/// <summary>
        /// Converts a type object into ABSave text.
        /// Including: Assembly Name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typ">The type to write.</param>
        /// <param name="useSB">Whether we are writing to a StringBuilder or not.</param>
        /// <param name="sb">The StringBuilder to write to - if we're writing to one at all.</param>
        /// <param name="writeToCharArray">Whether we should write to a character array (which will then be returned) - it can do both a StringBuilder and character array at the same time.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string SerializeType(Type typ, bool useSB = false, StringBuilder sb = null)
            string ret = "";

            // ======
            // ======
            // Work out all of the things we need to
            var name              = typ.Assembly.GetName();
            var publicKeyToken    = name.GetPublicKeyToken();
            var version           = name.Version;
            var hasPublicKeyToken = publicKeyToken != null && publicKeyToken.Length != 0;
            var hasCulture        = name.CultureName != "";
            var hasVersion        = !(version.Major == 1 && version.MajorRevision == 0 && version.Minor == 0 && version.MinorRevision == 0);

            // If we're writing a StringBuilder, we'll put the commas in as we go,
            // otherwise, we'll put them all together at the end.
            // PART 1: Type Name
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteString(typ.FullName, false, useSB, sb);

            // PART 2: Assembly Name
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteString(ABSaveWriter.WriteCharacter(',', useSB, sb) + name.Name, false, useSB, sb);

            // PART 3: Version
            if (hasVersion)
                ret += SerializeVersion(version, useSB, sb);

            // Even if we don't have a version, we might still have to write a comma if there's anything after this!
            else if (hasCulture || hasPublicKeyToken)
                ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteCharacter(',', useSB, sb);

            // PART 4: Culture
            if (hasCulture)
                ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteString(ABSaveWriter.WriteCharacter(',', useSB, sb) + name.CultureName, false, useSB, sb);
            else if (hasPublicKeyToken)
                ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteCharacter(',', useSB, sb);

            // PART 5: PublicKeyToken
            if (hasPublicKeyToken)
                ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteCharacter(',', useSB, sb) + ABSaveWriter.WriteByteArray(name.GetPublicKeyToken(), useSB, sb);

        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes a dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The dictionary to serialize.</param>
        /// <param name="useSB">Whether this will write to a string builder (if true), or return a string (if false).</param>
        /// <param name="sb">The StringBuilder to write to - if <paramref name="useSB"/> is true.</param>
        /// <param name="dnWriteEndLevel">"Do Not Write End Level Symbol" - Marks whether to NOT write \u0005 (if true), commonly used for the last object of all.</param>
        /// <returns>If <paramref name="useSB"/> is false, this method will return the result as a string.</returns>
        public static string SerializeDictionary(dynamic obj, ABSaveType type, ABSaveSettings settings, bool useSB = false, StringBuilder sb = null, bool dnWriteEndLevel = false)
            // Create a variable to store what we'll return.
            var ret = "";

            // Keep track of whether we're on the first item or not.
            var notFirst = false;

            // Write the opening for the array.
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteDictionaryOpening(useSB, sb);

            // Now, go through each item in the dictionary.
            foreach (var element in obj)
                // If this isn't the first item, write the "next item" character.
                if (notFirst)
                    ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteNextItem(true, useSB, sb);

                // Add the key to it.
                if (useSB)
                    ret += element.Key;

                // Serialize the item and write to either the StringBuilder or the "ret"
                ret += Serialize(element.Value, type, settings, useSB, sb, true, dnWriteEndLevel);

                // Update the "notFirst" variable if needed.
                if (!notFirst)
                    notFirst = true;

            // Write the closing for the dictionary.
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteObjectClose(dnWriteEndLevel, useSB, sb);

            // Now, "ret" would be empty if we were using a StringBuilder, however, if we weren't... It will have the correct string in it so return it.
        /// <summary>
        /// An object (with multiple properties) to serialize manually - one that doesn't have a TypeConverter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to serialize manually</param>
        /// <param name="objType">The type of the object.</param>
        /// <param name="useSB">Whether this will write to a string builder (if true), or return a string (if false).</param>
        /// <param name="sb">The StringBuilder to write to - if <paramref name="useSB"/> is true.</param>
        /// <param name="dnWriteEndLevel">"Do Not Write End Level Symbol" - Marks whether to NOT write \u0005 (if true), commonly used for the last object of all.</param>
        /// <returns>If <paramref name="useSB"/> is false, this method will return the result as a string.</returns>
        public static string SerializeArray(dynamic obj, Type objType, ABSaveType type, ABSaveSettings settings, bool useSB = false, StringBuilder sb = null, bool dnWriteEndLevel = false)
            obj = obj as IEnumerable;

            // Create a variable to store what we'll return.
            var ret = "";

