        // Constructor
        public CanvasSession(MainForm pMainForm, CanvasWindow pCanvasWindow, LayerControlForm pLayerControlForm)
            m_toolRunner = new ToolRunner("localUserInput", pCanvasWindow.GetPicture());
            m_mainForm = pMainForm;
            m_canvasWindow = pCanvasWindow;
            m_canvasWindow.m_session = this;
            m_layerControl = pLayerControlForm;

            //setup first layer
            selectedLayerID = Gui_CreateLayer();

            //add listeners for all functions that should redraw the main canvas
            m_toolRunner.AddFunctionListener( (pA, pB, pC) => { m_canvasWindow.Redraw(pA); }, "tool_down", "tool_up", "tool_move", "undo", "clear", "reorder_layers", "remove_layer");

            //add listeners for all functions that should rebuild the layer list
            m_toolRunner.AddFunctionListener((pA, pB, pC) => { m_layerControl.RebuildLayerControls(); }, "reorder_layers", "rename_layer", "remove_layer", "create_layer");

            //add listeners for all functions that should update a layer thumbnail
            m_toolRunner.AddFunctionListener((pA, pB, pC) => { m_layerControl.UpdateThumbnail(pC["layer"] as string); }, "tool_up", "undo", "clear");

            //add listeners for updating the status bar (:
            m_toolRunner.AddFunctionListener((pA, pB, pC) => { m_mainForm.SetStatus("last action: " + pB); }, "tool_down", "tool_up", "tool_move", "undo", "clear", "reorder_layers", "remove_layer", "create_layer");