private void TestAssignmentOnStruct <TTarget, TValue>(ref TTarget input, string memberName, TValue value)
            where TTarget : struct
            // Remember that structs are copied when passed into another method.  If we're not careful about how we can construct this test
            // we can end up with a scenario in which the tests can never pass because we're modifying a copy of the struct, not the original
            // meaning our assertions fail because the modifications were made on a copy
            // Be VERY CAREFUL modifying this method to ensure you don't accidently introduce such a regression.

            // To avoid this, we need to do two things
            // 1. Rather than quoting the value, pass it as a ByRef parameter into a dynamic method
            // 2. When creating the Dynamic Expression using the binder,we need to use Expression.MakeDynamic() rather than Expression.Dynamic()
            //    The delegate created by Expression.Dynamic() doesn't support ByRef parameters, hence why we have to make the delegate ourselves.
            //    See for more details.

            var binder = new VelocitySetMemberBinder(memberName, new MemberResolver());

            var methodParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TTarget).MakeByRefType());
            var delegateType    = typeof(StructByReferenceDynamicDelegate <TTarget, TValue>);
            var setExpression   = Expression.MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, methodParameter, Expression.Constant(value));
            //var setExpression = Expression.Dynamic(binder, typeof(void), structByRefParam, Expression.Constant(value));

            var lambda = Expression.Lambda <StructByReferenceExecution <TTarget> >(setExpression, false, new[] { methodParameter });
            var method = lambda.Compile();

            method(ref input);
        private void TestAssignmentOnReferenceType <TTarget, TValue>(TTarget input, string memberName, TValue value)
            where TTarget : class
            var binder = new VelocitySetMemberBinder(memberName, new MemberResolver());

            InvokeBinder(binder, input, value);