            // Keep track of whether we're on the first item or not.
            var notFirst = false;

            // Write the opening for the array.
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteArrayOpening(useSB, sb);

            // Keep track of what type the last property was - this allows us to decide whether to add the Next Item character to the next item.
            var lastType = ABSavePrimitiveType.Unknown;

            // If it's an array, just use a "for" loop.
            if (objType.IsArray)
                for (var i = 0; i < obj.Length; i++)
                    SerializeArrayItem(type, settings, useSB, sb, dnWriteEndLevel, ref ret, ref notFirst, ref lastType, obj[i]);

            // For anything else, foreach will work fine.
                foreach (var item in obj)
                    SerializeArrayItem(type, settings, useSB, sb, dnWriteEndLevel, ref ret, ref notFirst, ref lastType, item);

            // Write the closing for the array.
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteObjectClose(dnWriteEndLevel, useSB, sb);

            // Now, "ret" would be empty if we were using a StringBuilder, however, if we weren't... It will have the correct string in it so return it.
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes a <see cref="Version"/> to either a StringBuilder or a string.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string SerializeVersion(Version ver, bool writeToSB, StringBuilder sb)
            var ret = "";

            // Before we do anything, we need to determine how many decimal places there will be.
            int numberOfDecimals = WorkOutNumberOfDecimalsInVersion(ver);

            // If there were no decimals, then we don't need to write anything,
            if (numberOfDecimals == 0)

            // Before we write each part out, we'll write a comma first.
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteCharacter(',', writeToSB, sb);

            // Write each part now.
            if (numberOfDecimals >= 1)
                ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteByteArray(ConvertNumberToByteArray(ver.Major, TypeCode.Int32), writeToSB, sb);
            if (numberOfDecimals >= 2)
                ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteDotAndInt32(ver.Minor, writeToSB, sb);
            // Write the minor part, with a dot before.
            if (numberOfDecimals >= 3)
                ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteDotAndInt32(ver.Build, writeToSB, sb);
            // Write the minor revision part, with a dot before.
            if (numberOfDecimals >= 4)
                ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteDotAndInt32(ver.Revision, writeToSB, sb);

        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes an object, by using <see cref="ABSaveConvert"/>, but some extras.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to serialize manually.</param>
        /// <param name="objType">The type of the object to serialize manually.</param>
        /// <param name="useSB">Whether this will write to a string builder (if true), or return a string (if false).</param>
        /// <param name="sb">The StringBuilder to write to - if <paramref name="useSB"/> is true.</param>
        /// <param name="dnWriteEndLevel">"Do Not Write End Level Symbol" - Marks whether to NOT write \u0005 (if true), commonly used for the last object of all.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The settings for how to handle certain parts.</param>
        /// <returns>If <paramref name="useSB"/> is false, this method will return the result as a string.</returns>
        public static string SerializeObject(object obj, ABSaveType type, Type objType, ABSaveSettings settings, bool writeNextInstructionSymbol = true, bool useSB = false, StringBuilder sb = null, bool dnWriteEndLevel = false)
            // Create a variable to store what we'll return - if we aren't using a StringBuilder.
            var ret = "";

            // First, write a "next step" symbol.
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteNextItem(writeNextInstructionSymbol, useSB, sb);

            // Next, serialize the type that goes before it.
            ret += SerializeTypeBeforeObject(objType, settings, useSB, sb);

            // Then, write the opening (\u0003) for the object.
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteObjectOpen(useSB, sb);

            // And, write the actual object, use the correct method for either string or for a StringBuilder.
            ret += ABSaveConvert.ObjectToABSave(obj, type, settings, useSB, sb);

            // Finally, write the ending for the object.
            ret += ABSaveWriter.WriteObjectClose(dnWriteEndLevel, useSB, sb);

            // Now, "ret" would be empty if we were using a StringBuilder, however, if we weren't... It will have the correct string in it so return it.
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes an object. The object could be anything.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to serialize</param>
        /// <param name="useSB">Whether this will write to a string builder (if true), or return a string (if false).</param>
        /// <param name="sb">The StringBuilder to write to - if <paramref name="useSB"/> is true.</param>
        /// <param name="determinedType">The primitive type which has been decided for it.</param>
        /// <param name="writeNextInstructionSymbol">Whether it will write \u0001 on the start - usually false if it is serializing the first object in a class.</param>
        /// <param name="dnWriteEndLevel">"Do Not Write End Level Symbol" - Marks whether to NOT write \u0005 (if true), commonly used for the last object of all.</param>
        /// <returns>If <paramref name="useSB"/> is false, this method will return the result as a string.</returns>
        public static string Serialize(dynamic obj, ABSaveType type, ABSaveSettings settings, out ABSavePrimitiveType determinedType, bool useSB = false, StringBuilder sb = null, bool writeNextInstructionSymbol = true, bool dnWriteEndLevel = false)
            // This will be what to return if useSB is false.
            string ret;

