public void TimestampCopy()
            Timestamp timestamp1 = new Timestamp();
            Timestamp timestamp2 = timestamp1;

            Assert.AreEqual(timestamp1, timestamp2);
 public FirstOrderHistory(Timestamp initialTime, decimal initialValue, Rate initialRate)
     Moments = new SortedList<Timestamp, Snapshot>
         { initialTime, new Snapshot(initialTime, initialValue, initialRate) }
        public Every And(Timestamp to)
            _to = to;

            _b.AddConstraint(new Between(_from, _to));
            return _b;
        public IRankedList<ITrack> GetMonthlyChart(string username, int year, int month, uint take)
            //TODO: this method definitely needs to rely on some error handling as the throttle limit is met quite easy
            IUserService userService = new UserService(this.Session);

            var startDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
            var startTimestamp = new Timestamp(startDate);
            var endDate = new DateTime(year, month + 1, 1).AddSeconds(-1);
            var endTimestamp = new Timestamp(endDate);

            var tracks = new Collection<ITrack>();

            int page = 1;
            int totalPages = 1;

            while (page <= totalPages && page < 50)
                var recentTracks = userService.GetRecentTracks(username, 200, page, startTimestamp, endTimestamp);
                if (totalPages != recentTracks.TotalPages)
                    totalPages = recentTracks.TotalPages;

                foreach (var recentTrack in recentTracks)


            // TODO: refactor all over the place the use of int / uint / long / ulong
            return new RankedListBuilder<ITrack>(tracks).Skim((int)take);
 public static DateTime SetTime(this DateTime @this, Timestamp timestamp)
 public AllTypesRow(long uid, string s1, double d1, HiveDecimal @decimal, Timestamp ts)
     this.userid = uid;
     this.string1 = s1;
     this.subtype = d1;
     this.decimal1 = @decimal;
     this.ts = ts;
        protected override DateTime ApplyRule(DateTime datetime, bool inclusive)
            var comparison = new Timestamp(datetime).CompareTo(_timestamp);

            DateTime candidate;
            if (IsSameDay(datetime, _day))
                if (comparison == 0 && inclusive)
                    _stepFunc = x => x;
                    return _stepFunc(datetime);

                if (comparison > 0 || (comparison == 0 && !inclusive))
                    _stepFunc = x => x.AddYears(1).SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                    candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                    _stepFunc = x => x.SetTime(_timestamp);
                    candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                if (_day > 0)
                    if (_day > datetime.DayOfYear)
                        _stepFunc = x => x.SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                        candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                        _stepFunc = x => x.AddYears(1).SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                        candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                    if (datetime.DaysOfMonth() + _day > datetime.Day)
                        _stepFunc = x => x.SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                        candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                        _stepFunc = x => x.AddYears(1).SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                        candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);

            return candidate;
Beispiel #8
		public void Run()
			using (var fs = File.OpenRead(IN_Path))
				BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
				string sig = br.ReadStringFixedAscii(4);
				if (sig != "SBI\0")
					throw new SBIParseException("Missing magic number");

				SubQPatchData ret = new SubQPatchData();
				List<short> bytes = new List<short>();

				//read records until done
				for (; ; )
					//graceful end
					if (fs.Position == fs.Length)

					if (fs.Position + 4 > fs.Length) throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");
					var m = BCD2.BCDToInt(br.ReadByte());
					var s = BCD2.BCDToInt(br.ReadByte());
					var f = BCD2.BCDToInt(br.ReadByte());
					var ts = new Timestamp(m, s, f);
					int type = br.ReadByte();
					switch (type)
						case 1: //Q0..Q9
							if (fs.Position + 10 > fs.Length) throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");
							for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) bytes.Add(br.ReadByte());
							for (int i = 10; i <= 11; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
						case 2: //Q3..Q5
							if (fs.Position + 3 > fs.Length) throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");
							for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
							for (int i = 3; i <= 5; i++) bytes.Add(br.ReadByte());
							for (int i = 6; i <= 11; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
						case 3: //Q7..Q9
							if (fs.Position + 3 > fs.Length) throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");
							for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
							for (int i = 7; i <= 9; i++) bytes.Add(br.ReadByte());
							for (int i = 10; i <= 11; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
							throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");

				ret.subq = bytes.ToArray();

				OUT_Data = ret;
 public OS9FileInfo(string name, int size, OS9FileAttributes attributes, Timestamp createdTime, Timestamp modifiedTime, int owner, int links, OS9FileSegment[] segments)
     Name = name;
     Size = size;
     Attributes = attributes;
     CreateTime = createdTime;
     ModifiedTime = modifiedTime;
     OwnerId = owner;
     LinkCount = links;
     Segments = segments;
        public SubSeekableAudioStream(ISeekableAudioStream parent, Timestamp start, Timestamp end, bool disposeAfterUse = true)
            _parent = parent;
            _disposeAfterUse = disposeAfterUse;
            _start = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(start, Rate, IsStereo);
            _pos = new Timestamp(0, Rate * (IsStereo ? 2 : 1));
            _length = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(end, Rate, IsStereo) - _start;

            Debug.Assert(_length.TotalNumberOfFrames % (IsStereo ? 2 : 1) == 0);
        public Snapshot At(Timestamp t)
            var current = Moments.First();

            foreach(var c in Moments)
                if (c.Key > t) break;
                current = c;

            return new Snapshot(t, current.Value.Project(t - current.Key), current.Value.rateOfChange);
Beispiel #12
        public uint GetFrameAtTime(Timestamp time)
            Rational frameRate = FrameRate;

            // Easy conversion
            if (frameRate == time.Framerate)
                return (uint)time.TotalNumberOfFrames;

            // Create the rational based on the time first to hopefully cancel out
            // *something* when multiplying by the frameRate (which can be large in
            // some AVI videos).
            return (uint)(int)(new Rational(time.TotalNumberOfFrames, time.Framerate) * frameRate);
 private void Sanitize(Timestamp t, bool includeMin = true)
     if (Latest.Time >= t)
         // Clear out the times past this.  We're just making this
         // easy for the editor, in the game you wouldn't be able to accidentally ovewrrite the past.
         var futureMoments = Moments.Keys.Where(x => x >= t).ToList();
         futureMoments.ForEach(x => Moments.Remove(x));
     if (Moments.Count == 0 && includeMin)
         // We cleared out all history, so add back the 0,0 state
         Moments.Add(Timestamp.Min(), new Snapshot(Timestamp.Min(), 0, Rate.Zero()));
Beispiel #14
        public bool Seek(Timestamp wh)
            _endOfData = true;

            if (wh > _playtime)
                return false;

            var seekSample = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(wh, Rate, IsStereo).TotalNumberOfFrames;
            _stream.Seek(seekSample * (_is16Bit ? 2 : 1), SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // In case of an error we will not continue stream playback.
            if (_stream.Position != _stream.Length)
                _endOfData = false;

            return true;
Beispiel #15
        public SubLoopingAudioStream(ISeekableAudioStream stream, uint loops,
                                     Timestamp loopStart,
                                     Timestamp loopEnd,
                                     bool disposeAfterUse = true)
            _parent = stream;
            _loops = loops;
            _pos = new Timestamp(0, Rate * (IsStereo ? 2 : 1));
            _loopStart = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(loopStart, Rate, IsStereo);
            _loopEnd = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(loopEnd, Rate, IsStereo);
            _done = false;
            Debug.Assert(loopStart < loopEnd);

            if (!_parent.Rewind())
                _done = true;
Beispiel #16
        public RawStream(AudioFlags flags, int rate, bool disposeStream, Stream stream)
            _is16Bit = flags.HasFlag(AudioFlags.Is16Bits);
            _isLE = flags.HasFlag(AudioFlags.LittleEndian);
            _isUnsigned = flags.HasFlag(AudioFlags.Unsigned);
            _rate = rate;
            _isStereo = flags.HasFlag(AudioFlags.Stereo);
            _playtime = new Timestamp(0, rate);
            _stream = stream;
            _disposeStream = disposeStream;

