Beispiel #1
        public void OneTimeSetUp()
            GetInstance <GameList>().Games = GameList();

            _viewModel = GetInstance <GameListViewModel>();
Beispiel #2
         * Routes user to page that shows a list of all current, open games
        public ActionResult GameList()
            ViewBag.Venue = new SelectList(_venueService.GetAllVenues(), "VenueId", "Name");
            ViewBag.Sport = new SelectList(_gameService.GetAllSports(), "SportId", "SportName");

            // Get games that are open and that have not already passed and order by games happening soonest
            List <Game> games = _gameService.GetAllCurrentOpenGames();

            List <GameListViewModel> model = new List <GameListViewModel>();

            foreach (var game in games)
                var gameToAdd = new GameListViewModel();
                gameToAdd.GameId    = game.GameId;
                gameToAdd.Sport     = _gameService.GetSportNameById(game.SportId);
                gameToAdd.Venue     = _venueService.GetVenueNameById(game.VenueId);
                gameToAdd.StartDate = game.StartTime;
                gameToAdd.EndDate   = game.EndTime;

                if (game.ContactId != null)
                    gameToAdd.ContactId   = game.ContactId;
                    gameToAdd.ContactName = _contactService.GetContactById(game.ContactId).Username;


Beispiel #3
        public PartialViewResult SearchBySport(int sportId)
            List <Game> gameList = _gameService.GetCurrentGamesBySportId(sportId);

            if (gameList.Count == 0)
                ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError("GameSearch", "There are no games that matches your search");

            //List using ViewModel to format how I like
            List <GameListViewModel> model = new List <GameListViewModel>();

            //Find right data for each variable
            foreach (var game in gameList)
                var gameToAdd = new GameListViewModel
                    GameId    = game.GameId,
                    Sport     = _gameService.GetSportNameById(game.SportId),
                    Venue     = _venueService.GetVenueNameById(game.VenueId),
                    StartDate = game.StartTime,
                    EndDate   = game.EndTime

                if (game.ContactId != null)
                    gameToAdd.ContactId   = game.ContactId;
                    gameToAdd.ContactName = _contactService.GetContactById(game.ContactId).Username;

            return(PartialView("_GameSearch", model));
Beispiel #4
        public IActionResult Index(int page = 1, int RateMin = 0, int RateMax = 0)
            if (page < 1)

            int GamesCountOnPage = 5;

            List <GameViewModel> games = _gamesService.getViewModels();

            if (RateMax != 0)
                games = games.Where(g => (g.Rate <= RateMax) && (g.Rate >= RateMin)).ToList();
            var count = games.Count();
            var items = games.Skip((page - 1) * GamesCountOnPage).Take(GamesCountOnPage).ToList();

            PageViewModel     pageViewModel = new PageViewModel(count, page, GamesCountOnPage);
            GameListViewModel viewModel     = new GameListViewModel
                PageViewModel = pageViewModel,
                Games         = items,
                RateMin       = RateMin,
                RateMax       = RateMax

Beispiel #5
        public ViewResult List()
            GameListViewModel gameListViewModel = new GameListViewModel();

            gameListViewModel.Games = _GameRepository.AllGames;
            ViewBag.CurrenCategory  = "Games";
Beispiel #6
        public PartialViewResult TimeFilter(string dateRange)
            var dates         = dateRange.Split(new char[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var startDateTime = DateTime.Parse(dates[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var endDateTime   = DateTime.Parse(dates[1], CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            List <GameListViewModel> model = new List <GameListViewModel>();

            foreach (var game in _gameService.GetAllCurrentOpenGames())
                if (_gameService.IsSelectedTimeValid(startDateTime, endDateTime))
                    if (game.StartTime >= startDateTime && game.EndTime <= endDateTime)
                        var gameToAdd = new GameListViewModel
                            GameId    = game.GameId,
                            Sport     = _gameService.GetSportNameById(game.SportId),
                            Venue     = _venueService.GetVenueNameById(game.VenueId),
                            StartDate = game.StartTime,
                            EndDate   = game.EndTime

