public static Composite CreateWarriorCombatPullMore() { return(new Throttle( 2, new Decorator( req => SingularRoutine.CurrentWoWContext == WoWContext.Normal && Me.GotTarget() && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsTagged && !Me.HasAura("Charge") && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAnyOfMyAuras("Charge Stun", "Warbringer") && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange, new PrioritySelector( Common.CreateChargeBehavior(), Spell.Cast("Heroic Throw", req => Me.IsSafelyFacing(Me.CurrentTarget) && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange), Spell.Cast("Taunt", req => SingularSettings.Instance.EnableTaunting), new Decorator( req => SpellManager.HasSpell("Throw") && Me.CurrentTarget.SpellDistance().Between(6, 27), new Sequence( new Action(r => StopMoving.Now()), new Wait(1, until => !Me.IsMoving, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()), Spell.Cast(s => "Throw", mov => true, on => Me.CurrentTarget, req => true, cancel => false), new WaitContinue(1, until => !Me.IsCasting, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()) ) ) ) ) )); }
public MountHandler(ILogger logger, ConfigurableInput input, ClassConfiguration classConfig, Wait wait, PlayerReader playerReader, StopMoving stopMoving) { this.logger = logger; this.classConfig = classConfig; this.input = input; this.wait = wait; this.playerReader = playerReader; this.stopMoving = stopMoving; }
private static Throttle CreateGuardianWildChargeBehavior(UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit = null) { return(new Throttle(7, new Sequence( Spell.CastHack("Wild Charge", onUnit ?? (on => Me.CurrentTarget), ret => MovementManager.IsClassMovementAllowed && Me.Shapeshift == ShapeshiftForm.Bear && (Me.CurrentTarget.Distance + Me.CurrentTarget.CombatReach).Between(10, 25)), new Action(ret => StopMoving.Clear()), new Wait(1, until => !Me.GotTarget() || Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()) ) )); }
public StuckDetector(PlayerReader playerReader, WowProcess wowProcess, IPlayerDirection playerDirection, StopMoving stopMoving, ILogger logger) { this.playerReader = playerReader; this.wowProcess = wowProcess; this.stopMoving = stopMoving; this.logger = logger; this.playerDirection = playerDirection; ResetStuckParameters(); }
public StuckDetector(ILogger logger, ConfigurableInput input, PlayerReader playerReader, IPlayerDirection playerDirection, StopMoving stopMoving) { this.logger = logger; this.input = input; this.playerReader = playerReader; this.stopMoving = stopMoving; this.playerDirection = playerDirection; ResetStuckParameters(); }
private static bool MovementToggle() { _MovementEnabled = _MovementEnabled ? false : true; if (!_MovementEnabled) { StopMoving.Now(); } #if !REACT_TO_HOTKEYS_IN_PULSE MovementKeyHandler(); #endif return(_MovementEnabled); }
public static Composite CreateDeathGripBehavior() { return(new Sequence( Spell.Cast("Death Grip", req => !MovementManager.IsMovementDisabled && (SingularRoutine.CurrentWoWContext != WoWContext.Instances || !Me.GroupInfo.IsInParty || Me.IsTank) && Me.CurrentTarget.DistanceSqr > 10 * 10 && (((Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer || Me.CurrentTarget.TaggedByMe) && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsMovingTowards()) || (!Me.CurrentTarget.TaggedByOther && Dynamics.CompositeBuilder.CurrentBehaviorType == BehaviorType.Pull)) ), new DecoratorContinue(req => Me.IsMoving, new Action(req => StopMoving.Now())), new WaitContinue(1, until => !Me.GotTarget() || Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()) )); }
internal static void HandleContextChanged(object sender, WoWContextEventArg e) { if (e.CurrentContext != WoWContext.Battlegrounds) { BattlegroundStart = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { BattlegroundStart = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120); // just add enough for now... accurate time set by event handler } if (e.PreviousContext == WoWContext.Battlegrounds) { StopMoving.AsSoonAsPossible(when => Styx.StyxWoW.IsInGame); } }
public GoapAgent(ILogger logger, GoapAgentState goapAgentState, ConfigurableInput input, AddonReader addonReader, HashSet <GoapGoal> availableGoals, IBlacklist blacklist) { this.logger = logger; this.GoapAgentState = goapAgentState; this.input = input; this.addonReader = addonReader; this.playerReader = addonReader.PlayerReader; this.addonReader.CreatureHistory.KillCredit -= OnKillCredit; this.addonReader.CreatureHistory.KillCredit += OnKillCredit; this.stopMoving = new StopMoving(input, playerReader); this.AvailableGoals = availableGoals.OrderBy(a => a.CostOfPerformingAction); this.blacklist = blacklist; this.planner = new GoapPlanner(logger); }