            // Setup our buffer for readBuffer
            _buffer = new byte[SampleBufferLength * (_is16Bit ? 2 : 1)];

            // Calculate the total playtime of the stream
            _playtime = new Timestamp(0, (int)_stream.Length / (_isStereo ? 2 : 1) / (_is16Bit ? 2 : 1), rate);
 protected override Comparison Compare(Timestamp aFirst, Timestamp aSecond)
     DummyTimestamp first = DummyTimestamp.FromString(aFirst.Serialization);
     DummyTimestamp second = DummyTimestamp.FromString(aSecond.Serialization);
     if (first.Id == second.Id)
         return Comparison.Equal;
     if (first.Predecessors.Contains(second.Id))
         return Comparison.MoreThan;
     if (second.Predecessors.Contains(first.Id))
         return Comparison.LessThan;
     return Comparison.Unordered;
            public PsxVideoTrack(Stream firstSector, CDSpeed speed, uint frameCount, PixelFormat screenFormat)
                var br = new BinaryReader(firstSector);
                _nextFrameStartTime = new Timestamp(0, (int)speed);
                _frameCount = frameCount;

                firstSector.Seek(40, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                _width = br.ReadUInt16();
                _height = br.ReadUInt16();
                _surface = new Surface(_width, _height, screenFormat, false);

                _macroBlocksW = (ushort)((_width + 15) / 16);
                _macroBlocksH = (ushort)((_height + 15) / 16);
                _yBuffer = new byte[_macroBlocksW * _macroBlocksH * 16 * 16];
                _cbBuffer = new byte[_macroBlocksW * _macroBlocksH * 8 * 8];
                _crBuffer = new byte[_macroBlocksW * _macroBlocksH * 8 * 8];

                _endOfTrack = false;
                _curFrame = -1;
                _acHuffman = new Huffman(0, AC_CODE_COUNT, s_huffmanACCodes, s_huffmanACLengths, s_huffmanACSymbols);
                _dcHuffmanChroma = new Huffman(0, DC_CODE_COUNT, s_huffmanDCChromaCodes, s_huffmanDCChromaLengths, s_huffmanDCSymbols);
                _dcHuffmanLuma = new Huffman(0, DC_CODE_COUNT, s_huffmanDCLumaCodes, s_huffmanDCLumaLengths, s_huffmanDCSymbols);
Beispiel #19
        public static Timestamp ConvertTimeToStreamPos(Timestamp where, int rate, bool isStereo)
            var result = new Timestamp(where.ConvertToFramerate(rate * (isStereo ? 2 : 1)));

            // When the Stream is a stereo stream, we have to assure
            // that the sample position is an even number.
            if (isStereo && (result.TotalNumberOfFrames & 1) != 0)
                result = result.AddFrames(-1); // We cut off one sample here.

            // Since Timestamp allows sub-frame-precision it might lead to odd behaviors
            // when we would just return result.
            // An example is when converting the timestamp 500ms to a 11025 Hz based
            // stream. It would have an internal frame counter of 5512.5. Now when
            // doing calculations at frame precision, this might lead to unexpected
            // results: The frame difference between a timestamp 1000ms and the above
            // mentioned timestamp (both with 11025 as framerate) would be 5512,
            // instead of 5513, which is what a frame-precision based code would expect.
            // By creating a new Timestamp with the given parameters, we create a
            // Timestamp with frame-precision, which just drops a sub-frame-precision
            // information (i.e. rounds down).
            return new Timestamp(result.Seconds, result.NumberOfFrames, result.Framerate);
Beispiel #20
        private void RunMednaDisc()
            var disc = new Disc();

            OUT_Disc = disc;

            //create a MednaDisc and give it to the disc for ownership
            var md = new MednaDisc(IN_FromPath);


            //"length of disc" for BizHawk's purposes (NOT a robust concept!) is determined by beginning of leadout track
            var m_leadoutTrack = md.TOCTracks[100];
            int nSectors       = (int)m_leadoutTrack.lba;

            //make synth param memos
            disc.SynthParams.MednaDisc = md;

            //this is the sole sector synthesizer we'll need
            var synth = new SS_MednaDisc();

            OUT_Disc.SynthProvider = new SimpleSectorSynthProvider {
                SS = synth

            //ADR (q-Mode) is necessarily 0x01 for a RawTOCEntry
            const int kADR            = 1;
            const int kUnknownControl = 0;

            //mednafen delivers us what is essentially but not exactly (or completely) a TOCRaw.
            //we need to synth RawTOCEntries from this and then turn it into a proper TOCRaw
            //when coming from mednafen, there are 101 entries.
            //entry[0] is placeholder junk, not to be used
            //entry[100] is the leadout track (A0)
            //A1 and A2 are in the form of FirstRecordedTrackNumber and LastRecordedTrackNumber
            for (int i = 1; i < 101; i++)
                var m_te = md.TOCTracks[i];

                //don't add invalid (absent) items
                if (!m_te.Valid)

                var m_ts = new Timestamp((int)m_te.lba + 150);                 //these are supposed to be absolute timestamps

                var q = new SubchannelQ
                    q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, (EControlQ)m_te.control),
                    q_tno    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                    q_index  = BCD2.FromDecimal(i),
                    min      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                    sec      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                    frame    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                    zero     = 0,                   //unknown with mednadisc
                    ap_min   = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.MIN),
                    ap_sec   = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.SEC),
                    ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.FRAC),
                    q_crc    = 0                  //meaningless

                //a special fixup: mednafen's entry 100 is the lead-out track, so change it into the A2 raw toc entry
                if (i == 100)
                    q.q_index.BCDValue = 0xA2;

                disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry {
                    QData = q

