Beispiel #1
 private static void unitTests()
     foreach (string bcmfilename in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"C:\Users\Eric\Desktop\BLECE\latest\", "*.bcm", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
         string charname = bcmfilename.Substring(bcmfilename.Length - 7, 3);
         Console.Write(charname + "-BCM-");
         var bcm = BCMFile.FromFilename(bcmfilename);
         var bac = BACFile.FromFilename(bcmfilename.Replace(".bcm", ".bac"), bcm);
         BCMFile.ToFilename("tmp." + charname + ".bcm", bcm);
         BACFile.ToFilename("tmp." + charname + ".bac", bac, bcm);
         byte[] original = File.ReadAllBytes(bcmfilename);
         byte[] output   = File.ReadAllBytes("tmp." + charname + ".bcm");
         if (original.Length != output.Length)
             Console.WriteLine("--------------------------REBUILD FAIL:These arent even the same size?");
             Console.WriteLine("original: {0} rebuild: {1} diff: {2}", original.Length, output.Length, original.Length - output.Length);
         //Console.WriteLine("Good, files are the same size");
         bool good = true;
         for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++)
             if (original[i] != output[i])
                 Console.WriteLine("-----------------------REBUILD FAIL:Difference at {0:X}", i);
                 good = false;
         if (good == true)
             Console.WriteLine("----This files ok!");
         Console.Write(charname + "-BAC");
         original = File.ReadAllBytes(bcmfilename.Replace(".bcm", ".bac"));
         output   = File.ReadAllBytes("tmp." + charname + ".bac");
         if (original.Length != output.Length)
             Console.WriteLine("--------------------------REBUILD FAIL:These arent even the same size?");
         //Console.WriteLine("Good, files are the same size");
         good = true;
         for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++)
             if (original[i] != output[i])
                 Console.WriteLine("-----------------------REBUILD FAIL:Difference at {0:X}", i);
                 good = false;
         if (good == true)
             Console.WriteLine("----This files ok!");
Beispiel #2
        private static void rainbow()
            foreach (string bcmfilename in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"C:\Users\Eric\Desktop\BLECE\latest\", "*.bcm", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                string charname = bcmfilename.Substring(bcmfilename.Length - 7, 3);
                var    bcm       = BCMFile.FromFilename(bcmfilename);
                var    bac       = BACFile.FromFilename(bcmfilename.Replace(".bcm", ".bac"), bcm);
                string targetbcm = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Capcom\Super Street Fighter IV\dlc\03_character_free\battle\regulation\latest\" +
                                   Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bcmfilename) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bcmfilename) + ".bcm";
                string targetbac = targetbcm.Replace(".bcm", ".bac");
                foreach (Charge charge in bcm.Charges)
                    charge.Frames = 2;
                foreach (Script script in bac.Scripts)
                    if (script.Name == "NONE")
                    foreach (HitboxCommand hitbox in script.CommandLists[(int)CommandListType.HITBOX])
                        //hitbox.Juggle = 1;
                        hitbox.JugglePotential = 20;
                        if (hitbox.Type == HitboxCommand.HitboxType.GRAB)
                            hitbox.Type = HitboxCommand.HitboxType.NORMAL;
                        if (hitbox.HitLevel == HitboxCommand.HitLevelType.AIR_ONLY)
                            hitbox.HitLevel = HitboxCommand.HitLevelType.MID;
                    foreach (SpeedCommand speed in script.CommandLists[(int)CommandListType.SPEED])
                        speed.Multiplier = (float)(speed.Multiplier * 1.7);
                    foreach (CancelCommand cancel in script.CommandLists[(int)CommandListType.CANCELS])
                        if (cancel.Condition == CancelCommand.CancelConditions.ON_HIT)
                            cancel.Condition = CancelCommand.CancelConditions.START;
                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(targetbcm)))

                BCMFile.ToFilename(targetbcm, bcm);
                BACFile.ToFilename(targetbac, bac, bcm);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The load BCM.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">
        /// The character.
        /// </param>
        public static void LoadBCM(string character)
            string path = string.Format("{0}\\patch\\battle\\regulation\\latest_ae\\{1}\\{1}.bcm", @"M:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition", character);

                // This isn't case sensitive.
                bcm = BCMFile.FromFilename(path);
                bac = BACFile.FromFilename(path.Replace("bcm", "bac"), bcm);

                loadedCharacter = character.ToLower();
            }catch {}
Beispiel #4
        private void ClickSave(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
             * var sb = new SaveFileDialog();
             * sb.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(opened);
             * bool result = sb.ShowDialog(this);
             * if(result)*/
            var result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to overwrite \"" + _opened + "\" ?", "Overwrite File", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);

            if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                AELogger.Log("Saving BCM " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
                BCMFile.ToFilename(_opened, App.OpenedFiles.BCMFile);
                AELogger.Log("Saved BCM, Saving BAC " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
                BACFile.ToFilename(_opened.Replace(".bcm", ".bac"), App.OpenedFiles.BACFile, App.OpenedFiles.BCMFile);
                AELogger.Log("Saved BAC " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
Beispiel #5
        private void ClickSaveAs(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var sb = new SaveFileDialog();

            sb.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(_opened);
            sb.Filter           = "SF4AE BCM Files|*.bcm";
            sb.AddExtension     = true;
            sb.OverwritePrompt  = true;
            bool result = (bool)sb.ShowDialog(this);

            if (result)
                _opened = sb.FileName;
                AELogger.Log("Saving BCM " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
                BCMFile.ToFilename(sb.FileName, App.OpenedFiles.BCMFile);
                AELogger.Log("Saved BCM, Saving BAC " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
                BACFile.ToFilename(sb.FileName.Replace(".bcm", ".bac"), App.OpenedFiles.BACFile, App.OpenedFiles.BCMFile);
                AELogger.Log("Saved BAC " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
Beispiel #6
        private void RecentOpen(String file)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file))

