public GUISettings(Blackboard blackboard, string bbConfigFile)
     : this()
     if(blackboard == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException();
     this.verbosityLevel = blackboard.VerbosityLevel;
     this.conigurationFileName = bbConfigFile;
Beispiel #2
 public Kernel(Blackboard blk)
     this.blackboard = blk;
     this.procMan = new ModuleProcessManager((Robotics.Utilities.LogWriter)blackboard.Log);
     this.commands = new Dictionary<string, StringEventHandler>();
     this.tracers = new Dictionary<string, SharedVariableWrittenEventHandler>();
     this.rxCommandSplitter = new Regex(@"^(?<cmd>\w+)(\s+(?<par>.*))?$");
 public ConsoleManager(Blackboard blk, Kernel kernel, ConsoleLogWriter log)
     this.kernel = kernel;
     this.blackboard = blk;
     this.log = log;
     this.currentLine = String.Empty;
     this.tabSw = new Stopwatch();
     this.firstTab = false;
     this.history = new CommandHistoryManager();
     this.completionTree = new CompletionTree();
     this.kernel.ConsoleManager = this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetch the blackboard test time out
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">XML document which contains the Blackboard data</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">The blackboard which data will be set</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log writer</param>
        private static void LoadBlackboardTestTimeOut(XmlDocument doc, Blackboard blackboard, ILogWriter log)
            string sTime;
            int iTime;
            TimeSpan time;

            if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("testTimeOut").Count == 1)
                sTime = doc.GetElementsByTagName("testTimeOut")[0].InnerText.Trim();
                if (Int32.TryParse(sTime, out iTime) && (iTime > 0))
                    blackboard.TestTimeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, iTime);
                    log.WriteLine(1, "Blackboard  Test Timeout: " + blackboard.TestTimeOut);
                else if (TimeSpan.TryParse(sTime, out time) && (time > TimeSpan.Zero))
                    blackboard.TestTimeOut = time;
                    log.WriteLine(1, "Blackboard Test Timeout: " + time);
                else log.WriteLine(1, "Blackboard  Test Timeout disabled");
            else log.WriteLine(1, "Blackboard  Test Timeout disabled");
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Blackboard from the config file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the Blackboard was leaded successfully, false otherwise</returns>
        private bool LoadBlackboard()
            FileInfo fi;
                fi = new FileInfo(this.configFile);
                this.configFile = fi.FullName;

                log.WriteLine("Loading Blackboard");
                this.blackboard = Blackboard.FromXML(this.configFile, log);
                this.blackboard.StartupSequence.Method = Blk.Engine.Remote.ModuleStartupMethod.None;
                blackboard.VerbosityLevel = 1;

                log.WriteLine("Blackboard loaded");
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.WriteLine("Error loading blackboard");
                log.WriteLine("\t" + ex.Message.Replace("\n", "\n\t"));
                return false;
            return true;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
        /// <param name="cmd">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, Blackboard blackboard, out Command cmd, out Exception ex)
            Regex rx;
            Match m;
            Prototype proto;
            //Module source;
            //Module destination;
            IModule source;
            IModule destination;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            string sSrc;
            string sDest;
            string sId;
            int id;

            cmd = null;
            ex = null;

            // Regular Expresion Generation
            //rx = new Regex(@"((?<src>[\w\-]+)(\s+(?<dest>[\w\-]+))?\s+)?(?<cmd>[A-Za-z_]+)\s+(""(?<params>[^""]*)"")?\s+(@(?<id>\d+))?");
            rx = rxCommandFromBlackboard;
            m = rx.Match(s);
            // Check if input string matchs Regular Expression
            if (!m.Success)
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;
            // Extract Data
            sCommand = m.Result("${cmd}").ToLower();
            sParams = m.Result("${params}");
            sId = m.Result("${id}");
            sSrc = m.Result("${src}");
            sDest = m.Result("${dest}");
            if ((sId == null) || (sId.Length < 1)) id = -1;
            else id = Int32.Parse(sId);
            // Check if source module is specified
            if ((sSrc == null) || (sSrc.Length < 1) || !blackboard.Modules.Contains(sSrc))
                ex = new Exception("No source module found for command provided");
                return false;
            source = blackboard.Modules[sSrc];
            // Browse for destination module and prototype
            if (!blackboard.FindDestinationModule(sCommand, out destination, out proto))
            //throw new Exception("No destination module found for command provided");
                // No destination module found. Must check if destination is availiable
                if ((sDest == null) || (sDest.Length < 1) || !blackboard.Modules.Contains(sDest))
                    ex = new Exception("No destination module found for command provided");
                    return false;
                destination = blackboard.Modules[sDest];
                proto = null;
            // Check if command matchs a prototype
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Command requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Command
            cmd = new Command(source, destination, sCommand, sParams, id);
            cmd.prototype = proto;
            cmd.sentTime = DateTime.Now;
            return true;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A command object that represents the command contained in s</returns>
        public static Command Parse(string s, Blackboard blackboard)
            Exception ex;
            Command command;

