Beispiel #1
        static long CalculateActorSelectionPriority(ActorInfo info, Rectangle bounds, int2 selectionPixel)
            var centerPixel = new int2(bounds.X, bounds.Y);
            var pixelDistance = (centerPixel - selectionPixel).Length;

            return ((long)-pixelDistance << 32) + info.SelectionPriority();
Beispiel #2
		public IReadOnlyDictionary<CPos, SubCell> OccupiedCells(ActorInfo info, CPos location, SubCell subCell = SubCell.Any)
			var occupied = OccupiesSpace ? new Dictionary<CPos, SubCell>() { { location, SubCell.FullCell } } :
				new Dictionary<CPos, SubCell>();

			return new ReadOnlyDictionary<CPos, SubCell>(occupied);
Beispiel #3
        public static ActorTemplate RenderActor(ActorInfo info, TileSet tileset, Palette p)
            var ri = info.Traits.Get<RenderSimpleInfo>();
            string image = null;
            if (ri.OverrideTheater != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < ri.OverrideTheater.Length; i++)
                    if (ri.OverrideTheater[i] == tileset.Id)
                        image = ri.OverrideImage[i];

            image = image ?? ri.Image ?? info.Name;
            using (var s = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image, tileset.Extensions))
                var shp = new ShpReader(s);
                var bitmap = RenderShp(shp, p);

                    using (var s2 = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image + "2", tileset.Extensions))
                        var shp2 = new ShpReader(s2);
                        var roofBitmap = RenderShp(shp2, p);

                        using (var g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                            g.DrawImage(roofBitmap, 0, 0);
                catch { }

                return new ActorTemplate { Bitmap = bitmap, Info = info, Centered = !info.Traits.Contains<BuildingInfo>() };
Beispiel #4
        public EditorActorBrush(EditorViewportControllerWidget editorWidget, ActorInfo actor, PlayerReference owner, WorldRenderer wr)
            this.editorWidget = editorWidget;
            worldRenderer = wr;
            world = wr.World;
            editorLayer = world.WorldActor.Trait<EditorActorLayer>();

            Actor = actor;
            this.owner = owner;

            preview = editorWidget.Get<ActorPreviewWidget>("DRAG_ACTOR_PREVIEW");
            preview.GetScale = () => worldRenderer.Viewport.Zoom;
            preview.IsVisible = () => editorWidget.CurrentBrush == this;

            var buildingInfo = actor.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildingInfo>();
            if (buildingInfo != null)
                locationOffset = -FootprintUtils.AdjustForBuildingSize(buildingInfo);
                previewOffset = FootprintUtils.CenterOffset(world, buildingInfo);

            var td = new TypeDictionary();
            td.Add(new FacingInit(facing));
            td.Add(new TurretFacingInit(facing));
            td.Add(new OwnerInit(owner.Name));
            td.Add(new RaceInit(owner.Race));
            preview.SetPreview(actor, td);

            // The preview widget may be rendered by the higher-level code before it is ticked.
            // Force a manual tick to ensure the bounds are set correctly for this first draw.
Beispiel #5
        public IEnumerable<IRenderable> Render(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
            var jamsMissiles = ai.TraitInfoOrDefault<JamsMissilesInfo>();
            if (jamsMissiles != null)
                yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
                    Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Red),
                    Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));

            var jamsRadar = ai.TraitInfoOrDefault<JamsRadarInfo>();
            if (jamsRadar != null)
                yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
                    Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Blue),
                    Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));

            foreach (var a in w.ActorsWithTrait<RenderJammerCircle>())
                if (a.Actor.Owner.IsAlliedWith(w.RenderPlayer))
                    foreach (var r in a.Trait.RenderAfterWorld(wr))
                        yield return r;
Beispiel #6
        public static ActorTemplate RenderActor(ActorInfo info, TileSet tileset, Palette p)
            var image = RenderSimple.GetImage(info, tileset.Id);

            using (var s = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image, tileset.Extensions))
                var shp = new ShpReader(s);
                var bitmap = RenderShp(shp, p);

                    using (var s2 = FileSystem.OpenWithExts(image + "2", tileset.Extensions))
                        var shp2 = new ShpReader(s2);
                        var roofBitmap = RenderShp(shp2, p);

                        using (var g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                            g.DrawImage(roofBitmap, 0, 0);
                catch { }

                return new ActorTemplate
                    Bitmap = bitmap,
                    Info = info,
                    Appearance = info.Traits.GetOrDefault<EditorAppearanceInfo>()
Beispiel #7
		public void SetPreview(ActorInfo actor, TypeDictionary td)
			var init = new ActorPreviewInitializer(actor, worldRenderer, td);
			preview = actor.TraitInfos<IRenderActorPreviewInfo>()
				.SelectMany(rpi => rpi.RenderPreview(init))

