Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Vec2d CurlAt(Vec2d point)
     return CurlAt(point.X, point.Y);
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: virtual double FuncGrad(const Vector & x, Vector & grad) const
        public override double FuncGrad(Vector x, ref Vector grad)
            // from 2d:

            int       lpi;
            int       gpi;
            Vec <3>   n, vgrad;
            Point <3> pp1;
            Vec2d     g1   = new Vec2d();
            Vec2d     vdir = new Vec2d();
            double    badness;
            double    hbad;
            double    hderiv;

            vgrad   = 0;
            badness = 0;

            ld.meshthis.GetNormalVector(ld.surfi, ld.sp1, ld.gi1, n);

            pp1 = ld.sp1 + x(0) * ld.t1.functorMethod + x(1) * ld.t2.functorMethod;

            //  meshthis -> ProjectPoint (surfi, pp1);
            //  meshthis -> GetNormalVector (surfi, pp1, n);

//C++ TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: This static local variable declaration (not allowed in C#) has been moved just prior to the method:
//	  static Array<Point2d> pts2d;

            grad = 0;

            for (int j = 1; j <= ld.locelements.Size(); j++)
                lpi = ld.locrots.Get(j);
                Element2d bel = mesh[ld.locelements.Get(j)];

                gpi = bel.PNum(lpi);

                for (int k = 1; k <= bel.GetNP(); k++)
                    PointIndex pi = bel.PNum(k);
                    FuncGrad_pts2d.Elem(pi) = new Point2d(ld.t1.functorMethod * (new mesh.Point(pi) - ld.sp1), ld.t2.functorMethod * (new mesh.Point(pi) - ld.sp1));
                FuncGrad_pts2d.Elem(gpi) = new Point2d(x(0), x(1));

                for (int k = 1; k <= 2; k++)
                    if (k == 1)
                        vdir = new Vec2d(1, 0);
                        vdir = new Vec2d(0, 1);

                    hbad = bel.CalcJacobianBadnessDirDeriv(FuncGrad_pts2d, lpi, vdir, ref hderiv);

                    grad(k - 1) += hderiv;
                    if (k == 1)
                        badness += hbad;

             * vgrad.Add (-(vgrad * n), n);
             * grad.Elem(1) = vgrad * t1;
             * grad.Elem(2) = vgrad * t2;
Beispiel #3
 public HUDElement()
     position = Vec2d.Zero;
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a vector composed of offset noise values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Vec2d VectorAt(Vec2d point)
     return VectorAt(point.X, point.Y);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <param name="amount"></param>
 public static void IncrementAt(this GridField2d <Vec2d> field, GridPoint2d point, Vec2d amount)
     FieldUtil.IncrementAt(field, point.Corners, point.Weights, amount);
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the index of the nearest point in the grid.
 /// Assumes the point is within the bounds of the grid.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int IndexAtUnchecked(Vec2d point)
     (int i, int j) = IndicesAt(point);
     return(GridUtil.FlattenIndices(i, j, _nx));
Beispiel #7

        public bool ComputeParameters(out Parameters parameters)
            if (FirstPoint.IsEqual(SecondPoint, 0.01))
                parameters = new();

            double scale = 1.0;

            // Dimension line direction
            var dimDir   = new Vec2d(_FirstPoint, _SecondPoint).ToDir();
            var dimMid   = _FirstPoint.Lerped(_SecondPoint, 0.5);
            var dimWidth = _FirstPoint.Distance(_SecondPoint);

            scale = Math.Min(scale, dimWidth / (DrawingRenderHelper.GetArrowSize().Length * 3));
            if (_AutoText)
                Text = dimWidth.ToInvariantString("F1");

            var  rotation       = dimDir.Angle(Dir2d.DX);
            bool dimRightToLeft = false;

            if (rotation < -Maths.HalfPI)
                rotation      += Maths.PI;
                dimRightToLeft = true;
            else if (rotation > Maths.HalfPI)
                rotation      -= Maths.PI;
                dimRightToLeft = true;

            // Extension line
            var extDir = new Dir2d(dimDir.Y, -dimDir.X);

            if (dimDir.Angle(new Vec2d(dimMid, Position).ToDir()) > 0)

            var dimToPos  = new gp_Lin2d(_FirstPoint, dimDir).Distance(Position);
            var extVector = extDir.ToVec(dimToPos + _ExtensionOverlength);
            var dimOffset = extDir.ToVec(dimToPos);

