public void WontRemoveEnumeratorsReturningTrueWithCurrentNull()
            var time    = new DateTime(2016, 03, 03, 12, 05, 00);
            var stream1 = Enumerable.Range(0, 20)
                          // return null except the last value and check if its emitted
                          .Select(x => x == 19 ? new Tick {
                Time = time.AddSeconds(x * 100), Quantity = 998877
            } : null
            var stream2 = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(x => new Tick {
                Time = time.AddSeconds(x * 2)
            var stream3 = Enumerable.Range(0, 20).Select(x => new Tick {
                Time = time.AddSeconds(x * 0.5)

            var previous = new Tick {
                Time = DateTime.MinValue
            var synchronizer = new SynchronizingBaseDataEnumerator(stream1, stream2, stream3);

            while (synchronizer.MoveNext())
                Assert.That(synchronizer.Current.EndTime, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(previous.EndTime));
                previous = synchronizer.Current as Tick;
            Assert.AreEqual(998877, previous.Quantity);

        public void WillStopIfAllEnumeratorsCurrentIsNullAndReturningFalse()
            var stream1 = new TestEnumerator {
                MoveNextReturnValue = false
            var synchronizer = new SynchronizingBaseDataEnumerator(stream1);

            while (synchronizer.MoveNext())

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an enumerator to read the specified request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The subscription request to be read</param>
        /// <param name="dataProvider">Provider used to get data when it is not present on disk</param>
        /// <returns>An enumerator reading the subscription request</returns>
        public IEnumerator <BaseData> CreateEnumerator(SubscriptionRequest request, IDataProvider dataProvider)
            if (_isLiveMode)
                // configuring the enumerator
                var subscriptionConfiguration = GetSubscriptionConfigurations(request).First();
                var subscriptionRequest       = new SubscriptionRequest(request, configuration: subscriptionConfiguration);
                var configuredEnumerator      = _enumeratorConfigurator(subscriptionRequest);

                return(new DataQueueOptionChainUniverseDataCollectionEnumerator(subscriptionRequest, configuredEnumerator, _symbolUniverse, _timeProvider));
                var enumerators = GetSubscriptionConfigurations(request)
                                  .Select(c => new SubscriptionRequest(request, configuration: c))
                                  .Select(sr => _enumeratorConfigurator(sr));

                var sync = new SynchronizingBaseDataEnumerator(enumerators);
                return(new OptionChainUniverseDataCollectionEnumerator(sync, request.Security.Symbol));
        public void WillRemoveEnumeratorsReturningFalse()
            var time    = new DateTime(2016, 03, 03, 12, 05, 00);
            var stream1 = new TestEnumerator {
                MoveNextReturnValue = false
            var stream2 = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(x => new Tick {
                Time = time.AddSeconds(x * 2)
            var synchronizer = new SynchronizingBaseDataEnumerator(stream1, stream2);
            var emitted      = false;

            while (synchronizer.MoveNext())
                emitted = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, stream1.MoveNextCallCount);

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// If required will add a new enumerator for the underlying symbol
        /// </summary>
        protected IEnumerator <BaseData> TryAppendUnderlyingEnumerator(SubscriptionRequest request, IEnumerator <BaseData> parent, Func <SubscriptionRequest, IEnumerator <BaseData> > createEnumerator)
            if (request.Configuration.Symbol.SecurityType.IsOption() && request.Configuration.Symbol.HasUnderlying)
                // TODO: creating this subscription request/config is bad
                var underlyingRequests = new SubscriptionRequest(request,
                                                                 isUniverseSubscription: false,
                                                                 configuration: new SubscriptionDataConfig(request.Configuration, symbol: request.Configuration.Symbol.Underlying, objectType: typeof(TradeBar), tickType: TickType.Trade));

                var underlying = createEnumerator(underlyingRequests);
                underlying = new FilterEnumerator <BaseData>(underlying, data => data.DataType != MarketDataType.Auxiliary);

                parent = new SynchronizingBaseDataEnumerator(parent, underlying);
                // we aggregate both underlying and chain data
                parent = new BaseDataCollectionAggregatorEnumerator(parent, request.Configuration.Symbol);
                // only let through if underlying and chain data present
                parent = new FilterEnumerator <BaseData>(parent, data => (data as BaseDataCollection).Underlying != null);
                parent = ConfigureEnumerator(request, false, parent);

        public void SynchronizesData()
            var time    = new DateTime(2016, 03, 03, 12, 05, 00);
            var stream1 = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(x => new Tick {
                Time = time.AddSeconds(x * 1)
            var stream2 = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(x => new Tick {
                Time = time.AddSeconds(x * 2)
            var stream3 = Enumerable.Range(0, 20).Select(x => new Tick {
                Time = time.AddSeconds(x * 0.5)

            var previous     = DateTime.MinValue;
            var synchronizer = new SynchronizingBaseDataEnumerator(stream1, stream2, stream3);

            while (synchronizer.MoveNext())
                Assert.That(synchronizer.Current.EndTime, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(previous));
                previous = synchronizer.Current.EndTime;

