Beispiel #1
        internal OrderbookResponse GetOrderBook(int limit=10)
            string url = String.Format("{0}/orderbook/{1}{2}?limit={3}", _dataBaseUrl, _baseAsset, _counterAsset, limit);

            var webClient = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);

            OrderbookResponse orderBook = webClient.DownloadObject<OrderbookResponse>(url);

            if (null == orderBook || null == orderBook.asks || null == orderBook.bids)
                return null;

            return orderBook;
Beispiel #2
        internal OrderBookResponse GetMarketDepth(string baseAsset, string counterAsset)
            string url = DATA_BASE_URL + "/depth/" + baseAsset.ToUpper() + "/" + counterAsset + "/15";    //e.g. /depth/BTC/USD/15

            var webClient = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, 30000/*30sec web request timeout*/);

            OrderBookResponse orderBook = webClient.DownloadObject<OrderBookResponse>(url);

            if (null == orderBook || null == orderBook.asks || null == orderBook.bids)
                return null;

            return orderBook;
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates a string into another language using Google's translate API JSON calls.
        /// <seealso>Class TranslationServices</seealso>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Text">Text to translate. Should be a single word or sentence.</param>
        /// <param name="FromCulture">
        /// Two letter culture (en of en-us, fr of fr-ca, de of de-ch)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ToCulture">
        /// Two letter culture (as for FromCulture)
        /// </param>
        public string TranslateGoogle(string text, string fromCulture, string toCulture)
            fromCulture = fromCulture.ToLower();
            toCulture   = toCulture.ToLower();

            // normalize the culture in case something like en-us was passed
            // retrieve only en since Google doesn't support sub-locales
            string[] tokens = fromCulture.Split('-');
            if (tokens.Length > 1)
                fromCulture = tokens[0];

            // normalize ToCulture
            tokens = toCulture.Split('-');
            if (tokens.Length > 1)
                toCulture = tokens[0];

            string url = string.Format(@"{0}&hl=en&sl={1}&tl={2}",
                                       System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(text), fromCulture, toCulture);

            // Retrieve Translation with HTTP GET call
            string html = null;

                WebClient2 web = new WebClient2();

                // MUST add a known browser user agent or else response encoding doen't return UTF-8 (WTF Google?)
                web.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "Mozilla/5.0");
                web.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.AcceptCharset, "UTF-8");

                // Make sure we have response encoding to UTF-8
                web.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                html         = web.DownloadString(url);

            // Extract out trans":"...[Extracted]...","from the JSON string
            return(Regex.Match(html, "trans\":(\".*?\"),\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups[1].Value.Trim(new char[] { '"' }));
        private static bool ResourceExists(WebClient2 client, Uri uri)
                client.Method = "HEAD"; // HEAD is special, it's not supported by standard WebClient because it must have a null body but the Upload method don't accept it
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!IsNotFound(e))

Beispiel #5
        private string sendGetRequest(string url)
            WebException exc = null;
            var delay = RETRY_DELAY;
            for (int i = 1; i <= RETRY_COUNT; i++)
                var client = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, 20000);

                    var text = client.DownloadString(url);
                    _logger.LastResponse = text;
                    return text;
                catch (WebException we)
                    var text = String.Format("(ATTEMPT {0}/{1}) Web request failed with exception={2}; status={3}. Retry in {4} ms", i, RETRY_COUNT, we.Message, we.Status, delay);
                    exc = we;
                    delay *= 2;

            throw new Exception(String.Format("Web request failed {0} times in a row with error '{1}'. Giving up.", RETRY_COUNT, exc.Message));
Beispiel #6
        internal List<Candle> GetCandles()
            var client = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);

            var data = client.DownloadStringSafe("");
            if (null == data)
                return null;

            //NOTE: add auxiliary root variable to avoid tricky JSON parsing
            data = "{\"candleData\":" + data + "}";
            var candles = Helpers.DeserializeJSON<CandlesResponse>(data);
            return candles.MergeAsCandles(5);
Beispiel #7
        internal TradeStatisticsResponse GetTradeStatistics()
            var client = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);

            var trades = client.DownloadObject<TradeStatisticsResponse>(TRADE_STATS_URL);
            return trades;
Beispiel #8
        internal DateTime GetServerTime()
            var client = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);            //TODO: why do I create new client in every other method? Should reuse one instance.

