Beispiel #1
        public override void Update(float deltaTime)
            if (disallowed)

            if (isFinished)

            if (spawnPos == null)
                FindSpawnPosition(affectSubImmediately: true);
                spawnPending = true;

            bool spawnReady = false;

            if (spawnPending)
                //if spawning in a ruin/cave, wait for someone to be close to it to spawning
                //unnecessary monsters in places the players might never visit during the round
                if (spawnPosType == Level.PositionType.Ruin || spawnPosType == Level.PositionType.Cave || spawnPosType == Level.PositionType.Wreck)
                    bool  someoneNearby = false;
                    float minDist       = Sonar.DefaultSonarRange * 0.8f;
                    foreach (Submarine submarine in Submarine.Loaded)
                        if (submarine.Info.Type != SubmarineInfo.SubmarineType.Player)
                        if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(submarine.WorldPosition, spawnPos.Value) < minDist * minDist)
                            someoneNearby = true;
                    foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList)
                        if (c == Character.Controlled || c.IsRemotePlayer)
                            if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(c.WorldPosition, spawnPos.Value) < minDist * minDist)
                                someoneNearby = true;
                    if (!someoneNearby)
                    //wait until there are no submarines at the spawnpos
                    foreach (Submarine submarine in Submarine.Loaded)
                        if (submarine.Info.Type != SubmarineInfo.SubmarineType.Player)
                        float minDist = GetMinDistanceToSub(submarine);
                        if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(submarine.WorldPosition, spawnPos.Value) < minDist * minDist)

                spawnPending = false;

                //+1 because Range returns an integer less than the max value
                int amount = Rand.Range(minAmount, maxAmount + 1);
                monsters = new List <Character>();
                float offsetAmount = spawnPosType == Level.PositionType.MainPath ? scatter : 100;
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                    CoroutineManager.InvokeAfter(() =>
                        //round ended before the coroutine finished
                        if (GameMain.GameSession == null || Level.Loaded == null)

                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(GameMain.NetworkMember == null || GameMain.NetworkMember.IsServer, "Clients should not create monster events.");

                        Vector2 pos = spawnPos.Value + Rand.Vector(offsetAmount);
                        if (spawnPosType == Level.PositionType.MainPath)
                            if (Submarine.Loaded.Any(s => ToolBox.GetWorldBounds(s.Borders.Center, s.Borders.Size).ContainsWorld(pos)))
                                // Can't use the offset position, let's use the exact spawn position.
                                pos = spawnPos.Value;
                            else if (Level.Loaded.Ruins.Any(r => ToolBox.GetWorldBounds(r.Area.Center, r.Area.Size).ContainsWorld(pos)))
                                // Can't use the offset position, let's use the exact spawn position.
                                pos = spawnPos.Value;

                        monsters.Add(Character.Create(speciesName, pos, Level.Loaded.Seed + i.ToString(), null, false, true, true));

                        if (monsters.Count == amount)
                            spawnReady = true;
                            //this will do nothing if the monsters have no swarm behavior defined,
                            //otherwise it'll make the spawned characters act as a swarm
                            SwarmBehavior.CreateSwarm(monsters.Cast <AICharacter>());
                    }, Rand.Range(0f, amount / 2));

            if (!spawnReady)

            Entity targetEntity = Submarine.FindClosest(GameMain.GameScreen.Cam.WorldViewCenter);

            if (Character.Controlled != null)
                targetEntity = Character.Controlled;

            bool monstersDead = true;
            foreach (Character monster in monsters)
                if (!monster.IsDead)
                    monstersDead = false;

                    if (targetEntity != null && Vector2.DistanceSquared(monster.WorldPosition, targetEntity.WorldPosition) < 5000.0f * 5000.0f)

            if (monstersDead)
Beispiel #2
        public WreckAI(Submarine wreck)
            Wreck  = wreck;
            Config = WreckAIConfig.GetRandom();
            if (Config == null)
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("WreckAI: No wreck AI config found!");
            var thalamusPrefabs = ItemPrefab.Prefabs.Where(p => IsThalamus(p));
            var brainPrefab     = thalamusPrefabs.GetRandom(i => i.Tags.Contains(Config.Brain), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (brainPrefab == null)
                DebugConsole.ThrowError($"WreckAI: Could not find any brain prefab with the tag {Config.Brain}! Cannot continue. Failed to create wreck AI.");
            allItems      = Wreck.GetItems(false);
            thalamusItems = allItems.FindAll(i => IsThalamus(i.prefab));
            var hulls = Wreck.GetHulls(false);

