Beispiel #1
        public async Task CannotWithdrawCashIfNotEnoughFunds()
            var deposit  = 500m;
            var withdraw = 1000m;

            var accCreatedEv = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Name      = "Jake Sanders"

            var depositSetEv = new CashDeposited(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = deposit

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = withdraw

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def
                .Given(accCreatedEv, depositSetEv)
                .Throws(new SystemException("The account does not have enough funds for requested wire transfer.")));
        public async Task CanWithdrawCash()
            Clock.SetCurrent(new LocalDateTime(2018, 1, 1, 9, 0));

            var accountCreated = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId         = AccountId,
                AccountHolderName = "NNN"

            var cashDeposited = new CashDeposited(accountCreated)
                AccountId   = AccountId,
                Amount      = 350,
                DepositedAt = Clock.Current

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId = AccountId,
                Amount    = 200

            var ev = new CashWithdrawn(cmd)
                AccountId   = AccountId,
                Amount      = 200,
                WithdrawnAt = Clock.Current

            await Runner.Run(
                def => def.Given(accountCreated, cashDeposited).When(cmd).Then(ev)
Beispiel #3
        public async Task CanWithdrawCash(decimal deposit, decimal withdraw)
            var accCreatedEv = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Name      = "Jake Sanders"

            var depositedEv = new CashDeposited(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = deposit

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = withdraw

            var withdrawnEv = new CashWithdrawn(cmd)
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = cmd.Amount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def
                .Given(accCreatedEv, depositedEv)
Beispiel #4
        public async Task CashWithdrawalGreaterThanAllowedLimit()
            decimal withdrawAmount = 10000;
            decimal depositeAmount = 5000;

            var accountCreated = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId         = _accountId,
                AccountHolderName = "Tushar"

            var evtCashDeposited = new CashDeposited(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId     = _accountId,
                DepositAmount = depositeAmount

            var cmdWithdrawCash = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                WithdrawAmount = withdrawAmount

            var evAccountBlocked = new AccountBlocked(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = withdrawAmount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def.Given(accountCreated, evtCashDeposited).When(cmdWithdrawCash).Then(evAccountBlocked)
Beispiel #5
        public async Task CannotWithdrawCashIntoInvalidAccount()
            var cmd = new WithdrawCash
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = Convert.ToDecimal(500)

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def.Given().When(cmd).Throws(new ValidationException("No account with this ID exists"))
Beispiel #6
        public async Task CanWithdrawCashWithOverdraftLimitFromValidAccount()
            decimal depositeAmount = 5000;
            decimal overdraftLimit = 2000;
            decimal withdrawAmount = 7000;

            var accountCreated = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId         = _accountId,
                AccountHolderName = "Tushar"
            var cmdDepositCash = new DepositCash
                AccountId     = _accountId,
                DepositAmount = depositeAmount

            var evtCashDeposited = new CashDeposited(cmdDepositCash)
                AccountId     = _accountId,
                DepositAmount = depositeAmount

            var cmdConfigureOverdraftLimit = new ConfigureOverdraftLimit
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                OverdraftLimit = overdraftLimit

            var evOverdraftLimitConfigured = new OverdraftLimitConfigured(cmdConfigureOverdraftLimit)
                AccountId      = cmdConfigureOverdraftLimit.AccountId,
                OverdraftLimit = cmdConfigureOverdraftLimit.OverdraftLimit

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                WithdrawAmount = withdrawAmount

            var ev = new CashWithdrawn(cmd)
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                WithdrawAmount = withdrawAmount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def.Given(accountCreated, evtCashDeposited, evOverdraftLimitConfigured).When(cmd).Then(ev)
Beispiel #7
        public async Task CashWithdrawShouldThrowExceptionWhenAccountIsNotPresent()
            decimal withdrawAmount = 5000;

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                WithdrawAmount = withdrawAmount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def.Given().When(cmd).Throws(new ValidationException("No account with this ID exists"))
Beispiel #8
        public async Task CannotWithdrawCashIfAccountDoesNotExist()
            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = 1000

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def
                .Throws(new SystemException("Cash cannot be withdrawn from the inexistent accont.")));
Beispiel #9
        public async Task CannotWithdrawCashOutsideBalanceAndWithOverdraftLimit()
            decimal depositeAmount = 5000;
            decimal overdraftLimit = 1000;
            decimal withdrawAmount = 7000;

            var accountCreated = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId         = _accountId,
                AccountHolderName = "Tushar"
            var cmdDepositCash = new DepositCash
                AccountId     = _accountId,
                DepositAmount = depositeAmount

            var evtCashDeposited = new CashDeposited(cmdDepositCash)
                AccountId     = _accountId,
                DepositAmount = depositeAmount

            var evOverdraftLimitConfigured = new OverdraftLimitConfigured(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                OverdraftLimit = overdraftLimit