			// Calculate the preview bounds
			PreviewOffset = int2.Zero;
			IdealPreviewSize = int2.Zero;

			var r = preview
				.SelectMany(p => p.Render(worldRenderer, WPos.Zero))
				.Select(rr => rr.PrepareRender(worldRenderer));

			if (r.Any())
				var b = r.First().ScreenBounds(worldRenderer);
				foreach (var rr in r.Skip(1))
					b = Rectangle.Union(b, rr.ScreenBounds(worldRenderer));

				IdealPreviewSize = new int2(b.Width, b.Height);
				PreviewOffset = -new int2(b.Left, b.Top) - IdealPreviewSize / 2;
Beispiel #8
        public void DoProduction(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, ExitInfo exitinfo, string raceVariant)
            var exit = self.Location + exitinfo.ExitCell;
            var spawn = self.CenterPosition + exitinfo.SpawnOffset;
            var to = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(exit);

            var fi = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault<IFacingInfo>();
            var initialFacing = exitinfo.Facing < 0 ? Util.GetFacing(to - spawn, fi == null ? 0 : fi.GetInitialFacing()) : exitinfo.Facing;

            var exitLocation = rp.Value != null ? rp.Value.Location : exit;
            var target = Target.FromCell(self.World, exitLocation);

            var bi = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildableInfo>();
            if (bi != null && bi.ForceRace != null)
                raceVariant = bi.ForceRace;

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var td = new TypeDictionary
                    new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                    new LocationInit(exit),
                    new CenterPositionInit(spawn),
                    new FacingInit(initialFacing)

                if (raceVariant != null)
                    td.Add(new RaceInit(raceVariant));

                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault<IMove>();
                if (move != null)
                    if (exitinfo.MoveIntoWorld)
                        if (exitinfo.ExitDelay > 0)
                            newUnit.QueueActivity(new Wait(exitinfo.ExitDelay));

                        newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, exit));
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(new AttackMoveActivity(
                            newUnit, move.MoveTo(exitLocation, 1)));

                newUnit.SetTargetLine(target, rp.Value != null ? Color.Red : Color.Green, false);

                if (!self.IsDead)
                    foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyProduction>())
                        t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, exit);

                var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait<INotifyOtherProduction>();
                foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                    notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit);

                foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing<INotifyBuildComplete>())
Beispiel #9
        // TODO: This can be removed after the legacy and redundant 0% = not targetable
        // assumption has been removed from the yaml definitions
        public override bool CanTargetActor(ActorInfo victim, Actor firedBy)
            var health = victim.Traits.GetOrDefault<HealthInfo>();
            if (health == null)
                return false;

            return DamageVersus(victim) > 0;
		public override IEnumerable<IRenderable> RenderPreview(World world, ActorInfo building, PaletteReference pr)
			var p = BaseBuildingPreview(world, building, pr);
			var anim = new Animation(world, RenderSprites.GetImage(building), () => 0);

			return p.Concat(anim.Render(WPos.Zero, WVec.Zero, 0, pr, Scale));
Beispiel #11
    public int CreateActor(ActorInfo info, ActorConfig config, OnFinish finish)
        //int id = PlayScript.Instance.director.entityManager.CreateID();
        int id = director.entityManager.CreateID();
        Actor actor = new Actor(info, config, id, director);

        return id;
Beispiel #12
        public static string GetImage(ActorInfo actor, string Tileset)
            var Info = actor.Traits.Get<RenderSimpleInfo>();
            if (Info.OverrideTileset != null && Tileset != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < Info.OverrideTileset.Length; i++)
                    if (Info.OverrideTileset[i] == Tileset)
                        return Info.OverrideImage[i];

            return Info.Image ?? actor.Name;
Beispiel #13
 public ProductionItem(ProductionQueue queue, string item, int cost, PowerManager pm, Action onComplete)
     Item = item;
     RemainingTime = TotalTime = 1;
     RemainingCost = TotalCost = cost;
     OnComplete = onComplete;
     Queue = queue; = pm;
     ai = Queue.Actor.World.Map.Rules.Actors[Item];
     bi = ai.TraitInfo<BuildableInfo>();
Beispiel #14
		public string GetImage(ActorInfo actor, SequenceProvider sequenceProvider, string faction)
			if (FactionImages != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(faction))
				string factionImage = null;
				if (FactionImages.TryGetValue(faction, out factionImage) && sequenceProvider.HasSequence(factionImage))
					return factionImage;

