public void TimestampCopy()
            Timestamp timestamp1 = new Timestamp();
            Timestamp timestamp2 = timestamp1;

            Assert.AreEqual(timestamp1, timestamp2);
 public FirstOrderHistory(Timestamp initialTime, decimal initialValue, Rate initialRate)
     Moments = new SortedList<Timestamp, Snapshot>
         { initialTime, new Snapshot(initialTime, initialValue, initialRate) }
        public Every And(Timestamp to)
            _to = to;

            _b.AddConstraint(new Between(_from, _to));
            return _b;
Esempio n. 4
        public IRankedList<ITrack> GetMonthlyChart(string username, int year, int month, uint take)
            //TODO: this method definitely needs to rely on some error handling as the throttle limit is met quite easy
            IUserService userService = new UserService(this.Session);

            var startDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
            var startTimestamp = new Timestamp(startDate);
            var endDate = new DateTime(year, month + 1, 1).AddSeconds(-1);
            var endTimestamp = new Timestamp(endDate);

            var tracks = new Collection<ITrack>();

            int page = 1;
            int totalPages = 1;

            while (page <= totalPages && page < 50)
                var recentTracks = userService.GetRecentTracks(username, 200, page, startTimestamp, endTimestamp);
                if (totalPages != recentTracks.TotalPages)
                    totalPages = recentTracks.TotalPages;

                foreach (var recentTrack in recentTracks)


            // TODO: refactor all over the place the use of int / uint / long / ulong
            return new RankedListBuilder<ITrack>(tracks).Skim((int)take);
 public static DateTime SetTime(this DateTime @this, Timestamp timestamp)
 public AllTypesRow(long uid, string s1, double d1, HiveDecimal @decimal, Timestamp ts)
     this.userid = uid;
     this.string1 = s1;
     this.subtype = d1;
     this.decimal1 = @decimal;
     this.ts = ts;
Esempio n. 7
        protected override DateTime ApplyRule(DateTime datetime, bool inclusive)
            var comparison = new Timestamp(datetime).CompareTo(_timestamp);

            DateTime candidate;
            if (IsSameDay(datetime, _day))
                if (comparison == 0 && inclusive)
                    _stepFunc = x => x;
                    return _stepFunc(datetime);

                if (comparison > 0 || (comparison == 0 && !inclusive))
                    _stepFunc = x => x.AddYears(1).SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                    candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                    _stepFunc = x => x.SetTime(_timestamp);
                    candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                if (_day > 0)
                    if (_day > datetime.DayOfYear)
                        _stepFunc = x => x.SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                        candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                        _stepFunc = x => x.AddYears(1).SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                        candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                    if (datetime.DaysOfMonth() + _day > datetime.Day)
                        _stepFunc = x => x.SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                        candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);
                        _stepFunc = x => x.AddYears(1).SetDayInYear(_day).SetTime(_timestamp);
                        candidate = _stepFunc(datetime);

            return candidate;
Esempio n. 8
		public void Run()
			using (var fs = File.OpenRead(IN_Path))
				BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
				string sig = br.ReadStringFixedAscii(4);
				if (sig != "SBI\0")
					throw new SBIParseException("Missing magic number");

				SubQPatchData ret = new SubQPatchData();
				List<short> bytes = new List<short>();

				//read records until done
				for (; ; )
					//graceful end
					if (fs.Position == fs.Length)

					if (fs.Position + 4 > fs.Length) throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");
					var m = BCD2.BCDToInt(br.ReadByte());
					var s = BCD2.BCDToInt(br.ReadByte());
					var f = BCD2.BCDToInt(br.ReadByte());
					var ts = new Timestamp(m, s, f);
					int type = br.ReadByte();
					switch (type)
						case 1: //Q0..Q9
							if (fs.Position + 10 > fs.Length) throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");
							for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) bytes.Add(br.ReadByte());
							for (int i = 10; i <= 11; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
						case 2: //Q3..Q5
							if (fs.Position + 3 > fs.Length) throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");
							for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
							for (int i = 3; i <= 5; i++) bytes.Add(br.ReadByte());
							for (int i = 6; i <= 11; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
						case 3: //Q7..Q9
							if (fs.Position + 3 > fs.Length) throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");
							for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
							for (int i = 7; i <= 9; i++) bytes.Add(br.ReadByte());
							for (int i = 10; i <= 11; i++) bytes.Add(-1);
							throw new SBIParseException("Broken record");

				ret.subq = bytes.ToArray();

				OUT_Data = ret;
Esempio n. 9
 public OS9FileInfo(string name, int size, OS9FileAttributes attributes, Timestamp createdTime, Timestamp modifiedTime, int owner, int links, OS9FileSegment[] segments)
     Name = name;
     Size = size;
     Attributes = attributes;
     CreateTime = createdTime;
     ModifiedTime = modifiedTime;
     OwnerId = owner;
     LinkCount = links;
     Segments = segments;
Esempio n. 10
        public SubSeekableAudioStream(ISeekableAudioStream parent, Timestamp start, Timestamp end, bool disposeAfterUse = true)
            _parent = parent;
            _disposeAfterUse = disposeAfterUse;
            _start = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(start, Rate, IsStereo);
            _pos = new Timestamp(0, Rate * (IsStereo ? 2 : 1));
            _length = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(end, Rate, IsStereo) - _start;

            Debug.Assert(_length.TotalNumberOfFrames % (IsStereo ? 2 : 1) == 0);
        public Snapshot At(Timestamp t)
            var current = Moments.First();

            foreach(var c in Moments)
                if (c.Key > t) break;
                current = c;

            return new Snapshot(t, current.Value.Project(t - current.Key), current.Value.rateOfChange);
Esempio n. 12
        public uint GetFrameAtTime(Timestamp time)
            Rational frameRate = FrameRate;

            // Easy conversion
            if (frameRate == time.Framerate)
                return (uint)time.TotalNumberOfFrames;

            // Create the rational based on the time first to hopefully cancel out
            // *something* when multiplying by the frameRate (which can be large in
            // some AVI videos).
            return (uint)(int)(new Rational(time.TotalNumberOfFrames, time.Framerate) * frameRate);
 private void Sanitize(Timestamp t, bool includeMin = true)
     if (Latest.Time >= t)
         // Clear out the times past this.  We're just making this
         // easy for the editor, in the game you wouldn't be able to accidentally ovewrrite the past.
         var futureMoments = Moments.Keys.Where(x => x >= t).ToList();
         futureMoments.ForEach(x => Moments.Remove(x));
     if (Moments.Count == 0 && includeMin)
         // We cleared out all history, so add back the 0,0 state
         Moments.Add(Timestamp.Min(), new Snapshot(Timestamp.Min(), 0, Rate.Zero()));
Esempio n. 14
        public bool Seek(Timestamp wh)
            _endOfData = true;

            if (wh > _playtime)
                return false;

            var seekSample = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(wh, Rate, IsStereo).TotalNumberOfFrames;
            _stream.Seek(seekSample * (_is16Bit ? 2 : 1), SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // In case of an error we will not continue stream playback.
            if (_stream.Position != _stream.Length)
                _endOfData = false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 15
        public SubLoopingAudioStream(ISeekableAudioStream stream, uint loops,
                                     Timestamp loopStart,
                                     Timestamp loopEnd,
                                     bool disposeAfterUse = true)
            _parent = stream;
            _loops = loops;
            _pos = new Timestamp(0, Rate * (IsStereo ? 2 : 1));
            _loopStart = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(loopStart, Rate, IsStereo);
            _loopEnd = AudioStreamHelper.ConvertTimeToStreamPos(loopEnd, Rate, IsStereo);
            _done = false;
            Debug.Assert(loopStart < loopEnd);

            if (!_parent.Rewind())
                _done = true;
Esempio n. 16
        public RawStream(AudioFlags flags, int rate, bool disposeStream, Stream stream)
            _is16Bit = flags.HasFlag(AudioFlags.Is16Bits);
            _isLE = flags.HasFlag(AudioFlags.LittleEndian);
            _isUnsigned = flags.HasFlag(AudioFlags.Unsigned);
            _rate = rate;
            _isStereo = flags.HasFlag(AudioFlags.Stereo);
            _playtime = new Timestamp(0, rate);
            _stream = stream;
            _disposeStream = disposeStream;