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                WithdrawAmount = withdrawAmount

            var evAccountBlocked = new AccountBlocked(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = withdrawAmount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def.Given(accountCreated, evtCashDeposited, evOverdraftLimitConfigured).When(cmd).Then(evAccountBlocked)
Beispiel #10
        public async Task CannotWithdrawCashWithNonPositiveAmount(double amount)
            var created = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId         = _accountId,
                AccountHolderName = "Parth Sheth"

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = Convert.ToDecimal(amount)

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def.Given(created).When(cmd).Throws(new ValidationException("Cash withdrawn must be a positive amount"))
        public CommandResponse Handle(WithdrawCash command)
                if (!_repository.TryGetById <Account>(command.AccountId, out var account))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Account not exisit");

                account.WithdrawCash(command.AccountId, command.Amount, _clock, command);

            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #12
        public async Task CannnotWithdrawCashIfOverdrafdIsExceeded(decimal deposit, decimal overdraft, decimal withdraw)
            var accCreatedEv = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Name      = "Jake Sanders"

            var depositSetEv = new CashDeposited(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = deposit

            var overdraftSetEv = new OverdraftLimitSet(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                OverdraftLimit = overdraft

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = withdraw

            var withdrawalFailedEv = new WithdrawalFailed(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = cmd.Amount

            var accBlockedEv = new AccountBlocked(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def
                .Given(accCreatedEv, depositSetEv, overdraftSetEv)
                .Then(withdrawalFailedEv, accBlockedEv));
Beispiel #13
        public async Task CashWithdrawAmountCannotBeNegative()
            decimal withdrawAmount = -5000;

            var accountCreated = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId         = _accountId,
                AccountHolderName = "Tushar"

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId      = _accountId,
                WithdrawAmount = withdrawAmount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def.Given(accountCreated).When(cmd).Throws(new ValidationException("Cash withdrawal amount cannot be negative"))
Beispiel #14
        public async Task CannotWithrawNonPoitiveCashTests(decimal amount)
            var accCreateEv = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Name      = "Jake Sanders"

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = amount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def
                .Throws(new SystemException("Withdrawn Cash amount should be greater than 0.")));
Beispiel #15
        public async Task CannnotWithdrawCashFromBlockedAccount()
            var deposit  = 1000m;
            var withdraw = 500m;

            var accCreatedEv = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Name      = "Jake Sanders"

            var depositSetEv = new CashDeposited(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = deposit

            var accBlockedEv = new AccountBlocked(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash()
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = withdraw

            var transferFailedEv = new WithdrawalFailed(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = cmd.Amount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def
                .Given(accCreatedEv, depositSetEv, accBlockedEv)
Beispiel #16
        public async Task CanWithdrawCash(double amount)
            var created = new AccountCreated(CorrelatedMessage.NewRoot())
                AccountId         = _accountId,
                AccountHolderName = "Parth Sheth"

            var cmd = new WithdrawCash
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = Convert.ToDecimal(amount)

            var limitSet = new CashWithdrawn(cmd)
                AccountId = _accountId,
                Amount    = cmd.Amount

            await _runner.Run(
                def => def.Given(created).When(cmd).Then(limitSet)
Beispiel #17
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            int    score      = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["score"]);
            string moduleName = "积分";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.Request["module_name"]))
                moduleName = context.Request["module_name"];
            string websiteOwner = bllKeyValueData.WebsiteOwner;

            if (score <= 0)
                apiResp.code = (int)APIErrCode.OperateFail;
                apiResp.msg  = moduleName + "不能为0";
                bllKeyValueData.ContextResponse(context, apiResp);
            string rechargeValue        = bllKeyValueData.GetDataVaule("Recharge", "100", websiteOwner);
            string minScore             = bllKeyValueData.GetDataVaule("MinScore", "1", websiteOwner);
            string minWithdrawCashScore = bllKeyValueData.GetDataVaule("MinWithdrawCashScore", "1", websiteOwner);

            if (score < Convert.ToDecimal(minWithdrawCashScore))
                apiResp.code = (int)APIErrCode.OperateFail;
                apiResp.msg  = "提现数额不能少于" + minWithdrawCashScore + moduleName;
                bllKeyValueData.ContextResponse(context, apiResp);

            double curTotalScore = CurrentUserInfo.TotalScore;
            double sTotalScore   = curTotalScore - score;
            double nScore        = Convert.ToDouble(minScore) + score;

            if (sTotalScore < Convert.ToDouble(minScore))
                apiResp.code = (int)APIErrCode.OperateFail;
                apiResp.msg  = moduleName + "不足";
                bllKeyValueData.ContextResponse(context, apiResp);
            decimal rechargeFee = Convert.ToDecimal(rechargeValue);
            decimal money       = rechargeFee / 100 * score;