			return (Image ?? actor.Name).ToLowerInvariant();
		bool ValidActor(ActorInfo a, IEnumerable<CPos> cells)
			foreach (var c in cells)
				var mi = a.TraitInfoOrDefault<MobileInfo>();
				if (mi != null && mi.CanEnterCell(self.World, self, c))
					return true;

			return false;
        public void Render(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
                Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Cyan),
                Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));

            foreach (var a in w.ActorsWithTrait<RenderShroudCircle>())
                if (a.Actor.Owner == a.Actor.World.LocalPlayer)
Beispiel #17
        public int DamageVersus(ActorInfo victim)
            var armor = victim.Traits.GetOrDefault<ArmorInfo>();
            if (armor != null && armor.Type != null)
                int versus;
                if (Versus.TryGetValue(armor.Type, out versus))
                    return versus;

            return 100;
Beispiel #18
        public void Render(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
                Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Yellow), wr.ScreenPxPosition(centerPosition),
                    .Select(a => Rules.Weapons[a.Weapon.ToLowerInvariant()].Range).Max(),
                Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));

            foreach (var a in w.ActorsWithTrait<RenderRangeCircle>())
                if (a.Actor.Owner == a.Actor.World.LocalPlayer)
                    if (a.Actor.Info.Traits.Get<RenderRangeCircleInfo>().RangeCircleType == RangeCircleType)
Beispiel #19
        public override bool Produce(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string factionVariant)
            var owner = self.Owner;
            var aircraftInfo = self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[info.ActorType].TraitInfo<AircraftInfo>();

            // WDist required to take off or land
            var landDistance = aircraftInfo.CruiseAltitude.Length * 1024 / aircraftInfo.MaximumPitch.Tan();

            // Start a fixed distance away: the width of the map.
            // This makes the production timing independent of spawnpoint
            var startPos = self.Location + new CVec(owner.World.Map.Bounds.Width, 0);
            var endPos = new CPos(owner.World.Map.Bounds.Left - 2 * landDistance / 1024, self.Location.Y);

            // Assume a single exit point for simplicity
            var exit = self.Info.TraitInfos<ExitInfo>().First();

            foreach (var tower in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyDelivery>())

            owner.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                if (!self.IsInWorld || self.IsDead)

                var actor = w.CreateActor(info.ActorType, new TypeDictionary
                    new CenterPositionInit(w.Map.CenterOfCell(startPos) + new WVec(WDist.Zero, WDist.Zero, aircraftInfo.CruiseAltitude)),
                    new OwnerInit(owner),
                    new FacingInit(64)

                actor.QueueActivity(new Fly(actor, Target.FromPos(self.CenterPosition + new WVec(landDistance, 0, 0))));
                actor.QueueActivity(new Land(actor, Target.FromActor(self)));
                actor.QueueActivity(new CallFunc(() =>
                    if (!self.IsInWorld || self.IsDead)

                    foreach (var cargo in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyDelivery>())

                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(ww => DoProduction(self, producee, exit, factionVariant));
                    Game.Sound.PlayNotification(self.World.Map.Rules, self.Owner, "Speech", info.ReadyAudio, self.Owner.Faction.InternalName);

                actor.QueueActivity(new Fly(actor, Target.FromCell(w, endPos)));
                actor.QueueActivity(new RemoveSelf());

            return true;
Beispiel #20
        public override bool Produce(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string raceVariant)
            var owner = self.Owner;

            // Start a fixed distance away: the width of the map.
            // This makes the production timing independent of spawnpoint
            var startPos = self.Location + new CVec(owner.World.Map.Bounds.Width, 0);
            var endPos = new CPos(owner.World.Map.Bounds.Left - 5, self.Location.Y);

            // Assume a single exit point for simplicity
            var exit = self.Info.Traits.WithInterface<ExitInfo>().First();

            foreach (var tower in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyDelivery>())

            var info = (ProductionAirdropInfo)Info;
            var actorType = info.ActorType;

            owner.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                if (!self.IsInWorld || self.IsDead)

                var altitude = self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[actorType].Traits.Get<PlaneInfo>().CruiseAltitude;
                var actor = w.CreateActor(actorType, new TypeDictionary
                    new CenterPositionInit(w.Map.CenterOfCell(startPos) + new WVec(WRange.Zero, WRange.Zero, altitude)),
                    new OwnerInit(owner),
                    new FacingInit(64)

                actor.QueueActivity(new Fly(actor, Target.FromCell(w, self.Location + new CVec(9, 0))));
                actor.QueueActivity(new Land(actor, Target.FromActor(self)));
                actor.QueueActivity(new CallFunc(() =>
                    if (!self.IsInWorld || self.IsDead)

                    foreach (var cargo in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyDelivery>())