            brain = new Item(brainPrefab, Vector2.Zero, Wreck);
            Vector2 negativeMargin = new Vector2(40, 20);
            Vector2 minSize        = brain.Rect.Size.ToVector2() - negativeMargin;
            Vector2 maxSize        = new Vector2(brain.Rect.Width * 3, brain.Rect.Height * 3);
            // First try to get a room that is not too big and not in the edges of the sub.
            // Also try not to create the brain in a room that already have carrier items inside.
            // Ignore hulls that have any linked hulls to keep the calculations simple.
            // Shrink the horizontal axis so that the brain is not placed in the left or right side, where we often have curved walls.
            // Also ignore hulls that have open gaps, because we'll want the room to be full of water. The room will be filled with water when the brain is inserted in the room.
            Rectangle shrinkedBounds = ToolBox.GetWorldBounds(Wreck.WorldPosition.ToPoint(), new Point(Wreck.Borders.Width - 500, Wreck.Borders.Height));

            bool BaseCondition(Hull h) => h.RectWidth > minSize.X && h.RectHeight > minSize.Y && h.GetLinkedEntities <Hull>().None() && h.ConnectedGaps.None(g => g.Open > 0);
            bool IsNotTooBig(Hull h) => h.RectWidth < maxSize.X && h.RectHeight < maxSize.Y;
            bool IsNotInFringes(Hull h) => shrinkedBounds.ContainsWorld(h.WorldRect);
            bool DoesNotContainOtherItems(Hull h) => thalamusItems.None(i => i.CurrentHull == h);

            Hull brainHull = hulls.GetRandom(h => BaseCondition(h) && IsNotTooBig(h) && IsNotInFringes(h) && DoesNotContainOtherItems(h), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (brainHull == null)
                brainHull = hulls.GetRandom(h => BaseCondition(h) && IsNotInFringes(h) && DoesNotContainOtherItems(h), Rand.RandSync.Server);
            if (brainHull == null)
                brainHull = hulls.GetRandom(h => BaseCondition(h) && (IsNotInFringes(h) || DoesNotContainOtherItems(h)), Rand.RandSync.Server);
            if (brainHull == null)
                brainHull = hulls.GetRandom(BaseCondition, Rand.RandSync.Server);
            var thalamusStructurePrefabs = StructurePrefab.Prefabs.Where(p => IsThalamus(p));

            if (brainHull == null)
            brainHull.WaterVolume = brainHull.Volume;
            brain.SetTransform(brainHull.SimPosition, rotation: 0, findNewHull: false);
            brain.CurrentHull = brainHull;
            var backgroundPrefab = thalamusStructurePrefabs.GetRandom(i => i.Tags.Contains(Config.BrainRoomBackground), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (backgroundPrefab != null)
                new Structure(brainHull.Rect, backgroundPrefab, Wreck);
            var horizontalWallPrefab = thalamusStructurePrefabs.GetRandom(p => p.Tags.Contains(Config.BrainRoomHorizontalWall), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (horizontalWallPrefab != null)
                int height        = (int)horizontalWallPrefab.Size.Y;
                int halfHeight    = height / 2;
                int quarterHeight = halfHeight / 2;
                new Structure(new Rectangle(brainHull.Rect.Left, brainHull.Rect.Top + quarterHeight, brainHull.Rect.Width, height), horizontalWallPrefab, Wreck);
                new Structure(new Rectangle(brainHull.Rect.Left, brainHull.Rect.Top - brainHull.Rect.Height + halfHeight + quarterHeight, brainHull.Rect.Width, height), horizontalWallPrefab, Wreck);
            var verticalWallPrefab = thalamusStructurePrefabs.GetRandom(p => p.Tags.Contains(Config.BrainRoomVerticalWall), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (verticalWallPrefab != null)
                int width        = (int)verticalWallPrefab.Size.X;
                int halfWidth    = width / 2;
                int quarterWidth = halfWidth / 2;
                new Structure(new Rectangle(brainHull.Rect.Left - quarterWidth, brainHull.Rect.Top, width, brainHull.Rect.Height), verticalWallPrefab, Wreck);
                new Structure(new Rectangle(brainHull.Rect.Right - halfWidth - quarterWidth, brainHull.Rect.Top, width, brainHull.Rect.Height), verticalWallPrefab, Wreck);
            foreach (Item item in allItems)
                if (thalamusItems.Contains(item))
                    // Ensure that thalamus items are visible
                    item.HiddenInGame = false;
                    // Load regular turrets
                    var turret = item.GetComponent <Turret>();
                    if (turret != null)
                        foreach (var linkedItem in item.GetLinkedEntities <Item>())
                            var container = linkedItem.GetComponent <ItemContainer>();
                            if (container == null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < container.Inventory.Capacity; i++)
                                if (container.Inventory.Items[i] != null)
                                if (MapEntityPrefab.List.GetRandom(e => e is ItemPrefab i && container.CanBeContained(i) &&
                                                                   Config.ForbiddenAmmunition.None(id => id.Equals(i.Identifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)), Rand.RandSync.Server) is ItemPrefab ammoPrefab)
                                    Item ammo = new Item(ammoPrefab, container.Item.WorldPosition, Wreck);
                                    if (!container.Inventory.TryPutItem(ammo, i, allowSwapping: false, allowCombine: false, user: null, createNetworkEvent: false))
            foreach (var item in allItems)
                var turret = item.GetComponent <Turret>();
                if (turret != null)
                if (item.HasTag(Config.Spawner))
                    if (!spawnOrgans.Contains(item))
            IsAlive            = true;
            thalamusStructures = GetThalamusEntities <Structure>(Wreck, Config.Entity).ToList();
Beispiel #3
        private WreckAI(Submarine wreck)
            Wreck  = wreck;
            Config = WreckAIConfig.GetRandom();
            if (Config == null)
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("WreckAI: No wreck AI config found!");
            var thalamusPrefabs = ItemPrefab.Prefabs.Where(p => IsThalamus(p));
            var brainPrefab     = thalamusPrefabs.GetRandom(i => i.Tags.Contains(Config.Brain), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (brainPrefab == null)
                DebugConsole.ThrowError($"WreckAI: Could not find any brain prefab with the tag {Config.Brain}! Cannot continue. Failed to create wreck AI.");
            allItems      = Wreck.GetItems(false);
            thalamusItems = allItems.FindAll(i => IsThalamus(i.prefab));
            var potentialBrainHulls = new List <(Hull hull, float weight)>();