                        if (game.ContactId != null)
                            gameToAdd.ContactId   = game.ContactId;
                            gameToAdd.ContactName = _contactService.GetContactById(game.ContactId).Username;

                    var gameToAdd = new GameListViewModel
                        GameId    = game.GameId,
                        Sport     = _gameService.GetSportNameById(game.SportId),
                        Venue     = _venueService.GetVenueNameById(game.VenueId),
                        StartDate = game.StartTime,
                        EndDate   = game.EndTime

                    if (game.ContactId != null)
                        gameToAdd.ContactId   = game.ContactId;
                        gameToAdd.ContactName = _contactService.GetContactById(game.ContactId).Username;

            if (model.Count == 0)
                ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError("GameSearch", "There are no games that matches your search");
            return(PartialView("_GameSearch", model));
Beispiel #7
        public ViewResult List()
            ViewBag.Title = "Страница с играми";
            GameListViewModel gameListViewModel = new GameListViewModel();

            gameListViewModel.allGames     = _allGames.Games;
            gameListViewModel.gameCategory = "Игры";
        public ActionResult GetGamesUserJoined(int contactId, bool isPublicProfileView)
            var model = new GameProfileViewModel();

            model.IsPublicProfileView = isPublicProfileView;
            model.ContactId           = contactId;

            var pickUpGames = _gameService.GetPickUpGamesByContactId(contactId);

            if (pickUpGames == null)
                return(PartialView("../Game/_GamesUserJoined", model));

            model.Games = new List <GameListViewModel>();

            foreach (var pickUpGame in pickUpGames)
                var game = _gameService.GetGameById(pickUpGame.GameId);

                // Do not add game to list if time passed
                if (game.EndTime < DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1))

                // Do not add if user is the creator of game
                if (game.ContactId == contactId)

                var gameToAdd = new GameListViewModel
                    EndDate    = game.EndTime,
                    GameId     = game.GameId,
                    GameStatus = ((GameStatusEnum)game.GameStatusId).ToString(),
                    Sport      = _gameService.GetSportNameById(game.SportId),
                    StartDate  = game.StartTime,
                    Venue      = _venueService.GetVenueNameById(game.VenueId),
                    VenueId    = game.VenueId

                if (game.ContactId != null)
                    gameToAdd.ContactId   = game.ContactId;
                    gameToAdd.ContactName = _contactService.GetContactById(game.ContactId).Username;


            model.Games = model.Games.OrderBy(x => x.StartDate).ToList();
            return(PartialView("../Game/_GamesUserJoined", model));
        // dto has properties for the paging, sorting, and filtering route segments defined in the Startup.cs file
        public ViewResult List(GameGridDTO values)
            // get grid builder, which loads route segment values and stores them in session
            var builder = new GameGridBuilder(HttpContext.Session, values,
                                              defaultSortField: nameof(Game.Name));

            // create a GameQueryOptions object to build a query expression for a page of data
            var options = new GameQueryOptions
                Includes         = "Genre, Type, Format, Rating, Publisher",
                OrderByDirection = builder.CurrentRoute.SortDirection,
                PageNumber       = builder.CurrentRoute.PageNumber,
                PageSize         = builder.CurrentRoute.PageSize

            // call the SortFilter() method of the GameQueryOptions object and pass it the builder
            // object. It uses the route information and the properties of the builder object to
            // add sort and filter options to the query expression.

            // create view model and add page of game data, data for drop-downs,
            // the current route, and the total number of pages.
            var vm = new GameListViewModel
                Games  = data.Games.List(options),
                Genres = data.Genres.List(new QueryOptions <Genre>
                    OrderBy = g => g.Name
                Types = data.Types.List(new QueryOptions <Type>
                    OrderBy = t => t.Name
                Formats = data.Formats.List(new QueryOptions <Format>
                    OrderBy = f => f.Name
                Ratings = data.Ratings.List(new QueryOptions <Rating>
                    OrderBy = r => r.Name
                Publishers = data.Publishers.List(new QueryOptions <Publisher>
                    OrderBy = p => p.Name
                CurrentRoute = builder.CurrentRoute,
                TotalPages   = builder.GetTotalPages(data.Games.Count)