            // synth A0 and A1 entries (indicating first and last recorded tracks and also session type)
            var qA0 = new SubchannelQ
                q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, kUnknownControl),
                q_tno    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                q_index  = BCD2.FromBCD(0xA0),
                min      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                sec      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                frame    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                zero     = 0,                   //unknown with mednadisc
                ap_min   = BCD2.FromDecimal(md.TOC.first_track),
                ap_sec   = BCD2.FromDecimal(md.TOC.disc_type),
                ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
                q_crc    = 0,              //meaningless

            disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry {
                QData = qA0
            var qA1 = new SubchannelQ
                q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, kUnknownControl),
                q_tno    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                q_index  = BCD2.FromBCD(0xA1),
                min      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                sec      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                frame    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                zero     = 0,                   //unknown with mednadisc
                ap_min   = BCD2.FromDecimal(md.TOC.last_track),
                ap_sec   = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
                ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
                q_crc    = 0,              //meaningless

            disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry {
                QData = qA1
Beispiel #21
 // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Local
 private Timestamp GetTimestampWithOffset(Timestamp origin, int offset)
Beispiel #22
 public override string ToString()
Beispiel #23
 public static Timestamp AddDays(this Timestamp timestamp, long days)
     return(timestamp + new Duration {
         Seconds = days.Mul(24 * 60 * 60)
Beispiel #24
 public static Timestamp AddMinutes(this Timestamp timestamp, long minutes)
     return(timestamp + new Duration {
         Seconds = minutes.Mul(60)
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new TopicPartitionTimestamp instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="topic">
 ///     A Kafka topic name.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="partition">
 ///     A Kafka partition.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">
 ///     A Kafka timestamp value.
 /// </param>
 public TopicPartitionTimestamp(string topic, Partition partition, Timestamp timestamp)
     Topic     = topic;
     Partition = partition;
     Timestamp = timestamp;
Beispiel #26
        static IFixture CreateFixture()
            var fixture = new Fixture();

            fixture.Customize <ToDoItem>(c => c
                                         .Without(p => p.Id)
                                         .Without(p => p.InsertedOn)
                                         .With(p => p.IsDone, false)
                                         .With(p => p.DueDate, (DateTimeOffset dto) => Timestamp.FromDateTimeOffset(dto))
                                         .Do(item => fixture.AddManyTo(item.Tags)));

Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
 /// </summary>
 public int CompareTo(TrendPoint other)
Beispiel #28
 public bool IsSlashed(Timestamp time)
     return(((time - StartTime) - DurationInSeconds) >= SlashLimitInSeconds);
Beispiel #29
 private void reset_next_shoot_timestamp()
     next_shoot_timestamp = Timestamp.In(1f);
 public override string ToString()
     return($"[{Timestamp.ToLocalTime():HH:mm:ss}]: {Description}");
 public KafkaMessage(string key, string source, TopicPartitionOffset topicPartitionOffset, Timestamp timestamp)
     Key    = key;
     Source = source;
     TopicPartitionOffset = topicPartitionOffset;
     Timestamp            = timestamp;
Beispiel #32
        // TODO:
        public void Start(Timestamp limit)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            var stream = AudioStream;
            if (stream == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("stream should not be null");

            //    stream = new LimitingAudioStream(stream, limit, false);

            _handle = Mixer.PlayStream(SoundType, stream, -1, _muted ? 0 : Volume, Balance, true);

            // Pause the audio again if we're still paused
            if (IsPaused)
                Mixer.PauseHandle(_handle, true);
Beispiel #33
 /// <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HotkeyEvent"/> class. </summary>
 /// <param name="player"> The player pressing the hotkey. </param>
 /// <param name="time"> The time at which the event occured. </param>
 public HotkeyEvent(Player player, Timestamp time)
     : base(player, time)
     this.EventType = GameEventType.Other;
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a text representation of this object.
        /// </summary>
        public override String ToString()

        => String.Concat(Timestamp.ToIso8601(),
                         " / ",
                         " sampled values");
Beispiel #35
 public static Timestamp AddSeconds(this Timestamp timestamp, long seconds)
     return(timestamp + new Duration {
         Seconds = seconds
Beispiel #36
 public int CompareTo(DurableEvent <T> other) => Timestamp.CompareTo(other.Timestamp);
Beispiel #37
 public static Timestamp AddHours(this Timestamp timestamp, long hours)
     return(timestamp + new Duration {
         Seconds = hours.Mul(60 * 60)
Beispiel #38
        public void ListToken(Address from, string baseSymbol, string quoteSymbol, BigInteger tokenID, BigInteger price, BigInteger endPrice, Timestamp startDate, Timestamp endDate, BigInteger extensionPeriod, BigInteger typeAuction, BigInteger listingFee, Address listingFeeAddress)
            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");

            if (startDate < Runtime.Time) // initialize start date to Runtime.Time if its before that
                startDate = Runtime.Time;

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(quoteSymbol), "invalid quote token");
            var quoteToken = Runtime.GetToken(quoteSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(quoteToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "quote token must be fungible");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(baseSymbol), "invalid base token");
            var baseToken = Runtime.GetToken(baseSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(!baseToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "base token must be non-fungible");

            var nft = Runtime.ReadToken(baseSymbol, tokenID);

            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentChain == Runtime.Chain.Name, "token not currently in this chain");
            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentOwner == from, "invalid owner");

            Runtime.Expect(listingFee <= 5, "listingFee has to be <= 5%");

            Runtime.Expect(listingFee == 0 || listingFeeAddress != Address.Null, "Fee receiving address cannot be null");

            TypeAuction type;

            if (typeAuction == 1) // Classic
                Runtime.Expect(endDate > startDate, "end date must be later than start date");
                Runtime.Expect(extensionPeriod <= oneHour, "extensionPeriod must be <= 1 hour");
                var maxAllowedDate = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromDays(30);
                Runtime.Expect(endDate <= maxAllowedDate, "end date is too distant, max: " + maxAllowedDate + ", received: " + endDate);
                endPrice = 0;
                type     = TypeAuction.Classic;
            else if (typeAuction == 2) // Reserve
                Runtime.Expect(extensionPeriod <= oneHour, "extensionPeriod must be <= 1 hour");
                endPrice  = 0;
                startDate = 0;
                endDate   = 0;
                type      = TypeAuction.Reserve;
            else if (typeAuction == 3) // Dutch
                Runtime.Expect(endDate > startDate, "end date must be later than start date");
                Runtime.Expect(endPrice < price, "final price has to be lower than initial price");
                var maxAllowedDate = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromDays(30);
                Runtime.Expect(endDate <= maxAllowedDate, "end date is too distant, max: " + maxAllowedDate + ", received: " + endDate);
                extensionPeriod = 0;
                type            = TypeAuction.Dutch;
            else // Default - Fixed
                if (endDate != 0)
                    Runtime.Expect(endDate > Runtime.Time, "invalid end date");
                endPrice        = 0;
                extensionPeriod = 0;
                type            = TypeAuction.Fixed;

            Runtime.TransferToken(baseToken.Symbol, from, this.Address, tokenID);

            var auction   = new MarketAuction(from, startDate, endDate, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, tokenID, price, endPrice, extensionPeriod, type, listingFee, listingFeeAddress, 0, Address.Null, Address.Null);
            var auctionID = baseSymbol + "." + tokenID;

            _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auction);
            _auctionIds.Set(auctionID, auctionID);

            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCreated, from, new MarketEventData()
                ID = tokenID, BaseSymbol = baseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = quoteSymbol, Price = price, EndPrice = endPrice, Type = type
Beispiel #39
 public static Timestamp Max(Timestamp timestamp1, Timestamp timestamp2)
     return(timestamp1 > timestamp2 ? timestamp1 : timestamp2);
Beispiel #40
        public void BidToken(Address from, string symbol, BigInteger tokenID, BigInteger price, BigInteger buyingFee, Address buyingFeeAddress)
            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");

            var auctionID = symbol + "." + tokenID;

