Beispiel #1
        public static void GenerateShrine(User user, int numberOfShrines = 1, int shrineSize = 12)
            if (shrineSize < 1 || shrineSize > 20)
                ChatManager.DebugAddToChatLog("#Shrine location", "Shrine size must be between 1 and 20", user.Name, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShrines; ++i)
                var location = World.GetRandomLandPos() + (Vector3i.Down * (shrineSize * 2));

                location.SpiralOutXZIter(shrineSize).ForEach(x =>
                    var height = Math.Min((shrineSize * 0.5f), (shrineSize * 0.6f) - WorldPosition3i.Distance(x, location));
                    for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
                        if (!World.GetBlock((Vector3i)x + (Vector3i.Up * j)).Is <Impenetrable>())
                            World.DeleteBlock((Vector3i)x + (Vector3i.Up * j));
                        if ((int)WorldPosition3i.Distance(x, location) != 0 && !World.GetBlock((Vector3i)x + (Vector3i.Down * j)).Is <Impenetrable>())
                            World.SetBlock <WaterBlock>((Vector3i)x + (Vector3i.Down * j));
                WorldObjectUtil.Spawn("EckoStatueObject", null, (Vector3i)location);

                ChatManager.DebugAddToChatLog("#Shrine location", location.ToString(), user.Name, 1);
        public static void SpawnBed(User user)
            RoomChecker.SpawnBuilding(user, 1, new Vector3i(5, 5, 5), user.Player.Position.Round + Vector3i.Down - new Vector3i(2, 0, 2));
            var bed = WorldObjectUtil.SpawnAndClaim <BedComponent>("WoodenFabricBedObject", user, user.Position.Round + Vector3i.Forward);

 public static string GetCraftingTablesString()
         var allCraftingTables = WorldObjectUtil.AllObjsWithComponent <CraftingComponent>();
         Logger.Debug("Started collecting crafting tables information: " + allCraftingTables.Count());
         var tablesToExport       = new JsonHistCraftingTables(allCraftingTables);
         var craftingTablesString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tablesToExport);
         Logger.Debug("Got crafting tables string");
     catch (Exception e)
         Logger.Error($"Got an exception trying to export crafting tables: \n {e}");
Beispiel #4
    public void Generate(Random seed, Vector3 voxelSize, WorldSettings settings)
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShrines; ++i)
            var location = World.GetRandomLandPos() + (Vector3i.Down * (shrineSize * 2));

            location.SpiralOutXZIter(shrineSize).ForEach(x =>
                var height = Math.Min((shrineSize * 0.5f), (shrineSize * 0.6f) - WorldPosition3i.Distance(x, location));
                for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
                    if (!World.GetBlock((Vector3i)x + (Vector3i.Up * j)).Is <Impenetrable>())
                        World.DeleteBlock((Vector3i)x + (Vector3i.Up * j));
                    if ((int)WorldPosition3i.Distance(x, location) != 0 && !World.GetBlock((Vector3i)x + (Vector3i.Down * j)).Is <Impenetrable>())
                        World.SetBlock <WaterBlock>((Vector3i)x + (Vector3i.Down * j));
            WorldObjectUtil.Spawn("EckoStatueObject", null, (Vector3i)location);
Beispiel #5
        public static LocString NextFoodBody(User user, int count = 3)
            Dictionary <FoodItem, HashSet <LocString> > whereArtFood = new Dictionary <FoodItem, HashSet <LocString> >();

            if (user.Carrying != null && user.Carrying.Item is FoodItem)
                addItem(whereArtFood, user.Carrying.Item as FoodItem, user.UILink());

            foreach (ItemStack stack in user.Inventory.ToolbarBackpack.Stacks.Where(item => item.Item is FoodItem))
                addItem(whereArtFood, stack.Item as FoodItem, user.UILink());

            IEnumerable <StorageComponent> enumerable        = WorldObjectUtil.AllObjsWithComponent <StorageComponent>();
            IEnumerable <StorageComponent> accessibleStorage = enumerable.Where(i => i.Parent.Auth.Owners != null && (i.Parent.Auth.Owners.Contains(user) || i.Parent.Auth.UsersWithFullAccess.Contains(user) || i.Parent.Auth.UsersWithConsumerAccess.Contains(user)));

            foreach (StorageComponent storage in accessibleStorage)
                foreach (ItemStack stack in storage.Inventory.Stacks.Where(item => item.Item is FoodItem))
                    addItem(whereArtFood, stack.Item as FoodItem, storage.Parent.UILink());

            IEnumerable <StoreComponent> storesWithFood = Stores
                                                          .Where(store => store.Enabled != false)
                                                          .Where(store => store.StoreData.SellOffers
                                                                 .Where(item => item.Stack.Quantity > 0)
                                                                 .Where(item => item.Stack.Item is FoodItem)
                                                                 .Count() > 0);

            foreach (StoreComponent store in storesWithFood)
                IEnumerable <TradeOffer> foodTrades = store.StoreData.SellOffers.Where(item => item.Stack.Quantity > 0).Where(item => item.Stack.Item is FoodItem);
                foreach (TradeOffer trade in foodTrades)
                    addItem(whereArtFood, trade.Stack.Item as FoodItem, store.Parent.UILink());

            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <FoodItem, float> > possibleBuys = whereArtFood.Keys
                                                                         .ToDictionary(it => it, it => FoodCalculatorComponent.getSkillPointsVariation(user.Player, it as FoodItem))
                                                                         .Where(it => it.Key.Calories != 0)
                                                                         .OrderByDescending(pair => pair.Value)

            List <LocString> body = new List <LocString>();

            if (possibleBuys.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var possibleBuy in possibleBuys)
                    LocString itemValue = LocStringExtensions.Style(
                        Localizer.DoStr(Math.Round(possibleBuy.Value, 2).ToString()),
                        possibleBuy.Value >= 0 ? Text.Styles.Positive : Text.Styles.Negative
                    String locations = String.Join(", ", whereArtFood[possibleBuy.Key]);
                    body.Add(Localizer.Format("{0} will give you {1} points and can be found at: {2}", possibleBuy.Key.UILink(), itemValue, locations));
                body.Add(Localizer.DoStr("Could not find you any food"));
            return(Localizer.DoStr(String.Join("\n", body)));
Beispiel #6
 public void ActionPerformed(GameAction action)
     WorldObjectUtil.ActionPerformed(this, action);
Beispiel #7
 public bool ShouldOverrideAuth(GameAction action)
     return(WorldObjectUtil.ShouldOverrideAuth(this, action));
 public static void SpawnToll(User user)
     var otherUser = TestUtils.OtherUser(user);
     var station   = WorldObjectUtil.SpawnAndClaim <TollComponent>("TollObject", otherUser, user.Position.XZi);
     var door      = WorldObjectUtil.SpawnAndClaim("DoorObject", otherUser, user.Position.XZi + Vector2i.Right);