Beispiel #1
        public bool Email(EmailModel emailModel)
            var model = new SupportModel();

            //return Redirect("/");
            // return View(model);
    protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool validForm = true;
        if (dropdownService.SelectedIndex == 0)
            servicesError.Text = "Must select a service";
            validForm = false;
            servicesError.Text = "";
        if (!terms_checkbox.Checked)
            checkboxError.Text = "Please accepts Terms and Conditions";
            validForm = false;
            checkboxError.Text = "";

        if (validForm)
            var name = nameTextbox.Text;
            var email = emailTextBox.Text;
            var mobile = mobileTextbox.Text;
            var message = messageTextbox.Text;
            var service = dropdownService.SelectedValue;
            EmailModel emailModel = new EmailModel(email, mobile, name, message, service);
            SupportModel supportModel = new SupportModel();
            var emailSentSuccessfully = supportModel.sendMail(emailModel);
       // if (emailSentSuccessfully)
       // {
           // emailTextBox.Visible = false;
           // mobileTextbox.Visible = false;
           // nameTextbox.Visible = false;
           // messageTextbox.Visible = false;
            //terms_checkbox.Visible = false;
         //   downloadLink.Visible = true;
            //termsAndCondition.Visible = false;
            //submitBtn.Visible = false;
            //configText.Visible = false;
          //  downloadLabel.Visible = true;
           // emailTitle.Visible = false;
           // nameTitle.Visible = false;
           // phoneNumberTitle.Visible = false;
           // messageTitle.Visible = false;
           // serviceLabel.Visible = false;
          //  dropdownService.Visible = false;
          //  CheckBoxRequired.Visible = false;
          //  MainHeader.Text = "Your request has been sent in! Sit back and relax! A representative will get in contact with you shortly, Expect a call to this number: " + mobileTextbox.Text;
          //  downloadLabel.Text = "Our agents to assist you soon. A link will be provided to allow agent to assist you once you receive a call \r\n.";

    //    }

    protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var name = nameTextbox.Text;
        var email = emailTextBox.Text;
        var mobile = mobileTextbox.Text;
        var message = messageTextBox.Text;
        var service = dropdownService.SelectedValue;
        EmailModel emailModel = new EmailModel(email, mobile, name, message, service);
        SupportModel supportModel = new SupportModel();
        var emailSentSuccessfully = supportModel.sendMail(emailModel);

        if (emailSentSuccessfully)
            emailTextBox.Visible = false;
            mobileTextbox.Visible = false;
            nameTextbox.Visible = false;
            messageTextBox.Visible = false;
            terms_checkbox.Visible = false;
            downloadLink.Visible = true;
            termsAndCondition.Visible = false;
            submitBtn.Visible = false;
            configText.Visible = false;
            downloadLabel.Visible = true;
            emailTitle.Visible = false;
            nameTitle.Visible = false;
            phoneNumberTitle.Visible = false;
            messageTitle.Visible = false;
            serviceLabel.Visible = false;
            dropdownService.Visible = false;
            CheckBoxRequired.Visible = false;
            MainHeader.Text = "Your request has been sent in! Sit back and relax! A representative will get in contact with you shortly, Expect a call to this number: " + mobileTextbox.Text;
            downloadLabel.Text = "Our agents to assist you soon. A link will be provided to allow agent to assist you once you receive a call \r\n.";