private static Composite HealthFunnel(int petMinHealth, int petMaxHealth = 99) { return(new Decorator( ret => GetCurrentPet() != WarlockPet.None && Me.Pet.HealthPercent < petMinHealth && !Spell.IsSpellOnCooldown("Health Funnel") && Me.Pet.Distance < 45 && Me.Pet.InLineOfSpellSight && !TalentManager.IsSelected((int)WarlockTalents.SoulLink), new Sequence( new PrioritySelector( // glyph of health funnel prevents Soulburn: Health Funnel from being used new Decorator(ret => TalentManager.HasGlyph("Health Funnel"), new ActionAlwaysSucceed()), CastSoulburn(ret => { if (Me.Specialization == WoWSpec.WarlockAffliction) { if (Me.CurrentSoulShards > 0 && Spell.CanCastHack("Soulburn", Me)) { Logging.WriteDiagnostic("Soulburn should follow to make instant health funnel"); return true; } Logging.WriteDiagnostic("soulburn not available, shards={0}", Me.CurrentSoulShards); } return false; }), // neither of instant funnels available, so stop moving new Sequence( new Action(ctx => StopMoving.Now()), new Wait(1, until => !Me.IsMoving, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()))), new Decorator(ret => Spell.CanCastHack("Health Funnel", Me.Pet), new ActionAlwaysSucceed()), new Action(ret => Logging.WriteDiagnostic("Casting Health Funnel on Pet @ {0:F1}%", Me.Pet.HealthPercent)), new PrioritySelector( Spell.Cast(ret => "Health Funnel", mov => false, on => Me.Pet, req => Me.HasAura("Soulburn") || TalentManager.HasGlyph("Health Funnel")), Spell.Cast(ret => "Health Funnel", mov => true, on => Me.Pet, req => true, cancel => !Me.GotAlivePet || Me.Pet.HealthPercent >= petMaxHealth)), Common.CreateWaitForLagDuration()))); }
/// <summary> /// invoke on CurrentTarget if not tagged. use ranged instant casts if possible. this /// is a blend of abilities across all specializations /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Composite CreateDeathKnightPullMore() { if (SingularRoutine.CurrentWoWContext != WoWContext.Normal) { return(new ActionAlwaysFail()); } return(new Throttle( 2, new Decorator( req => Me.GotTarget() && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsTagged && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange, new PrioritySelector( new Sequence( ctx => Me.CurrentTarget, Spell.Cast("Death Grip", on => (on as WoWUnit)), new DecoratorContinue(req => Me.IsMoving, new Action(req => StopMoving.Now())), new WaitContinue(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), until => !Me.IsMoving, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()), new WaitContinue(1, until => (until as WoWUnit).IsWithinMeleeRange, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()) ), Spell.Cast("Dark Command", req => Me.Specialization == WoWSpec.DeathKnightBlood) ) ) )); }
public Transform[] allEevees; //necesitamos saber donde estan todos los eevee void Start() { //INICIALIZAMOS LA DATA DEL EXTERIOR kineticsAgent = agent.kineticsAgent; steeringAgent = agent.steeringAgent; kineticsTrainer = trainer.kineticsAgent; kineticsRival = rival.kineticsAgent; Vector3 center =;// Necesitamos el centro de masa de los eevee for (int k = 0; k < allEevees.Length; k++) { center += allEevees[k].transform.position; } center = center / allEevees.Length; // Centro de masas //piedras stones = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Stone"); Stack <GameObject> stonesStack = new Stack <GameObject>(stones); //Inicializamos grafo y A* graph = graphComponent.graph; aStar = new PathFindAStar(graph, null, null, null, walkable); //Inicializamos seek seek = new Seek(kineticsAgent, kineticsAgent, maxAccel); //obstaculos GameObject[] obstacles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Obstacle"); obstacle_data[] obstaclesData = new obstacle_data[obstacles.Length]; for (int k = 0; k < obstacles.Length; k++) { obstaclesData[k] = obstacles[k].GetComponent <obstacle_data>(); } //COMENZAMOS A CONSTRUIR LA MAQUINA DE ESTADOS //1. ACCIONES: UpdateAStarGameObject updateAStar = new UpdateAStarGameObject(stonesStack, aStar, graph, kineticsAgent, walkable); FollowPathOfPoints followPath = new FollowPathOfPoints(steeringAgent, seek, null, false); PopGameObject popStone = new PopGameObject(stonesStack); DestroyGameObject destroyStone = new DestroyGameObject(stonesStack); UpdateFollowPathWithAstar updateFollow = new UpdateFollowPathWithAstar(followPath, aStar, obstaclesData); UpdateAStarTarget updateAStar2 = new