            if (!TryParse(s, blackboard, out command, out ex))
                throw ex;
            else return command;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a module to the blackboard
 /// </summary>
 private static void AddModuleToBlackboard(Blackboard blackboard, ILogWriter log, ModuleClient mod, SortedList<string, ModuleClient> disabledModules)
     if (mod.Enabled)
         log.WriteLine(2, "Loading module complete!");
         disabledModules.Add(mod.Name, mod);
         log.WriteLine(2, "Disabled module enqueued!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a blackboard from a XML configuration file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path of the XML configuration file</param>
        /// <param name="log">Output Log</param>
        /// <returns>The configured blackboard</returns>
        public static Blackboard FromXML(string path, ILogWriter log)
            #region Variables

            Blackboard blackboard;
            XmlDocument doc;
            XmlDocument tmpDoc;
            int clientModulesAddedd;


            blackboard = new Blackboard();
            //if ((Log != null) && (Log != TextWriter.Null)) blackboard.Log = Log;
            if (log != null) blackboard.Log = log;
            else log = blackboard.Log;
            log.VerbosityTreshold = blackboard.verbosity;
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                log.WriteLine(0, "File does not exist");
                throw new FileLoadException("File does not exist");
            doc = new XmlDocument();

            if (
                (doc.GetElementsByTagName("blackboard").Count != 1) ||
                (doc.GetElementsByTagName("configuration").Count != 1) ||
                (doc.GetElementsByTagName("modules").Count < 1))
                log.WriteLine(0, "Incorrect format");
                throw new FileLoadException("Incorrect format");

            LoadBlackboardConfiguration(blackboard, doc, log);

            clientModulesAddedd = LoadBlackboardModules(blackboard, doc, log);

            #region Move program start actions to be executed by the virtual module

            foreach (ModuleClient mc in blackboard.modules)
                if(mc == blackboard.virtualModule)
                MoveActions(mc.RestartActions, blackboard.virtualModule.RestartActions);
                MoveActions(mc.RestartTestActions, blackboard.virtualModule.RestartTestActions);
                MoveActions(mc.StartupActions, blackboard.virtualModule.StartupActions);
                MoveActions(mc.StopActions, blackboard.virtualModule.StopActions);
                MoveActions(mc.TestTimeOutActions, blackboard.virtualModule.TestTimeOutActions);


            #region Load of shared variables

            if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("sharedVariables").Count == 1)
                tmpDoc = new XmlDocument();
                SetupSharedVariables(tmpDoc, blackboard);


            if (clientModulesAddedd < 1)
                throw new Exception("No modules has been added");
            log.WriteLine(0, "Load complete!");
            return blackboard;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and configures the shared variables specified in the provided XML document for the specified blackboard
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">XML document which contains shared variables initialization data</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">Blackboard object in which the shared variables will be configured</param>
        private static void SetupSharedVariables(XmlDocument doc, Blackboard blackboard)
            if ((doc == null) || (blackboard == null))
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            if (blackboard.virtualModule == null)
                throw new Exception("Uninitialized blackboard");

            int i, j;
            ILogWriter log;
            XmlDocument tmpDoc;
            XmlNode node;
            XmlNodeList xmlVarList;
            XmlNodeList xmlWriterModuleList;
            SharedVariable shVar;
            List<string> writers;
            string shVarName;
            string shVarType;
            string shVarValue;
            bool shVarIsArray;
            int bracketPos;

            log = blackboard.log;
            tmpDoc = new XmlDocument();

            if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("sharedVariables").Count < 1)
                log.WriteLine(1, "No shared variables was defined in XML file.");

            #region Load of shared variables
            // Load of shared variables
            log.WriteLine(1, "Reading shared variables");
            xmlVarList = tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("var");
            for (i = 0; i < xmlVarList.Count; ++i)
                #region Get variable Name
                node = xmlVarList[i];
                if ((node == null) || (node.Name != "var") || (node.Attributes["name"] == null))
                shVarName = node.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
                shVarType = (node.Attributes["type"] != null) ? node.Attributes["type"].InnerText : "var";
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(shVarType) || !SharedVariable.RxVarTypeValidator.IsMatch(shVarType))
                    shVarType = "var";
                bracketPos = shVarType.IndexOf("[");
                if (shVarIsArray = (bracketPos != -1))
                    shVarType = shVarType.Remove(bracketPos);
                if (blackboard.VirtualModule.SharedVariables.Contains(shVarName))
                    log.WriteLine(2, "Error loading shared variable " + shVarName + ". Variable already exists.");


