Beispiel #1
    public void PropulsionUpdate(SubsystemReferences subsystemReferences, ThrusterControls thrusterControls)
        Vector2 direction = subsystemReferences.Navigation.GetDestination() - (Vector2)subsystemReferences.currentShipPositionWithinGalaxyMapNode;

        direction /= direction.magnitude;
        direction *= 10;
        thrusterControls.UFODriveVelocity = direction;

        /*Vector3 target = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
         * float targetAngle = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.right, target, Vector3.forward);
         * float angle = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.right, subsystemReferences.forward, Vector3.forward);
         * if (turning)
         * {
         *  if ((angle > 25) && (angle < 35))
         *  {
         *      turning = false;
         *  }
         *  thrusterControls.portAftThrust = 3;
         * }
         * else {
         *  thrusterControls.portAftThrust = 0;
         * }
 private void stopRotate(ThrusterControls thrusterControls)
     thrusterControls.starboardBowThrust = 0;
     thrusterControls.portAftThrust      = 0;
     thrusterControls.portBowThrust      = 0;
     thrusterControls.starboardAftThrust = 0;
 private void rotateRight(ThrusterControls thrusterControls, float value)
     Debug.Log("Rotateright called");
     thrusterControls.portBowThrust      = value;
     thrusterControls.starboardAftThrust = value;
     thrusterControls.starboardBowThrust = 0;
     thrusterControls.portAftThrust      = 0;
 public void PropulsionUpdate(SubsystemReferences subsystemReferences, ThrusterControls thrusterControls)
     subsystemRefs = subsystemReferences;
     if (engineOn)
         rotateToVector2(targetVector, subsystemReferences.forward, thrusterControls);
         thrusterControls.mainThrust = THRUST_STRENGTH;
Beispiel #5
    public void UsePost(GameObject player)
        if (!postPlayer)
            postPlayer = player;
            audioData.PlayOneShot(enter, 1);
            PV.RPC("OccupyPost", RpcTarget.Others);
            PhotonView playerPV = postPlayer.GetComponentInChildren <PhotonView> ();
            PhotonView postPV   = post.GetComponent <PhotonView> ();
            // PhotonView[] photonViews = post.GetComponents<PhotonView>();
            // foreach (PhotonView view in photonViews)
            // {
            //     print(view.ViewID);
            // }
            if (postPV)
            switch (type)
            case postType.Canon:
                Canon tmpCanon = post.GetComponent <Canon> ();
                tmpCanon.enabled = true;

            case postType.Thruster:
                ThrusterControls tmp = post.GetComponent <ThrusterControls> ();
                tmp.enabled = true;

            case postType.Turret:
                Turret turret = post.GetComponent <Turret> ();
                turret.enabled = true;

            case postType.Rotate:
                RotateShip rotate = post.GetComponent <RotateShip> ();
                rotate.enabled = true;

            case postType.Shield:
                Shield shield = post.GetComponent <Shield> ();
                shield.enabled = true;

            case postType.MiniShip:
                MiniShip ship = post.GetComponent <MiniShip> ();
                ship.enabled = true;

    public override void PropulsionUpdate(ShipStatusInfo shipStatusInfo, ThrusterControls thrusters, float deltaTime)
        //Student code goes here

        //Enable the UFO drive override
        thrusters.IsUFODriveEnabled = true;

        // fly down and to the right at a speed of 141 pixels per second
        Vector2 velocity = new Vector2(0, -100);

        thrusters.UFODriveVelocity = velocity;
Beispiel #7
    public void GetOutPost()
        if (postPlayer)
            switch (type)
            case postType.Canon:
                Canon tmpCanon = post.GetComponent <Canon> ();
                tmpCanon.enabled = false;

            case postType.Thruster:
                ThrusterControls tmp = post.GetComponent <ThrusterControls> ();
                tmp.enabled = false;

            case postType.Turret:
                Turret turret = post.GetComponent <Turret> ();
                turret.enabled = false;

