Beispiel #1
        void Update()
            //Get controller velocity;
            Vector3 _velocity = controller.GetVelocity();

            //Split up velocity;
            Vector3 _horizontalVelocity = VectorMath.RemoveDotVector(_velocity, tr.up);
            Vector3 _verticalVelocity   = _velocity - _horizontalVelocity;

            //Smooth horizontal velocity for fluid animation;
            _horizontalVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(oldMovementVelocity, _horizontalVelocity, smoothingFactor);
            oldMovementVelocity = _horizontalVelocity;

            animator.SetFloat("VerticalSpeed", _verticalVelocity.magnitude * VectorMath.GetDotProduct(_verticalVelocity.normalized, tr.up));
            animator.SetFloat("HorizontalSpeed", _horizontalVelocity.magnitude);

            //If animator is strafing, split up horizontal velocity;
            if (useStrafeAnimations)
                Vector3 _localVelocity = animatorTransform.InverseTransformVector(_horizontalVelocity);
                animator.SetFloat("ForwardSpeed", _localVelocity.z);
                animator.SetFloat("StrafeSpeed", _localVelocity.x);

            //Pass values to animator;
            animator.SetBool("IsGrounded", controller.IsGrounded());
            animator.SetBool("IsStrafing", useStrafeAnimations);
Beispiel #2
        //Rotate camera toward '_direction', at the rate of '_speed', around the upwards vector of this gameobject;
        public void RotateTowardsVelocity(Vector3 _velocity, float _speed)
            //Remove any unwanted components of direction;
            _velocity = VectorMath.RemoveDotVector(_velocity, GetUpDirection());

            //Calculate angle difference of current direction and new direction;
            float _angle = VectorMath.GetAngle(GetFacingDirection(), _velocity, GetUpDirection());

            //Calculate sign of angle;
            float _sign = Mathf.Sign(_angle);

            //Calculate final angle difference;
            float _finalAngle = Time.deltaTime * _speed * _sign * Mathf.Abs(_angle / 90f);

            //If angle is greater than 90 degrees, recalculate final angle difference;
            if (Mathf.Abs(_angle) > 90f)
                _finalAngle = Time.deltaTime * _speed * _sign * ((Mathf.Abs(180f - Mathf.Abs(_angle))) / 90f);

            //Check if calculated angle overshoots;
            if (Mathf.Abs(_finalAngle) > Mathf.Abs(_angle))
                _finalAngle = _angle;

            //Take movement speed into account by comparing it to 'maximumMovementSpeed';
            _finalAngle *= Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, maximumMovementSpeed, _velocity.magnitude);

            SetRotationAngles(GetCurrentXAngle(), GetCurrentYAngle() + _finalAngle);
Beispiel #3
        private void Update()
            //Get controller velocity;
            Vector3 _velocity = controller.GetVelocity();

            //Calculate horizontal velocity;
            Vector3 _horizontalVelocity = VectorMath.RemoveDotVector(_velocity, tr.up);

Beispiel #4
        //This function is called when the controller has collided with a ceiling while jumping or moving upwards;
        void OnCeilingContact()
            //If local momentum is used, transform momentum into world coordinates first;
            if (useLocalMomentum)
                momentum = tr.localToWorldMatrix * momentum;

            //Remove all vertical parts of momentum;
            momentum = VectorMath.RemoveDotVector(momentum, tr.up);

            if (useLocalMomentum)
                momentum = tr.worldToLocalMatrix * momentum;
Beispiel #5
        //This function is called when the controller has lost ground contact, i.e. is either falling or rising, or generally in the air;
        void OnGroundContactLost()
            //Calculate current velocity;
            //If velocity would exceed the controller's movement speed, decrease movement velocity appropriately;
            //This prevents unwanted accumulation of velocity;
            float   _horizontalMomentumSpeed = VectorMath.RemoveDotVector(GetMomentum(), tr.up).magnitude;
            Vector3 _currentVelocity         = GetMomentum() + Vector3.ClampMagnitude(savedMovementVelocity, Mathf.Clamp(movementSpeed - _horizontalMomentumSpeed, 0f, movementSpeed));

            //Calculate length and direction from '_currentVelocity';
            float _length = _currentVelocity.magnitude;

            //Calculate velocity direction;
            Vector3 _velocityDirection =;

            if (_length != 0f)
                _velocityDirection = _currentVelocity / _length;

            //Subtract from '_length', based on 'movementSpeed' and 'airControl', check for overshooting;
            if (_length >= movementSpeed * airControl)
                _length -= movementSpeed * airControl;
                _length = 0f;

            //If local momentum is used, transform momentum into world coordinates first;
            if (useLocalMomentum)
                momentum = tr.localToWorldMatrix * momentum;

            momentum = _velocityDirection * _length;

            if (useLocalMomentum)
                momentum = tr.worldToLocalMatrix * momentum;
Beispiel #6
        //Apply friction to both vertical and horizontal momentum based on 'friction' and 'gravity';
        //Handle sliding down steep slopes;
        void HandleMomentum()
            //If local momentum is used, transform momentum into world coordinates first;
            if (useLocalMomentum)
                momentum = tr.localToWorldMatrix * momentum;

            Vector3 _verticalMomentum   =;
            Vector3 _horizontalMomentum =;

            //Split momentum into vertical and horizontal components;
            if (momentum !=
                _verticalMomentum   = VectorMath.ExtractDotVector(momentum, tr.up);
                _horizontalMomentum = momentum - _verticalMomentum;

            //Add gravity to vertical momentum;
            _verticalMomentum -= tr.up * gravity * Time.deltaTime;

            //Remove any downward force if the controller is grounded;
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.Grounded)
                _verticalMomentum =;

            //Apply friction to horizontal momentum based on whether the controller is grounded;
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.Grounded)
                _horizontalMomentum = VectorMath.IncrementVectorLengthTowardTargetLength(_horizontalMomentum, groundFriction, Time.deltaTime, 0f);
                _horizontalMomentum = VectorMath.IncrementVectorLengthTowardTargetLength(_horizontalMomentum, airFriction, Time.deltaTime, 0f);

            //Add horizontal and vertical momentum back together;
            momentum = _horizontalMomentum + _verticalMomentum;

            //Project the current momentum onto the current ground normal if the controller is sliding down a slope;
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.Sliding)
                momentum = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(momentum, mover.GetGroundNormal());

            //Apply slide gravity along ground normal, if controller is sliding;
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.Sliding)
                Vector3 _slideDirection = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(-tr.up, mover.GetGroundNormal()).normalized;
                momentum += _slideDirection * slideGravity * Time.deltaTime;

            //If controller is jumping, override vertical velocity with jumpSpeed;
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.Jumping)
                momentum  = VectorMath.RemoveDotVector(momentum, tr.up);
                momentum += tr.up * jumpSpeed;

            if (useLocalMomentum)
                momentum = tr.worldToLocalMatrix * momentum;