            path = string.Format("{1}structPointConfig{0}.xml", pid, path);

            Plant plant = plantService.GetPlantInfoById(pid);

            List<StructPoint> points = new List<StructPoint>();
            XmlHelper.DeserializerXML(path, ref points);

            List<StructPoint> tmppoints = new List<StructPoint>();
            if (plant.isVirtualPlant)
                foreach (Plant pnt in plant.childs)
                    StructPoint point = points.Where(m =><StructPoint>();
                    if (point != null)
                points = tmppoints;
                XmlHelper.SerializerXML(path, points);

                foreach (PlantUnit unit in plant.plantUnits)
                    StructPoint point = points.Where(m =><StructPoint>();
                    if (point != null)
                points = tmppoints;
                XmlHelper.SerializerXML(path, points);

            foreach (StructPoint point in points)
                if (plant.isVirtualPlant)
                    Plant tplant = PlantService.GetInstance().GetPlantInfoById(int.Parse(;
                    point.displayName =;
                    foreach (PlantUnit unit in plant.plantUnits)
                        if (
                            point.displayName = unit.displayname;
            ViewData["points"] = points;
            return View(plant);
        /// <summary>
        /// Обработчик приёма сообщения из сети
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void EventHandler_Connection_MessageReceived(
            object sender, EventArgs e)
            IDataLinkPort port = (IDataLinkPort)sender;
            var messages = new List<MessageBase>();
            // Читаем входящие сообщения из входного буфера порта 
            while(port.MessagesToRead > 0)
                var msg = port.Read();

            // Обрабатываем сервисные сообщения
            var serviceErrorMessages = messages
                .Where(y => y.MessageType == MessageType.ServiceErrorMessage)
                .Select(z => (ServiceErrorMessage)z);

            foreach (var msg in serviceErrorMessages)
                //запись в лог ошибок
                Logger.Error(String.Format("Controller Id={0} | Ошибка Code={1} | Description={2}",
                    _Id, msg.Code, msg.Description));

                //TODO: Сделать обработчик ошибок, если потребуется
                //switch (msg.SpecificErrorCode)
                //    case ErrorCode.

            // TODO: сделать сервистные сообщения, если понадобятся 
            //var serviceInfoMessages = messages
            //    .Where(y => y.MessageType == MessageType.ServiceInfoMessage)
            //    .Select(z => (....));

            var dataMessages = messages
                .Where(y => y.MessageType == MessageType.IncomingMessage)
                .Select(z => (DataMessage)z).ToArray();

            if (dataMessages.Length > 1)
                throw new Exception(
                    "Сетевой контроллер принял одновременно более одного сообщения из сети");

            if ((_currentNetworkRequest == null) || 
                (_currentNetworkRequest.Status != NetworkRequestStatus.Running))
                throw new Exception("Принято сообщение в отсутствии запроса");

            // Обрабатывает сообщение
            _CurrentIncomingMessage = dataMessages[0];
        public ActionResult AssignArtifactList(ProjectDashboardPresenter presenter, string artifactType, string projectArtifactId, string nodeIndex)
            var list = new List<ProcessComplianceListItem>();
            if (presenter != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artifactType) && artifactType.Equals(Release, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeIndex))
                    list = presenter.ReleaseArtifactList.Where(a => a.NodeIndex == Convert.ToInt32(nodeIndex, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)).SelectMany(a => a.Items).ToList();
                    list = list.Where(x => x.ProjectArtifactID != Convert.ToInt32(projectArtifactId, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)).ToList();
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artifactType) && artifactType.Equals(Project, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    list = presenter.ProcessComplianceList.SelectMany(a => a.Items).ToList();
                    list = list.Where(x => x.ProjectArtifactID != Convert.ToInt32(projectArtifactId, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)).ToList();

            return this.Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get result data and print to console out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupId"></param>
        private static void GetResult(long groupId)
            string[] unwantedStatuses = { "closed", "solved" };
            string[] ticketTypes = {"problem", "incident"};

            // Import first 100 tickets.
            var ticketPage = _api.Tickets.GetAllTickets();
            _allTicketsInGroup = new List<Ticket>();
            _allTicketsInGroup.AddRange(ticketPage.Tickets.Where(t => t.GroupId == groupId).ToList());

            // If more than 100 exist, import the rest as well
            while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ticketPage.NextPage))
                ticketPage = _api.Tickets.GetByPageUrl<GroupTicketResponse>(ticketPage.NextPage);
                _allTicketsInGroup.AddRange(ticketPage.Tickets.Where(t => t.GroupId == groupId).ToList());

            _allOpenTicketsInGroup = _allTicketsInGroup.Where(t => t.Status != null && t.Type != null && !unwantedStatuses.Contains(t.Status.ToLower()) && ticketTypes.Contains(t.Type.ToLower())).ToList();

            // Get number of open tickets

            // Get number of unassigned tickets

            // Get number of pending tickets

            // Get number of "on-hold" tickets

            // Get number of new tickets today

            // Get number of solved tickets today