UpdateAStarTarget(aStar, graph, kineticsAgent, graph.GetNode(550), walkable); StopMoving stop = new StopMoving(kineticsAgent, steeringAgent); RunSprite showRunSprite = new RunSprite(pokemonData); Evolve evolve = new Evolve(pokemonData, "Sun", updateAStar, updateAStar2, aStar); updateEvolveMethod updateEvolve = new updateEvolveMethod(evolve, stonesStack); ShowIcon showExclamation = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Exclamation"); DisableIcon disableExclamation = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Exclamation"); ShowIcon showSweat = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Sweat"); DisableIcon disableSweat = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Sweat"); //2. ESTADOS: List <Action> entryActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciondes de entrada List <Action> exitActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciones de salida List <Action> actions; //aqui guardaremos todas las acciones intermedias //2.a estado para esperar sin hacer nada entryActions = new List <Action>() { stop }; //al entrar al estado debemos parar actions = new List <Action>(); exitActions = new List <Action>(); State wait = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.b estado para sorprenderse entryActions = new List <Action>() { showExclamation }; //al entrar al estado debemos sorprendernos actions = new List <Action>(); exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableExclamation }; //al salir dejamos de sorprendernos State alert = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.c estado para perseguir piedra entryActions = new List <Action>() { updateAStar, updateFollow, showSweat }; //al entrar al estado debemos actualizar el a* y luego el camino actions = new List <Action>() { followPath }; //durante la accion seguimos el camino exitActions = new List <Action>(); //al salir no hacemos nada State followStone = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.d estado para perseguir punto de encuentro entryActions = new List <Action>() { updateAStar2, updateFollow }; //al entrar al estado debemos actualizar el a* y luego el camino actions = new List <Action>() { followPath }; //durante la accion seguimos el camino exitActions = new List <Action>(); //al salir no hacemos nada State followReunionPoint = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //3. CONDICIONES: TooCloseToPoint closeTrainer = new TooCloseToPoint(center, kineticsTrainer, radiusAlert); TooCloseToPoint veryCloseTrainer = new TooCloseToPoint(center, kineticsTrainer, radiusRun); TooCloseToPoint closeRival = new TooCloseToPoint(center, kineticsRival, radiusAlert); TooCloseToPoint veryCloseRival = new TooCloseToPoint(center, kineticsRival, radiusRun); //Estas son las que de verdad necesitamos OrCondition anyTargetClose = new OrCondition(closeTrainer, closeRival); OrCondition anyTargetVeryClose = new OrCondition(veryCloseRival, veryCloseTrainer); NotCondition noOneClose = new NotCondition(anyTargetClose); NotCondition noOneVeryClose = new NotCondition(anyTargetVeryClose); GameObjectGone stoneGone = new GameObjectGone(stonesStack); //si una piedra es obtenida por alguien mas AllGameObjectGone allStoneGone = new AllGameObjectGone(stonesStack); //si se acaban las piedras ArrivedToStone arrivedToStone = new ArrivedToStone(stonesStack, transform, 2f); //si alcanzamos una piedra //4. TRANSICIONES: Transition closeHuman = new Transition(anyTargetClose, new List <Action>(), alert); Transition noHumanClose = new Transition(noOneClose, new List <Action>(), wait); Transition veryCloseHuman = new Transition(anyTargetVeryClose, new List <Action>() { showRunSprite }, followStone); Transition stoneLost = new Transition(stoneGone, new List <Action> { popStone }, followStone); Transition allStonesLost = new Transition(allStoneGone, new List <Action> { evolve, disableSweat }, followReunionPoint); Transition reachStone = new Transition(arrivedToStone, new List <Action> { updateEvolve, evolve, destroyStone, popStone, disableSweat }, followReunionPoint); //4.1 AGREGAMOS TRANSICIONES A ESTADOS List <Transition> transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { closeHuman }; wait.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { veryCloseHuman, noHumanClose }; alert.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { allStonesLost, stoneLost, reachStone }; followStone.transitions = transitions; followReunionPoint.transitions = new List <Transition>(); //5 MAQUINA DE ESTADOS State[] states = new State[] { wait, alert, followStone, followReunionPoint }; eeveeMachine = new StateMachine(states, wait); }