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts data generation
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            var tickTypesPerSecurityType = SubscriptionManager.DefaultDataTypes();
            // can specify a seed value in this ctor if determinism is desired
            var random = new Random();
            var randomValueGenerator = new RandomValueGenerator();

            if (_settings.RandomSeedSet)
                random = new Random(_settings.RandomSeed);
                randomValueGenerator = new RandomValueGenerator(_settings.RandomSeed);

            var symbolGenerator = BaseSymbolGenerator.Create(_settings, randomValueGenerator);

            var maxSymbolCount = symbolGenerator.GetAvailableSymbolCount();

            if (_settings.SymbolCount > maxSymbolCount)
                Log.Error($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Limiting Symbol count to {maxSymbolCount}, we don't have more {_settings.SecurityType} tickers for {_settings.Market}");
                _settings.SymbolCount = maxSymbolCount;

            Log.Trace($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Begin data generation of {_settings.SymbolCount} randomly generated {_settings.SecurityType} assets...");

            // iterate over our randomly generated symbols
            var count         = 0;
            var progress      = 0d;
            var previousMonth = -1;

            foreach (var(symbolRef, currentSymbolGroup) in symbolGenerator.GenerateRandomSymbols()
                     .GroupBy(s => s.HasUnderlying ? s.Underlying : s)
                     .Select(g => (g.Key, g.OrderBy(s => s.HasUnderlying).ToList())))
                Log.Trace($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Symbol[{++count}]: {symbolRef} Progress: {progress:0.0}% - Generating data...");

                var      tickGenerators     = new List <IEnumerator <Tick> >();
                var      tickHistories      = new Dictionary <Symbol, List <Tick> >();
                Security underlyingSecurity = null;
                foreach (var currentSymbol in currentSymbolGroup)
                    if (!_securityManager.TryGetValue(currentSymbol, out var security))
                        security = _securityManager.CreateSecurity(
                            new List <SubscriptionDataConfig>(),
                            underlying: underlyingSecurity);

                    underlyingSecurity ??= security;

                        new TickGenerator(_settings, tickTypesPerSecurityType[currentSymbol.SecurityType].ToArray(), security, randomValueGenerator)

                        new List <Tick>());

                using var sync = new SynchronizingBaseDataEnumerator(tickGenerators);
                while (sync.MoveNext())
                    var dataPoint = sync.Current;
                    if (!_securityManager.TryGetValue(dataPoint.Symbol, out var security))
                        Log.Error($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Could not find security for symbol {sync.Current.Symbol}");

                    tickHistories[security.Symbol].Add(dataPoint as Tick);
                    security.Update(new List <BaseData> {
                    }, dataPoint.GetType(), false);

                foreach (var(currentSymbol, tickHistory) in tickHistories)
                    var symbol = currentSymbol;

                    // This is done so that we can update the Symbol in the case of a rename event
                    var delistDate     = GetDelistingDate(_settings.Start, _settings.End, randomValueGenerator);
                    var willBeDelisted = randomValueGenerator.NextBool(1.0);

                    // Companies rarely IPO then disappear within 6 months
                    if (willBeDelisted && tickHistory.Select(tick => tick.Time.Month).Distinct().Count() <= 6)
                        willBeDelisted = false;

                    var dividendsSplitsMaps = new DividendSplitMapGenerator(

                    // Keep track of renamed symbols and the time they were renamed.
                    var renamedSymbols = new Dictionary <Symbol, DateTime>();

                    if (_settings.SecurityType == SecurityType.Equity)

                        if (!willBeDelisted)
                            dividendsSplitsMaps.DividendsSplits.Add(new CorporateFactorRow(new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 1m, 1m));

                            if (dividendsSplitsMaps.MapRows.Count > 1)
                                // Remove the last element if we're going to have a 20501231 entry
                                dividendsSplitsMaps.MapRows.RemoveAt(dividendsSplitsMaps.MapRows.Count - 1);
                            dividendsSplitsMaps.MapRows.Add(new MapFileRow(new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), dividendsSplitsMaps.CurrentSymbol.Value));

