public static List <ICurve> ReinforcementLayout(this TransverseReinforcement reinforcement, double cover, List <ICurve> outerProfileEdges, List <ICurve> innerProfileEdges, double length, TransformMatrix transformation)
            List <ICurve> rebarLines     = new List <ICurve>();
            List <ICurve> stirrupOutline = reinforcement.ReinforcementLayout(cover, outerProfileEdges, innerProfileEdges);

            Vector dir          = Vector.ZAxis.Transform(transformation);
            double stirrupRange = (reinforcement.EndLocation - reinforcement.StartLocation) * length - (2 * cover + reinforcement.Diameter);
            int    count;
            double spacing = reinforcement.Spacing;

            if (reinforcement.AdjustSpacingToFit)
                count   = (int)Math.Ceiling(stirrupRange / reinforcement.Spacing);
                spacing = stirrupRange / count;
                count = (int)Math.Floor(stirrupRange / reinforcement.Spacing);

            if (stirrupOutline.Count != 0)
                for (int k = 0; k < stirrupOutline.Count; k++)
                    rebarLines.Add(stirrupOutline[k].ITransform(transformation).ITranslate(dir * (reinforcement.StartLocation * length + cover + reinforcement.Diameter / 2)));
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        rebarLines.Add(rebarLines.Last().ITranslate(dir * spacing));
        public static List <ICurve> ReinforcementLayout(this TransverseReinforcement reinforcement, double cover, List <ICurve> outerProfileEdges, List <ICurve> innerProfileEdges = null)
            if (reinforcement.IsNull() || outerProfileEdges.Any(x => x.IsNull()))

            return(reinforcement.CenterlineLayout.ICurveLayout(outerProfileEdges, innerProfileEdges, cover));
        public static List <ICurve> ReinforcementLayout(this TransverseReinforcement reinforcement, double cover, List <ICurve> outerProfileEdges, List <ICurve> innerProfileEdges, double length, TransformMatrix transformation)
            if (reinforcement.IsNull() || outerProfileEdges.Any(x => x.IsNull()) || transformation.IsNull())
            else if (length <= Tolerance.MicroDistance)
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("The length provided is less than or equal to the tolerance.");

            List <ICurve> rebarLines     = new List <ICurve>();
            List <ICurve> stirrupOutline = reinforcement.ReinforcementLayout(cover, outerProfileEdges, innerProfileEdges);

            Vector dir          = Vector.ZAxis.Transform(transformation);
            double stirrupRange = (reinforcement.EndLocation - reinforcement.StartLocation) * length - (2 * cover + reinforcement.Diameter);
            int    count;
            double spacing = reinforcement.Spacing;

            if (reinforcement.AdjustSpacingToFit)
                count   = (int)Math.Ceiling(stirrupRange / reinforcement.Spacing);
                spacing = stirrupRange / count;
                count = (int)Math.Floor(stirrupRange / reinforcement.Spacing);

            if (stirrupOutline.Count != 0)
                for (int k = 0; k < stirrupOutline.Count; k++)
                    rebarLines.Add(stirrupOutline[k].ITransform(transformation).ITranslate(dir * (reinforcement.StartLocation * length + cover + reinforcement.Diameter / 2)));
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        rebarLines.Add(rebarLines.Last().ITranslate(dir * spacing));