            // Setup our buffer for readBuffer
            _buffer = new byte[SampleBufferLength * (_is16Bit ? 2 : 1)];

            // Calculate the total playtime of the stream
            _playtime = new Timestamp(0, (int)_stream.Length / (_isStereo ? 2 : 1) / (_is16Bit ? 2 : 1), rate);
 protected override Comparison Compare(Timestamp aFirst, Timestamp aSecond)
     DummyTimestamp first = DummyTimestamp.FromString(aFirst.Serialization);
     DummyTimestamp second = DummyTimestamp.FromString(aSecond.Serialization);
     if (first.Id == second.Id)
         return Comparison.Equal;
     if (first.Predecessors.Contains(second.Id))
         return Comparison.MoreThan;
     if (second.Predecessors.Contains(first.Id))
         return Comparison.LessThan;
     return Comparison.Unordered;
Esempio n. 18
            public PsxVideoTrack(Stream firstSector, CDSpeed speed, uint frameCount, PixelFormat screenFormat)
                var br = new BinaryReader(firstSector);
                _nextFrameStartTime = new Timestamp(0, (int)speed);
                _frameCount = frameCount;

                firstSector.Seek(40, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                _width = br.ReadUInt16();
                _height = br.ReadUInt16();
                _surface = new Surface(_width, _height, screenFormat, false);

                _macroBlocksW = (ushort)((_width + 15) / 16);
                _macroBlocksH = (ushort)((_height + 15) / 16);
                _yBuffer = new byte[_macroBlocksW * _macroBlocksH * 16 * 16];
                _cbBuffer = new byte[_macroBlocksW * _macroBlocksH * 8 * 8];
                _crBuffer = new byte[_macroBlocksW * _macroBlocksH * 8 * 8];

                _endOfTrack = false;
                _curFrame = -1;
                _acHuffman = new Huffman(0, AC_CODE_COUNT, s_huffmanACCodes, s_huffmanACLengths, s_huffmanACSymbols);
                _dcHuffmanChroma = new Huffman(0, DC_CODE_COUNT, s_huffmanDCChromaCodes, s_huffmanDCChromaLengths, s_huffmanDCSymbols);
                _dcHuffmanLuma = new Huffman(0, DC_CODE_COUNT, s_huffmanDCLumaCodes, s_huffmanDCLumaLengths, s_huffmanDCSymbols);
Esempio n. 19
        public static Timestamp ConvertTimeToStreamPos(Timestamp where, int rate, bool isStereo)
            var result = new Timestamp(where.ConvertToFramerate(rate * (isStereo ? 2 : 1)));

            // When the Stream is a stereo stream, we have to assure
            // that the sample position is an even number.
            if (isStereo && (result.TotalNumberOfFrames & 1) != 0)
                result = result.AddFrames(-1); // We cut off one sample here.

            // Since Timestamp allows sub-frame-precision it might lead to odd behaviors
            // when we would just return result.
            // An example is when converting the timestamp 500ms to a 11025 Hz based
            // stream. It would have an internal frame counter of 5512.5. Now when
            // doing calculations at frame precision, this might lead to unexpected
            // results: The frame difference between a timestamp 1000ms and the above
            // mentioned timestamp (both with 11025 as framerate) would be 5512,
            // instead of 5513, which is what a frame-precision based code would expect.
            // By creating a new Timestamp with the given parameters, we create a
            // Timestamp with frame-precision, which just drops a sub-frame-precision
            // information (i.e. rounds down).
            return new Timestamp(result.Seconds, result.NumberOfFrames, result.Framerate);
Esempio n. 20
        private void RunMednaDisc()
            var disc = new Disc();

            OUT_Disc = disc;

            //create a MednaDisc and give it to the disc for ownership
            var md = new MednaDisc(IN_FromPath);


            //"length of disc" for BizHawk's purposes (NOT a robust concept!) is determined by beginning of leadout track
            var m_leadoutTrack = md.TOCTracks[100];
            int nSectors       = (int)m_leadoutTrack.lba;

            //make synth param memos
            disc.SynthParams.MednaDisc = md;

            //this is the sole sector synthesizer we'll need
            var synth = new SS_MednaDisc();

            OUT_Disc.SynthProvider = new SimpleSectorSynthProvider {
                SS = synth

            //ADR (q-Mode) is necessarily 0x01 for a RawTOCEntry
            const int kADR            = 1;
            const int kUnknownControl = 0;

            //mednafen delivers us what is essentially but not exactly (or completely) a TOCRaw.
            //we need to synth RawTOCEntries from this and then turn it into a proper TOCRaw
            //when coming from mednafen, there are 101 entries.
            //entry[0] is placeholder junk, not to be used
            //entry[100] is the leadout track (A0)
            //A1 and A2 are in the form of FirstRecordedTrackNumber and LastRecordedTrackNumber
            for (int i = 1; i < 101; i++)
                var m_te = md.TOCTracks[i];

                //don't add invalid (absent) items
                if (!m_te.Valid)

                var m_ts = new Timestamp((int)m_te.lba + 150);                 //these are supposed to be absolute timestamps

                var q = new SubchannelQ
                    q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, (EControlQ)m_te.control),
                    q_tno    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                    q_index  = BCD2.FromDecimal(i),
                    min      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                    sec      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                    frame    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                    zero     = 0,                   //unknown with mednadisc
                    ap_min   = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.MIN),
                    ap_sec   = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.SEC),
                    ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.FRAC),
                    q_crc    = 0                  //meaningless

                //a special fixup: mednafen's entry 100 is the lead-out track, so change it into the A2 raw toc entry
                if (i == 100)
                    q.q_index.BCDValue = 0xA2;

                disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry {
                    QData = q

