/// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void ModifyTerrain(Point offset, TerrainBrush brush, byte[,] oldData, byte[,] newData)
            #region Sanity checks
            if (oldData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldData));
            if (newData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newData));

            var  heightMap    = Terrain.HeightMap;
            byte centerHeight = heightMap[offset.X + brush.Size / 2, offset.Y + brush.Size / 2];

            // Iterate through intersection of [0,area.Size) and [-offset,heightMap-offset)
            for (int x = Math.Max(0, -offset.X); x < Math.Min(brush.Size, heightMap.Width - offset.X); x++)
                for (int y = Math.Max(0, -offset.Y); y < Math.Min(brush.Size, heightMap.Height - offset.Y); y++)
                    oldData[x, y] = heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y];

                    // Make flat and write back
                    double factor = brush.Factor(x, y);
                    newData[x, y] = heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y] =
                        (byte)(factor * centerHeight + (1 - factor) * oldData[x, y]);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies the <see cref="ITerrain"/> and fills arrays with undo/redo data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset">The <see cref="ITerrain.TextureMap"/> index that corresponds to the top-left corner of the area to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="brush">The shape and size of the area to the lower-right of <paramref name="offset"/> to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="oldData">An array to be filled with data from <see cref="ITerrain.TextureMap"/> before the modification. Both dimensions must be equal to <see cref="TerrainBrush.Size"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="newData">An array to be filled with data from <see cref="ITerrain.TextureMap"/> after the modification. Both dimensions must be equal to <see cref="TerrainBrush.Size"/>.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if anything was changed; <c>false</c> if the <see cref="ITerrain"/> remains unchanged (because no changes were necessary).</returns>
        private bool ModifyTerrain(Point offset, TerrainBrush brush, byte[,] oldData, byte[,] newData)
            bool changed    = false;
            var  textureMap = Terrain.TextureMap;

            // Iterate through intersection of [0,area.Size) and [-offset,textureMap-offset)
            for (int x = Math.Max(0, -offset.X); x < Math.Min(brush.Size, textureMap.Width - offset.X); x++)
                for (int y = Math.Max(0, -offset.Y); y < Math.Min(brush.Size, textureMap.Height - offset.Y); y++)
                    oldData[x, y] = textureMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y];

                    // Change texture ID and write back
                    if (brush.Contains(x, y))
                        newData[x, y] = _textureID;
                        if (newData[x, y] != oldData[x, y])
                            textureMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y] = newData[x, y];
                            changed = true;
                        newData[x, y] = oldData[x, y];
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void ModifyTerrain(Point offset, TerrainBrush brush, byte[,] oldData, byte[,] newData)
            #region Sanity checks
            if (oldData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldData));
            if (newData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newData));

            var noise = new PerlinNoise {
                InitAmplitude = _amplitude, InitFrequency = _frequency
            var heightMap = Terrain.HeightMap;

            // Iterate through intersection of [0,area.Size) and [-offset,heightMap-offset)
            for (int x = Math.Max(0, -offset.X); x < Math.Min(brush.Size, heightMap.Width - offset.X); x++)
                for (int y = Math.Max(0, -offset.Y); y < Math.Min(brush.Size, heightMap.Height - offset.Y); y++)
                    oldData[x, y] = heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y];

                    // Add noise and write back
                    newData[x, y] = heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y] =
                        (byte)(oldData[x, y] + (noise.Function2D(x, y) * brush.Factor(x, y))).Clamp(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue);
Beispiel #4
        public static void LoadNewBrushFiles(string[] absNames)
                foreach (string f in absNames)
                    TerrainBrush b = FindBrushByFilename(f);
                    if (b == null)
                        b = TerrainConversionHelpers.CreateBrush(f);

                    if (b == null || !b.Valid)
            catch (Exception ex)
                EditorManager.DumpException(ex, true);

            if (OnBrushCollectionChanged != null)
                OnBrushCollectionChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty);
Beispiel #5
        private void BrushDown(Vector3 point, TerrainBrush brush, TerrainChunk chunk)
            float radius    = brush.Radius;
            float num       = brush.Strenght;
            float blurRange = brush.BlurRadius;
            float num3      = 1.0f - Mathf.Pow(brush.BlurPower, 4.0f);

            num3 = 1.0f - Mathf.Pow(1.0f - num3, 1.1f);
            float target = brush.Targetheight;

            target -= 1.0f;
            Vector2 localPoint = new Vector2(point.x - transform.position.x, point.z - transform.position.z);

