Beispiel #1
         * extract verb information from NIH VerbEntry record, and add to a
         * simplenlg WordElement For now just extract transitive, instransitive,
         * and/or ditransitive
         * @param wordElement
         * @param verbEntry
        private void addVerbInfo(WordElement wordElement, VerbEntry verbEntry)
            if (verbEntry == null)
            { // should only happen for aux verbs, which have
              // auxEntry instead of verbEntry in NIH Lex
              // just flag as transitive and return
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.INTRANSITIVE, false);
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.TRANSITIVE, true);
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.DITRANSITIVE, false);

            bool intransitiveVerb = verbEntry.GetIntran().Any();
            bool transitiveVerb   = verbEntry.GetTran().Any() || verbEntry.GetCplxtran().Any();
            bool ditransitiveVerb = verbEntry.GetDitran().Any();

            wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.INTRANSITIVE, intransitiveVerb);
            wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.TRANSITIVE, transitiveVerb);
            wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.DITRANSITIVE, ditransitiveVerb);

            // add the inflectional variants
            List <string> variants = verbEntry.GetVariants();

            if (variants.Count > 0)
                IList <Inflection> wordVariants = new List <Inflection>();

                foreach (string v in variants)
                    int        index = v.IndexOf("|", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    string     code;

                    if (index > -1)
                        code = v.Substring(0, index).ToLower().Trim();
                        infl = Inflection.REGULAR.getInflCode(code);
                        infl = Inflection.REGULAR.getInflCode(v.ToLower().Trim());

                    if (infl != null)

                // if the variants include "reg", this is the default, otherwise
                // just a random pick
                Inflection defaultVariant = wordVariants.Contains(Inflection.REGULAR) || wordVariants.Count == 0 ? Inflection.REGULAR : wordVariants[0];
                //			wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.INFLECTIONS, wordVariants);
                //			wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.DEFAULT_INFL, defaultVariant);

            // ignore (for now) other info in record
Beispiel #2
         * extract noun information from NIH NounEntry record, and add to a
         * simplenlg WordElement For now just extract whether count/non-count and
         * whether proper or not
         * @param wordElement
         * @param nounEntry
        private void addNounInfo(WordElement wordElement, NounEntry nounEntry)
            bool proper = nounEntry.IsProper();
            // bool nonCountVariant = false;
            // bool regVariant = false;

            // add the inflectional variants
            List <string> variants = nounEntry.GetVariants();

            if (variants.Count > 0)
                IList <Inflection> wordVariants = new List <Inflection>();

                foreach (string v in variants)
                    int    index = v.IndexOf("|", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    string code;

                    if (index > -1)
                        code = v.Substring(0, index).ToLower().Trim();
                        code = v.ToLower().Trim();

                    Inflection?infl = Inflection.REGULAR.getInflCode(code);

                    if (infl != null)

                // if the variants include "reg", this is the default, otherwise just a random pick
                Inflection defaultVariant = wordVariants.Contains(Inflection.REGULAR) || wordVariants.Count == 0 ? Inflection.REGULAR : wordVariants[0];
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.DEFAULT_INFL, defaultVariant);

            // for (String variant : variants) {
            // if (variant.startsWith("uncount")
            // || variant.startsWith("groupuncount"))
            // nonCountVariant = true;
            // if (variant.startsWith("reg"))
            // regVariant = true;
            // // ignore other variant info
            // }

            // lots of words have both "reg" and "unCount", indicating they
            // can be used in either way. Regard such words as normal,
            // only flag as nonCount if unambiguous
            // wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.NON_COUNT, nonCountVariant && !regVariant);
            wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.PROPER, proper);
            // ignore (for now) other info in record
Beispiel #3
         * make a WordElement from a lexical record. Currently just specifies basic
         * params and inflections Should do more in the future!
         * @param record
         * @return
        private WordElement makeWord(LexRecord record) // LexRecord
            // get basic data
            String          baseForm = record.GetBase();
            LexicalCategory category = record.GetSimpleNLGCategory(record);
            String          id       = record.GetEui();

            // create word class
            WordElement wordElement = new WordElement(baseForm, category, id);