            // pass view model to view
Beispiel #10
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            var games = (await _gameAppService.GetAll(new PagedResultRequestDto {
                MaxResultCount = int.MaxValue
            })).Items;                                                                                                     // Paging not implemented yet

            var model = new GameListViewModel
                Games = games,

        public void OneTimeSetUp()
            GetInstance <GameList>().Games = GameList();

            _gameListViewModel     = GetInstance <GameListViewModel>();
            _manufacturerViewModel = GetInstance <MultipleChoiceFilterViewModel>();
            _categoryViewModel     = GetInstance <MultipleChoiceFilterViewModel>();


            _manufacturerViewModel.FilterProperty = nameof(GameViewModel.Manufacturer);
            _categoryViewModel.FilterProperty     = nameof(GameViewModel.Category);
        public ViewResult List(string category, int page = 1, int sort = 1)
            GameListViewModel model;

            if (sort == 1)
                model = new GameListViewModel
                    Games = context.Games.Include(nameof(Category))
                            .Where(p => category == null || p.Category.CategoryName == category)
                            .OrderByDescending(Game => (Game.Price / 100 * (100 - Game.Discount)))
                            .Skip((page - 1) * pageSize)
                    PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
                        CurrentPage  = page,
                        ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
                        TotalItems   = category == null?
                                       context.Games.Count() :
                                           context.Games.Where(Game => Game.Category.CategoryName == category).Count()
                    CurrentCategory = category,
                    CurrentSort     = sort
                model = new GameListViewModel
                    Games = context.Games.Include(nameof(Category))
                            .Where(p => category == null || p.Category.CategoryName == category)
                            .OrderBy(Game => (Game.Price / 100 * (100 - Game.Discount)))
                            .Skip((page - 1) * pageSize)
                    PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
                        CurrentPage  = page,
                        ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
                        TotalItems   = category == null?
                                       context.Games.Count() :
                                           context.Games.Where(Game => Game.Category.CategoryName == category).Count()
                    CurrentCategory = category,
                    CurrentSort     = sort
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the game window
        /// </summary>
        private void initializeGameList()
            GameListViewModel gamesList = new GameListViewModel();


            gamesList.joinGame += joinSelectedGame;

            gamesList.wind.createChat += createChat;

            //Send the changes in games to the game list
            mgr.gamesChanged += gamesList.onGamesChanged;

            //Set the event to begin the game chat window
            mgr.joinedGameSuccess += joinGameSuccess;
Beispiel #14
        public IActionResult GameList(GameListViewModel model, int page = 1)
            ViewBag.Publishers = new SelectList(_context.Games.Select(g => g.Publisher).Distinct());
            ViewBag.Developers = new SelectList(_context.Games.Select(g => g.Developer).Distinct());
            ViewBag.StartYears = new SelectList(Enumerable.Range(1900, DateTime.Now.Year - 1899));
            ViewBag.EndYears   = new SelectList(Enumerable.Range(1900, DateTime.Now.Year - 1899));
            ViewBag.AgeRatings = new SelectList(_context.Games.Select(g => g.AgeRating).Distinct());

            var pageSize = 30;
            var games    = _context.GetFilteredGameList(model.Filter);
            var count    = games.Count();

            model.Games         = games.Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
            model.PageViewModel = new PageViewModel(count, page, 30);

        public ActionResult AdminList(int page)
            var model = new GameListViewModel
                Games = _context.Games
                        .OrderBy(m => m.Id)
                        .Skip((page - 1) * pageSize)
                PagingInfo = new PageInfo
                    CurrentPage  = page,
                    ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
                    TotalItems   = _context.Games.Count()

            return(View("AdminList", model));
        public ViewResult Index(string category, int page)
            var model = new GameListViewModel
                Games = _context.Games.Where(p => category == null || p.Category == category)
                        .OrderBy(m => m.Id)
                        .Skip((page - 1) * pageSize)
                PagingInfo = new PageInfo
                    CurrentPage  = page,
                    ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
                    TotalItems   = _context.Games.Count()
                CurrentCategory = category

            return(View("GameList", model));
Beispiel #17
        public ViewResult List(string category, int page = 1)
            GameListViewModel model = new GameListViewModel
                Games = repository.Games
                        .Where(p => category == null || p.Category == category)
                        .OrderBy(game => game.GameId)
                        .Skip((page - 1) * pageSize)
                PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
                    CurrentPage  = page,
                    ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
                    TotalItems   = category == null?repository.Games.Count() : repository.Games.Where(game => game.Category == category).Count()
                CurrentCategory = category