            localPoint.x = Mathf.RoundToInt((localPoint.x / chunk.groupInfo.worldSize.x) * (chunk.groupInfo.terrainWidth - 1));
            localPoint.y = Mathf.RoundToInt((localPoint.y / chunk.groupInfo.worldSize.y) * (chunk.groupInfo.terrainLength - 1));

            float   Minx        = Mathf.Max(0, localPoint.x - (radius + blurRange));
            float   Maxx        = Mathf.Min(chunk.groupInfo.terrainWidth - 1, localPoint.x + (radius + blurRange));
            float   MinY        = Mathf.Max(0, localPoint.y - (radius + blurRange));
            float   Maxy        = Mathf.Min(chunk.groupInfo.terrainLength - 1, localPoint.y + (radius + blurRange));
            Vector2 CenterPoint = new Vector2(Minx, MinY);
            float   localsqrDis = (radius + blurRange) * (radius + blurRange);

            for (int y = (int)MinY; y <= Maxy; ++y)
                for (int x = (int)Minx; x <= Maxx; ++x)
                    int heightflag    = chunk.groupInfo.GetHeightIndex(x, y);
                    int heightMinFlag = chunk.groupInfo.GetMinHeightIndex(x, y);
                    int targetFlag    = Mathf.FloorToInt(brush.Targetheight - 0.001f);

                    if (heightMinFlag < targetFlag)
                        if (heightflag > targetFlag)
                            chunk.groupInfo.SetCullFace(x, y, targetFlag);

                    float curValue = chunk.groupInfo.GetRealHeight(x, y);
                    CenterPoint.x = x;
                    CenterPoint.y = y;
                    float sqr = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(localPoint - CenterPoint);
                    if (sqr < localsqrDis)
                        float distancePower = GetDistancePower(Mathf.Sqrt(sqr), true, brush);
                        float newvalue      = Mathf.Lerp(curValue, target, num * distancePower);
                        newvalue = Mathf.Min(curValue, newvalue);
                        newvalue = Mathf.Max(target + 0.001f, newvalue);
                        chunk.groupInfo.SetValue(x, y, newvalue);
                        chunk.groupInfo.SetSurfaceValue(x, y, newvalue);
                        chunk.groupInfo.SetCullFace(x, y, newvalue);
Beispiel #6
        protected override Brush CreateBrush()
            TerrainBrush terrainBrush = new TerrainBrush();

            terrainBrush.Blend = Brush.BlendFunction.Smooth;
            terrainBrush.AllowNegativeValue = false;
Beispiel #7
        public bool CastGroup(Ray ray, TerrainBrush brush, List <TerrainChunk> colliedChunks, out Vector3 HitPoint)
            RaycastHit info     = default(RaycastHit);
            bool       Collided = false;

            HitPoint = Vector3.zero;

            List <TerrainChunk> CopyChunks = Chunks;
            int nChildCount = CopyChunks.Count;

            int nCopyChunkCount = CopyChunks.Count;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < nCopyChunkCount; ++idx)
                TerrainChunk Curchunk = CopyChunks[idx];

                if (Curchunk.GetMeshCollider().Raycast(ray, out info, 1000))
                    if (flag != null)
                        flag.transform.position = info.point;

                    Brush(info.point, Curchunk, brush);
//                         Brush(info.point + new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.2f), Curchunk, brush);
//                         Brush(info.point + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.2f), Curchunk, brush);
//                         Brush(info.point + new Vector3(-0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Curchunk, brush);
//                         Brush(info.point + new Vector3(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Curchunk, brush);

                    //return info.point;
                    HitPoint = info.point;
                    Collided = true;
            float  brushLenght = (brush.Radius + brush.BlurRadius) + 2.0f;
            Circle brushCircle = new Circle(new Vector2(info.point.x, info.point.z), brushLenght);

            if (Collided)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < nCopyChunkCount; ++idx)
                    if (Circle.ColliderRect(brushCircle, CopyChunks[idx]._boxRect))
            int nColliderChunks = colliedChunks.Count;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < nColliderChunks; ++idx)
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the preferred brush name (will be set later if no brushes are yet loaded)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        public static void SetBrushByName(string name)
            _preferredBrushName = name;
            TerrainBrush brush = TerrainEditor.FindBrush(name);

            if (brush != null)
                TerrainEditor.CurrentBrush = brush;
Beispiel #9
        private void setBrush(TerrainBrush brush)
            brush.Hardness  = tbHardness.Value;
            brush.Intensity = tbIntensity.Value;
            brush.Radius    = tbRadius.Value;
            brush.Invert    = cbInvert.Checked;
            brush.Rounded   = cbRounded.Checked;