            WithdrawCash model = new WithdrawCash();

            model.Amount           = money;
            model.UserId           = CurrentUserInfo.UserID;
            model.TrueName         = CurrentUserInfo.TrueName;
            model.WebSiteOwner     = websiteOwner;
            model.WithdrawCashType = "ScoreOnLine";
            model.TransfersType    = 1;
            model.Status           = 0;
            model.Score            = score;
            model.RealAmount       = money;
            model.ServerFee        = 0;
            model.Phone            = CurrentUserInfo.Phone;
            model.LastUpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
            model.InsertDate       = DateTime.Now;
            model.IsPublic         = 2;

            UserScoreDetailsInfo scoreModel = new UserScoreDetailsInfo();

            scoreModel.AddNote      = string.Format("申请提现消耗{0}{1}", score, moduleName);
            scoreModel.AddTime      = DateTime.Now;
            scoreModel.Score        = 0 - score;
            scoreModel.UserID       = CurrentUserInfo.UserID;
            scoreModel.ScoreType    = "WithdrawCash";
            scoreModel.TotalScore   = sTotalScore;
            scoreModel.WebSiteOwner = websiteOwner;

            BLLJIMP.Model.SystemNotice notice = new BLLJIMP.Model.SystemNotice();
            notice.Ncontent     = scoreModel.AddNote;
            notice.UserId       = CurrentUserInfo.UserID;
            notice.Receivers    = CurrentUserInfo.UserID;
            notice.SendType     = 2;
            notice.SerialNum    = bllKeyValueData.GetGUID(TransacType.SendSystemNotice);
            notice.Title        = "申请提现消耗淘股币";
            notice.NoticeType   = 1;
            notice.WebsiteOwner = websiteOwner;
            notice.InsertTime   = DateTime.Now;

            BLLTransaction tran = new BLLTransaction();

            if (bllUser.Update(CurrentUserInfo,
                               string.Format("TotalScore=TotalScore-{0}", score),
                               string.Format("AutoID={0} AND WebsiteOwner='{1}' AND TotalScore>{2}", CurrentUserInfo.AutoID, websiteOwner, nScore),
                               tran) > 0 &&
                bllUser.Add(scoreModel, tran) &&
                bllUser.Add(notice, tran) &&
                bllUser.Add(model, tran))
                apiResp.code   = (int)APIErrCode.IsSuccess;
                apiResp.msg    = "申请成功";
                apiResp.status = true;
                apiResp.code = (int)APIErrCode.OperateFail;
                apiResp.msg  = "申请失败";
            bllKeyValueData.ContextResponse(context, apiResp);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 审核通过打款
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="autoId">记录Id</param>
        /// <param name="userId">操作人账号</param>
        /// <param name="msg">提示信息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Pass(int autoId, string userId, out string msg)
            msg = "";
            var record = Get(autoId);

            if (record.Status == 1)
                msg = "该记录已打款";

            switch (record.Type)
                #region 分销提现
            case "DistributionWithdraw":    //分销提现
                BLLDistribution     bllDis = new BLLDistribution();
                List <WithdrawCash> list   = new List <WithdrawCash>();
                WithdrawCash        model  = Get <WithdrawCash>(string.Format("TranId='{0}'", record.TranId));
                if (model == null)
                    msg = "该记录已标记为失败";
                if (!bllDis.UpdateWithrawCashStatus(list, 2, out msg))

                #region 商城退款
            case "MallRefund":    //退款
                BLLMall      bllMall = new BLLMall();
                WXMallRefund refund  = bllMall.Get <WXMallRefund>(string.Format("RefundId='{0}'", record.TranId));
                switch (refund.Status)
                case 2:
                    msg = "未同意退款";

                case 5:
                    msg = "未收到货拒绝退款";

                case 7:
                    msg = "退款申请关闭";

                if (!bllMall.Refund(refund.OrderDetailId, out msg))


                msg = "未定义的类型";
            record.UpdateTime  = DateTime.Now;
            record.Status      = 1;
            record.OperaUserId = userId;
            if (Update(record))