                #region Get variable initial value
                shVarValue = "";
                if (node.Attributes["value"] != null)
                    shVarValue = node.Attributes["value"].Value;
                else if (node.Attributes["fromFile"] != null)
                    shVarValue = node.Attributes["fromFile"].Value;
                    if (File.Exists(shVarValue))
                            shVarValue = File.ReadAllText(shVarValue);
                            log.WriteLine(2, "Error loading variable content from file " + shVarValue + " for the shared variable " + shVarName + ". Variable was set to null");
                            shVarValue = "";

                #region Get list of modules with write permission

                writers = new List<string>();
                tmpDoc = new XmlDocument();
                xmlWriterModuleList = tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("writers");
                if (xmlWriterModuleList.Count == 1)
                    tmpDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    xmlWriterModuleList = tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("writer");
                    for (j = 0; j < xmlWriterModuleList.Count; ++j)
                        node = xmlWriterModuleList[j];
                        if (node.InnerText == "*")
                        if (!blackboard.modules.Contains(node.InnerText))
                        if (!writers.Contains(node.InnerText))


                #region Create and add the shared variable

                shVar = new SharedVariable(blackboard.VirtualModule, shVarType, shVarName, shVarIsArray, -1);
                //shVar.Data = shVarValue;
                shVar.WriteStringData(blackboard.VirtualModule, shVarType, -1, shVarValue);
                shVar.AllowedWriters = writers;
                log.WriteLine(4, "Added shared variable " + shVarType +" "+ shVarName);

Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a response to a Response object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the response to convert</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
        /// <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the Response equivalent to the response
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool TryParse(string s, Blackboard blackboard, out Response result)
            Exception ex;

            return TryParse(s, blackboard, out result, out ex);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a response to a Response object.
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the response to convert</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A response object that represents the response contained in s</returns>
        public static Response Parse(string s, Blackboard blackboard)
            Exception ex;
            Response response;

            if (!TryParse(s, blackboard, out response, out ex))
                throw ex;
            else return response;
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of BlackboardConfig
 /// </summary>
 public BlackboardWrapper(Blackboard blackboard)
     this.blackboard = blackboard;
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of BlackboardConfig
 /// </summary>
 public BlackboardWrapper()
     this.blackboard = null;
		private void SetupBlackboard()
			tbsw = new XmlTextBoxStreamWriter(txtOutputLog, bbLogFile, 1024);
			tbsw.AppendDate = true;
			log = new LogWriter(tbsw);
			processManager = new ModuleProcessManager(log);
			txtOutputLog.AppendText("Loading Blackboard\r\n");
			blackboard = Blackboard.FromXML(ConfigFile, log);
			blackboard.VerbosityLevel = 1;
			//blackboard = Blackboard.FromXML("bb.xml");
			interactionTool.Blackboard = blackboard;
			//tcLog.Enabled = true;
			BlackboardControlsEnabled = true;
			txtOutputLog.AppendText("Blackboard loaded\r\n");
        private static bool LoadModule(Blackboard blackboard, XmlNode modules, ILogWriter log, SortedList<string, ModuleClient> disabledModules)
            XmlNode node;
            string moduleName;
            bool moduleEnabled;
            string processName;
            string programPath;
            string programArgs;
            string moduleAlias;
            string moduleAuthor;
            bool aliveCheck;
            bool requirePrefix;
            int sendDelay;
            bool simulate;
            double simulationSuccessRatio;
            ModuleSimulationOptions simOptions;
            List<IPAddress> ips;
            int port;
            int checkInterval;
            ModuleClient mod;
            XmlDocument tmpDoc;

                // Module check
                if ((modules.Name != "module") ||
                    (modules.Attributes.Count < 1) ||
                    (modules.Attributes["name"] == null) ||
                    (modules.Attributes["name"].Value.Length < 1))
                    return false;

                #region Module information extraction
                FetchModuleInfo(modules, out moduleName, out moduleEnabled, out moduleAlias, out moduleAuthor);

                log.WriteLine(1, "Loading module " + moduleName + (moduleAlias != moduleName ? " alias " + moduleAlias : ""));
                // Create a XML sub-document XML
                tmpDoc = new XmlDocument();

                #region Get program path and program arguments

                FetchProgramInfo(tmpDoc, out processName, out programPath, out programArgs);