Beispiel #18
        public ActionResult GetGamesStartedByUser(int contactId, bool isPublicProfileView)
            var model = new GameProfileViewModel();

            model.IsPublicProfileView = isPublicProfileView;
            model.ContactId           = contactId;

            var games = _gameService.GetCurrentOrderedGamesByContactId(contactId);

            if (games == null)
                return(PartialView("../Game/_GamesUserCreated", model));

            model.Games = new List <GameListViewModel>();

            foreach (var game in games)
                var gameToAdd = new GameListViewModel
                    EndDate    = game.EndTime,
                    GameId     = game.GameId,
                    GameStatus = ((GameStatusEnum)game.GameStatusId).ToString(),
                    Sport      = _gameService.GetSportNameById(game.SportId),
                    StartDate  = game.StartTime,
                    Venue      = _venueService.GetVenueNameById(game.VenueId),
                    VenueId    = game.VenueId

                if (game.ContactId != null)
                    gameToAdd.ContactId   = game.ContactId;
                    gameToAdd.ContactName = _contactService.GetContactById(game.ContactId).Username;


            return(PartialView("../Game/_GamesUserCreated", model));
Beispiel #19
        public void Can_Send_Pagination_View_Model()
            // arrange
            Mock <IGameRepository> mock = new Mock <IGameRepository>();

            mock.Setup(m => m.Games).Returns(new List <Game>
                new Game {
                    GameId = 1, Name = "Game_1"
                new Game {
                    GameId = 2, Name = "Game_2"
                new Game {
                    GameId = 3, Name = "Game_3"
                new Game {
                    GameId = 4, Name = "Game_4"
                new Game {
                    GameId = 5, Name = "Game_5"

            GameController controller = new GameController(mock.Object);

            controller.pageSize = 3;

            // act
            GameListViewModel result = (GameListViewModel)controller.List(null, 2).Model;

            // Assers
            PagingInfo pagingInfo = result.PagingInfo;

            Assert.AreEqual(pagingInfo.CurrentPage, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pagingInfo.ItemsPerPage, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(pagingInfo.TotalItems, 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(pagingInfo.TotalPages, 2);
Beispiel #20
        // GET: Home
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            var vm    = new GameListViewModel();
            var grain = GameListGrainFactory.GetGrain(0);

            foreach (var game in await grain.Unstarted())
                var gamevm = new GameListViewModel.GameViewModel
                    Name    = await game.Name(),
                    Players = new List <string>()
                var players = await game.Players();

                foreach (var player in players)
                    gamevm.Players.Add(await player.Name());
        public ActionResult ListGames()
            using (var db = new BettingSystemDbContext())
                var games = new GameListViewModel
                    Games = db.Games.Select(g => new GameItem
                        Id         = g.Id,
                        HomeTeamId = g.HomeTeamId,
                        HomeTeam   = g.HomeTeam.Name,
                        AwayTeamId = g.AwayTeamId,
                        AwayTeam   = g.AwayTeam.Name,
                        HomeGoals  = g.HomeGoals,
                        AwayGoals  = g.AwayGoals,
                        Date       = g.Date