            var ticker = client.DownloadObject<TickerResponse>(TICKER_URL);
            return null==ticker ? DateTime.MinValue : ticker.ServerTime;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>Get market depth for given fiat currency and BTC</summary>
        /// <param name="currencyCode">One of "USD", "CNY"</param>
        internal MarketDepthResponse GetMarketDepth(string currencyCode)
            currencyCode = currencyCode.ToLower();
            string marketUrl;
            if ("usd" == currencyCode)
                marketUrl = "";
            else if ("cny" == currencyCode)
                marketUrl = "";
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid currency code. Expected one of [USD, CNY]", "currencyCode");

            var client = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);

            var depth = client.DownloadObject<MarketDepthResponse>(marketUrl);
            return depth;
Beispiel #10
        internal MarketDepthResponse GetMarketDepth()
            var client = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);

            var depth = client.DownloadObject<MarketDepthResponse>(MARKET_URL);
            return depth;
Beispiel #11
        public static void Run(PeriodicalList periodicalList)
            var project           = periodicalList.Project;
            var journalUrl        = @""; // URL for journal list text file
            var journalCollection = new List <Periodical>();

            string completeList;

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                using (var webClient = new WebClient2()
                    Timeout = 60000
                    using (var stream = webClient.OpenRead(journalUrl))
                        using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
                            completeList = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (Exception e)
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                MessageBox.Show(periodicalList, ImportJournalsResources.PubMedMacroReadErrorMessage.FormatString(journalUrl, e.Message), periodicalList.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                var entrySplitters           = new string[] { @"--------------------------------------------------------" };
                var individualJournalEntries = completeList.Split(entrySplitters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();

                var counter = 0;

                var splitEntry = new Regex(@"^(?:JrId: )(?<JournalId>\d+?)(?:\nJournalTitle: )(?<JournalTitle>.*?)(?:\nMedAbbr: )(?<Abbreviation2>.*?)(?:\nISSN \(Print\): )(?<IssnPrint>.*?)(?:\nISSN \(Online\): )(?<IssnOnline>.*?)(?:\nIsoAbbr: )(?<Abbreviation1>.*?)(?:\nNlmId: )(?<NlmId>.*?)$",
                                           RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);

                foreach (string journalEntry in individualJournalEntries)

                    string journalTitle;
                    string abbreviation1;
                    string abbreviation2;
                    string abbreviation3;
                    string issnPrint;
                    string issnOnline;
                    string nlmId;

                    var match = splitEntry.Match(journalEntry);
                    journalTitle  = match.Groups["JournalTitle"].Value;
                    abbreviation1 = match.Groups["Abbreviation1"].Value;
                    abbreviation2 = match.Groups["Abbreviation2"].Value;
                    issnPrint     = match.Groups["IssnPrint"].Value;
                    issnOnline    = match.Groups["IssnOnline"].Value;
                    nlmId         = match.Groups["NlmId"].Value;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation1))
                        abbreviation1 = abbreviation2;
                    if (!abbreviation1.Contains(".") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation1))
                        var journalTitleWords          = journalTitle.ToLowerInvariant().Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', ';', ',', ':', '&', '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        var abbreviation1Words         = abbreviation1.Split(' ');
                        var abbreviation1WithFullStops = new List <string>();

                        foreach (var word in abbreviation1Words)
                            if (word.StartsWith("(") || word.EndsWith(")"))
                            else if (!Array.Exists(journalTitleWords, x => x == word.ToLowerInvariant()))
                                abbreviation1WithFullStops.Add(word + ".");

                        abbreviation1 = string.Join(" ", abbreviation1WithFullStops);

                    abbreviation3 = Regex.Match(journalTitle, @"(?:: )[A-Z]{2,6}$").ToString();

                    var journal = new Periodical(project, journalTitle);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation1))
                        journal.StandardAbbreviation = abbreviation1;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation2))
                        journal.UserAbbreviation1 = abbreviation2;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation3))
                        journal.UserAbbreviation2 = abbreviation3;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issnPrint) && IssnValidator.IsValid(issnPrint))
                        journal.Issn = issnPrint;
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issnOnline) && IssnValidator.IsValid(issnOnline))
                        journal.Issn = issnOnline;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issnPrint) && IssnValidator.IsValid(issnPrint) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(issnOnline) && IssnValidator.IsValid(issnOnline))
                        journal.Notes = "ISSN (Online): " + issnOnline;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nlmId))
                        journal.Notes = journal.Notes + "\nNlmID: " + nlmId;

            catch (Exception exception)
                Cursor.Current    = Cursors.Default;
                journalCollection = null;
                MessageBox.Show(periodicalList, ImportJournalsResources.MacroImportingErrorMessage.FormatString(exception.Message), periodicalList.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

                if (journalCollection != null)
                    MessageBox.Show(periodicalList, ImportJournalsResources.PubMedMacroResultMessage.FormatString(journalCollection.Count.ToString()), periodicalList.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    journalCollection = null;
Beispiel #12
        //TODO: this method is repeated so many times that it's ridiculous. REFACTOR!
        private string sendGetRequest(string url)
            WebException exc = null;
            var delay = RETRY_DELAY;
            for (int i = 1; i <= RETRY_COUNT; i++)
                var client = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, 20000);