            UserSettings.CurrentSettings.LastOpenedFile = file;

            AELogger.Log("Opening BCM " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
            App.OpenedFiles.BCMFile = BCMFile.FromFilename(file);
            string bacfile = file.Replace(".bcm", ".bac");

            AELogger.Log("Opened BCM, Opening BAC " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
            App.OpenedFiles.BACFile = BACFile.FromFilename(bacfile, App.OpenedFiles.BCMFile);
            _opened = file;
            App.OpenedFiles.FilesOpened = true;
            AELogger.Log("Opened BAC " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
            this.Title = "Editing " + Opened + " -Ono!";
Beispiel #7
        private void ClickOpen(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var sb = new OpenFileDialog {
                Filter = "SF4AE BCM Files|*.bcm"
            var result = sb.ShowDialog(this);

            if ((bool)result.Value)
                UserSettings.CurrentSettings.LastOpenedFile = sb.FileName;

                AELogger.Log("Opening BCM " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
                App.OpenedFiles.BCMFile = BCMFile.FromFilename(sb.FileName);
                string bacfile = sb.FileName.Replace(".bcm", ".bac");
                AELogger.Log("Opened BCM, Opening BAC " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
                App.OpenedFiles.BACFile = BACFile.FromFilename(bacfile, App.OpenedFiles.BCMFile);
                _opened = sb.FileName;
                App.OpenedFiles.FilesOpened = true; // yay
                AELogger.Log("Opened BAC " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_opened));
                this.Title = "Editing " + Opened + " -Ono!";
Beispiel #8
        private static void RunScript(string dir, string script, string charname)
            var str = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(script);
            var ms  = new MemoryStream();
            var sw  = new StringWriter();

            sw.WriteLine("//RainbowScript output for " + str + " on " + charname);
            Console.WriteLine("running " + str + " on " + charname);
            //var oldout = Console.Out;
            IronPythonHelper.SetOut(ms, sw);
            var bcm = BCMFile.FromFilename(dir + "/" + charname + "/" + charname + ".bcm");
            var bac = BACFile.FromFilename(dir + "/" + charname + "/" + charname + ".bac", bcm);

            IronPythonHelper.Export("bcm", bcm);
            IronPythonHelper.Export("bac", bac);
            IronPythonHelper.Export("charName", charname);
            Directory.CreateDirectory("output/" + str + "/");

            File.WriteAllText("output/" + str + "/" + charname + ".html", sw.ToString());
            File.AppendAllText("output/" + str + ".html", sw.ToString());
        public void ReadBCMData()
            int off = 0x8;

            if (PlayerIndex == 1)
                off = 0xC;
            var InputBufferOffset = (int)Util.Memory.ReadInt((int)Util.Memory.ReadInt(0x400000 + 0x6A7DEC) + off);
            int BCM = (int)Util.Memory.ReadInt(InputBufferOffset + 0x8);

            if (BCM != bcm_off && BCM != 0)
                //Gotta load BCM
                var tmpfile = File.Create(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "/tmp.bcm", 0x9000);
                var tmparr  = Util.Memory.ReadAOB(BCM, 0x9000);
                tmpfile.Write(tmparr, 0, tmparr.Length);
                bcm     = BCMFile.FromFilename(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "/tmp.bcm");
                bcm_off = BCM;
            //Not in a match
            if (BCM == 0)
            var chargeStatus = (int)Util.Memory.ReadInt(InputBufferOffset + 0x1594);


            var InputBufferStart      = (int)Util.Memory.ReadInt(0x400000 + 0x6A7DF0) + 0x48;
            var InputBufferCurrent    = (int)Util.Memory.ReadInt(InputBufferStart + 0x400 * 0xC + 4);
            var InputBufferCurrentAlt = (int)Util.Memory.ReadInt(InputBufferStart - 0x1C) % 0x400;

            InputBufferCurrent = InputBufferCurrentAlt;
            var i = 0;

            while (i < 0x10)
                var test = (int)Util.Memory.ReadInt(InputBufferOffset + 0x147C + i++ *0x10);
                if (test != -1)
                    if (bcm.CancelLists.Count > test)

            if (InputBuffer.Count == 0x400)
                InputBuffer.RemoveAt(0x400 - 1);
            var inputsToRead = 0x400 - InputBuffer.Count();

            var InputBufferIndex = (int)Util.Memory.ReadInt(InputBufferOffset + 0x1414);
            var tmp = Util.Memory.ReadInt(InputBufferStart + 0xC * InputBufferCurrent);

            InputBuffer.Insert(0, (FighterState.Input)tmp);