            // synth A0 and A1 entries (indicating first and last recorded tracks and also session type)
            var qA0 = new SubchannelQ
                q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, kUnknownControl),
                q_tno    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                q_index  = BCD2.FromBCD(0xA0),
                min      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                sec      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                frame    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                zero     = 0,                   //unknown with mednadisc
                ap_min   = BCD2.FromDecimal(md.TOC.first_track),
                ap_sec   = BCD2.FromDecimal(md.TOC.disc_type),
                ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
                q_crc    = 0,              //meaningless

            disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry {
                QData = qA0
            var qA1 = new SubchannelQ
                q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, kUnknownControl),
                q_tno    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                q_index  = BCD2.FromBCD(0xA1),
                min      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                sec      = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                frame    = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
                zero     = 0,                   //unknown with mednadisc
                ap_min   = BCD2.FromDecimal(md.TOC.last_track),
                ap_sec   = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
                ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
                q_crc    = 0,              //meaningless

            disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry {
                QData = qA1
Esempio n. 21
 // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Local
 private Timestamp GetTimestampWithOffset(Timestamp origin, int offset)
Esempio n. 22
 public override string ToString()
Esempio n. 23
 public static Timestamp AddDays(this Timestamp timestamp, long days)
     return(timestamp + new Duration {
         Seconds = days.Mul(24 * 60 * 60)
Esempio n. 24
 public static Timestamp AddMinutes(this Timestamp timestamp, long minutes)
     return(timestamp + new Duration {
         Seconds = minutes.Mul(60)
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new TopicPartitionTimestamp instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="topic">
 ///     A Kafka topic name.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="partition">
 ///     A Kafka partition.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">
 ///     A Kafka timestamp value.
 /// </param>
 public TopicPartitionTimestamp(string topic, Partition partition, Timestamp timestamp)
     Topic     = topic;
     Partition = partition;
     Timestamp = timestamp;
Esempio n. 26
        static IFixture CreateFixture()
            var fixture = new Fixture();

            fixture.Customize <ToDoItem>(c => c
                                         .Without(p => p.Id)
                                         .Without(p => p.InsertedOn)
                                         .With(p => p.IsDone, false)
                                         .With(p => p.DueDate, (DateTimeOffset dto) => Timestamp.FromDateTimeOffset(dto))
                                         .Do(item => fixture.AddManyTo(item.Tags)));

Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
 /// </summary>
 public int CompareTo(TrendPoint other)
Esempio n. 28
 public bool IsSlashed(Timestamp time)
     return(((time - StartTime) - DurationInSeconds) >= SlashLimitInSeconds);
Esempio n. 29
 private void reset_next_shoot_timestamp()
     next_shoot_timestamp = Timestamp.In(1f);
 public override string ToString()
     return($"[{Timestamp.ToLocalTime():HH:mm:ss}]: {Description}");
Esempio n. 31
 public KafkaMessage(string key, string source, TopicPartitionOffset topicPartitionOffset, Timestamp timestamp)
     Key    = key;
     Source = source;
     TopicPartitionOffset = topicPartitionOffset;
     Timestamp            = timestamp;
Esempio n. 32
        // TODO:
        public void Start(Timestamp limit)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            var stream = AudioStream;
            if (stream == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("stream should not be null");

            //    stream = new LimitingAudioStream(stream, limit, false);

            _handle = Mixer.PlayStream(SoundType, stream, -1, _muted ? 0 : Volume, Balance, true);

            // Pause the audio again if we're still paused
            if (IsPaused)
                Mixer.PauseHandle(_handle, true);
Esempio n. 33
 /// <summary> Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HotkeyEvent"/> class. </summary>
 /// <param name="player"> The player pressing the hotkey. </param>
 /// <param name="time"> The time at which the event occured. </param>
 public HotkeyEvent(Player player, Timestamp time)
     : base(player, time)
     this.EventType = GameEventType.Other;
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a text representation of this object.
        /// </summary>
        public override String ToString()

        => String.Concat(Timestamp.ToIso8601(),
                         " / ",
                         " sampled values");
Esempio n. 35
 public static Timestamp AddSeconds(this Timestamp timestamp, long seconds)
     return(timestamp + new Duration {
         Seconds = seconds
Esempio n. 36
 public int CompareTo(DurableEvent <T> other) => Timestamp.CompareTo(other.Timestamp);
Esempio n. 37
 public static Timestamp AddHours(this Timestamp timestamp, long hours)
     return(timestamp + new Duration {
         Seconds = hours.Mul(60 * 60)
Esempio n. 38
        public void ListToken(Address from, string baseSymbol, string quoteSymbol, BigInteger tokenID, BigInteger price, BigInteger endPrice, Timestamp startDate, Timestamp endDate, BigInteger extensionPeriod, BigInteger typeAuction, BigInteger listingFee, Address listingFeeAddress)
            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");

            if (startDate < Runtime.Time) // initialize start date to Runtime.Time if its before that
                startDate = Runtime.Time;

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(quoteSymbol), "invalid quote token");
            var quoteToken = Runtime.GetToken(quoteSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(quoteToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "quote token must be fungible");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(baseSymbol), "invalid base token");
            var baseToken = Runtime.GetToken(baseSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(!baseToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "base token must be non-fungible");

            var nft = Runtime.ReadToken(baseSymbol, tokenID);

            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentChain == Runtime.Chain.Name, "token not currently in this chain");
            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentOwner == from, "invalid owner");

            Runtime.Expect(listingFee <= 5, "listingFee has to be <= 5%");

            Runtime.Expect(listingFee == 0 || listingFeeAddress != Address.Null, "Fee receiving address cannot be null");

            TypeAuction type;

            if (typeAuction == 1) // Classic
                Runtime.Expect(endDate > startDate, "end date must be later than start date");
                Runtime.Expect(extensionPeriod <= oneHour, "extensionPeriod must be <= 1 hour");
                var maxAllowedDate = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromDays(30);
                Runtime.Expect(endDate <= maxAllowedDate, "end date is too distant, max: " + maxAllowedDate + ", received: " + endDate);
                endPrice = 0;
                type     = TypeAuction.Classic;
            else if (typeAuction == 2) // Reserve
                Runtime.Expect(extensionPeriod <= oneHour, "extensionPeriod must be <= 1 hour");
                endPrice  = 0;
                startDate = 0;
                endDate   = 0;
                type      = TypeAuction.Reserve;
            else if (typeAuction == 3) // Dutch
                Runtime.Expect(endDate > startDate, "end date must be later than start date");
                Runtime.Expect(endPrice < price, "final price has to be lower than initial price");
                var maxAllowedDate = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromDays(30);
                Runtime.Expect(endDate <= maxAllowedDate, "end date is too distant, max: " + maxAllowedDate + ", received: " + endDate);
                extensionPeriod = 0;
                type            = TypeAuction.Dutch;
            else // Default - Fixed
                if (endDate != 0)
                    Runtime.Expect(endDate > Runtime.Time, "invalid end date");
                endPrice        = 0;
                extensionPeriod = 0;
                type            = TypeAuction.Fixed;

            Runtime.TransferToken(baseToken.Symbol, from, this.Address, tokenID);

            var auction   = new MarketAuction(from, startDate, endDate, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, tokenID, price, endPrice, extensionPeriod, type, listingFee, listingFeeAddress, 0, Address.Null, Address.Null);
            var auctionID = baseSymbol + "." + tokenID;

            _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auction);
            _auctionIds.Set(auctionID, auctionID);

            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCreated, from, new MarketEventData()
                ID = tokenID, BaseSymbol = baseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = quoteSymbol, Price = price, EndPrice = endPrice, Type = type
Esempio n. 39
 public static Timestamp Max(Timestamp timestamp1, Timestamp timestamp2)
     return(timestamp1 > timestamp2 ? timestamp1 : timestamp2);
Esempio n. 40
        public void BidToken(Address from, string symbol, BigInteger tokenID, BigInteger price, BigInteger buyingFee, Address buyingFeeAddress)
            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");

            var auctionID = symbol + "." + tokenID;

            Runtime.Expect(_auctionMap.ContainsKey <string>(auctionID), "invalid auction");
            var auction = _auctionMap.Get <string, MarketAuction>(auctionID);

