Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the states usings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateGuid">The state identifier.</param>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable{RecordUsingsDto}.</returns>
        public IEnumerable<RecordUsingsDto> GetStatesUsings(Guid stateGuid)
            const string CmdText = @"
            SELECT 'UsingInFieldsSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[ProcessSecurityConfigs] sc
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = sc.ProcessId
            WHERE @StateGuid = StateGuid


            SELECT 'UsingInCommandsSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, c.CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[Commands] c
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[ProcessCommandSecurityConfigurations] pcsc ON pcsc.ProcessCommandId = c.Id
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = c.ProcessId
            WHERE @StateGuid = pcsc.StateGuid";

            using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false))
            using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(CmdText, ctx.Connection))
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StateGuid", stateGuid);

                using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader()))
                    var usings = new List<RecordUsingsDto>();

                    while (reader.Read())
                        var use = new RecordUsingsDto
                            UsingName = reader.GetString(0),
                            ProcessName = reader.GetString(1),
                            IsPublished = reader.GetBool(2),
                            ActionName = reader.GetString(3),
                            CommandName = reader.GetString(4),
                            FilterName = reader.GetString(5),
                            ReportName = reader.GetString(6),
                            NavigationGroupName = reader.GetString(7),
                            NavigationItemName = reader.GetString(8),


                    if (!usings.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        return usings;

            return null;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all usings for a specified business unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="businessUnitId">Id of the business unit.</param>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable{RecordUsingsDto}.</returns>
        public IEnumerable<RecordUsingsDto> GetBaseBusinessUnitUsings(int businessUnitId)
            const string CmdText = @"
            SELECT 'UsingInFieldsSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as CommandName, NULL as ReportName
            FROM [dbo].[ProcessSecurityConfigs] sc
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = sc.ProcessId
            WHERE @BusinessUnitId = BusinessUnitId


            SELECT 'UsingInStateConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as CommandName, NULL as ReportName
            FROM [dbo].[States] s
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[StateLinks] sl ON sl.StateOutGuid = s.Guid
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[StateConnectorSecurityConfigurations] scsc ON scsc.StateInGuid = sl.StateInGuid AND scsc.StateOutGuid = sl.StateOutGuid
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = s.ProcessId
            WHERE @BusinessUnitId = scsc.BusinessUnitId


            SELECT 'UsingInCommandsSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, c.CommandName, NULL as ReportName
            FROM [dbo].[Commands] c
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[ProcessCommandSecurityConfigurations] pcsc ON pcsc.ProcessCommandId = c.Id
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = c.ProcessId
            WHERE @BusinessUnitId = pcsc.BusinessUnitId


            SELECT 'UsingInReportSecurityConfigurations' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as CommandName, r.Title as ReportName
            FROM [dbo].[Reports] r
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[ProcessReportSecurityConfigurations] prsc ON prsc.ReportId = r.Id
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = r.ProcessId
            WHERE @BusinessUnitId = prsc.BusinessUnitId


            SELECT 'UsingInProcessSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as CommandName, NULL as ReportName
            FROM [dbo].[ProcessSecurityConfigurations] sc
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = sc.ProcessId
            WHERE @BusinessUnitId = BusinessUnitId

            using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false))
            using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(CmdText, ctx.Connection))
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BusinessUnitId", businessUnitId);

                using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader()))
                    var usings = new List<RecordUsingsDto>();

                    while (reader.Read())
                        var use = new RecordUsingsDto
                            UsingName = reader.GetString(0),
                            ProcessName = reader.GetString(1),
                            IsPublished = reader.GetBool(2),
                            CommandName = reader.GetString(3),
                            ReportName = reader.GetString(4),


                    if (!usings.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        return usings;

            return null;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all usings for a specified role.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roleId">Id of the role.</param>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable{RecordUsingsDto}.</returns>
        public IEnumerable<RecordUsingsDto> GetBaseRoleUsings(int roleId)
            const string CmdText = @"
            SELECT 'UsingInFieldsSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[ProcessSecurityConfigs] sc
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = sc.ProcessId
            WHERE @RoleId = RoleId