                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(ww => DoProduction(self, producee, exit, raceVariant));
                    Sound.PlayNotification(self.World.Map.Rules, self.Owner, "Speech", info.ReadyAudio, self.Owner.Country.Race);

                actor.QueueActivity(new Fly(actor, Target.FromCell(w, endPos)));
                actor.QueueActivity(new RemoveSelf());

            return true;
        public override bool Produce(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string raceVariant)
            var location = self.World.Map.ChooseClosestEdgeCell(self.Location);
            var pos = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(location);

            // If aircraft, spawn at cruise altitude
            var aircraftInfo = producee.Traits.GetOrDefault<AircraftInfo>();
            if (aircraftInfo != null)
                pos += new WVec(0, 0, aircraftInfo.CruiseAltitude.Range);

            var initialFacing = self.World.Map.FacingBetween(location, self.Location, 0);

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                    var td = new TypeDictionary
                        new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                        new LocationInit(location),
                        new CenterPositionInit(pos),
                        new FacingInit(initialFacing)

                    if (raceVariant != null)
                        td.Add(new RaceInit(raceVariant));

                    var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                    var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault<IMove>();
                    if (move != null)
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, self.Location));

                    newUnit.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, self.Location), Color.Green, false);

                    if (!self.IsDead)
                        foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyProduction>())
                            t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, self.Location);

                    var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait<INotifyOtherProduction>();
                    foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                        notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit);

                    var bi = newUnit.Info.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildableInfo>();
                    if (bi != null && bi.InitialActivity != null)

                    foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing<INotifyBuildComplete>())

            return true;
Beispiel #22
        public IEnumerable<IRenderable> Render(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
            yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
                Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Cyan),
                Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));

            foreach (var a in w.ActorsWithTrait<RenderShroudCircle>())
                if (a.Actor.Owner.IsAlliedWith(w.RenderPlayer))
                    foreach (var r in a.Trait.RenderAfterWorld(wr))
                        yield return r;
Beispiel #23
		public void Render(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
			var jamsMissiles = ai.Traits.GetOrDefault<JamsMissilesInfo>();
			if (jamsMissiles != null)
				RenderJammerCircle.DrawRangeCircle(wr, centerPosition, jamsMissiles.Range, Color.Red);

			var jamsRadar = ai.Traits.GetOrDefault<JamsRadarInfo>();
			if (jamsRadar != null)
				RenderJammerCircle.DrawRangeCircle(wr, centerPosition, jamsRadar.Range, Color.Blue);

			foreach (var a in w.ActorsWithTrait<RenderJammerCircle>())
				if (a.Actor.Owner == a.Actor.World.LocalPlayer)
Beispiel #24
        public IEnumerable<IRenderable> Render(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
            yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
                Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));

            foreach (var a in w.ActorsWithTrait<WithRangeCircle>())
                if (a.Actor.Owner.IsAlliedWith(w.RenderPlayer) && a.Trait.Info.Type == Type)
                    foreach (var r in a.Trait.RenderAfterWorld(wr))
                        yield return r;
Beispiel #25
        public static ActorTemplate RenderActor(ActorInfo info, SequenceProvider sequenceProvider, TileSet tileset, IPalette p, string race)
            var image = info.Traits.Get<ILegacyEditorRenderInfo>().EditorImage(info, sequenceProvider, race);
            image = ResolveFilename(image, tileset);
            using (var s = GlobalFileSystem.Open(image))
                var shp = new ShpTDSprite(s);
                var bitmap = RenderShp(shp, p);

                return new ActorTemplate
                    Bitmap = bitmap,
                    Info = info,
                    Appearance = info.Traits.GetOrDefault<EditorAppearanceInfo>()
Beispiel #26
        public Actor( World world, string name, int2 location, Player owner )
            World = world;
            ActorID = world.NextAID();
            Location = location;
            CenterLocation = Traits.Util.CenterOfCell(Location);
            Owner = owner;

            if (name != null)
                Info = Rules.Info[name.ToLowerInvariant()];
                Health = this.GetMaxHP();

                foreach (var trait in Info.TraitsInConstructOrder())
Beispiel #27
    // Prepare sth.
    public void DirectorPrepare(OnFinish onfinish)
        for (int i = 0; i < director.lstRD.Count; ++i)
            RoleData rd = director.lstRD[i];

            ActorConfig config = new ActorConfig();
            ActorInfo info = new ActorInfo();
            director.helper.CreateActor(info, config, delegate(bool finish)