            Runtime.Expect(buyingFee <= 5, "buyingFee has to be <= 5%");

            Runtime.Expect(auction.StartDate < Runtime.Time, "you can not bid on an auction which has not started");

            MarketAuction auctionNew;

            if (Runtime.Time >= auction.EndDate && auction.EndDate != 0) // if auction ended trigger sale end
                if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Dutch || auction.Type == TypeAuction.Fixed || auction.CurrentBidWinner == Address.Null)
                    // no winners, cancel the auction
                    CancelSale(auction.BaseSymbol, auction.TokenID);
                    // current bid is winner
                    EndSaleInternal(auction.CurrentBidWinner, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.TokenID, auction);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, auction.CurrentBidWinner, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auction.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auction.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auction.QuoteSymbol, Price = auction.Price, EndPrice = auction.EndPrice, Type = auction.Type
                if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Classic || auction.Type == TypeAuction.Reserve)
                    Runtime.Expect(from != auction.Creator, "you can not bid on your own auctions");

                    if (auction.EndPrice == 0)
                        Runtime.Expect(price >= auction.Price, "bid has to be higher or equal to starting price");
                        var minBid = (auction.EndPrice / 100) + auction.EndPrice;
                        if (minBid == auction.EndPrice)
                            minBid = minBid + 1;

                        Runtime.Expect(price >= minBid, "bid has to be minimum 1% higher than last bid");

                    Timestamp startDateNew = auction.StartDate;
                    Timestamp endDateNew   = auction.EndDate;

                    if (auction.StartDate == 0) // if reserve auction not started
                        startDateNew = Runtime.Time;
                        endDateNew   = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                    else if ((auction.EndDate - Runtime.Time) < auction.ExtensionPeriod) // extend timer if < extensionPeriod
                        endDateNew = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)auction.ExtensionPeriod);

                    // calculate listing & buying & refund fees
                    BigInteger combinedFees   = 0;
                    BigInteger combinedRefund = 0;
                    if (auction.ListingFee != 0)
                        combinedFees   += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, price, auction.ListingFee);
                        combinedRefund += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.EndPrice, auction.ListingFee);
                    if (buyingFee != 0)
                        combinedFees += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, price, buyingFee);
                    if (auction.BuyingFee != 0)
                        combinedRefund += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.EndPrice, auction.BuyingFee);
                    combinedFees   += price;
                    combinedRefund += auction.EndPrice;

                    // transfer price + listing + buying fees to contract
                    Runtime.TransferTokens(auction.QuoteSymbol, from, this.Address, combinedFees);

                    // refund old bid amount + listing + buying fees to previous current winner if any
                    if (auction.CurrentBidWinner != Address.Null)
                        Runtime.TransferTokens(auction.QuoteSymbol, this.Address, auction.CurrentBidWinner, combinedRefund);

                    auctionNew = new MarketAuction(auction.Creator, startDateNew, endDateNew, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.TokenID, auction.Price, price, auction.ExtensionPeriod, auction.Type, auction.ListingFee, auction.ListingFeeAddress, buyingFee, buyingFeeAddress, from);
                    _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auctionNew);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderBid, from, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type

                if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Dutch)
                    Runtime.Expect(from != auction.Creator, "you can not bid on your own auctions");

                    var priceDiff           = auction.Price - auction.EndPrice;
                    var timeDiff            = auction.EndDate - auction.StartDate;
                    var timeSinceStart      = Runtime.Time - auction.StartDate;
                    var priceDiffSinceStart = new BigInteger(timeSinceStart * priceDiff / timeDiff);
                    var currentPrice        = auction.Price - priceDiffSinceStart;

                    if (currentPrice < auction.EndPrice)
                        currentPrice = auction.EndPrice;

                    // calculate listing & buying fees then transfer them to contract
                    BigInteger combinedFees = 0;
                    if (auction.ListingFee != 0)
                        combinedFees += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, currentPrice, auction.ListingFee);
                    if (buyingFee != 0)
                        combinedFees += GetFee(auction.QuoteSymbol, currentPrice, buyingFee);
                    combinedFees += currentPrice;

                    Runtime.TransferTokens(auction.QuoteSymbol, from, this.Address, combinedFees);

                    auctionNew = new MarketAuction(auction.Creator, auction.StartDate, auction.EndDate, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.TokenID, auction.Price, currentPrice, auction.ExtensionPeriod, auction.Type, auction.ListingFee, auction.ListingFeeAddress, buyingFee, buyingFeeAddress, from);
                    _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auctionNew);
                    EndSaleInternal(from, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.TokenID, auctionNew);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderBid, auctionNew.CurrentBidWinner, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, auctionNew.CurrentBidWinner, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type

                if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Fixed)
                    Runtime.Expect(price == auction.Price, "bid has to be equal to current price");

                    auctionNew = new MarketAuction(auction.Creator, auction.StartDate, auction.EndDate, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.QuoteSymbol, auction.TokenID, auction.Price, 0, auction.ExtensionPeriod, auction.Type, auction.ListingFee, auction.ListingFeeAddress, buyingFee, buyingFeeAddress, from);
                    _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auctionNew);
                    EndSaleInternal(from, auction.BaseSymbol, auction.TokenID, auctionNew);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, auctionNew.CurrentBidWinner, new MarketEventData()
                        ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type
Esempio n. 41
 private async Task SetExtraBlockMiningTimeSlotOfSpecificRound(Timestamp timestamp)
     await _timeForProducingExtraBlockField.SetAsync(timestamp);
Esempio n. 42
 public Weekday(DayOfWeek day, Timestamp timestamp)
     _day = day;
     _timestamp = timestamp;
Esempio n. 43
 /// <summary>
 /// Return true if ts1 >= ts2
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ts1"></param>
 /// <param name="ts2"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Local
 private bool CompareTimestamp(Timestamp ts1, Timestamp ts2)
     return(ts1.ToDateTime() >= ts2.ToDateTime());
        public void testTimestampSerialization()
            // There is a kryo which after serialize/deserialize,
            // Timestamp becomes Date. We get around this issue in
            // SearchArgumentImpl.getLiteral. Once kryo fixed the issue
            // We can simplify SearchArgumentImpl.getLiteral
            Timestamp now = new Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime());
            SearchArgument sarg =
            .lessThan("x", PredicateLeaf.Type.TIMESTAMP, now)

            string serializedSarg = TestInputOutputFormat.toKryo(sarg);
            SearchArgument sarg2 = ConvertAstToSearchArg.create(serializedSarg);