            terrainEditor.Brush = brush;
Beispiel #10
        private void BrushRaise(Vector3 point, TerrainBrush brush, TerrainChunk chunk)
            Vector3 localPoint   = point - transform.position;
            int     BrushSize    = (int)brush.Radius;
            float   BrushOcaptiy = brush.Targetheight;
            float   powValue     = brush.Strenght;

            int idx = Mathf.RoundToInt((localPoint.x / chunk.groupInfo.worldSize.x) * chunk.groupInfo.terrainWidth);
            int idy = Mathf.RoundToInt((localPoint.z / chunk.groupInfo.worldSize.y) * chunk.groupInfo.terrainLength);

            int minX = Mathf.Max(0, idx - BrushSize);
            int maxX = Mathf.Min(chunk.groupInfo.terrainWidth, idx + BrushSize);

            int minY = Mathf.Max(0, idy - BrushSize);
            int maxY = Mathf.Min(chunk.groupInfo.terrainLength, idy + BrushSize);

            Vector2 center      = new Vector2(idx, idy);
            Vector2 testPoint   = new Vector2(maxX, maxY);
            float   maxDistance = Vector2.Distance(center, testPoint);

            for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y)
                for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x)
                    float curValue = chunk.groupInfo.GetRealHeight(x, y);
                    testPoint.x = x;
                    testPoint.y = y;
                    float distance      = Vector2.Distance(center, testPoint);
                    float Distancevalue = (distance / maxDistance);
                    float num1          = Mathf.Pow(Distancevalue, powValue);
                    float num2          = (1.0F - num1);
                    if (num2 > 1.0f)
                        num2 = 1.0f;
                    if (num2 < 0.0f)
                        num2 = 0.0f;
                    float newvalue = BrushOcaptiy * num2;
                    newvalue = Mathf.Max(newvalue, curValue);

                    chunk.groupInfo.SetValue(x, y, newvalue);
                    chunk.groupInfo.SetSurfaceValue(x, y, newvalue);
                    if (chunk.groupInfo.GetValue(x, y) != chunk.groupInfo.GetSurfaceValue(x, y))
                        Debug.LogError("Set Value  Error");
                        chunk.groupInfo.SetValue(x, y, newvalue);
                        chunk.groupInfo.SetSurfaceValue(x, y, newvalue);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all default brushes from the directory
        /// </summary>
        static void LoadAllBrushes()
            if (!EditorManager.EngineManager.IsInitialized())

                string   dir   = AbsoluteBrushFilePath;
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.bmp");
                foreach (string f in files)
                    TerrainBrush b = TerrainConversionHelpers.CreateBrush(f);
                    if (b == null || !b.Valid)
            catch (Exception ex)
                EditorManager.DumpException(ex, true);

            if (OnBrushCollectionChanged != null)
                OnBrushCollectionChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_preferredBrushName))
                TerrainBrush b = FindBrush(_preferredBrushName);
                if (b != null)
                    CurrentBrush = b;
            if (CurrentBrush == null)
                CurrentBrush = FindBrush("Smooth1"); // preferred brush to start with
            if (CurrentBrush == null && _allBrushes.Count > 0)
                CurrentBrush = (TerrainBrush)_allBrushes[0];
Beispiel #12
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Apply(Vector2 terrainCoords, TerrainBrush brush)
            // Calculate top-left point of area to modify
            var offset = new Point(
                (int)Math.Round(terrainCoords.X / Terrain.Size.StretchH) - brush.Size / 2,
                (int)Math.Round(terrainCoords.Y / Terrain.Size.StretchH) - brush.Size / 2);

            var oldData = new byte[brush.Size, brush.Size];
            var newData = new byte[brush.Size, brush.Size];
            ModifyTerrain(offset, brush, oldData, newData);

            OldData.AddFirst(offset, oldData);
            NewData.AddLast(offset, newData);
            _engineTerrain.ModifyHeight(offset, newData); // Live-update engine terrain
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            TerrainBrush brush = (TerrainBrush)value;

            switch (int.Parse((string)parameter))
            case 0:
                return(brush == TerrainBrush.Rectangle);

            case 1:
                return(brush == TerrainBrush.Circle);

                return(brush == TerrainBrush.None);
        public void UpdateSprite()
            Vector2 pos = tile.gameObject.transform.position;