            brain = new Item(brainPrefab, Vector2.Zero, Wreck);
            Point minSize = brain.Rect.Size.Multiply(brain.Scale);
            // Bigger hulls are allowed, but not preferred more than what's sufficent.
            Vector2 sufficentSize = new Vector2(minSize.X * 2, minSize.Y * 1.1f);
            // Shrink the horizontal axis so that the brain is not placed in the left or right side, where we often have curved walls.
            Rectangle shrinkedBounds = ToolBox.GetWorldBounds(Wreck.WorldPosition.ToPoint(), new Point(Wreck.Borders.Width - 500, Wreck.Borders.Height));

            foreach (Hull hull in hulls)
                float distanceFromCenter   = Vector2.Distance(Wreck.WorldPosition, hull.WorldPosition);
                float distanceFactor       = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0f, 0.5f, MathUtils.InverseLerp(0, Math.Max(shrinkedBounds.Width, shrinkedBounds.Height) / 2, distanceFromCenter));
                float horizontalSizeFactor = MathHelper.Lerp(0.5f, 1.0f, MathUtils.InverseLerp(minSize.X, sufficentSize.X, hull.Rect.Width));
                float verticalSizeFactor   = MathHelper.Lerp(0.5f, 1.0f, MathUtils.InverseLerp(minSize.Y, sufficentSize.Y, hull.Rect.Height));
                float weight = verticalSizeFactor * horizontalSizeFactor * distanceFactor;
                if (hull.GetLinkedEntities <Hull>().Any())
                    // Ignore hulls that have any linked hulls to keep the calculations simple.
                else if (hull.ConnectedGaps.Any(g => g.Open > 0 && (!g.IsRoomToRoom || g.Position.Y < hull.Position.Y)))
                    // Ignore hulls that have open gaps to outside or below the center point, because we'll want the room to be full of water and not be accessible without breaking the wall.
                else if (thalamusItems.Any(i => i.CurrentHull == hull))
                    // Don't create the brain in a room that already has thalamus items inside it.
                else if (hull.Rect.Width < minSize.X || hull.Rect.Height < minSize.Y)
                    // Don't select too small rooms.
                if (weight > 0)
                    potentialBrainHulls.Add((hull, weight));
            Hull brainHull = ToolBox.SelectWeightedRandom(potentialBrainHulls.Select(pbh => pbh.hull).ToList(), potentialBrainHulls.Select(pbh => pbh.weight).ToList(), Rand.RandSync.Server);
            var  thalamusStructurePrefabs = StructurePrefab.Prefabs.Where(p => IsThalamus(p));

