Beispiel #1
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UserObject user;

            user = (UserObject)Session["User"];
            string username = user.username;

            int amountchecked = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < gvRestaurants.Rows.Count; i++)       //Input Validation to make sure one and only one checkbox is selected
                CheckBox cb;
                cb = (CheckBox)gvRestaurants.Rows[i].FindControl("cbSelect");

                if (cb.Checked)
                    amountchecked = amountchecked + 1;

            if (amountchecked < 1 || amountchecked > 1)
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "You can only select one restaurant of which to be a representative.";
                for (int i = 0; i < gvRestaurants.Rows.Count; i++)                             //If all conditions are good pull the information from the one selected
                    CheckBox cb;
                    cb = (CheckBox)gvRestaurants.Rows[i].FindControl("cbSelect");

                    if (!cb.Checked)
                        UserFunctions uf = new UserFunctions();

                        string restaurantname    = gvRestaurants.Rows[i].Cells[1].Text;
                        string restaurantaddress = gvRestaurants.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text;
                        int    restaurantID      = uf.GetRestaurantID(restaurantname, restaurantaddress);

                        UserObject user1;
                        user1 = (UserObject)Session["User"];
                        string repUsername = user1.username;

                        string sqlcheck = "SELECT * FROM RestaurantRepresentative WHERE Username ='******'";

                        DBConnect objDB      = new DBConnect();
                        DataSet   checkingDS = objDB.GetDataSet(sqlcheck);

                        if (checkingDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                            if ((uf.DeclareRestaurantAssignmentDB(username, restaurantID)) > 0)
                                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Success. You have selected the restaurant of which you work.";
                                String  strSQL = "SELECT Reservation.Time, Reservation.Date, Reservation.PartySize, Restaurant.Name, Restaurant.Address FROM Reservation JOIN Restaurant ON Reservation.RestaurantID=Restaurant.RestaurantID WHERE Username='******'"; //Pull all reservations where username is this
                                DataSet myDS   = objDB.GetDataSet(strSQL);

                                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Error. Please try again.";

                            lblErrorMessage.Text = "You already work someowhere else.";