                // Leo el comando de inicio
                //if (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("startupCommand").Count != 0)
                //	startupMessage = Command.Parse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("startupCommand")[0].InnerText);

                // Get the array of ip addresses where the module can be
                if (!FetchModuleConnectionSettings(tmpDoc, log, out ips, out port))
                    return false;

                // Veify if Blackbard must check Module's alive status
                FetchModuleStatusCheckSettings(tmpDoc, out aliveCheck, out checkInterval);
                // Verify if the Module requires SOURCE DESTINATION prefix
                if (
                    (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("requirePrefix").Count == 0) ||
                    !Boolean.TryParse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("requirePrefix")[0].InnerText, out requirePrefix)
                    ) requirePrefix = false;
                // Delay between send operations
                if (
                    (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("sendDelay").Count == 0) ||
                    !Int32.TryParse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("sendDelay")[0].InnerText, out sendDelay)
                    ) sendDelay = -1;
                // Simulation options
                simOptions = ModuleSimulationOptions.SimulationDisabled;
                if (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("simulate").Count != 0)
                    node = tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("simulate")[0];
                    simulationSuccessRatio = -1;
                    if ((node.Attributes["successRatio"] == null) || !Double.TryParse(node.Attributes["successRatio"].InnerText, out simulationSuccessRatio) || (simulationSuccessRatio < 0) || (simulationSuccessRatio > 1))
                        simulationSuccessRatio = -1;
                    if (Boolean.TryParse(node.InnerText, out simulate))
                        simOptions = (simulationSuccessRatio != -1) ?
                            new ModuleSimulationOptions(simulationSuccessRatio) :
                            new ModuleSimulationOptions(simulate);


                #region Module Validation
                ValidateModuleName(blackboard, log, ref moduleName, ref moduleEnabled, moduleAlias, disabledModules);


                // Module Creation
                mod = new ModuleClientTcp(moduleName, ips, port);
                mod.Enabled = moduleEnabled;
                mod.Author = moduleAuthor;
                mod.ProcessInfo.ProcessName = processName;
                mod.ProcessInfo.ProgramPath = programPath;
                mod.ProcessInfo.ProgramArgs = programArgs;
                mod.AliveCheck = aliveCheck;
                mod.RequirePrefix = requirePrefix;
                mod.SendDelay = sendDelay;
                mod.Simulation = simOptions;
                mod.Alias = moduleAlias;
                mod.CheckInterval = checkInterval;

                #region Actions Extraction

                // Startup actions extraction
                LoadModuleActions("onStart", "Startup", tmpDoc, mod.StartupActions, log);
                // Restart actions extraction
                LoadModuleActions("onRestart", "Restart", tmpDoc, mod.RestartActions, log);
                // Restart Test actions extraction
                LoadModuleActions("onRestartTest", "Restart-Test", tmpDoc, mod.RestartTestActions, log);
                // Stop actons extraction
                LoadModuleActions("onStop", "Stop", tmpDoc, mod.StopActions, log);
                // Test Timeout actons extraction
                LoadModuleActions("onTestTimeOut", "Test Timeout", tmpDoc, mod.TestTimeOutActions, log);


                //Extract Module Commands
                ExtractPrototypes(mod, tmpDoc, log);
                //if(mod.Prototypes.Count < 1)
                //	return false;

                // Add module to blackboard
                AddModuleToBlackboard(blackboard, log, mod, disabledModules);
                // Error al cargar el modulo
                log.WriteLine(2, "Invalid module");
                // Continuo con el siguiente
                return false;
            return mod.Enabled;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the startup sequence of the blackboard modules
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blackboard">The blackboard where will be loaded the startup sequence</param>
        /// <param name="doc">The xml document from which the actions will be loaded</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log writer</param>
        private static void LoadStartupSequence(Blackboard blackboard, XmlDocument doc, ILogWriter log)
            XmlNodeList modules;
            string moduleName;

            if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("startupSequence").Count != 1)
                log.WriteLine(1, "Startup sequence not found");

            modules = doc.GetElementsByTagName("startupSequence")[0].ChildNodes;
            for(int i = 0; i < modules.Count; ++i)
                    // Module check
                    if ((modules[i].Name != "module") ||
                        //(modules[i].Attributes.Count < 1) ||
                        //(modules[i].Attributes["name"].Value.Length < 1) ||
                        (modules[i].InnerText == null) ||
                        (modules[i].InnerText.Length < 1))