            // Text
            var textOrigin = _FirstPoint.Lerped(_SecondPoint, 0.5)
            var textWidth  = 1.0;
            var textHeight = 1.0;
            var textScale  = scale;

            if (!Text.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                var fontStyle = DrawingRenderHelper.GetDefaultFontStyle();
                var textSize  = DrawingRenderHelper.MeasureText(Text, fontStyle);
                textScale = Math.Min(1.0, dimWidth * 0.90 / textSize.X);
                scale     = Math.Min(scale, textScale);

                // Exact positioning on above dim line
                var textOffset = dimDir.Angle(extDir) > 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
                if (dimRightToLeft)
                    textOffset *= -1;

                // Center
                textOrigin.Translate(dimDir.ToVec((dimRightToLeft ? 1.0 : -1.0) * textSize.X / 2 * textScale));

                textWidth  = textSize.X * textScale;
                textHeight = textSize.Y * textScale;

            parameters = new Parameters()
                ExtensionVector    = extVector,
                DimensionDirection = dimDir,
                DimensionOffset    = dimOffset,
                DimensionRotation  = rotation,
                TextOrigin         = textOrigin,
                TextWidth          = textWidth,
                TextHeight         = textHeight,
                Scale     = scale,
                TextScale = textScale

Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scale"></param>
 /// <param name="orientation"></param>
 public Transform2d(Vec2d scale, Orient2d orientation)
     Scale       = scale;
     Rotation    = orientation.Rotation;
     Translation = orientation.Translation;
Beispiel #9
 // Twice the signed area of the triangle (p0, p1, p2)
 private static double area2(Vec2d p0, Vec2d p1, Vec2d p2)
     return(p0.X * (p1.Y - p2.Y) + p1.X * (p2.Y - p0.Y) + p2.X * (p0.Y - p1.Y));
Beispiel #10
 public static Vec2[] GetConvexHull(Vec2[] pts)
Beispiel #11
 private static bool lessThan(Vec2d p1, Vec2d p2)
     return(p1.X < p2.X || p1.X == p2.X && p1.Y < p2.Y);
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Sets this field to the values of another.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="other"></param>
         * /// <param name="parallel"></param>
         * public void Sample(IField3d<T> other, bool parallel = false)
         * {
         *  Action<Tuple<int, int>> body = range =>
         *  {
         *      (int i, int j, int k) = IndicesAt(range.Item1);
         *      for (int index = range.Item1; index < range.Item2; index++, i++)
         *      {
         *          if (i == CountX) { j++; i = 0; }
         *          if (j == CountY) { k++; j = 0; }
         *          _values[index] = other.ValueAt(CoordinateAt(i, j, k));
         *      }
         *  };
         *  if (parallel)
         *      Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, Count), body);
         *  else
         *      body(Tuple.Create(0, Count));
         * }
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Sets this field to the values of another.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <typeparam name="U"></typeparam>
         * /// <param name="other"></param>
         * /// <param name="converter"></param>
         * /// <param name="parallel"></param>
         * public void Sample<U>(IField3d<U> other, Func<U, T> converter, bool parallel = false)
         * {
         *  Action<Tuple<int, int>> body = range =>
         *  {
         *      (int i, int j, int k) = IndicesAt(range.Item1);
         *      for (int index = range.Item1; index < range.Item2; index++, i++)
         *      {
         *          if (i == CountX) { j++; i = 0; }
         *          if (j == CountY) { k++; j = 0; }
         *          _values[index] = converter(other.ValueAt(CoordinateAt(i, j, k)));
         *      }
         *  };
         *  if (parallel)
         *      Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, Count), body);
         *  else
         *      body(Tuple.Create(0, Count));
         * }