            // For now, make it so we output "unknown".
            determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.Unknown;

            // Check if the object is null... or an IntPtr, write the null symbol - otherwise, we could get a StackOverflowException.
            if (obj == null || obj is IntPtr || obj is UIntPtr)
                return(ABSaveWriter.WriteNullItem(useSB, sb));

            // Remember what type the object is - as well as the TypeCode.
            Type objType = obj.GetType();
            var  tCode   = Type.GetTypeCode(obj.GetType());

            // If the object is a string - write it as a string.
            if (tCode == TypeCode.String)
                ret            = ABSaveWriter.WriteString(obj, writeNextInstructionSymbol, useSB, sb);
                determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.String;

            // If the object is a number - write it as a number.
            else if (IsNumericType(tCode))
                ret            = ABSaveWriter.WriteNumerical(obj, tCode, true, useSB, sb);
                determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.Number;

            // If the object is an array - serialize it as an array.
            else if (IsArray(objType))
                ret            = SerializeArray(obj, objType, type, settings, useSB, sb, dnWriteEndLevel);
                determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.Array;

            // If the object is a dictionary - serialize it as a dictionary.
            else if (IsDictionary(objType))
                ret            = SerializeDictionary(obj, type, settings, useSB, sb, dnWriteEndLevel);
                determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.Dictionary;

            // If the object is a boolean - serialize it as a boolean.
            else if (tCode == TypeCode.Boolean)
                ret            = SerializeBool(obj, writeNextInstructionSymbol, useSB, sb);
                determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.Boolean;

            // If the object is a DateTime - serialize it as a DateTime.
            else if (tCode == TypeCode.DateTime)
                ret            = SerializeDateTime(obj, useSB, sb);
                determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.DateTime;

            // If it's a type, just write it out using the ABSaveWriter (for some reason there is no TypeConverter built-in for a type!)
            else if (obj is Type)
                ret            = SerializeType(obj, useSB, sb);
                determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.Type;

            // Otherwise, we'll attempt to find a built-in type converter (to a string)
                // Mark it as an object.
                determinedType = ABSavePrimitiveType.Object;

                // Attempt to get a converter for it.
                var canBeTypeConverted = false;
                var typeConv           = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(objType);

                // Check if the type converter can actually convert it to a string.
                if (typeConv.IsValid(obj))
                    if (typeConv.CanConvertTo(typeof(string)))
                        canBeTypeConverted = true;

                // If it can be type converted, convert it using that, and then write it as a string.
                if (canBeTypeConverted)
                    ret = ABSaveWriter.WriteString(typeConv.ConvertToString(obj), writeNextInstructionSymbol, useSB, sb);

                // Otherwise, if it can't be type converted... Manually convert it.
                    ret = SerializeObject(obj, type, objType, settings, writeNextInstructionSymbol, useSB, sb, dnWriteEndLevel);

            // Return the result from this.
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes a DateTime - using the number of ticks on a DateTime.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj"></param>
 /// <param name="writeNextInstructionSymbol">Whether it will write \u0001 on the start - usually false if it is serializing the first object in a class.</param>
 /// <param name="useSB">Whether this will write to a string builder (if true), or return a string (if false).</param>
 /// <param name="sb">The StringBuilder to write to - if <paramref name="useSB"/> is true.</param>
 /// <returns>If <paramref name="useSB"/> is false, this method will return the result as a string.</returns>
 public static string SerializeDateTime(DateTime obj, bool useSB = false, StringBuilder sb = null)
     // Write the ticks, we're using "WriteNumerical" because the ticks are a long.
     return(ABSaveWriter.WriteNumerical(obj.Ticks, TypeCode.Int64, true, useSB, sb));
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes a boolean.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">The object to serialize</param>
 /// <param name="writeNextInstructionSymbol">Whether it will write \u0001 on the start - usually false if it serializing the first object in a class.</param>
 /// <param name="useSB">Whether this will write to a string builder (if true), or return a string (if false).</param>
 /// <param name="sb">The StringBuilder to write to - if <paramref name="useSB"/> is true.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">The settings for how to handle certain parts.</param>
 /// <returns>If <paramref name="useSB"/> is false, this method will return the result as a string.</returns>
 public static string SerializeBool(bool obj, bool writeNextInstructionSymbol = true, bool useSB = false, StringBuilder sb = null)
     // Serialize it (use "T" or "F") and then write it as a string - it will return nothing if it needed to write to a StringBuilder.
     return(ABSaveWriter.WriteString(obj ? "T" : "F", writeNextInstructionSymbol, useSB, sb));