// ------------------  CALLBACKS ---------------------

        // Called when a received command has no attached function.
        // In a WinForm application, console output gets routed to the output panel of your IDE
        void OnUnknownCommand(ReceivedCommand arguments)
            const string s = @"Command without attached callback received";

        public void Setup(ControllerForm controllerForm)
            // storing the controller form for later reference
            _controllerForm = controllerForm;

            // Create Serial Port object
            // Note that for some boards (e.g. Sparkfun Pro Micro) DtrEnable may need to be true.
            _serialTransport = new SerialTransport
                CurrentSerialSettings = { PortName = _comPort, BaudRate = 115200, DtrEnable = false } // object initializer

            // Initialize the command messenger with the Serial Port transport layer
            // Set if it is communicating with a 16- or 32-bit Arduino board
            _cmdMessenger = new CmdMessenger(_serialTransport, BoardType.Bit16);

            // Tell CmdMessenger to "Invoke" commands on the thread running the WinForms UI
            _cmdMessenger.ControlToInvokeOn = _controllerForm;

            // Attach the callbacks to the Command Messenger

            // Attach to NewLinesReceived for logging purposes
            _cmdMessenger.NewLineReceived += NewLineReceived;

            // Attach to NewLineSent for logging purposes
            _cmdMessenger.NewLineSent += NewLineSent;

            // Start listening


            var status = _cmdMessenger.Connect();

            if (status)

            const string s = @"No connection ";

            Console.WriteLine(s + _comPort);
            _controllerForm.SetMsgText(s + _comPort);