            Runtime.Expect(_auctionMap.ContainsKey <string>(auctionID), "invalid auction");
            var auction = _auctionMap.Get <string, MarketAuction>(auctionID);

            Runtime.Expect(buyingFee <= 5, "buyingFee has to be <= 5%");

            Runtime.Expect(auction.StartDate < Runtime.Time, "you can not bid on an auction which has not started");

            MarketAuction auctionNew;

            if (Runtime.Time >= auction.EndDate && auction.EndDate != 0) // if auction ended trigger sale end
                if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Dutch || auction.Type == TypeAuction.Fixed || auction.CurrentBidWinner == Address.Null)
                    // no winners, cancel the auction
                    CancelSale(auction.BaseSymbol, auction.TokenID);
                    // current bid is winner
                    EndSaleInternal(auction.CurrentBidWinner, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.TokenID, auction);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, auction.CurrentBidWinner, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auction.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auction.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auction.QuoteSymbol, Price = auction.Price, EndPrice = auction.EndPrice, Type = auction.Type
                if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Classic || auction.Type == TypeAuction.Reserve)
                    Runtime.Expect(from != auction.Creator, "you can not bid on your own auctions");

                    if (auction.EndPrice == 0)
                        Runtime.Expect(price >= auction.Price, "bid has to be higher or equal to starting price");
                        var minBid = (auction.EndPrice / 100) + auction.EndPrice;
                        if (minBid == auction.EndPrice)
                            minBid = minBid + 1;

                        Runtime.Expect(price >= minBid, "bid has to be minimum 1% higher than last bid");

                    Timestamp startDateNew = auction.StartDate;
                    Timestamp endDateNew   = auction.EndDate;

                    if (auction.StartDate == 0) // if reserve auction not started
                        startDateNew = Runtime.Time;
                        endDateNew   = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                    else if ((auction.EndDate - Runtime.Time) < auction.ExtensionPeriod) // extend timer if < extensionPeriod
                        endDateNew = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)auction.ExtensionPeriod);

                    // calculate listing & buying & refund fees
                    BigInteger combinedFees   = 0;
                    BigInteger combinedRefund = 0;
                    if (auction.ListingFee != 0)
                        combinedFees   += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, price, auction.ListingFee);
                        combinedRefund += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.EndPrice, auction.ListingFee);
                    if (buyingFee != 0)
                        combinedFees += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, price, buyingFee);
                    if (auction.BuyingFee != 0)
                        combinedRefund += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.EndPrice, auction.BuyingFee);
                    combinedFees   += price;
                    combinedRefund += auction.EndPrice;

                    // transfer price + listing + buying fees to contract
                    Runtime.TransferTokens(auction.QuoteSymbol, from, this.Address, combinedFees);

                    // refund old bid amount + listing + buying fees to previous current winner if any
                    if (auction.CurrentBidWinner != Address.Null)
                        Runtime.TransferTokens(auction.QuoteSymbol, this.Address, auction.CurrentBidWinner, combinedRefund);

                    auctionNew = new MarketAuction(auction.Creator, startDateNew, endDateNew, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.TokenID, auction.Price, price, auction.ExtensionPeriod, auction.Type, auction.ListingFee, auction.ListingFeeAddress, buyingFee, buyingFeeAddress, from);
                    _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auctionNew);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderBid, from, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type

                if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Dutch)
                    Runtime.Expect(from != auction.Creator, "you can not bid on your own auctions");

                    var priceDiff           = auction.Price - auction.EndPrice;
                    var timeDiff            = auction.EndDate - auction.StartDate;
                    var timeSinceStart      = Runtime.Time - auction.StartDate;
                    var priceDiffSinceStart = new BigInteger(timeSinceStart * priceDiff / timeDiff);
                    var currentPrice        = auction.Price - priceDiffSinceStart;

                    if (currentPrice < auction.EndPrice)
                        currentPrice = auction.EndPrice;

                    // calculate listing & buying fees then transfer them to contract
                    BigInteger combinedFees = 0;
                    if (auction.ListingFee != 0)
                        combinedFees += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, currentPrice, auction.ListingFee);
                    if (buyingFee != 0)
                        combinedFees += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, currentPrice, buyingFee);
                    combinedFees += currentPrice;

                    Runtime.TransferTokens(auction.QuoteSymbol, from, this.Address, combinedFees);

                    auctionNew = new MarketAuction(auction.Creator, auction.StartDate, auction.EndDate, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.TokenID, auction.Price, currentPrice, auction.ExtensionPeriod, auction.Type, auction.ListingFee, auction.ListingFeeAddress, buyingFee, buyingFeeAddress, from);
                    _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auctionNew);
                    EndSaleInternal(from, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.TokenID, auctionNew);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderBid, auctionNew.CurrentBidWinner, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, auctionNew.CurrentBidWinner, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type

                if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Fixed)
                    Runtime.Expect(price == auction.Price, "bid has to be equal to current price");

                    auctionNew = new MarketAuction(auction.Creator, auction.StartDate, auction.EndDate, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.TokenID, auction.Price, 0, auction.ExtensionPeriod, auction.Type, auction.ListingFee, auction.ListingFeeAddress, buyingFee, buyingFeeAddress, from);
                    _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auctionNew);
                    EndSaleInternal(from, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.TokenID, auctionNew);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, auctionNew.CurrentBidWinner, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type
Beispiel #41
 private async Task SetExtraBlockMiningTimeSlotOfSpecificRound(Timestamp timestamp)
     await _timeForProducingExtraBlockField.SetAsync(timestamp);
Beispiel #42
 public Weekday(DayOfWeek day, Timestamp timestamp)
     _day = day;
     _timestamp = timestamp;
Beispiel #43
 /// <summary>
 /// Return true if ts1 >= ts2
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ts1"></param>
 /// <param name="ts2"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Local
 private bool CompareTimestamp(Timestamp ts1, Timestamp ts2)
     return(ts1.ToDateTime() >= ts2.ToDateTime());
        public void testTimestampSerialization()
            // There is a kryo which after serialize/deserialize,
            // Timestamp becomes Date. We get around this issue in
            // SearchArgumentImpl.getLiteral. Once kryo fixed the issue
            // We can simplify SearchArgumentImpl.getLiteral
            Timestamp now = new Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime());
            SearchArgument sarg =
            .lessThan("x", PredicateLeaf.Type.TIMESTAMP, now)

            string serializedSarg = TestInputOutputFormat.toKryo(sarg);
            SearchArgument sarg2 = ConvertAstToSearchArg.create(serializedSarg);