Beispiel #28
        public override bool Produce( Actor self, ActorInfo producee )
            var owner = self.Owner;

            // Start a fixed distance away: the width of the map.
            // This makes the production timing independent of spawnpoint
            var startPos = self.Location + new CVec(owner.World.Map.Bounds.Width, 0);
            var endPos = new CPos(owner.World.Map.Bounds.Left - 5, self.Location.Y);

            // Assume a single exit point for simplicity
            var exit = self.Info.Traits.WithInterface<ExitInfo>().First();

            var rb = self.Trait<RenderBuilding>();
            rb.PlayCustomAnimRepeating(self, "active");

            var actorType = (Info as ProductionAirdropInfo).ActorType;

            owner.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                var a = w.CreateActor(actorType, new TypeDictionary
                    new LocationInit( startPos ),
                    new OwnerInit( owner ),
                    new FacingInit( 64 ),
                    new AltitudeInit( Rules.Info[actorType].Traits.Get<PlaneInfo>().CruiseAltitude ),

                a.QueueActivity(Fly.ToCell(self.Location + new CVec(6, 0)));
                a.QueueActivity(new Land(Target.FromActor(self)));
                a.QueueActivity(new CallFunc(() =>
                    if (!self.IsInWorld || self.IsDead())

                    rb.PlayCustomAnimRepeating(self, "idle");
                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(ww => DoProduction(self, producee, exit));
                    Sound.PlayToPlayer(self.Owner, (Info as ProductionAirdropInfo).ReadyAudio);
                a.QueueActivity(new RemoveSelf());

            return true;
Beispiel #29
    private int[] LoadActors(List<RoleData> rds, OnFinish finish)
        List<int> roleIds = new List<int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < rds.Count; ++i)
            RoleData role = rds[i];
            ActorInfo actorInfo = new ActorInfo();
            actorInfo.hp = role.maxBlood; // set current max blood
            actorInfo.hp = role.blood;
            //actorInfo.stiffValue = role.stiffValue;
            actorInfo.campType =;
            actorInfo.localIndex = role.localIndex;
            actorInfo.monsterPackageIndex = role.monsterPackageIndex;
            actorInfo.unitType = role.unitType;
            actorInfo.des = role.des;
            actorInfo.teamId = role.teamId;
            actorInfo.battleInfo = role.battleInfo;
            actorInfo.beGoodStatus = role.beGoodStatus;
            actorInfo.handleInfos = role.handleInfos;
            actorInfo.skillInfos = role.skillInfos;
            actorInfo.lookDistance = role.lookDistance;
            //actorInfo.badStateInfos = role.badStsteInfo; // buffer

            actorInfo.skillWeight = role.skillWeight;
            actorInfo.targetPos = format[role.localIndex].pos;
            actorInfo.startAngle = format[role.localIndex].angle;

            ActorConfig actorConfig = new ActorConfig();

            actorConfig.assetName = role.asset;

            int actorID =, actorConfig, format[role.localIndex].pos, Quaternion.Euler(0, format[role.localIndex].angle, 0), role.ReadConfig, delegate(bool isLoad)
                if (--remain <= 0)
        return roleIds.ToArray();
		void CheckVoices(ActorInfo actorInfo, Action<string> emitError, Ruleset rules, string voiceSet)
			var soundInfo = rules.Voices[voiceSet.ToLowerInvariant()];

			foreach (var traitInfo in actorInfo.TraitInfos<ITraitInfo>())
				var fields = traitInfo.GetType().GetFields().Where(f => f.HasAttribute<VoiceReferenceAttribute>());
				foreach (var field in fields)
					var voices = LintExts.GetFieldValues(traitInfo, field, emitError);
					foreach (var voice in voices)
						if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voice))

						if (!soundInfo.Voices.Keys.Contains(voice))
							emitError("Actor {0} using voice set {1} does not define {2} voice required by {3}.".F(actorInfo.Name, voiceSet, voice, traitInfo));
Beispiel #31
        public static string GetImage(ActorInfo actor)
            var Info = actor.Traits.Get <RenderSimpleInfo>();

            return(Info.Image ?? actor.Name);
Beispiel #32
 IEnumerable <object> IActorPreviewInitInfo.ActorPreviewInits(ActorInfo ai, ActorPreviewType type)
     yield return(new FacingInit(PreviewFacing));
Beispiel #33
    public void UpdateVisual(ActorInfo info)

