internal static Func <string> MessageForNotMatchResult( bool passed, string src, Func <string> customMessageGenerator ) { return(FinalMessageFor( () => $"Expected {Quote(src)} {passed.AsNot()}to be matched", customMessageGenerator )); }
internal static Func <string> MessageForNotContainsResult( bool passed, string src, string search, Func <string> customMessageGenerator ) { return(FinalMessageFor( () => $"Expected {Quote(src)} {passed.AsNot()}to contain {Quote(search)}", customMessageGenerator )); }
private static string DumpCalls( ICall[] calls, bool passed ) { var callInfo = calls.Aggregate( new List <string>(), (acc, cur) => { acc.Add(DumpCallInfo(cur)); return(acc); }).JoinWith("\n*").Trim(); return($@"Expected {passed.AsNot()}to have received any calls, but received { (callInfo.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? "none" : callInfo) }"); }