            if (brainHull == null)
                DebugConsole.AddWarning("Wreck AI: Cannot find a proper room for the brain. Using a random room.");
                brainHull = hulls.GetRandom(Rand.RandSync.Server);
            if (brainHull == null)
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Wreck AI: Cannot find any room for the brain! Failed to create the Thalamus.");
            brainHull.WaterVolume = brainHull.Volume;
            brain.SetTransform(brainHull.SimPosition, rotation: 0, findNewHull: false);
            brain.CurrentHull = brainHull;
            var backgroundPrefab = thalamusStructurePrefabs.GetRandom(i => i.Tags.Contains(Config.BrainRoomBackground), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (backgroundPrefab != null)
                new Structure(brainHull.Rect, backgroundPrefab, Wreck);
            var horizontalWallPrefab = thalamusStructurePrefabs.GetRandom(p => p.Tags.Contains(Config.BrainRoomHorizontalWall), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (horizontalWallPrefab != null)
                int height        = (int)horizontalWallPrefab.Size.Y;
                int halfHeight    = height / 2;
                int quarterHeight = halfHeight / 2;
                new Structure(new Rectangle(brainHull.Rect.Left, brainHull.Rect.Top + quarterHeight, brainHull.Rect.Width, height), horizontalWallPrefab, Wreck);
                new Structure(new Rectangle(brainHull.Rect.Left, brainHull.Rect.Top - brainHull.Rect.Height + halfHeight + quarterHeight, brainHull.Rect.Width, height), horizontalWallPrefab, Wreck);
            var verticalWallPrefab = thalamusStructurePrefabs.GetRandom(p => p.Tags.Contains(Config.BrainRoomVerticalWall), Rand.RandSync.Server);

            if (verticalWallPrefab != null)
                int width        = (int)verticalWallPrefab.Size.X;
                int halfWidth    = width / 2;
                int quarterWidth = halfWidth / 2;
                new Structure(new Rectangle(brainHull.Rect.Left - quarterWidth, brainHull.Rect.Top, width, brainHull.Rect.Height), verticalWallPrefab, Wreck);
                new Structure(new Rectangle(brainHull.Rect.Right - halfWidth - quarterWidth, brainHull.Rect.Top, width, brainHull.Rect.Height), verticalWallPrefab, Wreck);
            foreach (Item item in allItems)
                if (thalamusItems.Contains(item))
                    // Ensure that thalamus items are visible
                    item.HiddenInGame = false;
                    // Load regular turrets
                    var turret = item.GetComponent <Turret>();
                    if (turret != null)
                        foreach (var linkedItem in item.GetLinkedEntities <Item>())
                            var container = linkedItem.GetComponent <ItemContainer>();
                            if (container == null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < container.Inventory.Capacity; i++)
                                if (container.Inventory.GetItemAt(i) != null)
                                if (MapEntityPrefab.List.GetRandom(e => e is ItemPrefab ip && container.CanBeContained(ip, i) &&
                                                                   Config.ForbiddenAmmunition.None(id => id.Equals(ip.Identifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)), Rand.RandSync.Server) is ItemPrefab ammoPrefab)
                                    Item ammo = new Item(ammoPrefab, container.Item.WorldPosition, Wreck);
                                    if (!container.Inventory.TryPutItem(ammo, i, allowSwapping: false, allowCombine: false, user: null, createNetworkEvent: false))
            foreach (var item in allItems)
                var turret = item.GetComponent <Turret>();
                if (turret != null)
                if (item.HasTag(Config.Spawner))
                    if (!spawnOrgans.Contains(item))
                        if (item.CurrentHull != null)
                            // Try to flood the hull so that the spawner won't die.
                            item.CurrentHull.WaterVolume = item.CurrentHull.Volume;
            IsAlive            = true;
            thalamusStructures = GetThalamusEntities <Structure>(Wreck, Config.Entity).ToList();
Beispiel #4
        public override void Update(float deltaTime)
            if (disallowed)

            if (isFinished)

            if (spawnPos == null)
                if (maxAmountPerLevel < int.MaxValue)
                    if (Character.CharacterList.Count(c => c.SpeciesName == speciesName) >= maxAmountPerLevel)
                        disallowed = true;

                FindSpawnPosition(affectSubImmediately: true);
                //the event gets marked as finished if a spawn point is not found
                if (isFinished)
                spawnPending = true;

            bool spawnReady = false;

            if (spawnPending)
                //wait until there are no submarines at the spawnpos
                if (spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.MainPath) || spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.SidePath) || spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.Abyss))
                    foreach (Submarine submarine in Submarine.Loaded)
                        if (submarine.Info.Type != SubmarineType.Player)
                        float minDist = GetMinDistanceToSub(submarine);
                        if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(submarine.WorldPosition, spawnPos.Value) < minDist * minDist)

