private void GenericLoader_OnLength(GenericLoader g, string dbffilename, string shpfilename, long length)
            dbflength = length;

            Console.WriteLine("Processing Dbase: " + Path.GetFileName(dbffilename));
            Console.WriteLine("Processing shp: " + Path.GetFileName(shpfilename));
            Console.WriteLine("Discovered " + length.ToString() + " Records.");

            if (g.Options.Resume)
                Console.WriteLine("===> Resume On <===");

            // interesting tidbit Console.LargestWindowWidth doesnt work worth shit.
            cursorx = Console.CursorLeft;
            cursory = Console.CursorTop;

            blankline = string.Empty;

            for (int rep = 0; rep < 80; rep++)
                blankline += " ";
Beispiel #2
        private void CountyLoader_ProcessRecord(GenericLoader g, int index, IRecordLoader r, ShapeUtilities.BaseShapeRecord shape)
            CountyRecord cr = (CountyRecord)r;

            cr.FipsId = cr.STATEFP + cr.COUNTYFP + blankline;
        private void RoadsLoader_ProcessRecord(GenericLoader g, int index, IRecordLoader r, ShapeUtilities.BaseShapeRecord shape)
            RoadRecord rec = (RoadRecord)r;

            if (fipspad.Length == 0)
                for (int x = 0; x < 15; x++)
                    fipspad += "0";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statecode))
                string[] pieces       = g.DBFFileName.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                string   stcountycode = pieces[2];

                statecode  = stcountycode.Substring(0, 2);
                countycode = stcountycode.Substring(2, 3);

            rec.FipsId     = statecode + countycode + fipspad;
            rec.StCtyLinId = statecode + "-" + countycode + "-" + rec.LINEARID;
 private void GenericLoader_SkipRecord(GenericLoader g, int index, IRecordLoader r, ShapeUtilities.BaseShapeRecord shape)
     Console.SetCursorPosition(cursorx, cursory);
     Console.SetCursorPosition(cursorx, cursory);
     Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + (index + 1).ToString() + " of " + dbflength.ToString());
Beispiel #5
        private void SpeciesSeasonLoader_ProcessRecord(GenericLoader g, int index, IRecordLoader r, ShapeUtilities.BaseShapeRecord shape)

            var s = (SpeciesSeasonRecord)r;

            s.DownloadGuid = speciesArchiveGuid[Path.GetFileName(g.ZipFileName)];
 private void GenericLoader_ProcessRecord(GenericLoader g, int index, IRecordLoader r, ShapeUtilities.BaseShapeRecord shape)
     // catchall to avoid unnecessary processrecord event handlers in implementations.
     // this should really just be all of them really.
     // however fips calculation may not allow this in a few record types.
     // ... and just in case there is a usecase where we're loading a state supplied dbf WITHOUT a shapefile.
     if (r is IHasShape)
         IHasShape rec = (IHasShape)r;
         rec.Shape = shape;
Beispiel #7
        private void PlaceLoader_ProcessRecord(GenericLoader g, int index, IRecordLoader r, ShapeUtilities.BaseShapeRecord shape)
            PlaceRecord pr = (PlaceRecord)r;

            pr.FipsId = pr.STATEFP + "00000000" + pr.PLACEFP + "00000";
        private void StateLoader_ProcessRecord(GenericLoader g, int index, IRecordLoader r, ShapeUtilities.BaseShapeRecord shape)
            StateRecord state = (StateRecord)r;

            state.FipsId = state.STATEFP + zeropad;