            Field literalField = typeof(PredicateLeafImpl).getDeclaredField("literal");
            assertTrue(literalField.get(sarg2.getLeaves()[0]) is java.util.Date);
            Timestamp ts = (Timestamp)sarg2.getLeaves()[0].getLiteral();
            Assert.Equal(ts, now);
Beispiel #45
        public EventDialog(Campaign campaign, Event evt, Timestamp timestamp, String title, String player, Window owner = null)
            this.evt       = evt;
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            this.campaign  = campaign;
            this.Title     = title;
            if (owner != null)
                this.Owner = owner;
            bool             canEdit = this.evt.canEdit(player);
            ColumnDefinition cd;
            RowDefinition    rd;
            Label            lbl;
            Grid             g;

            if (this.timestamp != null)
                this.parentGrp.Header = "Date/Time";
                if (this.evt.duration == null)
                    this.evt.duration = new TimeSpan(this.timestamp.calendar, 0);
                cd       = new ColumnDefinition();
                cd.Width = GridLength.Auto;
                this.parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                cd       = new ColumnDefinition();
                cd.Width = GridLength.Auto;
                this.parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                rd        = new RowDefinition();
                rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
                Button startBut = new Button();
                startBut.Content = "Start:";
                startBut.Click  += this.setStart;
                Grid.SetRow(startBut, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(startBut, 0);
                this.startBox            = new TextBox();
                this.startBox.IsReadOnly = true;
                this.startBox.Text       = (this.timestamp - this.evt.duration).toString(true, true);
                Grid.SetRow(this.startBox, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(this.startBox, 1);
                Button endBut = new Button();
                endBut.Content = "End:";
                endBut.Click  += this.setEnd;
                Grid.SetRow(endBut, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(endBut, 2);
                this.endBox            = new TextBox();
                this.endBox.IsReadOnly = true;
                this.endBox.Text       = this.timestamp.toString(true, true);
                Grid.SetRow(this.endBox, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(this.endBox, 3);
                rd        = new RowDefinition();
                rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
                Button durBut = new Button();
                durBut.Content = "Duration:";
                durBut.Click  += this.setDuration;
                Grid.SetRow(durBut, 1);
                Grid.SetColumn(durBut, 0);
                this.durBox            = new TextBox();
                this.durBox.IsReadOnly = true;
                this.durBox.Text       = this.evt.duration.toString(true);
                Grid.SetRow(this.durBox, 1);
                Grid.SetColumn(this.durBox, 1);
                Grid.SetColumnSpan(this.durBox, 3);
                if (!canEdit)
                    startBut.IsEnabled = false;
                    endBut.IsEnabled   = false;
                    durBox.IsEnabled   = false;
                this.parentGrp.Header = "Parent";
                this.parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                rd        = new RowDefinition();
                rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
                lbl = new Label();
                if (this.evt != null)
                    lbl.Content = this.evt.parent.parent.title;
                    lbl.Content = "Event is in vault";
                Grid.SetRow(lbl, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(lbl, 0);
            g         = new Grid();
            rd        = new RowDefinition();
            rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
            cd       = new ColumnDefinition();
            cd.Width = GridLength.Auto;
            g.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
            rd        = new RowDefinition();
            rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
            Button tsBut = new Button();

            tsBut.Content = "Timestamp:";
            //button click handler
            Grid.SetRow(tsBut, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(tsBut, 0);
            this.tsBox            = new TextBox();
            this.tsBox.IsReadOnly = true;
            this.tsBox.Text       = this.evt.timestamp.ToLocalTime().ToString();
            Grid.SetRow(this.tsBox, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(this.tsBox, 1);
            Grid.SetRow(g, this.parentGrid.RowDefinitions.Count);
            Grid.SetColumn(g, 0);
            Grid.SetColumnSpan(g, this.parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Count);
            //[notes label] if this.evt.canViewNotes(player)
            //[notes box] if this.evt.canViewNotes(player) (deal with notesBox if not canEdit)
            //anything dynamic for this.resGrid
            this.viewersLst.Items.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
            if (this.evt.viewers == null)
                foreach (String p in this.evt.viewers)
            this.editorsLst.Items.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
            if (this.evt.editors == null)
                foreach (String p in this.evt.editors)
            if (!canEdit)
                tsBut.IsEnabled          = false;
                this.titleBox.IsReadOnly = true;
                this.descBox.IsReadOnly  = true;
                //disable results edit stuff
                this.virtBox.IsEnabled = false;
                //disable other edit stuff
                this.okBut.Visibility  = Visibility.Hidden;
                this.cancelBut.Content = "Done";
            if ((!this.evt.canAssign(player)) && (!this.evt.canClaim(player)))
                this.ownerBut.IsEnabled = false;
            if (!this.evt.canSetPermissions(player))
                this.viewerAddBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.viewerRemBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.viewerAllBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.viewerNoneBut.IsEnabled = false;
                this.editorAddBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.editorRemBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.editorAllBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.editorNoneBut.IsEnabled = false;
 public virtual void Close()
     Status = ExampleStatus.Closed;
     Timestamp = Timestamp.Touch();
Beispiel #47
		void LoadFromString(ParseCueJob job)
			string cueString = job.IN_CueString;
			TextReader tr = new StringReader(cueString);

			for (; ; )
				string line = tr.ReadLine();
				if (line == null) break;
				line = line.Trim();
				if (line == "") continue;
				var clp = new CueLineParser(line);

				string key = clp.ReadToken().ToUpperInvariant();
				//remove nonsense at beginning
				if (!IN_Strict)
					while (key.Length > 0)
						char c = key[0];
						if(c == ';') break;
						if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) break;
						key = key.Substring(1);

				bool startsWithSemicolon = key.StartsWith(";");

				if (startsWithSemicolon)
					clp.EOF = true;
					OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.COMMENT() { Value = line });
				else switch (key)
						job.Warn("Unknown command: " + key);

					case "CATALOG":
						if (OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.Catalog != null)
							job.Warn("Multiple CATALOG commands detected. Subsequent ones are ignored.");
						else if (clp.EOF)
							job.Warn("Ignoring empty CATALOG command");
						else OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.Catalog = new CUE_File.Command.CATALOG() { Value = clp.ReadToken() });

					case "CDTEXTFILE":
						if (OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.CDTextFile != null)
							job.Warn("Multiple CDTEXTFILE commands detected. Subsequent ones are ignored.");
						else if (clp.EOF)
							job.Warn("Ignoring empty CDTEXTFILE command");
						else OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.CDTextFile = new CUE_File.Command.CDTEXTFILE() { Path = clp.ReadPath() });

					case "FILE":
							var path = clp.ReadPath();
							CueFileType ft;
							if (clp.EOF)
								job.Error("FILE command is missing file type.");
								ft = CueFileType.Unspecified;
								var strType = clp.ReadToken().ToUpperInvariant();
								switch (strType)
										job.Error("Unknown FILE type: " + strType);
										ft = CueFileType.Unspecified;
									case "BINARY": ft = CueFileType.BINARY; break;
									case "MOTOROLA": ft = CueFileType.MOTOROLA; break;
									case "BINARAIFF": ft = CueFileType.AIFF; break;
									case "WAVE": ft = CueFileType.WAVE; break;
									case "MP3": ft = CueFileType.MP3; break;
							OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.FILE() { Path = path, Type = ft });

					case "FLAGS":
							var cmd = new CUE_File.Command.FLAGS();
							while (!clp.EOF)
								var flag = clp.ReadToken().ToUpperInvariant();
								switch (flag)
									case "DATA":
										job.Warn("Unknown FLAG: " + flag);
									case "DCP": cmd.Flags |= CueTrackFlags.DCP; break;
									case "4CH": cmd.Flags |= CueTrackFlags._4CH; break;
									case "PRE": cmd.Flags |= CueTrackFlags.PRE; break;
									case "SCMS": cmd.Flags |= CueTrackFlags.SCMS; break;
							if (cmd.Flags == CueTrackFlags.None)
								job.Warn("Empty FLAG command");