            Field literalField = typeof(PredicateLeafImpl).getDeclaredField("literal");
            assertTrue(literalField.get(sarg2.getLeaves()[0]) is java.util.Date);
            Timestamp ts = (Timestamp)sarg2.getLeaves()[0].getLiteral();
            Assert.Equal(ts, now);
Esempio n. 45
        public EventDialog(Campaign campaign, Event evt, Timestamp timestamp, String title, String player, Window owner = null)
            this.evt       = evt;
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            this.campaign  = campaign;
            this.Title     = title;
            if (owner != null)
                this.Owner = owner;
            bool             canEdit = this.evt.canEdit(player);
            ColumnDefinition cd;
            RowDefinition    rd;
            Label            lbl;
            Grid             g;

            if (this.timestamp != null)
                this.parentGrp.Header = "Date/Time";
                if (this.evt.duration == null)
                    this.evt.duration = new TimeSpan(this.timestamp.calendar, 0);
                cd       = new ColumnDefinition();
                cd.Width = GridLength.Auto;
                this.parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                cd       = new ColumnDefinition();
                cd.Width = GridLength.Auto;
                this.parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                rd        = new RowDefinition();
                rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
                Button startBut = new Button();
                startBut.Content = "Start:";
                startBut.Click  += this.setStart;
                Grid.SetRow(startBut, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(startBut, 0);
                this.startBox            = new TextBox();
                this.startBox.IsReadOnly = true;
                this.startBox.Text       = (this.timestamp - this.evt.duration).toString(true, true);
                Grid.SetRow(this.startBox, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(this.startBox, 1);
                Button endBut = new Button();
                endBut.Content = "End:";
                endBut.Click  += this.setEnd;
                Grid.SetRow(endBut, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(endBut, 2);
                this.endBox            = new TextBox();
                this.endBox.IsReadOnly = true;
                this.endBox.Text       = this.timestamp.toString(true, true);
                Grid.SetRow(this.endBox, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(this.endBox, 3);
                rd        = new RowDefinition();
                rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
                Button durBut = new Button();
                durBut.Content = "Duration:";
                durBut.Click  += this.setDuration;
                Grid.SetRow(durBut, 1);
                Grid.SetColumn(durBut, 0);
                this.durBox            = new TextBox();
                this.durBox.IsReadOnly = true;
                this.durBox.Text       = this.evt.duration.toString(true);
                Grid.SetRow(this.durBox, 1);
                Grid.SetColumn(this.durBox, 1);
                Grid.SetColumnSpan(this.durBox, 3);
                if (!canEdit)
                    startBut.IsEnabled = false;
                    endBut.IsEnabled   = false;
                    durBox.IsEnabled   = false;
                this.parentGrp.Header = "Parent";
                this.parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                rd        = new RowDefinition();
                rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
                lbl = new Label();
                if (this.evt != null)
                    lbl.Content = this.evt.parent.parent.title;
                    lbl.Content = "Event is in vault";
                Grid.SetRow(lbl, 0);
                Grid.SetColumn(lbl, 0);
            g         = new Grid();
            rd        = new RowDefinition();
            rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
            cd       = new ColumnDefinition();
            cd.Width = GridLength.Auto;
            g.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
            rd        = new RowDefinition();
            rd.Height = GridLength.Auto;
            Button tsBut = new Button();

            tsBut.Content = "Timestamp:";
            //button click handler
            Grid.SetRow(tsBut, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(tsBut, 0);
            this.tsBox            = new TextBox();
            this.tsBox.IsReadOnly = true;
            this.tsBox.Text       = this.evt.timestamp.ToLocalTime().ToString();
            Grid.SetRow(this.tsBox, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(this.tsBox, 1);
            Grid.SetRow(g, this.parentGrid.RowDefinitions.Count);
            Grid.SetColumn(g, 0);
            Grid.SetColumnSpan(g, this.parentGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Count);
            //[notes label] if this.evt.canViewNotes(player)
            //[notes box] if this.evt.canViewNotes(player) (deal with notesBox if not canEdit)
            //anything dynamic for this.resGrid
            this.viewersLst.Items.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
            if (this.evt.viewers == null)
                foreach (String p in this.evt.viewers)
            this.editorsLst.Items.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
            if (this.evt.editors == null)
                foreach (String p in this.evt.editors)
            if (!canEdit)
                tsBut.IsEnabled          = false;
                this.titleBox.IsReadOnly = true;
                this.descBox.IsReadOnly  = true;
                //disable results edit stuff
                this.virtBox.IsEnabled = false;
                //disable other edit stuff
                this.okBut.Visibility  = Visibility.Hidden;
                this.cancelBut.Content = "Done";
            if ((!this.evt.canAssign(player)) && (!this.evt.canClaim(player)))
                this.ownerBut.IsEnabled = false;
            if (!this.evt.canSetPermissions(player))
                this.viewerAddBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.viewerRemBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.viewerAllBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.viewerNoneBut.IsEnabled = false;
                this.editorAddBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.editorRemBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.editorAllBut.IsEnabled  = false;
                this.editorNoneBut.IsEnabled = false;
 public virtual void Close()
     Status = ExampleStatus.Closed;
     Timestamp = Timestamp.Touch();
Esempio n. 47
		void LoadFromString(ParseCueJob job)
			string cueString = job.IN_CueString;
			TextReader tr = new StringReader(cueString);

			for (; ; )
				string line = tr.ReadLine();
				if (line == null) break;
				line = line.Trim();
				if (line == "") continue;
				var clp = new CueLineParser(line);

				string key = clp.ReadToken().ToUpperInvariant();
				//remove nonsense at beginning
				if (!IN_Strict)
					while (key.Length > 0)
						char c = key[0];
						if(c == ';') break;
						if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) break;
						key = key.Substring(1);

				bool startsWithSemicolon = key.StartsWith(";");

				if (startsWithSemicolon)
					clp.EOF = true;
					OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.COMMENT() { Value = line });
				else switch (key)
						job.Warn("Unknown command: " + key);

					case "CATALOG":
						if (OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.Catalog != null)
							job.Warn("Multiple CATALOG commands detected. Subsequent ones are ignored.");
						else if (clp.EOF)
							job.Warn("Ignoring empty CATALOG command");
						else OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.Catalog = new CUE_File.Command.CATALOG() { Value = clp.ReadToken() });

					case "CDTEXTFILE":
						if (OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.CDTextFile != null)
							job.Warn("Multiple CDTEXTFILE commands detected. Subsequent ones are ignored.");
						else if (clp.EOF)
							job.Warn("Ignoring empty CDTEXTFILE command");
						else OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.CDTextFile = new CUE_File.Command.CDTEXTFILE() { Path = clp.ReadPath() });

					case "FILE":
							var path = clp.ReadPath();
							CueFileType ft;
							if (clp.EOF)
								job.Error("FILE command is missing file type.");
								ft = CueFileType.Unspecified;
								var strType = clp.ReadToken().ToUpperInvariant();
								switch (strType)
										job.Error("Unknown FILE type: " + strType);
										ft = CueFileType.Unspecified;
									case "BINARY": ft = CueFileType.BINARY; break;
									case "MOTOROLA": ft = CueFileType.MOTOROLA; break;
									case "BINARAIFF": ft = CueFileType.AIFF; break;
									case "WAVE": ft = CueFileType.WAVE; break;
									case "MP3": ft = CueFileType.MP3; break;
							OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.FILE() { Path = path, Type = ft });

					case "FLAGS":
							var cmd = new CUE_File.Command.FLAGS();
							while (!clp.EOF)
								var flag = clp.ReadToken().ToUpperInvariant();
								switch (flag)
									case "DATA":
										job.Warn("Unknown FLAG: " + flag);
									case "DCP": cmd.Flags |= CueTrackFlags.DCP; break;
									case "4CH": cmd.Flags |= CueTrackFlags._4CH; break;
									case "PRE": cmd.Flags |= CueTrackFlags.PRE; break;
									case "SCMS": cmd.Flags |= CueTrackFlags.SCMS; break;
							if (cmd.Flags == CueTrackFlags.None)
								job.Warn("Empty FLAG command");