            case postType.Rotate:
                RotateShip rotate = post.GetComponent <RotateShip> ();
                rotate.enabled = false;

            case postType.Shield:
                Shield shield = post.GetComponent <Shield> ();
                shield.enabled = false;

            case postType.MiniShip:
                MiniShip ship = post.GetComponent <MiniShip> ();
                ship.enabled = false;

            audioData.PlayOneShot(exit, 1);
            postPlayer = null;
            PV.RPC("FreePost", RpcTarget.Others);
Beispiel #8
    public event Action <ColonyShip, string, string> OnShipWarped; //this, departure solar system anme, arrival solar system name
    //public event Action<ColonyShip, string> JumpDriveTriggered; //this, destination solar system name
    //public event Action<ColonyShip, bool> LandingSequenceTriggered; //this, is ship above Kepler438

    // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
    public override void _Ready()
        gameCore               = FindParent("GameCore") as GameCore;
        collisionShape         = GetNode <CollisionShape2D>("CollisionShape2D");
        portForeThruster       = GetNode <Thruster>("PortForeThruster");
        starboardForeThruster  = GetNode <Thruster>("StarboardForeThruster");
        portAftThruster        = GetNode <Thruster>("PortAftThruster");
        starboardAftThruster   = GetNode <Thruster>("StarboardAftThruster");
        mainThruster           = GetNode <Thruster>("MainThruster");
        portRetroThruster      = GetNode <Thruster>("PortRetroThruster");
        starboardRetroThruster = GetNode <Thruster>("StarboardRetroThruster");
        TorpedoesFired         = 0;
        overlapArea2D          = GetNode <Area2D>("OverlapArea2D");

        ThrusterControls = new ThrusterControls(mainThruster, portForeThruster, portAftThruster, starboardForeThruster, starboardAftThruster, portRetroThruster, starboardRetroThruster);
        ThrusterControls.OnWarpJumpTriggered        += TriggerJumpDrive;
        ThrusterControls.OnLandingSequenceTriggered += TriggerLandingSequence;

        turret         = FindNode("Turret") as Turret;
        PassiveSensors = GetNode <PassiveSensors>(nameof(PassiveSensors));
        ActiveSensors  = GetNode <ActiveSensors>(nameof(ActiveSensors));
        ActiveSensors.OnScanPerformed += HandleScanPerformed;

        ufoDriveParticles = GetNode <UFODriveParticles>("UFODriveParticles");

        SensorsController               = FindNode("SensorsSubsystemController") as AbstractSensorsController;
        NavigationController            = FindNode("NavigationSubsystemController") as AbstractNavigationController;
        PropulsionController            = FindNode("PropulsionSubsystemController") as AbstractPropulsionController;
        DefenceController               = FindNode("DefenceSubsystemController") as AbstractDefenceController;
        SensorsController.parentShip    = this;
        NavigationController.parentShip = this;
        PropulsionController.parentShip = this;
        DefenceController.parentShip    = this;

        shipStatusInfo = new ShipStatusInfo();

Beispiel #9
 public override void PropulsionUpdate(ShipStatusInfo shipStatusInfo, ThrusterControls thrusters, float deltaTime)
     //Student code goes here
     * bool sensorsControllerEnabled = true;
     * public event Action<bool> OnSensorsControllerEnabledChanged;
     * public bool IsSensorsControllerEnabled {get{return sensorsControllerEnabled;} set{sensorsControllerEnabled = value; OnSensorsControllerEnabledChanged?.Invoke(sensorsControllerEnabled);}}
     * bool navigationControllerEnabled = true;
     * public event Action<bool> OnNavigationControllerEnabledChanged;
     * public bool IsNavigationControllerEnabled {get{return navigationControllerEnabled;} set{navigationControllerEnabled = value; OnNavigationControllerEnabledChanged?.Invoke(navigationControllerEnabled);}}
     * bool propulsionControllerEnabled = true;
     * public event Action<bool> OnPropulsionControllerEnabledChanged;
     * public bool IsPropulsionControllerEnabled {get{return propulsionControllerEnabled;} set{propulsionControllerEnabled = value; OnPropulsionControllerEnabledChanged?.Invoke(propulsionControllerEnabled);}}
     * bool defenceControllerEnabled = true;
     * public event Action<bool> OnDefenceControllerEnabledChanged;
     * public bool IsDefenceControllerEnabled {get{return defenceControllerEnabled;} set{defenceControllerEnabled = value; OnDefenceControllerEnabledChanged?.Invoke(defenceControllerEnabled);}}
     * //Subsystems
     * public AbstractSensorsController Sensors { get; private set; }
     * public AbstractNavigationController Navigation { get; private set; }
     * public AbstractDefenceController Defence { get; private set; }
     * public AbstractPropulsionController Propulsion { get; private set; }
     * public SubsystemReferences(AbstractSensorsController sensors, AbstractNavigationController navigation, AbstractDefenceController defence, AbstractPropulsionController propulsion)
     * {
     *  Sensors = sensors;
     *  Defence = defence;
     *  Navigation = navigation;
     *  Propulsion = propulsion;
     * }

