protected void btnCreateNewAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //New User
            if (txtDesiredUsername.Text == "")                               //CHECKS FOR ANY BLANK FIELDS IN ACCOUNT CREATION
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please make sure all fields are filled out correctly.";
            if (txtName.Text == "")
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please make sure all fields are filled out correctly.";
            if (txtEmail.Text == "")
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please make sure all fields are filled out correctly.";
            if (txtPhone.Text == "")
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please make sure all fields are filled out correctly.";
            if (txtDesiredPassword.Text == "")
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please make sure all fields are filled out correctly.";
            if (txtDesiredPasswordConfirm.Text == "")
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please make sure all fields are filled out correctly.";
            if (ddlRep.Text == "")
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please select which account type you are making.";

            if (txtDesiredPassword.Text != txtDesiredPasswordConfirm.Text)       //Checks to make sure the two passwords match
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Your passwords do not match.";

            UserFunctions uf    = new UserFunctions();
            DBConnect     objDB = new DBConnect();

            string  desiredname = txtDesiredUsername.Text;
            string  sqlCheck    = "SELECT * From User_t WHERE Username = '******'";
            DataSet myDS        = objDB.GetDataSet(sqlCheck);

            //String checking = myDS.Tables[0].Rows[0][0];

            if (myDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                lblErrorMessage.Text = "Username is already taken. Please select another.";

            else                                                                //if all fields ok make a new account and redirect to homepage
                string name        = txtName.Text;
                string phone       = txtPhone.Text;
                string email       = txtEmail.Text;
                string username    = txtDesiredUsername.Text;
                string password    = txtDesiredPassword.Text;
                string accounttype = ddlRep.Text;

                UserObject newUser = new UserObject(name, phone, email, username, password, accounttype);
                uf.AddNewUserDB(name, phone, email, username, password, accounttype);       //Adds record to the User_t Database
                Session["User"] = newUser;