                if (null != _webProxy)
                    client.Proxy = _webProxy;

                    string text = client.DownloadString(url);
                    _logger.LastResponse = text;
                    return text;
                catch (WebException we)
                    var text = $"(ATTEMPT {i}/{RETRY_COUNT}) Web request failed with exception={we.Message}; status={we.Status}. Retry in {delay} ms";
                    exc = we;
                    delay *= 2;

            throw new Exception($"Web request failed {RETRY_COUNT} times in a row with error '{exc.Message}'. Giving up.");
Beispiel #13
        //TODO: we'll probably need to drop this one because data API seems to give old data (probably last closed ledger)
        private AccountOrdersResponse getActiveOrders2()
            var webClient = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);
            var url = String.Format("{0}/accounts/{1}/orders", _dataApiUrl, _walletAddress);

            AccountOrdersResponse data = webClient.DownloadObject<AccountOrdersResponse>(url);

            if (null == data || null == data.orders)      //TODO: better info when server returns error?
                return null;

            return data;
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>Get recent trades of asset pair</summary>
        internal ExchangeHistoryResponse GetTradeStatistics(string baseAssetCode, string gaseAssetGateway, string counterAsset, string counterAssetGateway)
            var webClient = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);

            string assetDef1 = baseAssetCode;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gaseAssetGateway))
                assetDef1 += "+" + gaseAssetGateway;
            string assetDef2 = counterAsset;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(counterAssetGateway))
                assetDef2 += "+" + counterAssetGateway;

            const int limit = 10;

            var url = String.Format("{0}/exchanges/{1}/{2}?descending=true&limit={3}&result=tesSUCCESS&type=OfferCreate",
                                    _dataApiUrl, assetDef1, assetDef2, limit);

            var data = webClient.DownloadObject<ExchangeHistoryResponse>(url);
            return data;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>Get underlying account's balances</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Uses data API (REST-like). Sometimes seems not synchronised with web-socket output of a validator.
        /// </remarks>
        internal AccountBalances GetBalances()
            var url = String.Format("{0}/accounts/{1}/balances", _dataApiUrl, _walletAddress);

            var webClient = new WebClient2(_config, _logger, DATA_TIMEOUT);

            AccountBalances balanceData = webClient.DownloadObject<AccountBalances>(url);

            if (null == balanceData || balanceData.IsError || null == balanceData.balances)
                return null;

            return balanceData;
        async private Task <string> UploadData(Stream imageStream, string fileName, Uri uploadUri, Dictionary <string, string> parameters, IProgress <UploadProgressChangedEventArgs> progress)
            //string boundary = "FLICKR_MIME_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            //string authHeader = FlickrResponder.OAuthCalculateAuthHeader(parameters);
            //byte[] dataBuffer = CreateUploadData(imageStream, fileName, parameters, boundary);

            //HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uploadUri);
            //req.Method = "POST";

            //req.Timeout = HttpTimeout;
            //req.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
            ////req.Expect = String.Empty;
            //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authHeader))
            //    req.Headers["Authorization"] = authHeader;

            //req.ContentLength = dataBuffer.Length;

            //using (Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream())
            //    int bufferSize = 32 * 1024;
            //    if (dataBuffer.Length / 100 > bufferSize) bufferSize = bufferSize * 2;

            //    int uploadedSoFar = 0;

            //    while (uploadedSoFar < dataBuffer.Length)
            //    {
            //        reqStream.Write(dataBuffer, uploadedSoFar, Math.Min(bufferSize, dataBuffer.Length - uploadedSoFar));
            //        uploadedSoFar += bufferSize;

            //        if (OnUploadProgress != null)
            //        {
            //            UploadProgressEventArgs args = new UploadProgressEventArgs(uploadedSoFar, dataBuffer.Length);
            //            OnUploadProgress(this, args);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    reqStream.Close();

            //HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();

            //StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream());
            //string s = sr.ReadToEnd();
            //return s;

            string boundary = "FLICKR_MIME_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            string authHeader = FlickrResponder.OAuthCalculateAuthHeader(parameters);

            byte[] dataBuffer = CreateUploadData(imageStream, fileName, parameters, boundary);

            WebClient2 webClient = new WebClient2();

            //webClient.Timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10).TotalMilliseconds;
            webClient.UploadProgressChanged += ((a, b) =>
                if (progress != null)
                if (FlickrLogic.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            webClient.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authHeader))
                webClient.Headers["Authorization"] = authHeader;

            webClient.ContentLength = dataBuffer.Length;

            FlickrLogic.UploadEventList.Add(new Notice()
                Type     = NoticeType.Upload,
                FullPath = fileName,
                Note     = "Ready to upload.",
            byte[] responseArray = null;
                responseArray = await webClient.UploadDataTaskAsync(uploadUri, dataBuffer);
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseArray = null;

            string s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseArray);
