Beispiel #1
        public KinectProtocol_v1()
            BinaryWritableContainer m_packetContainer = new BinaryWritableContainer();
            TaggedBundle            m_kinectHeader;
            TaggedBundle            m_skeletonExtra;
            TaggedBundle            m_skeletonVertices;
            TaggedBundle            m_kinectJoystick;
            TaggedBundle            m_kinectCustom;

            m_kinectHeader = new TaggedBundle(19);
            m_kinectHeader.Add((VersionNumber = new WritableVersionNumber("")));
            m_kinectHeader.Add((PlayerCount = new WritableByte(0)));
            m_kinectHeader.Add((Flags = new WritableUInt(0)));                          // flags
            m_kinectHeader.Add((FloorClipPlane = new WritableFloorClipPlane(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f)));
            m_kinectHeader.Add((GravityNormal = new WritableVertex(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); // gravity normal

            byte[] trackingStates = new byte[20];
            for (uint i = 0; i < trackingStates.Length; i++)
                trackingStates[i] = (byte)Microsoft.Kinect.JointTrackingState.Tracked;

            m_skeletonExtra = new TaggedBundle(20);
            m_skeletonExtra.Add((SkeletonTrackingStates = new WritableTrackingStates(trackingStates)));                         // for joints
            m_skeletonExtra.Add((CenterOfMass = new WritableVertex(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f)));                                         // center of mass
            m_skeletonExtra.Add((Quality = new WritableUInt(0)));                                                               // Quality
            m_skeletonExtra.Add((SkeletonTrackState = new WritableUInt((uint)Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked))); // TrackState

            WritableVertex[] vertices = new WritableVertex[20];
            for (uint i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] = new WritableVertex(0.0f, 0.33f, 2f);

            m_skeletonVertices = new TaggedBundle(21);
            m_skeletonVertices.Add((SkeletonJoints = new WritableVertices(vertices)));

            m_kinectJoystick = new TaggedBundle(24);
            m_kinectJoystick.Add((Joystick1 = new WritableJoystick(new sbyte[6], 0)));
            m_kinectJoystick.Add((Joystick2 = new WritableJoystick(new sbyte[6], 0)));

            m_kinectCustom = new TaggedBundle(25);
            m_kinectCustom.Add((UserBytes = new WritableByteArray(null)));

            // compute CRC
            // this simply adds four 0 bytes for now
            m_packet = new CRC(m_packetContainer);
	public void ActivateBundle( TaggedBundle bundle){
		// is there an asset bundle to be loaded with this ?
		if (bundle.assetBundleInfo != null){
		// Unlike scripted object, we DO NOT automatically add our stuff on awake...
		// add any Voicemaps or Vitals behaviors we are carrying
		if (bundle.voiceList != null && bundle.voiceList.Name != ""){
		if (bundle.voiceLists != null){
			foreach (VoiceList vl in bundle.voiceLists){
		if (bundle.vitalsBehaviors != null && bundle.vitalsBehaviors.Count > 0){
			foreach (VitalsBehavior vb in bundle.vitalsBehaviors){
		// is this late enough to cause override of any content in the patient records ?
		if (bundle.scanRecords != null && bundle.scanRecords.Count > 0){
			Patient patient = FindObjectOfType<Patient>();
			if (patient != null){
				foreach (ScanRecord record in bundle.scanRecords){