                    //moduleName = modules[i].Attributes["name"].Value.ToUpper();
                    moduleName = modules[i].InnerText.ToUpper();
            log.WriteLine(1, "Startup sequence: " + String.Join(", ", blackboard.StartupSequence.ModuleSequence.ToArray()));
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a response to a Response object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the response to convert</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
        /// <param name="response">When this method returns, contains the Response equivalent to the response
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, Blackboard blackboard, out Response response, out Exception ex)
            Regex rx;
            Match m;
            Prototype proto;
            //Module source;
            IModule source;
            //Module destination;
            IModule destination;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            string sSrc;
            string sDest;
            string sId;
            string sResult;
            bool result;
            int id;

            ex = null;
            response = null;

            // Regular Expresion Generation
            //rx = new Regex(@"((?<src>[\w\-]+)(\s+(?<dest>[\w\-]+))?\s+)?(?<cmd>[A-Za-z_]+)\s+(""(?<params>[^""]*)"")?\s+(@(?<id>\d+))?");
            rx = rxResponseFromBlackboard;
            m = rx.Match(s);
            // Check if input string matchs Regular Expression
            if (!m.Success)
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;
            // Extract Data
            sCommand = m.Result("${cmd}").ToLower();
            sParams = m.Result("${params}");
            sId = m.Result("${id}");
            sSrc = m.Result("${src}");
            sDest = m.Result("${dest}");
            sResult = m.Result("${result}");
            if ((sResult == null) || ((sResult != "1") && (sResult != "0")))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. No suitable result value found");
                return false;
            result = (sResult == "1");
            if ((sId == null) || (sId.Length < 1)) id = -1;
            else id = Int32.Parse(sId);
            // Check if source module is specified
            if ((sSrc == null) || (sSrc.Length < 1) || !blackboard.Modules.Contains(sSrc))
                ex = new Exception("No source module found for response provided");
                return false;
            source = blackboard.Modules[sSrc];
            // Browse for destination module and prototype
            if (!blackboard.FindDestinationModule(sCommand, out source, out proto))
            //Since the response arrived from a module which can't generate it a exception is rised
                ex = new Exception("Sender module and generator module does not match");
                return false;

            // if destination module is specified, then it mus be set
            if ((sDest != null) && (sDest.Length > 0) && source.Parent.Modules.Contains(sDest))
                destination = source.Parent.Modules[sDest];
            // Else, since there is no way at this point to determine which is destination module for response
            // and this is no specified, it is set to null, to allow blackboard to find an apropiate one
                destination = null;
            // Check if response matchs a prototype
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Response requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Response
            response = new Response(source, destination, sCommand, sParams, result, id);
            response.prototype = proto;
            if (!response.success) response.failReason = ResponseFailReason.ExecutedButNotSucceded;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the name of a module and renames it until a valid name is found
        /// </summary>
        private static void ValidateModuleName(Blackboard blackboard, ILogWriter log, ref string moduleName, ref bool moduleEnabled, string moduleAlias, SortedList<string, ModuleClient> disabledModules)
            // Module validation.
            // If a module with the same name exists, rename the current module and disable it
            if (blackboard.Modules.Contains(moduleName) || disabledModules.ContainsKey(moduleName))
                int n = 1;
                string newModuleName = moduleName + n.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

                while (blackboard.Modules.Contains(newModuleName) || disabledModules.ContainsKey(newModuleName))
                    newModuleName = moduleName + n.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
                log.WriteLine(1, "Module " + moduleName + " already exists. Renamed to " + newModuleName + (moduleAlias != moduleName ? " alias " + moduleAlias : ""));
                moduleName = newModuleName;
                moduleEnabled = false;
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a response to a Response object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the response to convert</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
        /// <param name="response">When this method returns, contains the Response equivalent to the response
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, Blackboard blackboard, out Response response, out Exception ex)
            IPrototype proto;
            IModuleClient source;
            IModuleClient destination;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            string sSrc;
            string sDest;
            bool result;
            int iResult;
            int id;

            ex = null;
            response = null;

            // Extract Data
            CommandBase.XtractCommandElements(s, out sSrc, out sDest, out sCommand, out sParams, out iResult, out id);
            if ((sCommand == null) || (iResult == -1))
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;
            result = iResult == 1;

            // Check if source module is specified
            if ((sSrc == null) || (sSrc.Length < 1) || !blackboard.Modules.Contains(sSrc))
                ex = new Exception("No source module found for response provided");
                return false;
            source = blackboard.Modules[sSrc];
            // Browse for destination module and prototype
            if (!blackboard.FindDestinationModule(sCommand, out source, out proto))
            //Since the response arrived from a module which can't generate it a exception is rised
                ex = new Exception("Sender module and generator module does not match");
                return false;

