Beispiel #1
        public virtual void acronymsTests()
            WordElement        uk            = lexicon.getWord("UK");
            WordElement        unitedKingdom = lexicon.getWord("United Kingdom");
            IList <NLGElement> fullForms     = uk.getFeatureAsElementList(LexicalFeature.ACRONYM_OF);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, fullForms.Count);
Beispiel #2
        // * convenience method to test that a list is not null and not empty
        // *
        // * @param list
        // * @return
        // */
        //private bool notEmpty<T1>(IList<T1> list)
        //    return list != null && list.Count > 0;

         * extract information about acronyms from NIH record, and add to a
         * simplenlg WordElement.
         * <P>
         * Acronyms are represented as lists of word elements. Any acronym will have
         * a list of full form word elements, retrievable via
         * {@link LexicalFeature#ACRONYM_OF}
         * @param wordElement
         * @param record
        private void addAcronymInfo(WordElement wordElement, LexRecord record)
            // NB: the acronyms are actually the full forms of which the word is an
            // acronym
            List <string> acronyms = record.GetAcronyms();

            if (acronyms.Count > 0)
                // the list of full forms of which this word is an acronym
                List <NLGElement> acronymOf = wordElement.getFeatureAsElementList(LexicalFeature.ACRONYM_OF);

                // keep all acronym full forms and set them up as wordElements
                foreach (string fullForm in acronyms)
                    if (fullForm.Contains("|"))
                        // get the acronym id
                        string acronymID = fullForm.SubstringSpecial(fullForm.IndexOf("|", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1, fullForm.Length);
                        // create the full form element
                        WordElement fullFormWE = getWordByID(acronymID);

                        if (fullForm != null)
                            // add as full form of this acronym

                            // List<NLGElement> fullFormAcronyms = fullFormWE
                            // .getFeatureAsElementList(LexicalFeature.ACRONYMS);
                            // fullFormAcronyms.add(wordElement);
                            // fullFormWE.setFeature(LexicalFeature.ACRONYMS,
                            // fullFormAcronyms);

                // set all the full forms for this acronym
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.ACRONYM_OF, acronymOf);

            // if (!acronyms.isEmpty()) {
            // String acronym = acronyms.get(0);
            // // remove anything after a |, this will be an NIH ID
            // if (acronym.contains("|"))
            // acronym = acronym.substring(0, acronym.indexOf("|"));
            // wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.ACRONYM_OF, acronym);
            // }