Beispiel #34
 bool ICustomMovementLayer.EnabledForActor(ActorInfo a, MobileInfo mi)
Beispiel #35
 IEnumerable <ActorInit> IActorPreviewInitInfo.ActorPreviewInits(ActorInfo ai, ActorPreviewType type)
     yield return(new TurretFacingInit(this, InitialFacing));
Beispiel #36
 public IReadOnlyDictionary <CPos, SubCell> OccupiedCells(ActorInfo info, CPos location, SubCell subCell = SubCell.Any)
     return(new ReadOnlyDictionary <CPos, SubCell>());
Beispiel #37
        public static string GetImage(ActorInfo actor)
            var Info = actor.Traits.Get <RenderSpritesInfo>();

            return((Info.Image ?? actor.Name).ToLowerInvariant());
Beispiel #38
        public static int SelectionPriority(this ActorInfo a, Modifiers modifiers)
            var selectableInfo = a.TraitInfoOrDefault <ISelectableInfo>();

            return(selectableInfo != null?BaseSelectionPriority(selectableInfo, modifiers) : int.MinValue);
Beispiel #39
 public bool IsValidTarget(ActorInfo actorInfo, Actor saboteur)
 }                                                                                        // TODO: bridges don't support frozen under fog
Beispiel #40
        public static IEnumerable <(CPos Cell, Actor Actor)> GetLineBuildCells(World world, CPos cell, ActorInfo ai, BuildingInfo bi, Player owner)
            var lbi     = ai.TraitInfo <LineBuildInfo>();
            var topLeft = cell;                 // 1x1 assumption!

            if (world.IsCellBuildable(topLeft, ai, bi))
                yield return(topLeft, null);

            // Start at place location, search outwards
            // TODO: First make it work, then make it nice
            var vecs = new[] { new CVec(1, 0), new CVec(0, 1), new CVec(-1, 0), new CVec(0, -1) };

            int[]   dirs       = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            Actor[] connectors = { null, null, null, null };

            for (var d = 0; d < 4; d++)
                for (var i = 1; i < lbi.Range; i++)
                    if (dirs[d] != 0)

                    var segmentInfo         = ai;
                    var segmentBuildingInfo = bi;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lbi.SegmentType))
                        segmentInfo         = world.Map.Rules.Actors[lbi.SegmentType];
                        segmentBuildingInfo = segmentInfo.TraitInfo <BuildingInfo>();

                    // Continue the search if the cell is empty or not visible
                    var c = topLeft + i * vecs[d];
                    if (world.IsCellBuildable(c, segmentInfo, segmentBuildingInfo) || !owner.Shroud.IsExplored(c))

                    // Cell contains an actor. Is it the type we want?
                    connectors[d] = world.ActorMap.GetActorsAt(c)
                                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Info.TraitInfos <LineBuildNodeInfo>()
                                                    .Any(info => info.Types.Overlaps(lbi.NodeTypes) && info.Connections.Contains(vecs[d])));

                    dirs[d] = connectors[d] != null ? i : -1;

                // Place intermediate-line sections
                if (dirs[d] > 0)
                    for (var i = 1; i < dirs[d]; i++)
                        yield return(topLeft + i * vecs[d], connectors[d]);
Beispiel #41
 static long CalculateActorSelectionPriority(ActorInfo info, in Polygon bounds, int2 selectionPixel, Modifiers modifiers)
Beispiel #42
        public static bool IsCellBuildable(this World world, CPos cell, ActorInfo ai, BuildingInfo bi, Actor toIgnore = null)
            if (!world.Map.Contains(cell))

            if (!bi.AllowInvalidPlacement)
                // Replaceable actors are rare, so avoid initializing state unless we have to
                var checkReplacements = ai != null && ai.HasTraitInfo <ReplacementInfo>();
                HashSet <string> acceptedReplacements = null;

                var foundActors = false;
                foreach (var a in world.ActorMap.GetActorsAt(cell))
                    if (a == toIgnore)

                    // If this is potentially a replacement actor we must check *all* cell occupants
                    // before we know the placement is invalid
                    // Otherwise, we can bail immediately
                    if (!checkReplacements)

                    foundActors = true;
                    foreach (var r in a.TraitsImplementing <Replaceable>())
                        if (r.IsTraitDisabled)

                        if (acceptedReplacements == null)
                            acceptedReplacements = new HashSet <string>();


                // Replacements are enabled and the cell contained at least one (not ignored) actor or building bib
                var foundBuilding = world.WorldActor.Trait <BuildingInfluence>().AnyBuildingAt(cell);
                if (foundActors || foundBuilding)
                    // The cell contains at least one actor, and none were replaceable
                    if (acceptedReplacements == null)