        #region Explicit interface implementations

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        T IField2d <T> .ValueAt(Vec2d point)
            return(ValueAt(new Vec3d(point.X, point.Y, 0.0)));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="field"></param>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <param name="stepSize"></param>
 /// <param name="mode"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IEnumerable <Vec2d> IntegrateFrom(this IField2d <Vec2d> field, Vec2d point, double stepSize, IntegrationMode mode = IntegrationMode.Euler)
     return(SimulationUtil.IntegrateFrom(field, point, stepSize, mode));
 public Vec2d getRandomUniformDensityCircleNode()
     Random rnd = this.getRnd();
     Vec2d retVec = new Vec2d(((2*rnd.NextDouble())-1)*this.radius2dForAngle3d(this.maxangle),
     // is the created 2d vector within the circle boundaries?
     if (retVec.length() > this.radius2dForAngle3d(this.maxangle)) {
     //wrong size? make new one and return it.
     return this.getRandomUniformDensityCircleNode();
     return retVec;
 public ExplosionController(Particle e, Vec2d spawnForce)
     : base(e)
     movementDelta = spawnForce;
 public static extern void ml_EM_predict(
     IntPtr model, IntPtr sample, IntPtr probs, out Vec2d ret);
 public OffsetCalculator()
     Value = Vec2d.Zero;
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 public static void SetAt(this GridField2d <Vec2d> field, GridPoint2d point, Vec2d value)
     FieldUtil.SetAt(field, point.Corners, point.Weights, value);
 public void Change(Vec2d off)
     Value = new Vec2d(off);
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the index of the nearest point in the grid.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int IndexAt(Vec2d point)
     (int i, int j) = IndicesAt(point);
     return(GridUtil.FlattenIndices(WrapX(i), WrapY(j), _nx));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 Vec3d IDifferentiableField2d <Vec3d> .GradientAt(Vec2d point)
Beispiel #22

        public bool ComputeParameters(out Parameters parameters)
            if (FirstPoint.IsEqual(SecondPoint, 0.01))
                parameters = new();

            var    arrowSize = DrawingRenderHelper.GetArrowSize();
            double scale     = 1.0;

            // Dimension line
            var radius = _CenterPoint.Distance(Position);

            // Extension line
            var extDir1    = new Vec2d(_CenterPoint, _FirstPoint).ToDir();
            var angle1     = -extDir1.Angle(Dir2d.DX);
            var extVector1 = extDir1.ToVec(radius - _CenterPoint.Distance(_FirstPoint) + _ExtensionOverlength);

            var extDir2    = new Vec2d(_CenterPoint, _SecondPoint).ToDir();
            var angle2     = -extDir2.Angle(Dir2d.DX);
            var extVector2 = extDir2.ToVec(radius - _CenterPoint.Distance(_SecondPoint) + _ExtensionOverlength);

            var angle = (angle1 - angle2).Abs();

            if (_AutoText)
                Text = (angle1 - angle2).Abs().ToDeg().ToInvariantString("F0") + "°";

            Geom2d_Circle circle   = new(new Ax2d(_CenterPoint, Dir2d.DX), radius);
            var           dimWidth = circle.Circ2d().Length() / circle.Period() * angle;

            scale = Math.Min(scale, dimWidth / (arrowSize.Length * 3));

            // Text
            Pnt2d textOrigin  = new();
            Vec2d textTangent = new();

            circle.D1(angle1.Lerp(angle2, 0.5), ref textOrigin, ref textTangent);
            if (textTangent.X < 0.0)
            var textDirection = textTangent.ToDir();
            var textNormal    = new Vec2d(_CenterPoint, textOrigin).ToDir();
            var textWidth     = 1.0;
            var textHeight    = 1.0;
            var textRotation  = textDirection.Angle(Dir2d.DX);
            var textScale     = scale;

            if (!Text.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                var fontStyle = DrawingRenderHelper.GetDefaultFontStyle();
                var textSize  = DrawingRenderHelper.MeasureText(Text, fontStyle);
                textScale = Math.Min(1.0, dimWidth * 0.90 / textSize.X);
                scale     = Math.Min(scale, textScale);
                var textOffset = textNormal.Y < 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; // Exact positioning on above dim line
                textOrigin.Translate(textDirection.ToVec(-textSize.X / 2 * textScale));
                textWidth  = textSize.X * textScale;
                textHeight = textSize.Y * textScale;

            // Arrows
            bool   reverse    = angle1 < angle2;
            double arrowAngle = circle.Period() / circle.Circ2d().Length() * arrowSize.Length * scale * (reverse ? 0.5 : -0.5);

            angle1 += arrowAngle;
            angle2 -= arrowAngle;