            Tile[,] grid = WorldManager.GetTerrainGrid(new Vector2(pos.x - 1, pos.y - 1), new Vector2Int(3, 3));
            int[,] ids   = new int[3, 3];
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
                    ids[x, y] = grid[x, y].tileData.Id;
                    // if(x != 1 || y != 1){
                    //     grid[x, y].AddDataChangeListener(UpdateSprite);
                    // }
            TerrainBrush.TileType tileType = TerrainBrush.GetTileType(ids, 1, 1);
            //TerrainBrush.TileType tileType = TerrainBrush.TileType.Center;
            int other = TerrainBrush.GetOtherType(ids, 1, 1, tileType);

            if (tileType == TerrainBrush.TileType.Error)
            if (other != -1)
                name = tile.tileData.Name + TileData.idToData[other].Name + (int)tileType;
                name = tile.tileData.Name + "0";
            Sprite sprite = SpriteManager.GetTileSprite(name + "_" + currFrame.ToString());

            if (sprite == null)
                name   = tile.tileData.Name + "0";
                sprite = SpriteManager.GetTileSprite(name + "_" + currFrame.ToString());
            tile.spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite;
            if (!tile.tileData.IsWalkable)
                tile.gameObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
        public void generateMineralLikeCoal(TerrainChunk chunk, int value, int replacevalue, int minHeight, int maxHeight) //生成矿物算法-类似煤的生成概率
            int cx = chunk.Coords.X;
            int cy = chunk.Coords.Y;
            List <TerrainBrush> terrainBrushes = new List <TerrainBrush>();

            Game.Random random = new Game.Random(17);
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                TerrainBrush terrainBrush = new TerrainBrush();
                int          num          = random.UniformInt(4, 12);
                for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                    Vector3 vector = 0.5f * Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(random.UniformFloat(-1f, 1f), random.UniformFloat(-1f, 1f), random.UniformFloat(-1f, 1f)));
                    int     num2   = random.UniformInt(3, 8);
                    Vector3 zero   = Vector3.Zero;
                    for (int k = 0; k < num2; k++)
                        terrainBrush.AddBox((int)MathUtils.Floor(zero.X), (int)MathUtils.Floor(zero.Y), (int)MathUtils.Floor(zero.Z), 1, 1, 1, value);
                        zero += vector;
                if (i == 0)
                    terrainBrush.AddCell(0, 0, 0, 150);
            for (int i = cx - 1; i <= cx + 1; i++)
                for (int j = cy - 1; j <= cy + 1; j++)
                    float num2 = CalculateMountainRangeFactor(i * 16, j * 16);
                    int   num3 = (int)(5f + 2f * num2 * SimplexNoise.OctavedNoise(i, j, 0.33f, 1, 1f, 1f));
                    for (int l = 0; l < num3; l++)
                        int x2 = i * 16 + random.UniformInt(0, 15);
                        int y2 = random.UniformInt(minHeight, maxHeight);
                        int cz = j * 16 + random.UniformInt(0, 15);
                        terrainBrushes[random.UniformInt(0, terrainBrushes.Count - 1)].PaintFastSelective(chunk, x2, y2, cz, replacevalue);
Beispiel #16
    private void OnSceneGUI()
        switch (editorType)
        case EditorType.HeightEditor:
            currentBrush = heightBrush;
            MeshModifier.instance.m_brush = currentBrush;

        case EditorType.WaterEditor:
            currentBrush = waterBrush;
            MeshModifier.instance.m_brush = currentBrush;

        case EditorType.EdgeEditor:
            currentBrush = edgeBrush;
            MeshModifier.instance.m_brush = currentBrush;

        case EditorType.MaterialEditor:
            HexGridChunk preLockedChunk = MaterialModifier.instance.m_lockedChunk;
            currentBrush = materialBrush;
            MaterialModifier.instance.m_brush = currentBrush;
            if (MaterialModifier.instance.m_lockedChunk != preLockedChunk)

        case EditorType.SceneObjEditor:
            currentBrush = sceneObjBrush;
            SceneObjModifier.instance.m_brush = sceneObjBrush;
 void SelectBrushByName(string fullname)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullname))
     foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView.Items)
         TerrainBrush b = (TerrainBrush)item.Tag;
         if (string.Compare(b.Name, fullname, true) == 0)
Beispiel #18
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Apply(Vector2 terrainCoords, TerrainBrush brush)
            // Handle texture 3x scale and calculate top-left point of area to modify
            brush = new TerrainBrush(brush.Size / 3, brush.Circle);
            var offset = new Point(
                (int)Math.Round(terrainCoords.X / Terrain.Size.StretchH / 3) - brush.Size / 2,
                (int)Math.Round(terrainCoords.Y / Terrain.Size.StretchH / 3) - brush.Size / 2);

            var oldData = new byte[brush.Size, brush.Size];
            var newData = new byte[brush.Size, brush.Size];

            if (!ModifyTerrain(offset, brush, oldData, newData))