            // if destination module is specified, then it mus be set
            if ((sDest != null) && (sDest.Length > 0) && source.Parent.Modules.Contains(sDest))
                destination = source.Parent.Modules[sDest];
            // Else, since there is no way at this point to determine which is destination module for response
            // and this is no specified, it is set to null, to allow blackboard to find an apropiate one
                destination = null;
            // Check if response matchs a prototype
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Response requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Response
            response = new Response(source, destination, sCommand, sParams, result, id);
            response.prototype = proto;
            if (!response.success) response.failReason = ResponseFailReason.ExecutedButNotSucceded;
            return true;
        private static void AddDisabledModules(Blackboard blackboard, SortedList<string, ModuleClient> disabledModules, ILogWriter log)
            log.WriteLine(2, "Adding disabled modules");
            for (int i = 0; i < disabledModules.Count; ++i)

                    ModuleClient mod = disabledModules.Values[i];
                    log.WriteLine(3, "Added module " + mod.Name + (mod.Alias != mod.Name ? " alias " + mod.Alias : String.Empty));
                catch { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads general blackboard configuration fro the provided XML document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blackboard">The blackboard where will be loaded the settings</param>
        /// <param name="doc">The xml document from which the settings will be loaded</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log writer</param>
        private static void LoadBlackboardConfiguration(Blackboard blackboard, XmlDocument doc, ILogWriter log)
            XmlDocument tmpDoc;
            ModuleClient mod;
            int sendAttempts;
            int globalCheckInterval;
            int moduleLoadDelay;

            log.WriteLine(0, "Loading configuration...");
            tmpDoc = new XmlDocument();

            #region Blackboard Input port, Auto-Stop Time, Test Timeout and Name

            LoadBlackboardPort(tmpDoc, blackboard, log);

            LoadBlackboardAutoStopTime(tmpDoc, blackboard, log);

            LoadBlackboardTestTimeOut(doc, blackboard, log);

            LoadBlackboardName(doc, blackboard, log);


            #region Startup/Shutdown sequence

            LoadStartupSequence(blackboard, doc, log);
            LoadShutdownSequence(blackboard, doc, log);


            #region Other Configurations

            // Read global alive/busy/ready check interval
            if ((tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("globalCheckInterval").Count == 0) ||
                !Int32.TryParse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("globalCheckInterval")[0].InnerText, out globalCheckInterval) ||
                (globalCheckInterval < ModuleClient.MinCheckInterval) || (globalCheckInterval > ModuleClient.MaxCheckInterval))
                log.WriteLine(1, "No alive/busy/ready check interval specified (or invalid), using default: " + ModuleClient.GlobalCheckInterval);
                ModuleClient.GlobalCheckInterval = globalCheckInterval;
                log.WriteLine(1, "alive/busy/ready check interval: " + ModuleClient.GlobalCheckInterval);

            // Module load delay
            if ((tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("moduleLoadDelay").Count == 0) ||
                !Int32.TryParse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("moduleLoadDelay")[0].InnerText, out moduleLoadDelay) ||
                (moduleLoadDelay < 0) || (moduleLoadDelay > 10000))
                log.WriteLine(1, "Module load delay not specified (or invalid), using default: " + blackboard.ModuleLoadDelay.ToString());
                blackboard.ModuleLoadDelay = moduleLoadDelay;
                log.WriteLine(1, "Module load delay: " + blackboard.ModuleLoadDelay.ToString());

            // Leo intentos de reenvio
            if ((tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("sendAttempts").Count == 0) ||
                !Int32.TryParse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("sendAttempts")[0].InnerText, out sendAttempts) ||
                (sendAttempts < 0) && (sendAttempts > 5))
                log.WriteLine(1, "No response send attempts specified (or invalid), using default: " + blackboard.SendAttempts);
                blackboard.sendAttempts = sendAttempts;
                log.WriteLine(1, "Response send attempts: " + blackboard.SendAttempts);


            #region Actions Extraction

            mod = blackboard.VirtualModule;

            // Startup actions extraction
            LoadModuleActions("onStart", "Startup", tmpDoc, mod.StartupActions, log);
            // Restart actions extraction
            LoadModuleActions("onRestart", "Restart", tmpDoc, mod.RestartActions, log);
            // Restart Test actions extraction
            LoadModuleActions("onRestartTest", "Restart-Test", tmpDoc, mod.RestartTestActions, log);
            // Stop actons extraction
            LoadModuleActions("onStop", "Stop", tmpDoc, mod.StopActions, log);
            // Test Timeout actons extraction
            LoadModuleActions("onTestTimeOut", "Test Timeout", tmpDoc, mod.TestTimeOutActions, log);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a module using data contained in a xml module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blackboard">The blackboard which will contain the module</param>
        /// <param name="xmlModuleNode">Xml node used to fetch the required module information.</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log writer</param>
        /// <returns>The module created with the data contained in the xml document</returns>
        private static ModuleClient CreateModule(Blackboard blackboard, XmlNode xmlModuleNode, ILogWriter log)
            XmlDocument tmpDoc;
            XmlNode node;
            ModuleClient mod;
            string moduleName;
            bool moduleEnabled;
            string moduleAlias;
            bool aliveCheck;
            bool requirePrefix;
            int sendDelay;
            bool simulate;
            double simulationSuccessRatio;
            ModuleSimulationOptions simOptions;
            string processName;
            string programPath;
            string programArgs;
            List<IPAddress> ips;
            int port;
            int checkInterval;