            Pnt2d arrowP1 = new(), arrowP2 = new();
            Vec2d arrowT1 = new(), arrowT2 = new();

            circle.D1(angle1, ref arrowP1, ref arrowT1);
            circle.D1(angle2, ref arrowP2, ref arrowT2);
            if (reverse)

            arrowP1.Translate(arrowT1.ToDir().ToVec(arrowSize.Length * scale * 0.5));
            arrowP2.Translate(arrowT2.ToDir().ToVec(arrowSize.Length * scale * 0.5));

            // Move arrows slightly towards center, to compensate that the tangent is taken from the middle of the arrow
            double arrowOffset = _CenterPoint.Distance(circle.Value(angle1)) - _CenterPoint.Distance(arrowP1);


            parameters = new ()
                FirstExtensionVector  = extVector1,
                FirstArrowPoint       = arrowP1,
                FirstArrowTangent     = arrowT1.ToDir(),
                SecondExtensionVector = extVector2,
                SecondArrowPoint      = arrowP2,
                SecondArrowTangent    = arrowT2.ToDir(),
                Radius       = radius,
                StartAngle   = angle1 + arrowAngle,
                EndAngle     = angle2 - arrowAngle,
                TextOrigin   = textOrigin,
                TextRotation = textRotation,
                TextWidth    = textWidth,
                TextHeight   = textHeight,
                Scale        = scale,
                TextScale    = textScale



Beispiel #23
        private void DrawLine(float cx, float cy, float len, double rot, char cH, char cV, char cTN, char cTP)
            var wxs = new Vec2d(cx + len / 2, cy);

            wxs.RotateAround(new Vec2d(cx, cy), Math.PI * rot / 180);

            var wxe = new Vec2d(cx - len / 2, cy);

            wxe.RotateAround(new Vec2d(cx, cy), Math.PI * rot / 180);

            if ((int)Math.Round(rot % 180) == 0)
                var sx = cx - len / 2;
                var ex = cx + len / 2;
                var y  = cy;

                var done = false;
                for (var x = sx + 0.5f; x < ex; x += 0.5f)
                    SetMap(x, y, cH);
                    done = true;
                if (!done)
                    SetMap(sx, y, cH);
            else if ((int)Math.Round(rot % 180) == 90)
                var x  = cx;
                var sy = cy - len / 2;
                var ey = cy + len / 2;

                var done = false;
                for (var y = sy + 0.5f; y < ey; y += 0.5f)
                    SetMap(x, y, cV);
                    done = true;
                if (!done)
                    SetMap(x, sy, cV);
            else if ((int)Math.Round(rot % 180) < 90)
                var sx = (float)wxs.X;
                var sy = (float)wxs.Y;

                var ex = (float)(wxe.X);
                var ey = (float)(wxe.Y);

                var dx = (ex - sx) / 32f;
                var dy = (ey - sy) / 32f;

                int ly = -99999;
                int lx = -99999;
                for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++)
                    int ry = (int)Math.Round((sy + i * dy) * 2);
                    int rx = (int)Math.Round((sx + i * dx) * 2);

                    if (ry != ly && rx != lx)
                        SetMap(sx + i * dx, sy + i * dy, cTN);
                        ly = ry;
                        lx = rx;

                SetMap(sx, sy, cTN);
                SetMap(ex, ey, cTN);
                var sx = (float)wxs.X;
                var sy = (float)wxs.Y;

                var ex = (float)(wxe.X);
                var ey = (float)(wxe.Y);

                var dx = (ex - sx) / 32f;
                var dy = (ey - sy) / 32f;

                int ly = -99999;
                int lx = -99999;
                for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++)
                    int ry = (int)Math.Round((sy + i * dy) * 2);
                    int rx = (int)Math.Round((sx + i * dx) * 2);

                    if (ry != ly && rx != lx)
                        SetMap(sx + i * dx, sy + i * dy, cTP);
                        ly = ry;
                        lx = rx;