            // now add type information
            switch (category.GetLexicalCategory())
            case LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.ADJECTIVE:
                addAdjectiveInfo(wordElement, record.GetCatEntry().GetAdjEntry());

            case LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.ADVERB:
                addAdverbInfo(wordElement, record.GetCatEntry().GetAdvEntry());

            case LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.NOUN:
                addNounInfo(wordElement, record.GetCatEntry().GetNounEntry());

            case LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.VERB:
                addVerbInfo(wordElement, record.GetCatEntry().GetVerbEntry());
                // ignore closed class words

            Inflection?defaultInfl = wordElement.getDefaultInflectionalVariant();

            // now add inflected forms
            // if (keepStandardInflections || !standardInflections(record,
            // category)) {
            foreach (InflVar inflection in record.GetInflVarsAndAgreements().GetInflValues())
                String simplenlgInflection = getSimplenlgInflection(inflection

                if (simplenlgInflection != null)
                    String     inflectedForm = inflection.GetVar();
                    Inflection?inflType      = Inflection.REGULAR.getInflCode(inflection.GetType());

                    // store all inflectional variants, except for regular ones
                    // unless explicitly set
                    if (inflType != null &&
                        !(Inflection.REGULAR == inflType && !keepStandardInflections))
                                                           simplenlgInflection, inflectedForm);

                    // if the infl variant is the default, also set this feature on
                    // the word
                    if (defaultInfl == null ||
                        (defaultInfl.Equals(inflType) && !(Inflection.REGULAR.Equals(inflType) && !keepStandardInflections)))
                        wordElement.setFeature(simplenlgInflection, inflectedForm);

                    // wordElement
                    // .setFeature(simplenlgInflection, inflection.GetVar());
            // }

            // add acronym info
            addAcronymInfo(wordElement, record);

            // now add spelling variants
            addSpellingVariants(wordElement, record);

Beispiel #4
         * create a simplenlg WordElement from a Word node in a lexicon XML file
         * @param wordNode
         * @return
         * @throws XPathUtilException
        private WordElement convertNodeToWord(XmlNode wordNode)
            // if this isn't a Word node, ignore it
            if (!wordNode.Name.Equals(XML_WORD, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

            // if there is no base, flag an error and return null
            // String base = XPathUtil.extractValue(wordNode, Constants.XML_BASE);
            // if (base == null) {
            // System.out.println("Error in loading XML lexicon: Word with no base");
            // return null;
            // }

            // create word
            WordElement        word        = new WordElement();
            IList <Inflection> inflections = new List <Inflection>();

            // now copy features
            XmlNodeList nodes = wordNode.ChildNodes;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                XmlNode featureNode = nodes.Item(i);

                if (featureNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    string feature = featureNode.Name.Trim();
                    string value   = featureNode.InnerText;

                    if (!ReferenceEquals(value, null))
                        value = value.Trim();

                    if (ReferenceEquals(feature, null))
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error in XML lexicon node for " + word.ToString());

                    if (feature.Equals(XML_BASE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        word.BaseForm = value;
                    else if (feature.Equals(XML_CATEGORY, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Enum.TryParse(value.ToUpper(), out LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum lexcat);
                        word.Category = new LexicalCategory(lexcat);
                    else if (feature.Equals(XML_ID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        word.Id = value;

                    else if (ReferenceEquals(value, null) || value.Equals(""))
                        // if this is an infl code, add it to inflections
                        Inflection?infl = Inflection.REGULAR.getInflCode(feature);

                        if (infl != null)
                            // otherwise assume it's a boolean feature
                            word.setFeature(feature, true);
                        word.setFeature(feature, value);

            // if no infl specified, assume regular
            if (inflections.Count == 0)

            // default inflection code is "reg" if we have it, else random pick form infl codes available
            Inflection defaultInfl = inflections.Contains(Inflection.REGULAR) ? Inflection.REGULAR : inflections[0];

            word.setFeature(LexicalFeature.DEFAULT_INFL, defaultInfl);

            foreach (Inflection infl in inflections)

            // done, return word