            // Enabled
            moduleEnabled = true;
            if ((xmlModuleNode.Attributes["enabled"] != null) &&
                Boolean.TryParse(xmlModuleNode.Attributes["enabled"].Value, out moduleEnabled) &&
                return null;

            moduleName = xmlModuleNode.Attributes["name"].Value.ToUpper();
            // Alias
            if (xmlModuleNode.Attributes["alias"] != null)
                moduleAlias = xmlModuleNode.Attributes["alias"].Value;
            else moduleAlias = moduleName;

            log.WriteLine(1, "Loading module " + moduleName + (moduleAlias != moduleName ? " alias " + moduleAlias : ""));
            // Create a XML sub-document XML
            tmpDoc = new XmlDocument();

            #region Get program path and program arguments

            FetchProgramInfo(tmpDoc, out processName, out programPath, out programArgs);


            // Leo el comando de inicio
            //if (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("startupCommand").Count != 0)
            //	startupMessage = Command.Parse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("startupCommand")[0].InnerText);

            // Get the array of ip addresses where the module can be
            ips = FetchIpAddresses(tmpDoc);
            if ((ips == null) || (ips.Count < 1))
                log.WriteLine(2, "\tNo valid IP Address provided");
                log.WriteLine(1, "Module skipped");
                return null;

            // Leo el puerto de conexion del modulo
            if (
                (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("port").Count == 0) ||
                !Int32.TryParse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("port")[0].InnerText, out port) ||
                (port <= 1024))
                log.WriteLine(2, "\tInvalid port");
                log.WriteLine(1, "Module skipped");
                return null;
            log.WriteLine("\t" + ips[0].ToString() + ":" + port);

            // Veify if Blackbard must check Module's alive status
            checkInterval = ModuleClient.GlobalCheckInterval;
            if (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("aliveCheck").Count != 0)
                node = tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("aliveCheck")[0];
                if (!Boolean.TryParse(node.InnerText, out aliveCheck))
                    aliveCheck = true;
                // Read alive/busy/ready check interval
                if ((node.Attributes["interval"] == null) ||
                    !Int32.TryParse(node.Attributes["interval"].InnerText, out checkInterval) ||
                    (checkInterval < ModuleClient.MinCheckInterval) ||
                    (checkInterval > ModuleClient.MaxCheckInterval))
                    checkInterval = ModuleClient.GlobalCheckInterval;

            else aliveCheck = true;
            // Verify if the Module requires SOURCE DESTINATION prefix
            if (
                (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("requirePrefix").Count == 0) ||
                !Boolean.TryParse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("requirePrefix")[0].InnerText, out requirePrefix)
                ) requirePrefix = false;
            // Delay between send operations
            if (
                (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("sendDelay").Count == 0) ||
                !Int32.TryParse(tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("sendDelay")[0].InnerText, out sendDelay)
                ) sendDelay = -1;
            // Simulation options
            simOptions = ModuleSimulationOptions.SimulationDisabled;
            if (tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("simulate").Count != 0)
                node = tmpDoc.GetElementsByTagName("simulate")[0];
                simulationSuccessRatio = -1;
                if ((node.Attributes["successRatio"] == null) || !Double.TryParse(node.Attributes["successRatio"].InnerText, out simulationSuccessRatio) || (simulationSuccessRatio < 0) || (simulationSuccessRatio > 1))
                    simulationSuccessRatio = -1;
                if (Boolean.TryParse(node.InnerText, out simulate))
                    simOptions = (simulationSuccessRatio != -1) ?
                        new ModuleSimulationOptions(simulationSuccessRatio) :
                        new ModuleSimulationOptions(simulate);