					case "INDEX":
							if (clp.EOF)
								job.Error("Incomplete INDEX command");
							string strindexnum = clp.ReadToken();
							int indexnum;
							if (!int.TryParse(strindexnum, out indexnum) || indexnum < 0 || indexnum > 99)
								job.Error("Invalid INDEX number: " + strindexnum);
							string str_timestamp = clp.ReadToken();
							var ts = new Timestamp(str_timestamp);
							if (!ts.Valid && !IN_Strict)
								//try cleaning it up
								str_timestamp = Regex.Replace(str_timestamp, "[^0-9:]", "");
								ts = new Timestamp(str_timestamp);
							if (!ts.Valid)
								if (IN_Strict)
									job.Error("Invalid INDEX timestamp: " + str_timestamp);
							OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.INDEX() { Number = indexnum, Timestamp = ts });

					case "ISRC":
						if (OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.ISRC != null)
							job.Warn("Multiple ISRC commands detected. Subsequent ones are ignored.");
						else if (clp.EOF)
							job.Warn("Ignoring empty ISRC command");
							var isrc = clp.ReadToken();
							if (isrc.Length != 12)
								job.Warn("Invalid ISRC code ignored: " + isrc);
								OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.ISRC = new CUE_File.Command.ISRC() { Value = isrc });

					case "PERFORMER":
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.PERFORMER() { Value = clp.ReadPath() ?? "" });

					case "POSTGAP":
					case "PREGAP":
							var str_msf = clp.ReadToken();
							var msf = new Timestamp(str_msf);
							if (!msf.Valid)
								job.Error("Ignoring {0} with invalid length MSF: " + str_msf, key);
								if (key == "POSTGAP")
									OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.POSTGAP() { Length = msf });
									OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.PREGAP() { Length = msf });

					case "REM":
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.REM() { Value = clp.ReadLine() });

					case "SONGWRITER":
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.SONGWRITER() { Value = clp.ReadPath() ?? "" });

					case "TITLE":
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.TITLE() { Value = clp.ReadPath() ?? "" });

					case "TRACK":
							if (clp.EOF)
								job.Error("Incomplete TRACK command");
							string str_tracknum = clp.ReadToken();
							int tracknum;
							if (!int.TryParse(str_tracknum, out tracknum) || tracknum < 1 || tracknum > 99)
								job.Error("Invalid TRACK number: " + str_tracknum);

							//TODO - check sequentiality? maybe as a warning

							CueTrackType tt;
							var str_trackType = clp.ReadToken();
							switch (str_trackType.ToUpperInvariant())
									job.Error("Unknown TRACK type: " + str_trackType);
									tt = CueTrackType.Unknown;
								case "AUDIO": tt = CueTrackType.Audio; break;
								case "CDG": tt = CueTrackType.CDG; break;
								case "MODE1/2048": tt = CueTrackType.Mode1_2048; break;
								case "MODE1/2352": tt = CueTrackType.Mode1_2352; break;
								case "MODE2/2336": tt = CueTrackType.Mode2_2336; break;
								case "MODE2/2352": tt = CueTrackType.Mode2_2352; break;
								case "CDI/2336": tt = CueTrackType.CDI_2336; break;
								case "CDI/2352": tt = CueTrackType.CDI_2352; break;

							OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.TRACK() { Number = tracknum, Type = tt });

				if (!clp.EOF)
					var remainder = clp.ReadLine();
					if (remainder.TrimStart().StartsWith(";"))
						//add a comment
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.COMMENT() { Value = remainder });
					else job.Warn("Unknown text at end of line after processing command: " + key);

			} //end cue parsing loop

		} //LoadFromString
Beispiel #48
        private async ValueTask <ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailResult> GetPictureThumbnailAsync(NestedPath filePath, ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var ext = filePath.GetExtension().ToLower();

            if (!_pictureTypeExtensionList.Contains(ext))
                return(new ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailResult(ThumbnailGeneratorResultStatus.Failed));

                var fileLength = await _fileSystem.GetFileSizeAsync(filePath, cancellationToken);

                var fileLastWriteTime = await _fileSystem.GetFileLastWriteTimeAsync(filePath, cancellationToken);

                using (var inStream = await _fileSystem.GetFileStreamAsync(filePath, cancellationToken))
                    using (var outStream = new RecyclableMemoryStream(_bytesPool))
                        this.ConvertImage(inStream, outStream, options.Width, options.Height, options.ResizeType, options.FormatType);
                        outStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        var fileMeta      = new FileMeta(filePath, (ulong)fileLength, Timestamp.FromDateTime(fileLastWriteTime));
                        var thumbnailMeta = new ThumbnailMeta(options.ResizeType, options.FormatType, (uint)options.Width, (uint)options.Height);
                        var content       = new ThumbnailContent(outStream.ToMemoryOwner());
                        var cache         = new ThumbnailCache(fileMeta, thumbnailMeta, new[] { content });

                        await _thumbnailGeneratorRepository.ThumbnailCaches.InsertAsync(cache);

                        return(new ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailResult(ThumbnailGeneratorResultStatus.Succeeded, cache.Contents));
            catch (NotSupportedException e)
            catch (OperationCanceledException e)
            catch (Exception e)

            return(new ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailResult(ThumbnailGeneratorResultStatus.Failed));
Beispiel #49
        public void Play(int track, int numLoops, int startFrame, int duration, bool only_emulate)
            if (numLoops != 0 || startFrame != 0)
                _cd.track = track;
                _cd.numLoops = numLoops;
                _cd.start = startFrame;
                _cd.duration = duration;

                // Try to load the track from a compressed data file, and if found, use
                // that. If not found, attempt to start regular Audio CD playback of
                // the requested track.
                string[] trackName = new string[2];
                trackName[0] = string.Format("track{0}", track);
                trackName[1] = string.Format("track{0:00}", track);
                ISeekableAudioStream stream = null;
                var directory = ServiceLocator.FileStorage.GetDirectoryName(_vm.Game.Path);
                for (int i = 0; stream == null && i < 2; ++i)
                    var path = ScummHelper.LocatePath(directory, trackName[i]);
                    if (path != null)
                        // TODO: open stream

                // Stop any currently playing emulated track

                if (stream != null)
                    var start = new Timestamp(0, startFrame, 75);
                    var end = duration != 0 ? new Timestamp(0, startFrame + duration, 75) : stream.Length;

            FIXME: Seems numLoops == 0 and numLoops == 1 both indicate a single repetition,
            while all other positive numbers indicate precisely the number of desired
            repetitions. Finally, -1 means infinitely many
                    _emulating = true;
                    _handle = _mixer.PlayStream(SoundType.Music, LoopingAudioStream.Create(stream, start, end, (numLoops < 1) ? numLoops + 1 : numLoops), -1, _cd.volume, _cd.balance);
                    _emulating = false;
                    if (!only_emulate)
                        PlayCD(track, numLoops, startFrame, duration);
Beispiel #50
        private void OpenOrder(Address from, Address provider, string baseSymbol, string quoteSymbol, ExchangeOrderSide side, ExchangeOrderType orderType, BigInteger orderSize, BigInteger price)
            Runtime.Expect(IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.GasTarget == provider, "invalid gas target");