                //if spawning in a ruin/cave, wait for someone to be close to it to spawning
                //unnecessary monsters in places the players might never visit during the round
                if (spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.Ruin) || spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.Cave) || spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.Wreck))
                    bool  someoneNearby = false;
                    float minDist       = Sonar.DefaultSonarRange * 0.8f;
                    foreach (Submarine submarine in Submarine.Loaded)
                        if (submarine.Info.Type != SubmarineType.Player)
                        if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(submarine.WorldPosition, spawnPos.Value) < minDist * minDist)
                            someoneNearby = true;
                    foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList)
                        if (c == Character.Controlled || c.IsRemotePlayer)
                            if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(c.WorldPosition, spawnPos.Value) < minDist * minDist)
                                someoneNearby = true;
                    if (!someoneNearby)

                if (spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.Abyss) || spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.AbyssCave))
                    bool anyInAbyss = false;
                    foreach (Submarine submarine in Submarine.Loaded)
                        if (submarine.Info.Type != SubmarineType.Player || submarine == GameMain.NetworkMember?.RespawnManager?.RespawnShuttle)
                        if (submarine.WorldPosition.Y < 0)
                            anyInAbyss = true;
                    if (!anyInAbyss)

                spawnPending = false;

                //+1 because Range returns an integer less than the max value
                int amount = Rand.Range(minAmount, maxAmount + 1);
                monsters = new List <Character>();
                float scatterAmount = scatter;
                if (spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.SidePath))
                    var sidePaths = Level.Loaded.Tunnels.Where(t => t.Type == Level.TunnelType.SidePath);
                    if (sidePaths.Any())
                        scatterAmount = Math.Min(scatter, sidePaths.Min(t => t.MinWidth) / 2);
                        scatterAmount = scatter;
                else if (!spawnPosType.HasFlag(Level.PositionType.MainPath))
                    scatterAmount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                    string seed = Level.Loaded.Seed + i.ToString();
                    CoroutineManager.Invoke(() =>
                        //round ended before the coroutine finished
                        if (GameMain.GameSession == null || Level.Loaded == null)

                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(GameMain.NetworkMember == null || GameMain.NetworkMember.IsServer, "Clients should not create monster events.");

                        Vector2 pos = spawnPos.Value + Rand.Vector(scatterAmount);
                        if (scatterAmount > 0)
                            if (Submarine.Loaded.Any(s => ToolBox.GetWorldBounds(s.Borders.Center, s.Borders.Size).ContainsWorld(pos)))
                                // Can't use the offset position, let's use the exact spawn position.
                                pos = spawnPos.Value;
                            else if (Level.Loaded.Ruins.Any(r => ToolBox.GetWorldBounds(r.Area.Center, r.Area.Size).ContainsWorld(pos)))
                                // Can't use the offset position, let's use the exact spawn position.
                                pos = spawnPos.Value;

                        Character createdCharacter = Character.Create(speciesName, pos, seed, characterInfo: null, isRemotePlayer: false, hasAi: true, createNetworkEvent: true);
                        if (GameMain.GameSession.IsCurrentLocationRadiated())
                            AfflictionPrefab radiationPrefab = AfflictionPrefab.RadiationSickness;
                            Affliction affliction            = new Affliction(radiationPrefab, radiationPrefab.MaxStrength);
                            createdCharacter?.CharacterHealth.ApplyAffliction(null, affliction);
                            // TODO test multiplayer
                            createdCharacter?.Kill(CauseOfDeathType.Affliction, affliction, log: false);

                        if (monsters.Count == amount)
                            spawnReady = true;
                            //this will do nothing if the monsters have no swarm behavior defined,
                            //otherwise it'll make the spawned characters act as a swarm
                            SwarmBehavior.CreateSwarm(monsters.Cast <AICharacter>());
                    }, Rand.Range(0f, amount / 2f));

            if (!spawnReady)

            Entity targetEntity = Submarine.FindClosest(GameMain.GameScreen.Cam.WorldViewCenter);

            if (Character.Controlled != null)
                targetEntity = Character.Controlled;

            bool monstersDead = true;
            foreach (Character monster in monsters)
                if (!monster.IsDead)
                    monstersDead = false;

                    if (targetEntity != null && Vector2.DistanceSquared(monster.WorldPosition, targetEntity.WorldPosition) < 5000.0f * 5000.0f)

            if (monstersDead)