Beispiel #1
 public static byte[] StreamFromFile(Guid fileId)
     using (var db = new DBContext())
             v_attached_file vFile = db.v_attached_file.Where(v => v.stream_id == fileId).FirstOrDefault();
             return(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Encrypt_Decrypt.DecryptStringAES(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(vFile.file_stream), "onTime123")));
         catch (Exception ex)
         * -command=upload_file -repo=InitialRepository -model=test -login=ah -pass=db -node="Engine Block" -file="O:\projects\SimDM\Testdata\Glider TestModels\ConvertedByAP209e2_API\testcbeam-out.stp"
        static void uploadFile()
            string fileToUpload = arguments["file"];
            //int nodeId = Int32.Parse(arguments["id"]);
            string nodeName = arguments["node"];

            var list = service.pbs_search(sessionId, nodeName, new string[] { "NODE.NAME" },
                false, true, 0, null, false, null, null, null, null, 2, 0);
            if (list == null || list.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("No nodes was found.");
            else if (list.Length > 1)
                throw new Exception("More than one node was found.");

            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileToUpload);

            v_file fileSpec = new v_file()
                item = new v_item()
                    name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileToUpload),
                extension = fileInfo.Extension,
                @interface = "Interface specifications",
                original_name = fileToUpload,
                original_format = "file format name", // can be derived from file name by using Win API
                OS = "Microsoft Windows",
                produced_by = "EPM Thechnology AS",
                size = (int)fileInfo.Length,
                owner = 0, // organization id
            //fileSpec.item.item_type = "TEXT";
            //fileSpec.item.item_type = "UNDEFINED";
            fileSpec = service.file_create(sessionId, fileSpec);

            v_attached_file attachedFile = new v_attached_file()
                domain = list[0].item.instance_id,
                file = fileSpec.item.instance_id,
                item = new v_item()
                    name = fileInfo.Name,
                    description = "description must be here",
            attachedFile = service.attached_file_create(sessionId, attachedFile);

            var transferInfo = Upload(sessionId, access, fileToUpload, fileInfo.Extension);

            fileSpec = service.file_body_set(sessionId, fileSpec.item.instance_id, fileSpec.size, transferInfo.fileNameOnServer);

            if ("ANALYSIS".Equals(fileSpec.item.item_type) || "DESIGN".Equals(fileSpec.item.item_type))
                var resultFile = access.createTemporaryFile(sessionId, "name", ".cax", false);
                string source = transferInfo.fileNameOnServer;
                string result = resultFile.fileNameOnServer;
                service.file_CAX_generate(sessionId, fileSpec.item.instance_id, source, result, null/*log file*/, true);
            else if ("STEP".Equals(fileSpec.item.item_type) && !"[NO SCHEMA]".Equals(fileSpec.model_name))
                fileSpec = service.file_import_STEP(sessionId, fileSpec.item.instance_id, "", transferInfo.fileNameOnServer, "");
                if (fileSpec.CAX != -1)
                    var resultFile = access.createTemporaryFile(sessionId, "name", ".cax", false);
                    string source = transferInfo.fileNameOnServer;
                    string result = resultFile.fileNameOnServer;
                    service.file_CAX_generate(sessionId, fileSpec.item.instance_id, source, result, null/*log file*/, true);
         * -command=model_uploadFile -repo=InitialRepository -model=test -login=ah -pass=db -node="Engine Block" -file="O:\projects\SimDM\Testdata\Glider TestModels\ConvertedByAP209e2_API\testcbeam-out.stp"
        static void model_uploadFile()
            string fileToUpload = arguments["file"];
            string nodeName = arguments["node"];
            long model_id = plm_get_model_id(arguments["repo"], arguments["model"]);

            var list = service.model_pbs_search(sessionId, model_id, nodeName, new string[] { "NODE.NAME" },
                false, true, 0, null, false, null, null, null, null, 2, 0);
            if (list == null || list.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("No nodes was found.");
            else if (list.Length > 1)
                throw new Exception("More than one node was found.");

            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileToUpload);

            v_file fileSpec = new v_file()
                item = new v_item()
                    name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileToUpload),
                extension = fileInfo.Extension,
                @interface = "Interface specifications",
                original_name = fileToUpload,
                original_format = "file format name", // can be derived from file name by using Win API
                OS = "Microsoft Windows",
                produced_by = "EPM Thechnology AS",
                size = (int)fileInfo.Length,
                owner = 0, // organization id
            fileSpec = service.model_file_create(sessionId, model_id, fileSpec);

            v_attached_file attachedFile = new v_attached_file()
                domain = list[0].item.instance_id,
                file = fileSpec.item.instance_id,
                item = new v_item()
                    name = fileInfo.Name,
                    description = "description must be here",
            attachedFile = service.attached_file_create(sessionId, attachedFile);

            var transferInfo = Upload(sessionId, access, fileToUpload, fileInfo.Extension);

            fileSpec = service.model_file_body_set(sessionId, fileSpec.item.instance_id, fileSpec.size, transferInfo.fileNameOnServer);