Beispiel #1
 public override void DoInteraction()
     _coffin.layer = LayerMaskManager.Get(Layer.Landmark);
     AnimationUtils.MoveSmoothlyTo(_coffin.transform, _tomb.transform.position - Vector3.up * 1.5f, 0.5f);
     AnimationUtils.LookTowardsHorizontal(_coffin.transform, _tomb.transform.right, 0.5f, () => {
         _coffin.transform.parent = _tomb.transform;
         _coffin.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = true;
     // TODO LookTowardsVertical (using arg lookDir instead of LookAtPoint)
     _tombComponent.PlayerTombTransition(new PoemState(_tombComponent), false);
        // positions are hardcoded as terrain carving is based on fixed coordinates and it is not going to change
        public override void DoInteraction()

            Vector3[] v          = _terrainCarver.DoCarveAction(new Ray(_player.transform.position, _player.MainCamera.transform.forward));
            Vector3   upperLeft  = v[0];
            Vector3   lowerRight = v[1];

            upperLeft  = upperLeft + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
            lowerRight = lowerRight + new Vector3(0, 0, -1);

            GameObject    tomb          = new GameObject("_tomb");
            TombComponent tombComponent = tomb.AddComponent <TombComponent>();

            tombComponent.Init(upperLeft, lowerRight);
            tombComponent.PlayerTombTransition(new DigState(tombComponent), true);