            // Module Creation
            mod = new ModuleClientTcp(moduleName, ips, port);
            mod.ProcessInfo.ProcessName = processName;
            mod.ProcessInfo.ProgramPath = programPath;
            mod.ProcessInfo.ProgramArgs = programArgs;
            mod.AliveCheck = aliveCheck;
            mod.RequirePrefix = requirePrefix;
            mod.SendDelay = sendDelay;
            mod.Simulation = simOptions;
            mod.Alias = moduleAlias;
            mod.CheckInterval = checkInterval;

            return mod;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads modules configuration from the provided XML document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blackboard">The blackboard where will be loaded the modules</param>
        /// <param name="doc">The xml document from which the modules will be loaded</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log writer</param>
        /// <returns>The number of enabled modules loaded</returns>
        private static int LoadBlackboardModules(Blackboard blackboard, XmlDocument doc, ILogWriter log)
            XmlNodeList modules;
            int i;
            //Command startupCommand;
            SortedList<string, ModuleClient> disabledModules;
            int clientModulesAdded;

            if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("modules").Count < 1)
                log.WriteLine(0, "No modules to load");
                throw new Exception("No modules to load");
            modules = doc.GetElementsByTagName("modules")[0].ChildNodes;

            clientModulesAdded = 0;
            disabledModules = new SortedList<string, ModuleClient>();
            for (i = 0; i < modules.Count; ++i)
                if(LoadModule(blackboard, modules[i], log, disabledModules))

            // Add disabled modules
            AddDisabledModules(blackboard, disabledModules, log);
            return clientModulesAdded;
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
 /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
 /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
 /// <param name="command">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
 /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
 /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
 /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
 /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool TryParse(string s, Blackboard blackboard, out Command command)
     Exception ex;
     return TryParse(s, blackboard, out command, out ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Fetch the blackboard virtual module name
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doc">XML document which contains the Blackboard data</param>
 /// <param name="blackboard">The blackboard which data will be set</param>
 /// <param name="log">The log writer</param>
 private static void LoadBlackboardName(XmlDocument doc, Blackboard blackboard, ILogWriter log)
     string moduleName;
     if ((doc.GetElementsByTagName("name").Count != 1) || ((moduleName = doc.GetElementsByTagName("name")[0].InnerText.Trim()).Length < 3))
         log.WriteLine(1, "No Virtual module name specified.");
         log.WriteLine(1, "\tUsing virtual module name: BLACKBOARD");
         blackboard.VirtualModule = new ModuleBlackboard("BLACKBOARD");
         moduleName = moduleName.ToUpper();
         blackboard.VirtualModule = new ModuleBlackboard(moduleName.ToUpper());
         log.WriteLine(1, "Blackboard virtual module name: " + moduleName);
         moduleName = null;
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
        /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
        /// <param name="cmd">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, Blackboard blackboard, out Command cmd, out Exception ex)
            IPrototype proto;
            //Module source;
            //Module destination;
            IModuleClient source;
            IModuleClient destination;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            string sSrc;
            string sDest;
            int result;
            int id;

            cmd = null;
            ex = null;

            // Extract Data
            CommandBase.XtractCommandElements(s, out sSrc, out sDest, out sCommand, out sParams, out result, out id);
            if ((sCommand == null) || (result != -1))
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;

            // Check if source module is specified
            if ((sSrc == null) || (sSrc.Length < 1) || !blackboard.Modules.Contains(sSrc))
                ex = new Exception("No source module found for command provided");
                return false;
            source = blackboard.Modules[sSrc];
            // Browse for destination module and prototype
            if (!blackboard.FindDestinationModule(sCommand, out destination, out proto))
            //throw new Exception("No destination module found for command provided");
                // No destination module found. Must check if destination is availiable
                if ((sDest == null) || (sDest.Length < 1) || !blackboard.Modules.Contains(sDest))
                    ex = new Exception("No destination module found for command provided");
                    return false;
                destination = blackboard.Modules[sDest];
                proto = null;
            // Check if command matchs a prototype
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Command requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Command
            cmd = new Command(source, destination, sCommand, sParams, id);
            cmd.prototype = proto;
            cmd.sentTime = DateTime.Now;
            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Fetch the blackboard input port
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doc">XML document which contains the Blackboard data</param>
 /// <param name="blackboard">The blackboard which data will be set</param>
 /// <param name="log">The log writer</param>
 private static void LoadBlackboardPort(XmlDocument doc, Blackboard blackboard, ILogWriter log)
     // Leo puerto
     if ((doc.GetElementsByTagName("port").Count != 1) ||
         !Int32.TryParse(doc.GetElementsByTagName("port")[0].InnerText, out blackboard.port))
         blackboard.port = 2300;
         log.WriteLine(1, "No Blackboard port specified, using default: " + blackboard.Port);
     else log.WriteLine(1, "Blackboard port: " + blackboard.Port);