            Runtime.Expect(baseSymbol != quoteSymbol, "invalid base/quote pair");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.Nexus.TokenExists(baseSymbol), "invalid base token");
            var baseToken = Runtime.Nexus.GetTokenInfo(baseSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(baseToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "token must be fungible");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.Nexus.TokenExists(quoteSymbol), "invalid quote token");
            var quoteToken = Runtime.Nexus.GetTokenInfo(quoteSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(quoteToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "token must be fungible");

            if (orderType != Market)
                Runtime.Expect(orderSize >= GetMinimumTokenQuantity(baseToken), "order size is not sufficient");
                Runtime.Expect(price >= GetMinimumTokenQuantity(quoteToken), "order price is not sufficient");

            var uid = Runtime.Chain.GenerateUID(this.Storage);

            //perform escrow for non-market orders
            string     orderEscrowSymbol = CalculateEscrowSymbol(baseToken, quoteToken, side);
            TokenInfo  orderEscrowToken  = orderEscrowSymbol == baseSymbol ? baseToken : quoteToken;
            BigInteger orderEscrowAmount;
            BigInteger orderEscrowUsage = 0;

            if (orderType == Market)
                orderEscrowAmount = orderSize;
                Runtime.Expect(orderEscrowAmount >= GetMinimumTokenQuantity(orderEscrowToken), "market order size is not sufficient");
                orderEscrowAmount = CalculateEscrowAmount(orderSize, price, baseToken, quoteToken, side);

            //BigInteger baseTokensUnfilled = orderSize;

            var balances = new BalanceSheet(orderEscrowSymbol);
            var balance  = balances.Get(this.Storage, from);

            Runtime.Expect(balance >= orderEscrowAmount, "not enough balance");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.Nexus.TransferTokens(Runtime, orderEscrowSymbol, from, this.Address, orderEscrowAmount), "transfer failed");

            var         thisOrder = new ExchangeOrder();
            StorageList orderList;
            BigInteger  orderIndex = 0;

            thisOrder = new ExchangeOrder(uid, Runtime.Time, from, provider, orderSize, baseSymbol, price, quoteSymbol, side, orderType);
            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCreated, from, uid);

            var key = BuildOrderKey(side, quoteSymbol, baseSymbol);

            orderList  = _orders.Get <string, StorageList>(key);
            orderIndex = orderList.Add <ExchangeOrder>(thisOrder);
            _orderMap.Set <BigInteger, string>(uid, key);

            var makerSide   = side == Buy ? Sell : Buy;
            var makerKey    = BuildOrderKey(makerSide, quoteSymbol, baseSymbol);
            var makerOrders = _orders.Get <string, StorageList>(makerKey);

                int        bestIndex          = -1;
                BigInteger bestPrice          = 0;
                Timestamp  bestPriceTimestamp = 0;

                ExchangeOrder takerOrder = thisOrder;

                var makerOrdersCount = makerOrders.Count();
                for (int i = 0; i < makerOrdersCount; i++)
                    var makerOrder = makerOrders.Get <ExchangeOrder>(i);

                    if (side == Buy)
                        if (makerOrder.Price > takerOrder.Price && orderType != Market) // too expensive, we wont buy at this price

                        if (bestIndex == -1 || makerOrder.Price < bestPrice || (makerOrder.Price == bestPrice && makerOrder.Timestamp < bestPriceTimestamp))
                            bestIndex          = i;
                            bestPrice          = makerOrder.Price;
                            bestPriceTimestamp = makerOrder.Timestamp;
                        if (makerOrder.Price < takerOrder.Price && orderType != Market) // too cheap, we wont sell at this price

                        if (bestIndex == -1 || makerOrder.Price > bestPrice || (makerOrder.Price == bestPrice && makerOrder.Timestamp < bestPriceTimestamp))
                            bestIndex          = i;
                            bestPrice          = makerOrder.Price;
                            bestPriceTimestamp = makerOrder.Timestamp;

                if (bestIndex >= 0)
                    //since order "uid" has found a match, the creator of this order will be a taker as he will remove liquidity from the market
                    //and the creator of the "bestIndex" order is the maker as he is providing liquidity to the taker
                    var takerAvailableEscrow = orderEscrowAmount - orderEscrowUsage;
                    var takerEscrowUsage     = BigInteger.Zero;
                    var takerEscrowSymbol    = orderEscrowSymbol;

                    var makerOrder        = makerOrders.Get <ExchangeOrder>(bestIndex);
                    var makerEscrow       = _escrows.Get <BigInteger, BigInteger>(makerOrder.Uid);
                    var makerEscrowUsage  = BigInteger.Zero;;
                    var makerEscrowSymbol = orderEscrowSymbol == baseSymbol ? quoteSymbol : baseSymbol;

                    //Get fulfilled order size in base tokens
                    //and then calculate the corresponding fulfilled order size in quote tokens
                    if (takerEscrowSymbol == baseSymbol)
                        var makerEscrowBaseEquivalent = ConvertQuoteToBase(makerEscrow, makerOrder.Price, baseToken, quoteToken);
                        takerEscrowUsage = takerAvailableEscrow < makerEscrowBaseEquivalent ? takerAvailableEscrow : makerEscrowBaseEquivalent;

                        makerEscrowUsage = CalculateEscrowAmount(takerEscrowUsage, makerOrder.Price, baseToken, quoteToken, Buy);
                        var takerEscrowBaseEquivalent = ConvertQuoteToBase(takerAvailableEscrow, makerOrder.Price, baseToken, quoteToken);
                        makerEscrowUsage = makerEscrow < takerEscrowBaseEquivalent ? makerEscrow : takerEscrowBaseEquivalent;

                        takerEscrowUsage = CalculateEscrowAmount(makerEscrowUsage, makerOrder.Price, baseToken, quoteToken, Buy);

                    Runtime.Expect(takerEscrowUsage <= takerAvailableEscrow, "Taker tried to use more escrow than available");
                    Runtime.Expect(makerEscrowUsage <= makerEscrow, "Maker tried to use more escrow than available");

                    if (takerEscrowUsage < GetMinimumSymbolQuantity(takerEscrowSymbol) ||
                        makerEscrowUsage < GetMinimumSymbolQuantity(makerEscrowSymbol))

                    Runtime.Nexus.TransferTokens(Runtime, takerEscrowSymbol, this.Address, makerOrder.Creator, takerEscrowUsage);
                    Runtime.Nexus.TransferTokens(Runtime, makerEscrowSymbol, this.Address, takerOrder.Creator, makerEscrowUsage);

                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.TokenReceive, makerOrder.Creator, new TokenEventData()
                        chainAddress = this.Address, symbol = takerEscrowSymbol, value = takerEscrowUsage
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.TokenReceive, takerOrder.Creator, new TokenEventData()
                        chainAddress = this.Address, symbol = makerEscrowSymbol, value = makerEscrowUsage

                    orderEscrowUsage += takerEscrowUsage;

                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, takerOrder.Creator, takerOrder.Uid);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, makerOrder.Creator, makerOrder.Uid);

                    if (makerEscrowUsage == makerEscrow)
                        makerOrders.RemoveAt <ExchangeOrder>(bestIndex);