            SELECT 'UsingInStateConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL  as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[States] s
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[StateLinks] sl ON sl.StateOutGuid = s.Guid
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[StateConnectorSecurityConfigurations] scsc ON scsc.StateInGuid = sl.StateInGuid AND scsc.StateOutGuid = sl.StateOutGuid
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = s.ProcessId
            WHERE @RoleId = scsc.RoleId


            SELECT 'UsingInActions' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, ad.Name as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[ActionDefinitions] ad
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[EscalationActionOptions] ea ON ea.ActionId = ad.[Id]
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = ad.ProcessId
            WHERE @RoleId = ea.RoleId


            SELECT 'UsingInActions' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, ad.Name as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[ActionDefinitions] ad
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AssignmentActionOptions] aa ON aa.ActionId = ad.[Id]
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = ad.ProcessId
            WHERE @RoleId = aa.RoleId


            SELECT 'UsingInCommandsSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, c.CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[Commands] c
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[ProcessCommandSecurityConfigurations] pcsc ON pcsc.ProcessCommandId = c.Id
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = c.ProcessId
            WHERE @RoleId = pcsc.RoleId


            SELECT 'UsingInFiltersSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, f.Name as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[Filters] f
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = f.ProcessId
            WHERE @RoleID = ANY(SELECT Int_Value FROM fn_ParseText2Table(RoleIds, ','))


            SELECT 'UsingInReportSecurityConfigurations' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, r.Title as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[Reports] r
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[ProcessReportSecurityConfigurations] prsc ON prsc.ReportId = r.Id
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = r.ProcessId
            WHERE @RoleId = prsc.RoleId


            SELECT 'UsingInProcessSecurityConfigs' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, p.IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, NULL as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[ProcessSecurityConfigurations] sc
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = sc.ProcessId
            WHERE @RoleID = RoleId


            SELECT 'UsingInNavigationGroup' as Using, NULL as ProcessId, NULL as IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, ng.Name as NavigationGroupName, NULL as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[NavigationGroupSecurityConfigurations] ngs
            JOIN [dbo].[NavigationGroups] ng ON ng.Id = ngs.NavigationGroupId
            WHERE @RoleID = RoleId AND ngs.CanView = 1


            SELECT 'UsingInNavigationItem' as Using, p.Name as ProcessName, NULL as IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, ng.Name as NavigationGroupName, ni.Name as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[NavigationItemSecurityConfigurations] nis
            JOIN [dbo].[NavigationItems] ni ON ni.Id = nis.NavigationItemId
            JOIN [dbo].[PublishedProcesses] pp ON pp.Id = ni.PublishedProcessId
            JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p ON p.Id = pp.ProcessId
            JOIN [dbo].[NavigationGroups] ng ON ng.Id = ni.NavigationGroupId
            WHERE @RoleID = RoleId AND nis.CanView = 1


            SELECT 'UsingInNavigationItem' as Using, NULL as ProcessName, NULL as IsPublishedCopy, NULL as ActionName, NULL as CommandName, NULL as FilterName, NULL as ReportName, ng.Name as NavigationGroupName, ni.Name as NavigationItemName
            FROM [dbo].[NavigationItemSecurityConfigurations] nis
            JOIN [dbo].[NavigationItems] ni ON ni.Id = nis.NavigationItemId
            JOIN [dbo].[NavigationGroups] ng ON ng.Id = ni.NavigationGroupId
            WHERE @RoleID = RoleId AND nis.CanView = 1 AND ni.PublishedProcessId IS NULL

            using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false))
            using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(CmdText, ctx.Connection))
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RoleID", roleId);

                using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader()))
                    var usings = new List<RecordUsingsDto>();

                    while (reader.Read())
                        var use = new RecordUsingsDto
                                          UsingName = reader.GetString(0),
                                          ProcessName = reader.GetString(1),
                                          IsPublished = reader.GetBool(2),
                                          ActionName = reader.GetString(3),
                                          CommandName = reader.GetString(4),
                                          FilterName = reader.GetString(5),
                                          ReportName = reader.GetString(6),
                                          NavigationGroupName = reader.GetString(7),
                                          NavigationItemName = reader.GetString(8),


                    if (!usings.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        return usings;

            return null;