                        // If the Symbol value has changed, update the current Symbol
                        if (symbol != dividendsSplitsMaps.CurrentSymbol)
                            // Add all Symbol rename events to dictionary
                            // We skip the first row as it contains the listing event instead of a rename event
                            foreach (var renameEvent in dividendsSplitsMaps.MapRows.Skip(1))
                                // Symbol.UpdateMappedSymbol does not update the underlying security ID Symbol, which
                                // is used to create the hash code. Create a new equity Symbol from scratch instead.
                                symbol = Symbol.Create(renameEvent.MappedSymbol, SecurityType.Equity, _settings.Market);
                                renamedSymbols.Add(symbol, renameEvent.Date);

                                Log.Trace($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Symbol[{count}]: {symbol} will be renamed on {renameEvent.Date}");
                            // This ensures that ticks will be written for the current Symbol up until 9999-12-31
                            renamedSymbols.Add(symbol, new DateTime(9999, 12, 31));

                        symbol = dividendsSplitsMaps.CurrentSymbol;

                        // Write Splits and Dividend events to directory factor_files
                        var factorFile = new CorporateFactorProvider(symbol.Value, dividendsSplitsMaps.DividendsSplits, _settings.Start);
                        var mapFile    = new MapFile(symbol.Value, dividendsSplitsMaps.MapRows);

                        mapFile.WriteToCsv(_settings.Market, symbol.SecurityType);

                        Log.Trace($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Symbol[{count}]: {symbol} Dividends, splits, and map files have been written to disk.");
                        // This ensures that ticks will be written for the current Symbol up until 9999-12-31
                        renamedSymbols.Add(symbol, new DateTime(9999, 12, 31));

                    // define aggregators via settings
                    var    aggregators    = CreateAggregators(_settings, tickTypesPerSecurityType[currentSymbol.SecurityType].ToArray()).ToList();
                    Symbol previousSymbol = null;
                    var    currentCount   = 0;
                    var    monthsTrading  = 0;

                    foreach (var renamed in renamedSymbols)
                        var previousRenameDate    = previousSymbol == null ? new DateTime(1, 1, 1) : renamedSymbols[previousSymbol];
                        var previousRenameDateDay = new DateTime(previousRenameDate.Year, previousRenameDate.Month, previousRenameDate.Day);
                        var renameDate            = renamed.Value;
                        var renameDateDay         = new DateTime(renameDate.Year, renameDate.Month, renameDate.Day);

                        foreach (var tick in tickHistory.Where(tick => tick.Time >= previousRenameDate && previousRenameDateDay != TickDay(tick)))
                            // Prevents the aggregator from being updated with ticks after the rename event
                            if (TickDay(tick) > renameDateDay)

                            if (tick.Time.Month != previousMonth)
                                Log.Trace($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Symbol[{count}]: Month: {tick.Time:MMMM}");
                                previousMonth = tick.Time.Month;

                            foreach (var item in aggregators)
                                tick.Value = tick.Value / dividendsSplitsMaps.FinalSplitFactor;

                            if (monthsTrading >= 6 && willBeDelisted && tick.Time > delistDate)
                                Log.Trace($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Symbol[{count}]: {renamed.Key} delisted at {tick.Time:MMMM yyyy}");

                        // count each stage as a point, so total points is 2*Symbol-count
                        // and the current progress is twice the current, but less one because we haven't finished writing data yet
                        progress = 100 * (2 * count - 1) / (2.0 * _settings.SymbolCount);

                        Log.Trace($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Symbol[{count}]: {renamed.Key} Progress: {progress:0.0}% - Saving data in LEAN format");

                        // persist consolidated data to disk
                        foreach (var item in aggregators)
                            var writer = new LeanDataWriter(item.Resolution, renamed.Key, Globals.DataFolder, item.TickType);

                            // send the flushed data into the writer. pulling the flushed list is very important,
                            // lest we likely wouldn't get the last piece of data stuck in the consolidator
                            // Filter out the data we're going to write here because filtering them in the consolidator update phase
                            // makes it write all dates for some unknown reason
                            writer.Write(item.Flush().Where(data => data.Time > previousRenameDate && previousRenameDateDay != DataDay(data)));

                        // update progress
                        progress = 100 * (2 * count) / (2.0 * _settings.SymbolCount);
                        Log.Trace($"RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Symbol[{count}]: {symbol} Progress: {progress:0.0}% - Symbol data generation and output completed");

                        previousSymbol = renamed.Key;

            Log.Trace("RandomDataGenerator.Run(): Random data generation has completed.");

            DateTime TickDay(Tick tick) => new(tick.Time.Year, tick.Time.Month, tick.Time.Day);
            DateTime DataDay(BaseData data) => new(data.Time.Year, data.Time.Month, data.Time.Day);