Beispiel #22
        public PartialViewResult GetVenueGames(int venueId)
            var model = new List <GameListViewModel>();
            var games = _gameService.GetCurrentGamesByVenueId(venueId);

            if (games == null)
                return(PartialView("_VenueGames", model));

            var openGames = games.Where(x => x.GameStatusId == (int)GameStatusEnum.Open).ToList();

            if (openGames.Count < 1)
                return(PartialView("_VenueGames", model));

            foreach (var game in games)
                GameListViewModel gameToAdd = new GameListViewModel
                    GameId    = game.GameId,
                    Sport     = _gameService.GetSportNameById(game.SportId),
                    StartDate = game.StartTime,
                    EndDate   = game.EndTime

                if (game.ContactId != null)
                    gameToAdd.ContactId   = game.ContactId;
                    gameToAdd.ContactName = _contactService.GetContactById(game.ContactId).Username;


            model = new List <GameListViewModel>(model.OrderBy(x => x.StartDate));
            return(PartialView("_VenueGames", model));
Beispiel #23
        public void Can_Paginate()
            // arrange
            Mock <IGameRepository> mock = new Mock <IGameRepository>();

            mock.Setup(m => m.Games).Returns(new List <Game>
                new Game {
                    GameId = 1, Name = "Game_1"
                new Game {
                    GameId = 2, Name = "Game_2"
                new Game {
                    GameId = 3, Name = "Game_3"
                new Game {
                    GameId = 4, Name = "Game_4"
                new Game {
                    GameId = 5, Name = "Game_5"

            GameController controller = new GameController(mock.Object);

            controller.pageSize = 3;

            // act
            GameListViewModel result = (GameListViewModel)controller.List(null, 2).Model;

            // assert
            List <Game> games = result.Games.ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(games.Count == 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(games[0].Name, "Game_4");
            Assert.AreEqual(games[1].Name, "Game_5");
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(
            string searchString)
            var currentUser = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            GameListViewModel viewModel = new GameListViewModel();

            viewModel.CurrentUserRoleId = currentUser.RoleId;
            viewModel.GameList          = await(
                from g in _context.Game
                join t in _context.Team on g.TeamAId equals t.Id into sub1
                from subq1 in sub1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join t in _context.Team on g.TeamBId equals t.Id into sub2
                from subq2 in sub2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                select new GameDetailsViewModel
                Game = new Game
                    Id         = g.Id,
                    Location   = g.Location,
                    GameTime   = g.GameTime,
                    TeamAId    = g.TeamAId,
                    TeamBId    = g.TeamBId,
                    TeamAScore = g.TeamAScore,
                    TeamBScore = g.TeamBScore
                TeamAName = subq1.Name,
                TeamBName = subq2.Name

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                viewModel.GameList = viewModel.GameList.Where(g => g.TeamAName.Contains(searchString) || g.TeamBName.Contains(searchString)).ToList();

        public IActionResult List(string id = "All")
            List <Game> games;

            if (id == "All")
                games = context.Games
                        .OrderBy(g => g.GameID).ToList();
                games = context.Games
                        .Where(g => g.Genre.Name == id)
                        .OrderBy(g => g.GameID).ToList();

            var model = new GameListViewModel {
                Genres        = genres,
                Games         = games,
                SelectedGenre = id

Beispiel #26
        public IActionResult GameList(int page = 1, string likeName = null)
            ViewBag.Publishers = new SelectList(_context.Games.Select(g => g.Publisher).Distinct());
            ViewBag.Developers = new SelectList(_context.Games.Select(g => g.Developer).Distinct());
            ViewBag.StartYears = new SelectList(Enumerable.Range(1900, DateTime.Now.Year - 1899));
            ViewBag.EndYears   = new SelectList(Enumerable.Range(1900, DateTime.Now.Year - 1899));
            ViewBag.AgeRatings = new SelectList(_context.Games.Select(g => g.AgeRating).Distinct());

            var pageSize          = 30;
            var gameListViewModel = new GameListViewModel();

            gameListViewModel.Filter = new FilterPanel();
            if (likeName != null)
                gameListViewModel.Filter.Name = likeName;
            var games = _context.GetFilteredGameList(likeName != null ? gameListViewModel.Filter : null);
            var count = games.Count();

            gameListViewModel.Games         = games.Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
            gameListViewModel.PageViewModel = new PageViewModel(count, page, 30);

Beispiel #27
 public GlobalSelectionContentFilter(GameListViewModel gameList) => _gameList = gameList;
Beispiel #28
 public MultipleChoiceFilterViewModel(GameListViewModel gameList)
     _gameList = gameList;