                SetMap(sx, sy, cTP);
                SetMap(ex, ey, cTP);
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static double ValueAt(Vec2d point)
     return ValueAt(point.X, point.Y);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 private void ToNoiseSpace(ref Vec2d point)
     point.X = (point.X + OffsetX) * _txInv;
     point.Y = (point.Y + OffsetY) * _tyInv;
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the gradient of noise values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Vec2d GradientAt(Vec2d point)
     return GradientAt(point.X, point.Y);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public double ValueAt(Vec2d point)
     return(PerlinNoise.ValueAt(point.X * _txInv, point.Y * _tyInv));
Beispiel #28
        public override void Initialize(EntityProperties properties, JsonObject attributes)
            base.Initialize(properties, attributes);

            skintree = entity.WatchedAttributes.GetTreeAttribute("skinConfig");
            if (skintree == null)
                entity.WatchedAttributes["skinConfig"] = skintree = new TreeAttribute();

            entity.WatchedAttributes.RegisterModifiedListener("skinConfig", onSkinConfigChanged);
            entity.WatchedAttributes.RegisterModifiedListener("voicetype", onVoiceConfigChanged);
            entity.WatchedAttributes.RegisterModifiedListener("voicepitch", onVoiceConfigChanged);

            AvailableSkinParts = properties.Attributes["skinnableParts"].AsObject <SkinnablePart[]>();
            foreach (var val in AvailableSkinParts)
                string partCode = val.Code;
                val.VariantsByCode = new Dictionary <string, SkinnablePartVariant>();

                AvailableSkinPartsByCode[val.Code] = val;

                if (val.Type == EnumSkinnableType.Texture && entity.Api.Side == EnumAppSide.Client)
                    ICoreClientAPI capi = entity.Api as ICoreClientAPI;

                    LoadedTexture texture = new LoadedTexture(capi);
                    foreach (var variant in val.Variants)
                        AssetLocation textureLoc;

                        if (val.TextureTemplate != null)
                            textureLoc      = val.TextureTemplate.Clone();
                            textureLoc.Path = textureLoc.Path.Replace("{code}", variant.Code);
                            textureLoc = variant.Texture;

                        IAsset asset = capi.Assets.TryGet(textureLoc.Clone().WithPathAppendixOnce(".png").WithPathPrefixOnce("textures/"), true);

                        int   r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
                        float c = 0;

                        BitmapRef bmp = asset.ToBitmap(capi);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            Vec2d vec  = GameMath.R2Sequence2D(i);
                            Color col2 = bmp.GetPixelRel((float)vec.X, (float)vec.Y);
                            if (col2.A > 0.5)
                                r += col2.R;
                                g += col2.G;
                                b += col2.B;


                        c             = Math.Max(1, c);
                        variant.Color = ColorUtil.ColorFromRgba((int)(r / c), (int)(g / c), (int)(b / c), 255);
                        val.VariantsByCode[variant.Code] = variant;
                    foreach (var variant in val.Variants)
                        val.VariantsByCode[variant.Code] = variant;

            if (entity.Api.Side == EnumAppSide.Server && AppliedSkinParts.Count == 0)
                foreach (var val in AvailableSkinParts)
                    string partCode    = val.Code;
                    string variantCode = val.Variants[entity.World.Rand.Next(val.Variants.Length)].Code;
                    selectSkinPart(partCode, variantCode, false);

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Vec2d VectorAt(Vec2d point)
     ToNoiseSpace(ref point);
     return(PerlinNoise.VectorAt(point.X, point.Y));
 public static extern void core_Mat_push_back_Vec2d(IntPtr self, Vec2d v);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 Vec2d IField2d <Vec2d> .ValueAt(Vec2d point)
 public Vec2d getRingNode(double circleRadius, double nodeOrientation)
     //Console.WriteLine("Radius: "+circleRadius+ " maxangle: "+this.maxangle);
     Vec2d retvec = new Vec2d(circleRadius*Math.Cos(nodeOrientation), circleRadius*Math.Sin(nodeOrientation));
     return retvec;
 public CoinController(CoinEntity e, Vec2d spawnForce)
     : base(e)
     movementDelta = spawnForce;
Beispiel #34
		public void Transform(ref Vec2d pointToTransform)
			Transform(ref pointToTransform.X, ref pointToTransform.Y);
Beispiel #35
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scale"></param>
 /// <param name="rotation"></param>
 /// <param name="translation"></param>
 public Transform2d(Vec2d scale, OrthoBasis2d rotation, Vec2d translation)
     Scale       = scale;
     Rotation    = rotation;
     Translation = translation;