					case "INDEX":
							if (clp.EOF)
								job.Error("Incomplete INDEX command");
							string strindexnum = clp.ReadToken();
							int indexnum;
							if (!int.TryParse(strindexnum, out indexnum) || indexnum < 0 || indexnum > 99)
								job.Error("Invalid INDEX number: " + strindexnum);
							string str_timestamp = clp.ReadToken();
							var ts = new Timestamp(str_timestamp);
							if (!ts.Valid && !IN_Strict)
								//try cleaning it up
								str_timestamp = Regex.Replace(str_timestamp, "[^0-9:]", "");
								ts = new Timestamp(str_timestamp);
							if (!ts.Valid)
								if (IN_Strict)
									job.Error("Invalid INDEX timestamp: " + str_timestamp);
							OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.INDEX() { Number = indexnum, Timestamp = ts });

					case "ISRC":
						if (OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.ISRC != null)
							job.Warn("Multiple ISRC commands detected. Subsequent ones are ignored.");
						else if (clp.EOF)
							job.Warn("Ignoring empty ISRC command");
							var isrc = clp.ReadToken();
							if (isrc.Length != 12)
								job.Warn("Invalid ISRC code ignored: " + isrc);
								OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(OUT_CueFile.GlobalDiscInfo.ISRC = new CUE_File.Command.ISRC() { Value = isrc });

					case "PERFORMER":
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.PERFORMER() { Value = clp.ReadPath() ?? "" });

					case "POSTGAP":
					case "PREGAP":
							var str_msf = clp.ReadToken();
							var msf = new Timestamp(str_msf);
							if (!msf.Valid)
								job.Error("Ignoring {0} with invalid length MSF: " + str_msf, key);
								if (key == "POSTGAP")
									OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.POSTGAP() { Length = msf });
									OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.PREGAP() { Length = msf });

					case "REM":
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.REM() { Value = clp.ReadLine() });

					case "SONGWRITER":
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.SONGWRITER() { Value = clp.ReadPath() ?? "" });

					case "TITLE":
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.TITLE() { Value = clp.ReadPath() ?? "" });

					case "TRACK":
							if (clp.EOF)
								job.Error("Incomplete TRACK command");
							string str_tracknum = clp.ReadToken();
							int tracknum;
							if (!int.TryParse(str_tracknum, out tracknum) || tracknum < 1 || tracknum > 99)
								job.Error("Invalid TRACK number: " + str_tracknum);

							//TODO - check sequentiality? maybe as a warning

							CueTrackType tt;
							var str_trackType = clp.ReadToken();
							switch (str_trackType.ToUpperInvariant())
									job.Error("Unknown TRACK type: " + str_trackType);
									tt = CueTrackType.Unknown;
								case "AUDIO": tt = CueTrackType.Audio; break;
								case "CDG": tt = CueTrackType.CDG; break;
								case "MODE1/2048": tt = CueTrackType.Mode1_2048; break;
								case "MODE1/2352": tt = CueTrackType.Mode1_2352; break;
								case "MODE2/2336": tt = CueTrackType.Mode2_2336; break;
								case "MODE2/2352": tt = CueTrackType.Mode2_2352; break;
								case "CDI/2336": tt = CueTrackType.CDI_2336; break;
								case "CDI/2352": tt = CueTrackType.CDI_2352; break;

							OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.TRACK() { Number = tracknum, Type = tt });

				if (!clp.EOF)
					var remainder = clp.ReadLine();
					if (remainder.TrimStart().StartsWith(";"))
						//add a comment
						OUT_CueFile.Commands.Add(new CUE_File.Command.COMMENT() { Value = remainder });
					else job.Warn("Unknown text at end of line after processing command: " + key);

			} //end cue parsing loop

		} //LoadFromString
Esempio n. 48
        private async ValueTask <ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailResult> GetPictureThumbnailAsync(NestedPath filePath, ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var ext = filePath.GetExtension().ToLower();

            if (!_pictureTypeExtensionList.Contains(ext))
                return(new ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailResult(ThumbnailGeneratorResultStatus.Failed));

                var fileLength = await _fileSystem.GetFileSizeAsync(filePath, cancellationToken);

                var fileLastWriteTime = await _fileSystem.GetFileLastWriteTimeAsync(filePath, cancellationToken);

                using (var inStream = await _fileSystem.GetFileStreamAsync(filePath, cancellationToken))
                    using (var outStream = new RecyclableMemoryStream(_bytesPool))
                        this.ConvertImage(inStream, outStream, options.Width, options.Height, options.ResizeType, options.FormatType);
                        outStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        var fileMeta      = new FileMeta(filePath, (ulong)fileLength, Timestamp.FromDateTime(fileLastWriteTime));
                        var thumbnailMeta = new ThumbnailMeta(options.ResizeType, options.FormatType, (uint)options.Width, (uint)options.Height);
                        var content       = new ThumbnailContent(outStream.ToMemoryOwner());
                        var cache         = new ThumbnailCache(fileMeta, thumbnailMeta, new[] { content });

                        await _thumbnailGeneratorRepository.ThumbnailCaches.InsertAsync(cache);

                        return(new ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailResult(ThumbnailGeneratorResultStatus.Succeeded, cache.Contents));
            catch (NotSupportedException e)
            catch (OperationCanceledException e)
            catch (Exception e)

            return(new ThumbnailGeneratorGetThumbnailResult(ThumbnailGeneratorResultStatus.Failed));
Esempio n. 49
        public void Play(int track, int numLoops, int startFrame, int duration, bool only_emulate)
            if (numLoops != 0 || startFrame != 0)
                _cd.track = track;
                _cd.numLoops = numLoops;
                _cd.start = startFrame;
                _cd.duration = duration;

                // Try to load the track from a compressed data file, and if found, use
                // that. If not found, attempt to start regular Audio CD playback of
                // the requested track.
                string[] trackName = new string[2];
                trackName[0] = string.Format("track{0}", track);
                trackName[1] = string.Format("track{0:00}", track);
                ISeekableAudioStream stream = null;
                var directory = ServiceLocator.FileStorage.GetDirectoryName(_vm.Game.Path);
                for (int i = 0; stream == null && i < 2; ++i)
                    var path = ScummHelper.LocatePath(directory, trackName[i]);
                    if (path != null)
                        // TODO: open stream

                // Stop any currently playing emulated track

                if (stream != null)
                    var start = new Timestamp(0, startFrame, 75);
                    var end = duration != 0 ? new Timestamp(0, startFrame + duration, 75) : stream.Length;

            FIXME: Seems numLoops == 0 and numLoops == 1 both indicate a single repetition,
            while all other positive numbers indicate precisely the number of desired
            repetitions. Finally, -1 means infinitely many
                    _emulating = true;
                    _handle = _mixer.PlayStream(SoundType.Music, LoopingAudioStream.Create(stream, start, end, (numLoops < 1) ? numLoops + 1 : numLoops), -1, _cd.volume, _cd.balance);
                    _emulating = false;
                    if (!only_emulate)
                        PlayCD(track, numLoops, startFrame, duration);
Esempio n. 50
        private void OpenOrder(Address from, Address provider, string baseSymbol, string quoteSymbol, ExchangeOrderSide side, ExchangeOrderType orderType, BigInteger orderSize, BigInteger price)
            Runtime.Expect(IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.GasTarget == provider, "invalid gas target");