                        Runtime.Expect(_escrows.ContainsKey(makerOrder.Uid), "An orderbook entry must have registered escrow");

                        Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderClosed, makerOrder.Creator, makerOrder.Uid);
                        _escrows.Set(makerOrder.Uid, makerEscrow - makerEscrowUsage);
            } while (orderEscrowUsage < orderEscrowAmount);

            var leftoverEscrow = orderEscrowAmount - orderEscrowUsage;

            if (leftoverEscrow == 0 || orderType != Limit)
                orderList.RemoveAt <ExchangeOrder>(orderIndex);

                if (leftoverEscrow > 0)
                    Runtime.Nexus.TransferTokens(Runtime, orderEscrowSymbol, this.Address, thisOrder.Creator, leftoverEscrow);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.TokenReceive, thisOrder.Creator, new TokenEventData()
                        chainAddress = this.Address, symbol = orderEscrowSymbol, value = leftoverEscrow
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCancelled, thisOrder.Creator, thisOrder.Uid);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderClosed, thisOrder.Creator, thisOrder.Uid);
                _escrows.Set(uid, leftoverEscrow);

            //TODO: ADD FEES, SEND THEM TO this.Address FOR NOW
 public DayInMonth(int day, Timestamp timestamp)
     _day = day;
     _timestamp = timestamp;
Beispiel #52
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new TopicPartitionTimestamp instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tp">
 ///     Kafka topic name and partition.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">
 ///     A Kafka timestamp value.
 /// </param>
 public TopicPartitionTimestamp(TopicPartition tp, Timestamp timestamp)
     : this(tp.Topic, tp.Partition, timestamp)
 public YearBuilder At(Timestamp timestamp)
     _time = timestamp;
     return this;
Beispiel #54
        public async Task <List <Sentence> > GetSentencesAsync(string keyword, DateTime yearMonth)
            var channel = new Channel("storage:7878", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);
            var client  = new Storage.StorageClient(channel);

            var result = await client.GetSentencesAsync(new GetSentencesRequest { Keyword = keyword, YearMonth = Timestamp.FromDateTime(yearMonth.ToUniversalTime()) });

            await channel.ShutdownAsync();

            var yearMonths = new List <DateTime>();
            var sentences  = new List <Sentence>();

            foreach (var s in result.Sentences)
                sentences.Add(new Sentence()
                    Keyword = new Keyword()
                        Text = s.Keyword.Text
                    Source = new Source()
                        Url = s.Source.Url
                    Text                = s.Text,
                    Positive            = s.Positive,
                    Received            = s.Received.ToDateTime(),
                    SourceArticleHeader = s.Sourcearticleheader,
                    SourceArticleUrl    = s.Sourcearticleurl
 public ExampleEntity(string name)
     Name = name;
     Status = ExampleStatus.Open;
     Timestamp = Timestamp.Now();
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(Id.GetHashCode() ^ Timestamp.GetHashCode() ^ Topic.GetHashCode() ^ Person.GetHashCode());
Beispiel #57
        public void SellToken(Address from, string baseSymbol, string quoteSymbol, BigInteger tokenID, BigInteger price, Timestamp endDate)
            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");
            Runtime.Expect(endDate > Runtime.Time, "invalid end date");

            var maxAllowedDate = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromDays(30);

            Runtime.Expect(endDate <= maxAllowedDate, "end date is too distant, max: " + maxAllowedDate + ", received: " + endDate);

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(quoteSymbol), "invalid quote token");
            var quoteToken = Runtime.GetToken(quoteSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(quoteToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "quote token must be fungible");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(baseSymbol), "invalid base token");
            var baseToken = Runtime.GetToken(baseSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(!baseToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "base token must be non-fungible");

            var nft = Runtime.ReadToken(baseSymbol, tokenID);

            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentChain == Runtime.Chain.Name, "token not currently in this chain");
            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentOwner == from, "invalid owner");

            Runtime.TransferToken(baseToken.Symbol, from, this.Address, tokenID);

            var auction   = new MarketAuction(from, Runtime.Time, endDate, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, tokenID, price, 0, 0, TypeAuction.Fixed, 0, Address.Null, 0, Address.Null, Address.Null);
            var auctionID = baseSymbol + "." + tokenID;

            _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auction);
            _auctionIds.Set(auctionID, auctionID);

            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCreated, from, new MarketEventData()
                ID = tokenID, BaseSymbol = baseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = quoteSymbol, Price = price, EndPrice = 0, Type = TypeAuction.Fixed
Beispiel #58
 public void AddValue(Timestamp timestamp, object value)
     this.timestore.AddValue(timestamp, value);
 protected override Comparison Compare(Timestamp aFirst, Timestamp aSecond)
     return iComparer.Compare(ItcStamp.FromString(aFirst.Serialization), ItcStamp.FromString(aSecond.Serialization));
Beispiel #60
        public void EditAuction(Address from, string baseSymbol, string quoteSymbol, BigInteger tokenID, BigInteger price, BigInteger endPrice, Timestamp startDate, Timestamp endDate, BigInteger extensionPeriod)
            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(quoteSymbol), "invalid quote token");
            var quoteToken = Runtime.GetToken(quoteSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(quoteToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "quote token must be fungible");

            var nft = Runtime.ReadToken(baseSymbol, tokenID);

            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentChain == Runtime.Chain.Name, "token not currently in this chain");
            var marketAddress = SmartContract.GetAddressForNative(NativeContractKind.Market);

            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentOwner == marketAddress, "invalid owner");

            var auctionID = baseSymbol + "." + tokenID;

            Runtime.Expect(_auctionMap.ContainsKey <string>(auctionID), "invalid auction");

            var auction = _auctionMap.Get <string, MarketAuction>(auctionID);

            Runtime.Expect(auction.Creator == from, "invalid auction creator");

            if (auction.Type != TypeAuction.Fixed) // prevent edit already started auctions
                Runtime.Expect(auction.StartDate > Runtime.Time, "EditAuction can only be used before listing start");

            if (price == 0)
                price = auction.Price;

            if (endPrice == 0)
                endPrice = auction.EndPrice;

            if (startDate == 0 || startDate == null)
                startDate = auction.StartDate;

            if (endDate == 0 || endDate == null)
                endDate = auction.EndDate;
            Runtime.Expect(endDate > startDate, "invalid end date");

            if (extensionPeriod == 0 || auction.Type == TypeAuction.Fixed)
                extensionPeriod = auction.ExtensionPeriod;

            if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Classic || auction.Type == TypeAuction.Reserve)
                Runtime.Expect(extensionPeriod <= oneHour, "extensionPeriod must be <= 1 hour");

            var auctionNew = new MarketAuction(from, startDate, endDate, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, tokenID, price, endPrice, extensionPeriod, auction.Type, auction.ListingFee, auction.ListingFeeAddress, auction.BuyingFee, auction.BuyingFeeAddress, auction.CurrentBidWinner);

            _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auctionNew);

            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCancelled, auctionNew.Creator, new MarketEventData()
                ID = auction.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auction.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auction.QuoteSymbol, Price = auction.Price, EndPrice = auction.EndPrice, Type = auction.Type
            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCreated, auctionNew.Creator, new MarketEventData()
                ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type