            OldData.AddFirst(offset, oldData);
            NewData.AddLast(offset, newData);
            _refreshHandler(); // Live-rebuild engine terrain
Beispiel #19
        private float GetDistancePower(float distance, bool withBlur, TerrainBrush brush)
            float num = 1.0f;

            if (withBlur && brush.BlurRadius > 0.0f)
                num = Mathf.InverseLerp(brush.Radius + brush.BlurRadius, brush.Radius, distance);
            float blurPower = brush.BlurPower;

            if (blurPower > 0.0f)
                num = Mathf.Pow(num, blurPower);
            else if (blurPower < 0.0f)
                num = Mathf.Pow(num, 1.0f / (1.0f - blurPower));
Beispiel #20
    void EditCell(HexCell cell, TerrainBrush brush)
        if (cell == null)


        List <HexGridChunk> neigborChunk = cell.NeighorChunk();

        if (neigborChunk.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < neigborChunk.Count; i++)
                if (!m_refreshChunkList.Contains(neigborChunk[i]))
Beispiel #21
        public void Brush(Vector3 point, TerrainChunk chunk, TerrainBrush brush)
            switch (brush.brushType)
            case TerrainBrush.BrushType.BT_ADD:
                BrushRaiseEx(point, brush, chunk);

            case TerrainBrush.BrushType.BT_DOWN:
                BrushDown(point, brush, chunk);

            case TerrainBrush.BrushType.LOCK:
                BrushRaiseEx(point, brush, chunk);
Beispiel #22
        public void BrushBox(TerrainBrush brush, Vector2 point)
            Vector2 localPoint = new Vector2(point.x - ChunkOffSet.x, point.y - ChunkOffSet.z);
            float   x          = (_v0.x + _v3.x) / 2.0f;
            float   y          = (_v0.z + _v2.z) / 2.0f;

            float maxx = 0.0f;

            if (localPoint.x > ((_v0.x + _v3.x) / 2.0f))
                maxx = _v0.x;
                maxx = _v3.x;

            float maxy = 0.0f;

            if (localPoint.y > (_v0.z + _v1.z) / 2.0f)
                maxy = _v0.z;
                maxy = _v1.z;

            float distance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(maxx, maxy), localPoint);

            if (distance < brush.Radius)
                TestCode = 2;
                 *      (x - a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2;
                float r2 = brush.Radius * brush.Radius;
                // 计算 是否跟上边相交
                float topysubb2 = (_v2.z - localPoint.y) * (_v2.z - localPoint.y);
                float topsqrx   = Mathf.Sqrt(r2 - topysubb2);
                float Topleftx  = topsqrx + localPoint.x;
                float Toprightx = -topsqrx + localPoint.x;

                int   topCross      = 0;
                float topCrossValue = -1;
                if (Toprightx >= _v0.x && Toprightx <= _v2.x)
                    topCrossValue = Toprightx;

                if (Topleftx >= _v0.x && Topleftx <= _v2.x)
                    topCrossValue = Topleftx;
                if (topCross == 2)
                float bottomySubb2 = (_v0.z - localPoint.y) * (_v0.z - localPoint.y);
                float bottomsqr    = Mathf.Sqrt(r2 - bottomySubb2);
                float bottomleftx  = bottomsqr + localPoint.x;
                float bottomrightx = -bottomsqr + localPoint.x;

                int   bottomCross      = 0;
                float bottomCrossValue = -1;
                if (bottomrightx >= _v0.x && bottomrightx <= _v2.x)
                    bottomCrossValue = bottomrightx;

                if (bottomleftx >= _v0.x && bottomleftx <= _v2.x)
                    bottomCrossValue = bottomleftx;

                if (bottomCross == 2)
                float leftXSub2  = (_v0.x - localPoint.x) * (_v0.x - localPoint.x);
                float leftsqr    = Mathf.Sqrt(r2 - leftXSub2);
                float lefttop    = leftsqr + localPoint.y;
                float leftbottom = -leftsqr + localPoint.y;

                int leftCross = 0;
                if (lefttop >= _v0.z && lefttop <= _v1.z)

                if (leftbottom >= _v0.z && leftbottom <= _v1.z)
                if (leftbottom == 2)
                float rightXSub2  = (_v3.x - localPoint.x) * (_v3.x - localPoint.x);
                float rightsqr    = Mathf.Sqrt(r2 - rightXSub2);
                float rightTop    = rightsqr + localPoint.y;
                float rightbottom = -rightsqr + localPoint.y;