            Runtime.Expect(baseSymbol != quoteSymbol, "invalid base/quote pair");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.Nexus.TokenExists(baseSymbol), "invalid base token");
            var baseToken = Runtime.Nexus.GetTokenInfo(baseSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(baseToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "token must be fungible");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.Nexus.TokenExists(quoteSymbol), "invalid quote token");
            var quoteToken = Runtime.Nexus.GetTokenInfo(quoteSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(quoteToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "token must be fungible");

            if (orderType != Market)
                Runtime.Expect(orderSize >= GetMinimumTokenQuantity(baseToken), "order size is not sufficient");
                Runtime.Expect(price >= GetMinimumTokenQuantity(quoteToken), "order price is not sufficient");

            var uid = Runtime.Chain.GenerateUID(this.Storage);

            //perform escrow for non-market orders
            string     orderEscrowSymbol = CalculateEscrowSymbol(baseToken, quoteToken, side);
            TokenInfo  orderEscrowToken  = orderEscrowSymbol == baseSymbol ? baseToken : quoteToken;
            BigInteger orderEscrowAmount;
            BigInteger orderEscrowUsage = 0;

            if (orderType == Market)
                orderEscrowAmount = orderSize;
                Runtime.Expect(orderEscrowAmount >= GetMinimumTokenQuantity(orderEscrowToken), "market order size is not sufficient");
                orderEscrowAmount = CalculateEscrowAmount(orderSize, price, baseToken, quoteToken, side);

            //BigInteger baseTokensUnfilled = orderSize;

            var balances = new BalanceSheet(orderEscrowSymbol);
            var balance  = balances.Get(this.Storage, from);

            Runtime.Expect(balance >= orderEscrowAmount, "not enough balance");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.Nexus.TransferTokens(Runtime, orderEscrowSymbol, from, this.Address, orderEscrowAmount), "transfer failed");

            var         thisOrder = new ExchangeOrder();
            StorageList orderList;
            BigInteger  orderIndex = 0;

            thisOrder = new ExchangeOrder(uid, Runtime.Time, from, provider, orderSize, baseSymbol, price, quoteSymbol, side, orderType);
            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCreated, from, uid);

            var key = BuildOrderKey(side, quoteSymbol, baseSymbol);

            orderList  = _orders.Get <string, StorageList>(key);
            orderIndex = orderList.Add <ExchangeOrder>(thisOrder);
            _orderMap.Set <BigInteger, string>(uid, key);

            var makerSide   = side == Buy ? Sell : Buy;
            var makerKey    = BuildOrderKey(makerSide, quoteSymbol, baseSymbol);
            var makerOrders = _orders.Get <string, StorageList>(makerKey);

                int        bestIndex          = -1;
                BigInteger bestPrice          = 0;
                Timestamp  bestPriceTimestamp = 0;

                ExchangeOrder takerOrder = thisOrder;

                var makerOrdersCount = makerOrders.Count();
                for (int i = 0; i < makerOrdersCount; i++)
                    var makerOrder = makerOrders.Get <ExchangeOrder>(i);

                    if (side == Buy)
                        if (makerOrder.Price > takerOrder.Price && orderType != Market) // too expensive, we wont buy at this price

                        if (bestIndex == -1 || makerOrder.Price < bestPrice || (makerOrder.Price == bestPrice && makerOrder.Timestamp < bestPriceTimestamp))
                            bestIndex          = i;
                            bestPrice          = makerOrder.Price;
                            bestPriceTimestamp = makerOrder.Timestamp;
                        if (makerOrder.Price < takerOrder.Price && orderType != Market) // too cheap, we wont sell at this price

                        if (bestIndex == -1 || makerOrder.Price > bestPrice || (makerOrder.Price == bestPrice && makerOrder.Timestamp < bestPriceTimestamp))
                            bestIndex          = i;
                            bestPrice          = makerOrder.Price;
                            bestPriceTimestamp = makerOrder.Timestamp;

                if (bestIndex >= 0)
                    //since order "uid" has found a match, the creator of this order will be a taker as he will remove liquidity from the market
                    //and the creator of the "bestIndex" order is the maker as he is providing liquidity to the taker
                    var takerAvailableEscrow = orderEscrowAmount - orderEscrowUsage;
                    var takerEscrowUsage     = BigInteger.Zero;
                    var takerEscrowSymbol    = orderEscrowSymbol;

                    var makerOrder        = makerOrders.Get <ExchangeOrder>(bestIndex);
                    var makerEscrow       = _escrows.Get <BigInteger, BigInteger>(makerOrder.Uid);
                    var makerEscrowUsage  = BigInteger.Zero;;
                    var makerEscrowSymbol = orderEscrowSymbol == baseSymbol ? quoteSymbol : baseSymbol;

                    //Get fulfilled order size in base tokens
                    //and then calculate the corresponding fulfilled order size in quote tokens
                    if (takerEscrowSymbol == baseSymbol)
                        var makerEscrowBaseEquivalent = ConvertQuoteToBase(makerEscrow, makerOrder.Price, baseToken, quoteToken);
                        takerEscrowUsage = takerAvailableEscrow < makerEscrowBaseEquivalent ? takerAvailableEscrow : makerEscrowBaseEquivalent;

                        makerEscrowUsage = CalculateEscrowAmount(takerEscrowUsage, makerOrder.Price, baseToken, quoteToken, Buy);
                        var takerEscrowBaseEquivalent = ConvertQuoteToBase(takerAvailableEscrow, makerOrder.Price, baseToken, quoteToken);
                        makerEscrowUsage = makerEscrow < takerEscrowBaseEquivalent ? makerEscrow : takerEscrowBaseEquivalent;

                        takerEscrowUsage = CalculateEscrowAmount(makerEscrowUsage, makerOrder.Price, baseToken, quoteToken, Buy);

                    Runtime.Expect(takerEscrowUsage <= takerAvailableEscrow, "Taker tried to use more escrow than available");
                    Runtime.Expect(makerEscrowUsage <= makerEscrow, "Maker tried to use more escrow than available");

                    if (takerEscrowUsage < GetMinimumSymbolQuantity(takerEscrowSymbol) ||
                        makerEscrowUsage < GetMinimumSymbolQuantity(makerEscrowSymbol))

                    Runtime.Nexus.TransferTokens(Runtime, takerEscrowSymbol, this.Address, makerOrder.Creator, takerEscrowUsage);
                    Runtime.Nexus.TransferTokens(Runtime, makerEscrowSymbol, this.Address, takerOrder.Creator, makerEscrowUsage);

                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.TokenReceive, makerOrder.Creator, new TokenEventData()
                        chainAddress = this.Address, symbol = takerEscrowSymbol, value = takerEscrowUsage
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.TokenReceive, takerOrder.Creator, new TokenEventData()
                        chainAddress = this.Address, symbol = makerEscrowSymbol, value = makerEscrowUsage

                    orderEscrowUsage += takerEscrowUsage;

                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, takerOrder.Creator, takerOrder.Uid);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderFilled, makerOrder.Creator, makerOrder.Uid);

                    if (makerEscrowUsage == makerEscrow)
                        makerOrders.RemoveAt <ExchangeOrder>(bestIndex);

                        Runtime.Expect(_escrows.ContainsKey(makerOrder.Uid), "An orderbook entry must have registered escrow");