    public abstract void ProcessPhysics(ShipStatusInfo shipStatusInfo, float deltaTime, ActiveSensors ActiveSensors, PassiveSensors passiveSensors, GalaxyMapData galaxyMapData, ThrusterControls thrusterControls, TurretControls turretControls);
    public void rotateToVector2(Vector2 target, Vector2 cur, ThrusterControls thrusterControls)
        if (targetVector ==
        double otheta      = Math.Atan((double)originalVector.y / (double)originalVector.x);
        double curtheta    = Math.Atan((double)cur.y / (double)cur.x);
        double targettheta = Math.Atan((double)target.y / (double)target.x);
        double deltatheta  = Math.Abs(curtheta - targettheta);
        // Theta you are supposed to rotate through
        double deltathetao = Math.Abs(otheta - targettheta);

        // Correct for negative angles
        // Dirtheta in default position fluctuates
        //if (curtheta < 0) { curtheta = (2 * Math.PI + curtheta); }
        //if (targettheta < 0) { targettheta = (2 * Math.PI + targettheta); }

        Debug.Log("Curtheta: " + curtheta);
        Debug.Log("Targettheta: " + targettheta);
        //Debug.Log("Deltatheta: " + deltatheta);
        //Debug.Log("Deltathetao: " + deltathetao);

        // If dirtheta is less than pos, rotate right. lr -1 is right
        // If dirtheta is greater than pos, rotate left. lr 1 is left
        int lr = 0;

        if (curtheta > targettheta)
            Debug.Log("Target turning right!");
            lr = -1;
        else if (curtheta < targettheta)
            Debug.Log("Target turning left!");
            lr = 1;

        // While the spaceship has not yet rotated through half the target distance
        // continue to accelerate
        if (deltatheta > deltathetao / 2)
            Debug.Log("Speeding up rotation");
            Debug.Log("LR: " + lr);
            if (lr == -1)
                //Rotate right
                Debug.Log("Rotating right!");
                rotateRight(thrusterControls, TURN_STRENGTH);
            else if (lr == 1)
                //Rotate left
                Debug.Log("Rotating left!");
                rotateLeft(thrusterControls, TURN_STRENGTH);
        // Decelerate once the halfway point is passed
        if (deltatheta < deltathetao / 2)
            Debug.Log("Slowing down rotation");
            if (lr == -1)
                //Rotate left
                rotateLeft(thrusterControls, TURN_STRENGTH);
            else if (lr == 1)
                //Rotate right
                rotateRight(thrusterControls, TURN_STRENGTH);
        if (Math.Abs(curtheta - targettheta) < 0.05)
            Debug.Log("STOPPING ROTATE");
            targetVector =;
Beispiel #12
 public void PropulsionUpdate(SubsystemReferences subsystemReferences, ThrusterControls thrusterControls)
Beispiel #13
 public abstract void PropulsionUpdate(ShipStatusInfo shipStatusInfo, ThrusterControls thrusters, float deltaTime);