                int rightcross = 0;

                if (rightTop >= _v0.z && rightTop <= _v1.z)

                if (rightbottom >= _v0.z && rightbottom <= _v1.z)
                if (rightbottom == 2)
                if ((topCross + bottomCross + leftCross + rightcross) == 2)
                    if (topCross == 1 && leftCross == 1)
                    else if (topCross == 1 && rightcross == 1)
                    else if (bottomCross == 1 && leftCross == 1)
                    else if (bottomCross == 1 && rightcross == 1)
                    else if (topCross == 1 && bottomCross == 1)
                    else if (leftCross == 1 && rightcross == 1)
                        Debug.LogError("Circle Cross Error");
                    TestCode = 1;
                    TestCode = 0;
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies and accumulates a modification to the <see cref="Terrain"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="terrainCoords">The center coordinates of the area to modify in world space.</param>
 /// <param name="brush">The shape and size of the area around <paramref name="terrainCoords"/> to modify.</param>
 public abstract void Apply(Vector2 terrainCoords, TerrainBrush brush);
Beispiel #24
    public static void UndoAdd(HexCell centerCell, TerrainBrush brush)
        List <HexCell> cellList = new List <HexCell>();
        int            centerX  = centerCell.coordinates.X;
        int            centerZ  = centerCell.coordinates.Z;

        for (int l = 0, z = centerZ; z >= centerZ - brush.brushRange + 1; l++, z--)
            for (int x = centerX - brush.brushRange + 1 + l; x <= centerX + brush.brushRange - 1; x++)
                if (HexGrid.instance.GetCell(new HexCoordinates(x, z)) != null)
                    cellList.Add(HexGrid.instance.GetCell(new HexCoordinates(x, z)));

        for (int l = 1, z = centerZ + 1; z <= centerZ + brush.brushRange - 1; l++, z++)
            for (int x = centerX - brush.brushRange + 1; x <= centerX + brush.brushRange - 1 - l; x++)
                if (HexGrid.instance.GetCell(new HexCoordinates(x, z)) != null)
                    cellList.Add(HexGrid.instance.GetCell(new HexCoordinates(x, z)));

        List <UndoRedoOperation.UndoRedoInfo> undoRedoInfoList = new List <UndoRedoOperation.UndoRedoInfo>();

        for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count; i++)
            UndoRedoOperation.UndoRedoInfo undoRedoInfo = new UndoRedoOperation.UndoRedoInfo();
            undoRedoInfo.hexCell = cellList[i];
            switch (brush.m_editorType)
            case EditorType.HeightEditor:
                undoRedoInfo.parma = new object[] { cellList[i].Elevation };

            case EditorType.WaterEditor:
                undoRedoInfo.parma = new object[] { cellList[i].WaterLevel };

            case EditorType.EdgeEditor:
                undoRedoInfo.parma = new object[] { cellList[i].isStepDirection[0], cellList[i].isStepDirection[1], cellList[i].isStepDirection[2],
                                                    cellList[i].isStepDirection[3], cellList[i].isStepDirection[4], cellList[i].isStepDirection[5] };

            case EditorType.MaterialEditor:
                if (HexMetrics.instance.isEditorTexture)
                    undoRedoInfo.parma = new object[] { cellList[i].TerrainTypeIndex };
                    undoRedoInfo.parma = new object[] { cellList[i].color };

        string name = "";

        if (brush.m_editorType == EditorType.HeightEditor ||
            brush.m_editorType == EditorType.WaterEditor ||
            brush.m_editorType == EditorType.EdgeEditor)
            MeshOperation.OperationType operationType = MeshOperation.OperationType.HeightEdit;
            switch (brush.m_editorType)
            case EditorType.HeightEditor:
                name          = "高度编辑";
                operationType = MeshOperation.OperationType.HeightEdit;

            case EditorType.WaterEditor:
                name          = "水平线编辑";
                operationType = MeshOperation.OperationType.WaterLevelEdit;

            case EditorType.EdgeEditor:
                name          = "边界编辑";
                operationType = MeshOperation.OperationType.EdgeEdit;