                        Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderClosed, makerOrder.Creator, makerOrder.Uid);
                        _escrows.Set(makerOrder.Uid, makerEscrow - makerEscrowUsage);
            } while (orderEscrowUsage < orderEscrowAmount);

            var leftoverEscrow = orderEscrowAmount - orderEscrowUsage;

            if (leftoverEscrow == 0 || orderType != Limit)
                orderList.RemoveAt <ExchangeOrder>(orderIndex);

                if (leftoverEscrow > 0)
                    Runtime.Nexus.TransferTokens(Runtime, orderEscrowSymbol, this.Address, thisOrder.Creator, leftoverEscrow);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.TokenReceive, thisOrder.Creator, new TokenEventData()
                        chainAddress = this.Address, symbol = orderEscrowSymbol, value = leftoverEscrow
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCancelled, thisOrder.Creator, thisOrder.Uid);
                    Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderClosed, thisOrder.Creator, thisOrder.Uid);
                _escrows.Set(uid, leftoverEscrow);

            //TODO: ADD FEES, SEND THEM TO this.Address FOR NOW
Esempio n. 51
 public DayInMonth(int day, Timestamp timestamp)
     _day = day;
     _timestamp = timestamp;
Esempio n. 52
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new TopicPartitionTimestamp instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tp">
 ///     Kafka topic name and partition.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">
 ///     A Kafka timestamp value.
 /// </param>
 public TopicPartitionTimestamp(TopicPartition tp, Timestamp timestamp)
     : this(tp.Topic, tp.Partition, timestamp)
Esempio n. 53
 public YearBuilder At(Timestamp timestamp)
     _time = timestamp;
     return this;
Esempio n. 54
        public async Task <List <Sentence> > GetSentencesAsync(string keyword, DateTime yearMonth)
            var channel = new Channel("storage:7878", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);
            var client  = new Storage.StorageClient(channel);

            var result = await client.GetSentencesAsync(new GetSentencesRequest { Keyword = keyword, YearMonth = Timestamp.FromDateTime(yearMonth.ToUniversalTime()) });

            await channel.ShutdownAsync();

            var yearMonths = new List <DateTime>();
            var sentences  = new List <Sentence>();

            foreach (var s in result.Sentences)
                sentences.Add(new Sentence()
                    Keyword = new Keyword()
                        Text = s.Keyword.Text
                    Source = new Source()
                        Url = s.Source.Url
                    Text                = s.Text,
                    Positive            = s.Positive,
                    Received            = s.Received.ToDateTime(),
                    SourceArticleHeader = s.Sourcearticleheader,
                    SourceArticleUrl    = s.Sourcearticleurl
 public ExampleEntity(string name)
     Name = name;
     Status = ExampleStatus.Open;
     Timestamp = Timestamp.Now();
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(Id.GetHashCode() ^ Timestamp.GetHashCode() ^ Topic.GetHashCode() ^ Person.GetHashCode());
Esempio n. 57
        public void SellToken(Address from, string baseSymbol, string quoteSymbol, BigInteger tokenID, BigInteger price, Timestamp endDate)
            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");
            Runtime.Expect(endDate > Runtime.Time, "invalid end date");

            var maxAllowedDate = Runtime.Time + TimeSpan.FromDays(30);

            Runtime.Expect(endDate <= maxAllowedDate, "end date is too distant, max: " + maxAllowedDate + ", received: " + endDate);

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(quoteSymbol), "invalid quote token");
            var quoteToken = Runtime.GetToken(quoteSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(quoteToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "quote token must be fungible");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(baseSymbol), "invalid base token");
            var baseToken = Runtime.GetToken(baseSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(!baseToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "base token must be non-fungible");

            var nft = Runtime.ReadToken(baseSymbol, tokenID);

            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentChain == Runtime.Chain.Name, "token not currently in this chain");
            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentOwner == from, "invalid owner");

            Runtime.TransferToken(baseToken.Symbol, from, this.Address, tokenID);

            var auction   = new MarketAuction(from, Runtime.Time, endDate, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, tokenID, price, 0, 0, TypeAuction.Fixed, 0, Address.Null, 0, Address.Null, Address.Null);
            var auctionID = baseSymbol + "." + tokenID;

            _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auction);
            _auctionIds.Set(auctionID, auctionID);

            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCreated, from, new MarketEventData()
                ID = tokenID, BaseSymbol = baseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = quoteSymbol, Price = price, EndPrice = 0, Type = TypeAuction.Fixed
Esempio n. 58
 public void AddValue(Timestamp timestamp, object value)
     this.timestore.AddValue(timestamp, value);
 protected override Comparison Compare(Timestamp aFirst, Timestamp aSecond)
     return iComparer.Compare(ItcStamp.FromString(aFirst.Serialization), ItcStamp.FromString(aSecond.Serialization));
Esempio n. 60
        public void EditAuction(Address from, string baseSymbol, string quoteSymbol, BigInteger tokenID, BigInteger price, BigInteger endPrice, Timestamp startDate, Timestamp endDate, BigInteger extensionPeriod)
            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.IsWitness(from), "invalid witness");

            Runtime.Expect(Runtime.TokenExists(quoteSymbol), "invalid quote token");
            var quoteToken = Runtime.GetToken(quoteSymbol);

            Runtime.Expect(quoteToken.Flags.HasFlag(TokenFlags.Fungible), "quote token must be fungible");

            var nft = Runtime.ReadToken(baseSymbol, tokenID);

            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentChain == Runtime.Chain.Name, "token not currently in this chain");
            var marketAddress = SmartContract.GetAddressForNative(NativeContractKind.Market);

            Runtime.Expect(nft.CurrentOwner == marketAddress, "invalid owner");

            var auctionID = baseSymbol + "." + tokenID;

            Runtime.Expect(_auctionMap.ContainsKey <string>(auctionID), "invalid auction");

            var auction = _auctionMap.Get <string, MarketAuction>(auctionID);

            Runtime.Expect(auction.Creator == from, "invalid auction creator");

            if (auction.Type != TypeAuction.Fixed) // prevent edit already started auctions
                Runtime.Expect(auction.StartDate > Runtime.Time, "EditAuction can only be used before listing start");

            if (price == 0)
                price = auction.Price;

            if (endPrice == 0)
                endPrice = auction.EndPrice;

            if (startDate == 0 || startDate == null)
                startDate = auction.StartDate;

            if (endDate == 0 || endDate == null)
                endDate = auction.EndDate;
            Runtime.Expect(endDate > startDate, "invalid end date");

            if (extensionPeriod == 0 || auction.Type == TypeAuction.Fixed)
                extensionPeriod = auction.ExtensionPeriod;

            if (auction.Type == TypeAuction.Classic || auction.Type == TypeAuction.Reserve)
                Runtime.Expect(extensionPeriod <= oneHour, "extensionPeriod must be <= 1 hour");

            var auctionNew = new MarketAuction(from, startDate, endDate, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, tokenID, price, endPrice, extensionPeriod, auction.Type, auction.ListingFee, auction.ListingFeeAddress, auction.BuyingFee, auction.BuyingFeeAddress, auction.CurrentBidWinner);

            _auctionMap.Set(auctionID, auctionNew);

            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCancelled, auctionNew.Creator, new MarketEventData()
                ID = auction.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auction.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auction.QuoteSymbol, Price = auction.Price, EndPrice = auction.EndPrice, Type = auction.Type
            Runtime.Notify(EventKind.OrderCreated, auctionNew.Creator, new MarketEventData()
                ID = auctionNew.TokenID, BaseSymbol = auctionNew.BaseSymbol, QuoteSymbol = auctionNew.QuoteSymbol, Price = auctionNew.Price, EndPrice = auctionNew.EndPrice, Type = auctionNew.Type