                    // The cell contains at least one replaceable actor, but not of the types we accept
                    var foundReplacement = ai.TraitInfos <ReplacementInfo>()
                                           .Any(r => r.ReplaceableTypes.Overlaps(acceptedReplacements));

                    if (!foundReplacement)
                // HACK: To preserve legacy behaviour, AllowInvalidPlacement should display red placement indicators
                // if (and only if) there is a building or bib in the cell
                if (world.WorldActor.Trait <BuildingInfluence>().AnyBuildingAt(cell))

            // Buildings can never be placed on ramps
            return(world.Map.Ramp[cell] == 0 && bi.TerrainTypes.Contains(world.Map.GetTerrainInfo(cell).Type));
Beispiel #43
        public IEnumerable <IRenderable> RenderAnnotations(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)
            if (!RequiresBaseProvider)

            return(w.ActorsWithTrait <BaseProvider>().SelectMany(a => a.Trait.RangeCircleRenderables(wr)));
Beispiel #44
 int ICustomMovementLayer.ExitMovementCost(ActorInfo a, MobileInfo mi, CPos cell)
     return(ValidTransitionCell(cell, mi) ? mi.JumpjetTransitionCost : int.MaxValue);
Beispiel #45
		void IMapPreviewSignatureInfo.PopulateMapPreviewSignatureCells(Map map, ActorInfo ai, ActorReference s, List<(MPos, Color)> destinationBuffer)
Beispiel #46
 protected virtual ExitInfo SelectExit(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string productionType, Func <ExitInfo, bool> p)
     return(self.RandomExitOrDefault(productionType, p));
Beispiel #47
 public bool IsValidTarget(ActorInfo actorInfo, Actor saboteur)
 int ICustomMovementLayer.EntryMovementCost(ActorInfo a, LocomotorInfo li, CPos cell)
     return(ends.Contains(cell) ? 0 : int.MaxValue);
Beispiel #49
 Type[] FilterActorCommands(ActorInfo ai)
     return(FilterCommands(ai, knownActorCommands));
 IEnumerable <string> ITechTreePrerequisiteInfo.Prerequisites(ActorInfo info)
Beispiel #51
 IEnumerable <ActorInit> IActorPreviewInitInfo.ActorPreviewInits(ActorInfo ai, ActorPreviewType type)
     yield return(new HideBibPreviewInit());
Beispiel #52
 bool HasSufficientPowerForActor(ActorInfo actorInfo)
     return((actorInfo.TraitInfos <PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1)
             .Sum(p => p.Amount) + playerPower.ExcessPower) >= ai.Info.MinimumExcessPower);
Beispiel #53
 public int QuantizedBodyFacings(SequenceProvider sequenceProvider, ActorInfo ai)
Beispiel #54
 public void RulesetLoaded(Ruleset rules, ActorInfo ai)
     WeaponInfos = Weapons.Select(w => rules.Weapons[w.ToLowerInvariant()]).ToArray();
 bool ICustomMovementLayer.EnabledForActor(ActorInfo a, LocomotorInfo li)
Beispiel #56
 public int QuantizedBodyFacings(ActorInfo ai, SequenceProvider sequenceProvider, string race)
Beispiel #57
 public void SetUp()
     allUnits  = new Dictionary <string, MiniYaml>();
     actorInfo = new ActorInfo("", new MiniYaml(""), allUnits);
Beispiel #58
 public static string GetInitialFaction(ActorInfo ai, string defaultFaction)
     return(ai.TraitInfoOrDefault <BuildableInfo>()?.ForceFaction ?? defaultFaction);
Beispiel #59
 protected ExitInfo SelectExit(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, string productionType)
     return(SelectExit(self, producee, productionType, e => CanUseExit(self, producee, e)));
Beispiel #60
        public ProductionTooltipLogic(Widget widget, TooltipContainerWidget tooltipContainer, Player player, Func <ProductionIcon> getTooltipIcon)
            var world    = player.World;
            var mapRules = world.Map.Rules;
            var pm       = player.PlayerActor.Trait <PowerManager>();
            var pr       = player.PlayerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>();

            widget.IsVisible = () => getTooltipIcon() != null && getTooltipIcon().Actor != null;
            var nameLabel     = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("NAME");
            var hotkeyLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("HOTKEY");
            var requiresLabel = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("REQUIRES");
            var powerLabel    = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("POWER");
            var powerIcon     = widget.Get <ImageWidget>("POWER_ICON");
            var timeLabel     = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("TIME");
            var timeIcon      = widget.Get <ImageWidget>("TIME_ICON");
            var costLabel     = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("COST");
            var costIcon      = widget.Get <ImageWidget>("COST_ICON");
            var descLabel     = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("DESC");

            var iconMargin = timeIcon.Bounds.X;

            var font            = Game.Renderer.Fonts[nameLabel.Font];
            var descFont        = Game.Renderer.Fonts[descLabel.Font];
            var requiresFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[requiresLabel.Font];
            var formatBuildTime = new CachedTransform <int, string>(time => WidgetUtils.FormatTime(time, world.Timestep));
            var requiresFormat  = requiresLabel.Text;