            MeshOperation meshOperation = new MeshOperation(operationType, name, undoRedoInfoList);
        else if (brush.m_editorType == EditorType.MaterialEditor)
            MaterialOperation.OperationType operationType = MaterialOperation.OperationType.WholeCellEdit;
            name = "材质编辑";
            MaterialOperation materialOperation = new MaterialOperation(operationType, name, undoRedoInfoList);
Beispiel #25
 public void OnEnable()
     mEditor = target as TerrainBrush;                       //
     SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += OnEditorEvent;          // Add a Delegate
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Modifies the <see cref="ITerrain"/> and fills arrays with undo/redo data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="offset">The <see cref="ITerrain.HeightMap"/> index that corresponds to the top-left corner of the area to modify.</param>
 /// <param name="brush">The shape and size of the area to the lower-right of <paramref name="offset"/> to modify.</param>
 /// <param name="oldData">An array to be filled with data from <see cref="ITerrain.HeightMap"/> before the modification. Both dimensions must be equal to <see cref="TerrainBrush.Size"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="newData">An array to be filled with data from <see cref="ITerrain.HeightMap"/> after the modification. Both dimensions must be equal to <see cref="TerrainBrush.Size"/>.</param>
 protected abstract void ModifyTerrain(Point offset, TerrainBrush brush, byte[,] oldData, byte[,] newData);
 public override void Initialize()
     brush          = new TerrainBrush();
     _selectedTiles = new List <IntVector2>();
Beispiel #28
        private void Editor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string errorBuild = "";

                mapModel = new EditorModel.MapModel();

                mouseMoving      = false;
                mouseEventArgs   = null;
                tempMouseX       = tempMouseY = -1;
                text             = "";
                basicEffect      = new BasicEffect(graphicsDeviceControl1.GraphicsDevice);
                contentBuilder   = ContentBuilder.Instance;
                contentManager   = new ContentManager(graphicsDeviceControl1.Services, contentBuilder.OutputDirectory);
                heightmapContent = new ContentManager(graphicsDeviceControl1.Services, contentBuilder.OutputDirectory);
                spriteBatch      = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDeviceControl1.GraphicsDevice);

                effectFile         = AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\effects.fx";
                terrainTextureFile = AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\Textures\\grass.dds";
                //importer reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb447762%28v=xnagamestudio.20%29.aspx
                contentBuilder.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\SegoeUI.spritefont", "SegoeUI.spritefont", null, "FontDescriptionProcessor");
                contentBuilder.Add(effectFile, "effects", null, "EffectProcessor");
                contentBuilder.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\brush.bmp", "brush", null, "TextureProcessor");
                contentBuilder.Add(terrainTextureFile, "grass", null, "TextureProcessor");
                contentBuilder.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\video_camera.png", "video_camera", null, "TextureProcessor");
                contentBuilder.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\Roads\\jalan_raya.fbx", "jalan_raya", null, "ModelProcessor");
                contentBuilder.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\Roads\\jalan_raya_belok.fbx", "jalan_raya_belok", null, "ModelProcessor");
                contentBuilder.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\heightmap2.png", "heightmap", null, "TextureProcessor");
                string error = contentBuilder.Build();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                    throw new Exception(error);

                errorBuild     = contentBuilder.Build();
                spriteFont     = contentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("SegoeUI.spritefont");
                terrainEffect  = contentManager.Load <Effect>("effects");
                brushHeightMap = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>("brush");
                grassTexture   = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>("grass");

                camera             = new Camera(GraphicsDevice);
                camera.Position    = new Vector3(0, 50, 0);
                camera.AspectRatio = graphicsDeviceControl1.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio;
                camera.Rotate(20, 45, 0);

                string heightMapFile = AssemblyDirectory + "\\test_HeightMap.png";
                Terrain         = new Terrain(GraphicsDevice, camera, heightMapFile, effectFile, terrainTextureFile, 128, 128);
                Terrain.Texture = grassTexture;

                //heightmapContent = new ContentManager(graphicsDeviceControl1.Services, contentBuilder.OutputDirectory);
                //quadTreeTerrain = new QuadTree(Vector3.Zero, 1025, 1025, camera, GraphicsDevice, 1);
                //quadTreeTerrain.Effect.Texture = grassTexture;

                editorMode = new EditorMode_Select(this);

                Selected                        = null;
                selectedBoundingBox             = new ModelBoundingBox(graphicsDeviceControl1.GraphicsDevice, camera, false);
                selectedBoundingBox.SpriteBatch = spriteBatch;
                selectedBoundingBox.SpriteFont  = spriteFont;

                terrainBrush             = new TerrainBrush(GraphicsDevice, Terrain, brushHeightMap);
                terrainBrush.BasicEffect = basicEffect;

