Beispiel #1
        public World World; //what world am i in

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SpaceObject(World _world)
            World = _world;
            Visible = true;
            Tags = new List<string>();
            Health = 1;
            MaxHealth = 1;
Beispiel #2
 public Station(
     World _world
     : base(_world)
     DockedShips = new List<Ship>();
     Hangars = new Dictionary<Ship, List<Item>>();
Beispiel #3
 public Asteroid(
     string _name,
     World _world
     : base(_name, _world)
     Name = "Asteroid";
     Texture = Res.Textures["asteroid"];
     Size = new Vector2(32, 32);
     Utility.Untag(this, "item");
     Utility.Tag(this, "celestial");
Beispiel #4
        public Container(
            string _name,
            World _world
            : base(_name, _world)
            Name = "Generic Container";
            World = _world;
            Texture = Res.Textures["generic"];
            Size = new Vector2(24, 24);

            Inventory = new List<Item>();

            Utility.Tag(this, "item");
            Utility.Tag(this, "container");

            ID = 100;
Beispiel #5
        public Ship(
            Vector2 _position,
            World _world
            : base(_world)
            Name = ShipNameGenerator.GenerateName();
            Texture = Res.Textures["ship"];
            Position = _position;
            Size = new Vector2(32, 32);
            TargetPosition = null;
            Direction = Math.PI;
            Speed = 0;
            MaxSpeed = 3;
            Acceleration = 0.002f;

            Components = new List<ShipComponent>();
            Shield = new Shield(Game.Random.Next(50, 100), 100);
            health = maxHealth = 100;

            Inventory = new List<Item>();

            Tags = new List<string>();

            Visible = true;
            Depth = 1;

            EngineTrail =
                new Particle2()
                .SetPosition(Vector2.Zero, 4)
                //velocity is the oddball, going px/s instead of px/t
                .SetVelocity(Vector2.Zero, 50)
                .SetFriction(0.05f, 0.03f, 0.01f)
                    new Color(1f,0.4f,0f,1f),
                    new Color(0f,0.4f,0f,1f),
                    new Color(0f,0f,0f,0f))
                .SetScale(1.5f, 0.35f, 0f)
                .SetRotation(0, Math.PI*2f, 0) //add delta variation
                .SetLifeTime(600, 350);
Beispiel #6
        public Item(
            string _name,
            World _world,
            int _id = -1,
            bool _inSpace = true, //debuggish, leave for now
            int _count = 1
            : base(_world)
            Name = _name;
            World = _world;
            ID = _id;
            Count = _count;
            Carrier = null;
            Tags = new List<string>();
            Size = new Vector2(16, 16);

            rotationDirection = Game.Random.NextDouble() > 0.5f;
            rotationSpeed = 0.01f + (float)Game.Random.NextDouble() * 0.01f;

            if (_inSpace) {
                World.SpaceObjects.Add(this); }
Beispiel #7
        public override World Generate(World _world)
            Faction _f = new Faction("The Rude Dudes");
            Faction _aifactionA = new Faction("The Lumberjack Organization");
            Faction _aifactionB = new Faction("The Lumberjack Organization B");

            Game.PlayerFaction = _f;

            Faction.SetRelations(_f, _aifactionA, 0f);
            Faction.SetRelations(_aifactionB, _aifactionA, -1f);

            Ship _s = new Ship(new Vector2(100, 300), _world);

                ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1102)));
                ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1102)));
                ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1102)));
            _s.AddItem(ItemDatabase.Spawn(_world, //spawn into inventory
                ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1199)));
            ItemDatabase.Spawn(_world, //spawn into space
                ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1100))
                .SetPosition(new Vector2(100, 100));

            _s.Faction = _f;

            AISimpleMiner _AI = new AISimpleMiner();
            AISimpleFighter _AI2 = new AISimpleFighter();
            _AI2.Faction = _aifactionA;

            AISimpleFighter _AI3 = new AISimpleFighter();
            _AI3.Faction = _aifactionB;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                _s = new Ship(new Vector2(
                    ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1101)));
                _s.Faction = _aifactionA;

                _s = new Ship(new Vector2(
                    ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1101)));
                _s.Faction = _aifactionB;

            _s = new Ship(new Vector2(100, 100), _world);
                ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1102)));
                ItemDatabase.Items.Find(x => x.ID == 1102)));
            _s.Faction = _aifactionA;

            Asteroid _a = new Asteroid("Asteroid", _world);
            _a.Position = new Vector2(400, 400);

            _a = new Asteroid("Asteroid", _world);
            _a.Position = new Vector2(0, 80);

            Container _c = new Container("Generic Container", _world);

            return _world;
Beispiel #8
        public static Item Spawn(
            World _world,
            ItemTemplate _template
            Item _i = new Item(_template.Name, _world);

            _i.ID = _template.ID;
            _i.Texture = _template.Texture;
            _i.Tags = new List<string>(_template.Tags);

            if (_template.Weapon != null)
                Weapon _w = new Weapon(
                _w.Damage = _template.Weapon.Damage;
                _w.Frequency = _template.Weapon.Frequency;
                _w.BeamThickness = _template.Weapon.BeamThickness;
                _w.Range = _template.Weapon.Range;
                if(Utility.SumColour(_template.Weapon.BeamTint) != 0)
                    _w.BeamTint = _template.Weapon.BeamTint;
                _w.Item = _i;
                _i.Component = _w;
                _i.Component.Item = _i; //reference upwards for the component

            return _i;
Beispiel #9
 public virtual World Generate(World _world)
     throw new Exception("Not yet implemented. Use DevWorldGenerator.");