            ActorInfo lastActor      = null;
            Hotkey    lastHotkey     = Hotkey.Invalid;
            var       lastPowerState = pm.PowerState;

            tooltipContainer.BeforeRender = () =>
                var tooltipIcon = getTooltipIcon();
                if (tooltipIcon == null)

                var actor = tooltipIcon.Actor;
                if (actor == null)

                var hotkey = tooltipIcon.Hotkey != null?tooltipIcon.Hotkey.GetValue() : Hotkey.Invalid;

                if (actor == lastActor && hotkey == lastHotkey && pm.PowerState == lastPowerState)

                var tooltip   = actor.TraitInfos <TooltipInfo>().FirstOrDefault(info => info.EnabledByDefault);
                var name      = tooltip != null ? tooltip.Name : actor.Name;
                var buildable = actor.TraitInfo <BuildableInfo>();
                var cost      = actor.TraitInfo <ValuedInfo>().Cost;

                nameLabel.Text = name;

                var nameSize    = font.Measure(name);
                var hotkeyWidth = 0;
                hotkeyLabel.Visible = hotkey.IsValid();

                if (hotkeyLabel.Visible)
                    var hotkeyText = "({0})".F(hotkey.DisplayString());

                    hotkeyWidth          = font.Measure(hotkeyText).X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X;
                    hotkeyLabel.Text     = hotkeyText;
                    hotkeyLabel.Bounds.X = nameSize.X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X;

                var prereqs = buildable.Prerequisites.Select(a => ActorName(mapRules, a)).Where(s => !s.StartsWith("~", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                requiresLabel.Text = prereqs.Any() ? requiresFormat.F(prereqs.JoinWith(", ")) : "";
                var requiresSize = requiresFont.Measure(requiresLabel.Text);

                var power = actor.TraitInfos <PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.EnabledByDefault).Sum(i => i.Amount);
                powerLabel.Text     = power.ToString();
                powerLabel.GetColor = () => ((pm.PowerProvided - pm.PowerDrained) >= -power || power > 0)
                                        ? Color.White : Color.Red;
                powerLabel.Visible = power != 0;
                powerIcon.Visible  = power != 0;
                var powerSize = font.Measure(powerLabel.Text);

                var buildTime      = tooltipIcon.ProductionQueue == null ? 0 : tooltipIcon.ProductionQueue.GetBuildTime(actor, buildable);
                var timeMultiplier = pm.PowerState != PowerState.Normal ? tooltipIcon.ProductionQueue.Info.LowPowerSlowdown : 1;

                timeLabel.Text      = formatBuildTime.Update(buildTime * timeMultiplier);
                timeLabel.TextColor = pm.PowerState != PowerState.Normal ? Color.Red : Color.White;
                var timeSize = font.Measure(timeLabel.Text);
                costLabel.IsVisible = () => cost != 0;
                costIcon.IsVisible  = () => cost != 0;

                costLabel.Text     = cost.ToString();
                costLabel.GetColor = () => pr.Cash + pr.Resources >= cost ? Color.White : Color.Red;
                var costSize = font.Measure(costLabel.Text);

                descLabel.Text = buildable.Description.Replace("\\n", "\n");
                var descSize = descFont.Measure(descLabel.Text);

                var leftWidth = new[] { nameSize.X + hotkeyWidth, requiresSize.X, descSize.X }.Aggregate(Math.Max);
                var rightWidth = new[] { powerSize.X, timeSize.X, costSize.X }.Aggregate(Math.Max);

                timeIcon.Bounds.X   = powerIcon.Bounds.X = costIcon.Bounds.X = leftWidth + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X;
                timeLabel.Bounds.X  = powerLabel.Bounds.X = costLabel.Bounds.X = timeIcon.Bounds.Right + iconMargin;
                widget.Bounds.Width = leftWidth + rightWidth + 3 * nameLabel.Bounds.X + timeIcon.Bounds.Width + iconMargin;

                var leftHeight  = nameSize.Y + requiresSize.Y + descSize.Y;
                var rightHeight = powerSize.Y + timeSize.Y + costSize.Y;
                widget.Bounds.Height = Math.Max(leftHeight, rightHeight) * 3 / 2 + 3 * nameLabel.Bounds.Y;

                lastActor      = actor;
                lastHotkey     = hotkey;
                lastPowerState = pm.PowerState;