                Grid                 = new Grid(Terrain, 8, camera, GraphicsDevice, basicEffect);
                Grid.RoadModel       = contentManager.Load <Model>("jalan_raya");
                Grid.RoadModel_belok = contentManager.Load <Model>("jalan_raya_belok");
                Grid.GridMapFile     = AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\gridmap.png";
                Grid.RoadAssetFiles.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\Roads\\jalan_raya.fbx");
                Grid.RoadAssetFiles.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\Roads\\jalan_raya_belok.fbx");
                Grid.RoadAssetFiles.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\Roads\\texture_jalan_raya.png");
                Grid.RoadAssetFiles.Add(AssemblyDirectory + "\\Assets\\Roads\\texture_jalan_raya_belok.png");

                gridPointer  = new GridPointer(Grid);
                gridPointers = new List <GridPointer>();

                mapModel.MainCamera.Texture        = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>("video_camera");
                mapModel.MainCamera.GraphicsDevice = GraphicsDevice;
                mapModel.MainCamera.Camera         = camera;
                mapModel.MainCamera.BasicEffect    = basicEffect;

                timer = new System.Threading.Timer((c) => SetGravity(), null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!DesignMode)
                    if (mainUserControl != null && mainUserControl.StatusStrip1 != null)
                        mainUserControl.StatusStrip1.Text = ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace;
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
Beispiel #29
        public void UpdateSprite()
            Vector2 pos = tile.gameObject.transform.position;

            Tile[,] grid = WorldManager.GetTerrainGrid(new Vector2(pos.x - 1, pos.y - 1), new Vector2Int(3, 3));
            int[,] ids   = new int[3, 3];
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
                    ids[x, y] = grid[x, y].tileData.Id;
                    if (x != 1 || y != 1)
                        grid[x, y].AddDataChangeListener(UpdateSprite);

            TerrainBrush.TileType tileType = TerrainBrush.GetTileType(ids, 1, 1);
            if (type == tileType && tileType != TerrainBrush.TileType.Error)
                tile.spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite;
                if (!tile.tileData.IsWalkable)
                    tile.gameObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
            type = tileType;

            int other = TerrainBrush.GetOtherType(ids, 1, 1, tileType);

            if (tileType == TerrainBrush.TileType.Error)
                string name = "";
                if (other != -1)
                    name = tile.tileData.Name + TileData.idToData[other].Name + (int)tileType;
                    tile.spriteRenderer.sortingLayerName = "Terrain";
                    sprite = SpriteManager.GetTileSprite(name);
                    if (sprite == null)
            tile.spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite;
            if (!tile.tileData.IsWalkable)
                tile.gameObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
            if (!sprite)
                int rand = Random.Range(0, tileAmounts);
                sprite = SpriteManager.GetTileSprite(tile.tileData.Name + rand.ToString());
            tile.spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite;
            if (!tile.tileData.IsWalkable)
                tile.gameObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
Beispiel #30
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void ModifyTerrain(Point offset, TerrainBrush brush, byte[,] oldData, byte[,] newData)
            #region Sanity checks
            if (oldData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldData));
            if (newData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newData));

            var heightMap = Terrain.HeightMap;

            // Iterate through intersection of [0,area.Size) and [-offset,heightMap-offset
            int xMin = Math.Max(0, -offset.X);
            int xMax = Math.Min(brush.Size, heightMap.Width - offset.X);
            int yMin = Math.Max(0, -offset.Y);
            int yMax = Math.Min(brush.Size, heightMap.Height - offset.Y);

            // Use separated Gaussian filter with additional write-back between steps
            // Additional write-back is required because data points outside of the modified area may be queried

            // ReSharper disable AccessToModifiedClosure
            for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++)
                for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++)
                    // Filter horizontal
                    double factor        = brush.Factor(x, y);
                    double filteredValue = GetFiltered(i => heightMap.ClampedRead(offset.X + x + i, offset.Y + y));
                    byte   previousValue = heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y];
                    newData[x, y] = (byte)(factor * filteredValue + (1 - factor) * previousValue);

            for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++)
                for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++)
                    oldData[x, y] = heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y];

                    // Write back
                    heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y] = newData[x, y];

            for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++)
                for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++)
                    // Filter vertical
                    double factor        = brush.Factor(x, y);
                    double filteredValue = GetFiltered(i => heightMap.ClampedRead(offset.X + x, offset.Y + y + i));
                    byte   previousValue = heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y];
                    newData[x, y] = (byte)(factor * filteredValue + (1 - factor) * previousValue);

            for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++)
                for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++)
                    // Write back
                    heightMap[offset.X + x, offset.Y + y] = newData[x, y];
            // ReSharper restore AccessToModifiedClosure