Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs custom wizard logic when a project has finished generating.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project"></param>
        public void ProjectFinishedGenerating(Project project)
            // Iterate through the project items and
            // remove any files that begin with the word "Placeholder".
            // and the Rates class unless it's the Telescope class
            // done this way to avoid removing items from inside a foreach loop
            List <string> rems = new List <string>();

            foreach (ProjectItem item in project.ProjectItems)
                if (item.Name.StartsWith("Placeholder", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                    item.Name.StartsWith("Rate", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                    !this.DeviceClass.Equals("Telescope", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    //MessageBox.Show("adding " + item.Name);
            foreach (string item in rems)
                //MessageBox.Show("Deleting " + item);

            // Special handling for VB and C# driver template projects to add the interface implementation to the core driver code
                // Check the name of each item in the project and execute if this is a driver template project (contains Driver.vb or Driver.cs)
                foreach (ProjectItem projectItem in project.ProjectItems)
                    TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Item name: " + projectItem.Name);
                    if ((projectItem.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == "DRIVER.CS") | (projectItem.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == "DRIVER.VB"))
                        driverTemplate = projectItem; // Save the driver item
                        // This is a driver template
                        // Get the filename and directory of the Driver.xx file
                        string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectItem.FileNames[1].ToString());
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "File name: " + projectItem.FileNames[1].ToString() + ", Directory: " + directory);
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Found " + projectItem.Name);

                        projectItem.Open(); // Open the item for editing
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done Open");

                        Document itemDocument = projectItem.Document; // Get the open file's document object
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Created Document");

                        itemDocument.Activate(); // Make this the current document
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Activated Document");

                        TextSelection documentSelection = (TextSelection)itemDocument.Selection; // Create a document selection
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Created Selection object");

                        const string insertionPoint = "//INTERFACECODEINSERTIONPOINT"; // Find the insertion point in the Driver.xx item
                        documentSelection.FindText(insertionPoint, (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchWholeWord);
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done INTERFACECODEINSERTIONPOINT FindText:" + documentSelection.Text);

                        // Create the name of the device interface file to be inserted
                        string insertFile = directory + "\\Device" + this.DeviceClass + Path.GetExtension(projectItem.Name);
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Opening file: " + insertFile);

                        documentSelection.InsertFromFile(insertFile); // Insert the required file at the current selection point
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done InsertFromFile");

                        // Remove the top lines of the inserted file until we get to #Region
                        // These lines are only there to make the file error free in the template develpment project and are not required here
                        documentSelection.SelectLine(); // Select the current line
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Selected initial line: " + documentSelection.Text);
                        while (!documentSelection.Text.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("#REGION"))
                            TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Deleting start line: " + documentSelection.Text);
                            documentSelection.Delete();     // Delete the current line
                            documentSelection.SelectLine(); // Select the new current line ready to test on the next loop

                        // Find the end of file marker that came from the inserted file
                        const string endOfInsertFile = "//ENDOFINSERTEDFILE";
                        documentSelection.FindText(endOfInsertFile, (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchWholeWord);
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done ENDOFINSERTEDFILE FindText:" + documentSelection.Text);

                        // Delete the marker line and the last 2 lines from the inserted file
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Found end line: " + documentSelection.Text);
                        while (!documentSelection.Text.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("#REGION"))
                            TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Deleting end line: " + documentSelection.Text);
                            documentSelection.Delete();     // Delete the current line
                            documentSelection.SelectLine(); // Select the new current line ready to test on the next loop
                            TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Found end line: " + documentSelection.Text);

                        // Reformat the document to make it look pretty
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done SelectAll");
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done SmartFormat");

                        itemDocument.Save(); // Save the edited file readyfor use!
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done Save");
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done Close");

                // Iterate through the project items and remove any files that begin with the word "Device".
                // These are the partial device implementations that are merged in to create a complete device driver template by the code above
                // They are not required in the final project

                // Done this way to avoid removing items from inside a foreach loop
                rems = new List <string>();
                foreach (ProjectItem item in project.ProjectItems)
                    if (item.Name.StartsWith("Device", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        //MessageBox.Show("adding " + item.Name);
                foreach (string item in rems)
                    TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Deleting file: " + item);
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("ProjectFinishedGenerating Exception", ex.ToString());                                              // Log any error message
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "ProjectFinishedGenerating Wizard Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Show an error message

            TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "End");
            TL.Enabled = false;