Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a thought balloon over a bot.  This version is mostly for edit mode
        /// where you don't want the bot to play its speach sound.  Note that this version
        /// also kills off any previous thought balloons since we only want one bot at a
        /// time to identify itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thinker">The bot with the thought.</param>
        /// <param name="text">What he's thinking.</param>
        /// <param name="color">Color for balloon outline.</param>
        /// <param name="editMode">If true, don't play a bot speach sound.</param>
        /// <returns>True if acted upon, false if ignored.</returns>
        public static bool CreateThoughtBalloon(GameThing thinker, string text, Vector4 color, bool editMode)

            // Early out if we have nothing to say.
            if (text == null || text == "")

            // The thought string may have text substitutions in in (eg <score red>) so
            // process those first so we can do vaild text string comparisons.
            string newText      = TextHelper.ApplyStringSubstitutions(text, thinker as GameActor);
            string rawText      = text; // Text before substitution.
            bool   substitution = newText != text;

            text = newText;

            // If the current bot is already thinking this same thought then just
            // extend the time for the thought rather than creating a duplicate.
            // If the bot is already thinking another thought then ignore the new
            // thought.  Always replace the string just in case a substitution
            // has take place.
            // Also use this opportunity to kill off thoughts from other bots if
            // we're in edit mode.
            for (int i = 0; i < activeBalloons.Count; i++)
                ThoughtBalloon balloon = activeBalloons[i];
                if (balloon.Thinker == thinker)
                    // Remove tags.  Need to do this _before_ setting the text
                    // on the balloon otherwise the tags can show up on screen.
                    text = TextHelper.RemoveTags(text).Trim();

                    // If just thinking the same thought again, extend the time.
                    if (balloon.RawText == rawText)
                        balloon.Text = text;    // Update the text in case of a substitution, eg a score changed.

                    // Check for message being sent.  If so, don't return yet.
                    if (text.Length > 0)
                        // Current thought has priority, so don't act on new changes.
                    if (editMode)

            int count = spareBalloons.Count;

            if (count > 0)
                // Search the existing spares for one that already matches the string.
                ThoughtBalloon balloon = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < spareBalloons.Count; i++)
                    if (spareBalloons[i].Text == text)
                        // Found a match.
                        balloon = spareBalloons[i];

                if (InGame.inGame.CurrentUpdateMode == InGame.UpdateMode.RunSim)
                    SaidStringManager.AddEntry(thinker as GameActor, rawText, true);
                string txt = TextHelper.RemoveTags(rawText).Trim();
                if (txt == null || txt == string.Empty)
                    // Must have been just a pure (tag only) message.  In that case,
                    // also send it with atBeginning set to false.  This lets the
                    // user be a bit sloppy with the triggering.
                    SaidStringManager.AddEntry(thinker as GameActor, rawText, false);


                // If no match found, just grab one.
                if (balloon == null)
                    balloon = spareBalloons[0];

                // Also remove tags for non-raw text.
                text = TextHelper.RemoveTags(text);

                balloon.Activate(thinker, text, rawText, color);


                // Call update to set up the balloon for the
                // rendering of its first frame.

                if (!editMode)


        }   // end of CreateThoughtBalloon()
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates scrollable text display.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Text to display.</param>
        /// <param name="useBackgroundThumbnail">Should the game thumbnail be used as a backdrop when rendering?</param>
        /// <param name="useRtCoords">Should hit testing be adjusted for rendering to an RT?</param>
        /// <param name="scrubText">Should text be scrubbed through bad word filter?</param>
        public void Activate(GameActor thinker, string text, UIGridElement.Justification justification, bool useBackgroundThumbnail, bool useRtCoords, bool scrubText)
            if (text == null)

            if (state != States.Active)
                this.useBackgroundThumbnail = useBackgroundThumbnail;
                this.useRtCoords            = useRtCoords;

                // Do stack handling here.  If we do it in the update object we have no
                // clue which order things get pushed and popped and madness ensues.

                state = States.Active;

                // Get the current scene thumbnail.  If we're using this from the main menu (options)
                // then use the title screen image instead.
                if (InGame.inGame.State == InGame.States.Inactive)
                    thumbnail = BokuGame.bokuGame.mainMenu.BackgroundTexture;
                    thumbnail = InGame.inGame.SmallThumbNail;

                // Tell InGame we're using the thumbnail so no need to do full render.
                prevRenderWorldAsThumbnail = InGame.inGame.RenderWorldAsThumbnail;
                if (!prevRenderWorldAsThumbnail)
                    InGame.inGame.RenderWorldAsThumbnail = true;
                Time.Paused = true;


                // Get text string.
                if (thinker != null)
                    text = TextHelper.ApplyStringSubstitutions(text, thinker as GameActor);
                rawText            = text;
                text               = TextHelper.RemoveTags(text);
                blob               = new TextBlob(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont20, text, textWidth);
                blob.Justification = justification;
                // By default TextBlob scrubs the text.  If the scrubText is false
                // then set the text again via a path that doesn't do any scrub.
                if (!scrubText)
                    blob.RawTextNoScrub = text;

                this.thinker = thinker;

                topLine    = 0;
                textOffset = 0;

                // If a second button is needed, the text for it should be set after activation.
                textB    = null;
                userHitA = true;

                PreRender(); // Set up text rendering for first frame.
        }                    // end of Activate
        public void Activate(GameActor thinker, string text, UIGridElement.Justification justification, bool useBackgroundThumbnail, bool useRtCoords)
            if (text == null)

            if (state != States.Active)
                this.useBackgroundThumbnail = useBackgroundThumbnail;
                this.useRtCoords            = useRtCoords;

                // Do stack handling here.  If we do it in the update object we have no
                // clue which order things get pushed and popped and madness ensues.

                state = States.Active;

                // Get the current scene thumbnail.  If we're using this from the main menu (options)
                // then use the title screen image instead.
                if (InGame.inGame.State == InGame.States.Inactive)
                    thumbnail = BokuGame.bokuGame.mainMenu.BackgroundTexture;
                    thumbnail = InGame.inGame.SmallThumbNail;

                // Tell InGame we're using the thumbnail so no need to do full render.
                prevRenderWorldAsThumbnail = InGame.inGame.RenderWorldAsThumbnail;
                if (!prevRenderWorldAsThumbnail)
                    InGame.inGame.RenderWorldAsThumbnail = true;

                Time.Paused = true;


                // Get text string.
                if (thinker != null)
                    text = TextHelper.ApplyStringSubstitutions(text, thinker as GameActor);
                rawText            = text;
                text               = TextHelper.RemoveTags(text);
                blob               = new TextBlob(Font, text, textWidth);
                blob.Justification = justification;

                this.thinker = thinker;

                // Render text into RT.
                RenderTarget2D rt = UI2D.Shared.RenderTarget512_512;
                Color greyTextColor = new Color(127, 127, 127);
                blob.RenderWithButtons(textPosition, greyTextColor);

                activationTime = Time.WallClockTotalSeconds;
        }   // end of Activate