public static Composite CreateThunderLordGrappleBehavior() { const int FROSTFIRE_RIDGE_ZONEID = 6720; const int THUNDERLORD_GRAPPLE_ITEM = 101677; if (!SingularSettings.Instance.ToysAllowUse) { return(new ActionAlwaysFail()); } if (SingularRoutine.CurrentWoWContext != WoWContext.Normal) { return(new ActionAlwaysFail()); } if (!Me.IsMelee()) { return(new ActionAlwaysFail()); } return(new Throttle( 15, new Decorator( req => Me.ZoneId == FROSTFIRE_RIDGE_ZONEID, new Decorator( req => MovementManager.IsClassMovementAllowed && // checks Movement and GapCloser capability flags CanUseCarriedItem(THUNDERLORD_GRAPPLE_ITEM) && Me.GotTarget() && Me.CurrentTarget.SpellDistance() >= 20 && Me.CurrentTarget.InLineOfSight && Me.IsSafelyFacing(Me.CurrentTarget) && (DateTime.UtcNow - Utilities.EventHandlers.LastNoPathFailure) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), new Sequence( new Action(r => { const int THUNDERLORD_GRAPPLE_SPELL = 150258; WoWSpell grapple = WoWSpell.FromId(THUNDERLORD_GRAPPLE_SPELL); if (grapple != null && Me.CurrentTarget.SpellDistance() < grapple.MaxRange) { return RunStatus.Success; } return RunStatus.Failure; }), new Action(r => StopMoving.Now()), new Wait( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), until => !Me.IsMoving, new ActionAlwaysSucceed() ), new Action(r => { WoWItem item = FindItem(THUNDERLORD_GRAPPLE_ITEM); UseItem(item, Me.CurrentTarget); }), new Wait( 1, until => Spell.IsCastingOrChannelling(), new ActionAlwaysSucceed() ), new Action(r => Logger.WriteDebug("ThunderlordGrapple: start @ {0:F1} yds", Me.CurrentTarget.Distance)), new Wait( 3, until => !Spell.IsCastingOrChannelling(), new ActionAlwaysSucceed() ), new PrioritySelector( new Sequence( new Wait( 1, until => !Me.IsMoving || Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange, new ActionAlwaysSucceed() ), new Action(r => Logger.WriteDebug("ThunderlordGrapple: ended @ {0:F1} yds", Me.CurrentTarget.Distance)) ), // allow following to Succeed so we Throttle the behavior even on failure at this point new Action(r => Logger.WriteDebug("ThunderlordGrapple: failed unexpectedly @ {0:F1} yds", Me.CurrentTarget.Distance)) ) ) ) ) )); }
// public float radiusAlert = 40f;//radio para alertarse // public float radiusRun = 35f;//radio para huir void Start() { //INICIALIZAMOS LA DATA DEL EXTERIOR kineticsAgent = agent.kineticsAgent; steeringAgent = agent.steeringAgent; kineticsTrainer = trainer.kineticsAgent; kineticsRival = rival.kineticsAgent; sightSensor = sightComponent.sensor; sightSensorPokemon = sightComponentPokemon.sensor; soundSensor = soundComponent.sensor; //Piedras stones = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Stone"); List <GameObject> stonesList = new List <GameObject>(stones); //Inicializamos grafo y A* graph = graphComponent.graph; aStar = new PathFindAStar(graph, null, null, null, walkable); //Inicializamos seek seek = new Seek(kineticsAgent, kineticsAgent, maxAccel); //Inicializamos lookwehereyougoing look = new LookWhereYouAreGoing(kineticsAgent); //Obstaculos GameObject[] obstacles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Obstacle"); obstacle_data[] obstaclesData = new obstacle_data[obstacles.Length]; for (int k = 0; k < obstacles.Length; k++) { obstaclesData[k] = obstacles[k].GetComponent <obstacle_data>(); } //Puntos estrategicos strategicPoints = pointsComponent.coverNodes; //COMENZAMOS A CONSTRUIR LA MAQUINA DE ESTADOS //1. ACCIONES: //acciones relacionadas a astar FollowPathOfPoints followPath = new FollowPathOfPoints(steeringAgent, seek, null, false); UpdateFollowPathWithAstar updateFollow = new UpdateFollowPathWithAstar(followPath, aStar, obstaclesData); UpdateAstarBestCoverPoint updateAstarCover = new UpdateAstarBestCoverPoint(strategicPoints, transform, new Transform[] { kineticsRival.transform, kineticsTrainer.transform }, obstaclesData, graph, aStar, walkable); UpdateAStarSeenStone updateAstarStone = new UpdateAStarSeenStone(sightSensor, aStar, graph, transform, walkable); //acciones de manejo de giros SetAngularSpeed setDefaultRotation = new SetAngularSpeed(kineticsAgent, 10f); SetAngularSpeed setZeroRotation = new SetAngularSpeed(kineticsAgent, 0f); StopMoving stop = new StopMoving(kineticsAgent, steeringAgent); LookWhereGoing lookAction = new LookWhereGoing(look, steeringAgent); //acciones de manejo de srpites ShowDefaultSprite defaultSprite = new ShowDefaultSprite(pokemonData); RunSprite showRunSprite = new RunSprite(pokemonData); Evolve2 evolve; ShowIcon showExclamation = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Exclamation"); DisableIcon disableExclamation = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Exclamation"); ShowIcon showSweat = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Sweat"); DisableIcon disableSweat = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Sweat"); //acciones de asistencia ResetSensor resetSight = new ResetSensor(sightSensor); ResetSensor resetSightPokemon = new ResetSensor(sightSensorPokemon); ResetSensor resetSound = new ResetSensor(soundSensor); ResetSensorList resetSensors = new ResetSensorList(new List <ResetSensor>() { resetSight, resetSound, resetSightPokemon }); //acciones de tiempo SetTimer setAlertTime; //acciones que modifican la maquina de estados misma RemoveStateTransition removeTouchStone; RemoveStateTransition removeSawStone; RemoveStateTransition removeSawStone2; RemoveAction removeDefaultSpriteAction; RemoveAction removeRunSpriteAction; RemoveAction removeRunSpriteAction2; //2. ESTADOS: List <Action> entryActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciondes de entrada List <Action> exitActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciones de salida List <Action> actions; //aqui guardaremos todas las acciones intermedias //2.a estado para esperar sin hacer nada //durante este estado eevee estara quieto hasta que algun humano lo haga reaccionar entryActions = new List <Action>() { stop, defaultSprite, setZeroRotation, resetSensors }; //al entrar al estado debemos parar y sentarnos removeDefaultSpriteAction = new RemoveAction(defaultSprite, entryActions); actions = new List <Action>() { }; //hacer guardia girando exitActions = new List <Action>() { }; State wait = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.b estado para sorprenderse //durante este estado eevee dara vueltas en alterta angustiado porque escucho algo, este estado durara solo cierto tiempo entryActions = new List <Action>() { showExclamation, setDefaultRotation }; //al entrar al estado debemos sorprendernos actions = new List <Action>() { }; exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableExclamation, setZeroRotation }; //al salir dejamos de sorprendernos State alert = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.c estado para perseguir piedra //durante este estado eevee se concentrara unicamente en buscar las piedra que vio entryActions = new List <Action>() { updateAstarStone, updateFollow, showExclamation, showRunSprite }; //al entrar al estado debemos actualizar el a* y luego el camino removeRunSpriteAction2 = new RemoveAction(showRunSprite, entryActions); actions = new List <Action>() { followPath, lookAction }; //durante la accion seguimos el camino exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableExclamation }; //al salir no hacemos nada State followStone = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.d estado para perseguir punto de encuentro //durante este estado eevee buscara donde esconderse, puede verse interrumpido si accidentalmente toca una piedra o se comprometio su escondite entryActions = new List <Action>() { updateAstarCover, updateFollow, showSweat, showRunSprite, resetSensors }; //al entrar al estado debemos actualizar el a* y luego el camino removeRunSpriteAction = new RemoveAction(showRunSprite, entryActions); actions = new List <Action>() { followPath, lookAction }; //durante la accion seguimos el camino exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableSweat }; //al salir no hacemos nada State followCoverPoint = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.extra dummy states //estos estados son de relleno para facilitar la activacion de ciertas acciones en le orden adecuado entryActions = new List <Action>(); //al entrar al estado debemos parar y sentarnos actions = new List <Action>(); //hacer guardia girando exitActions = new List <Action>(); //al salir no hacemos nada State evolveState1 = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); State evolveState2 = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //3. CONDICIONES: SawSomething sawStone = new SawSomething(sightSensor, "Stone"); //si vemos una piedra evolutiva SawSomething sawHuman = new SawSomething(sightSensor, "Human"); //si vemos una persona HeardSomething heardHumanClose = new HeardSomething(soundSensor, "Human", 0f); //si escuchamos a un humano cerca HeardSomething heardHumanVeryClose = new HeardSomething(soundSensor, "Human", 5f); //si escuchamos a un humanos muy cerca TouchedGameObjects touchedStone = new TouchedGameObjects(stonesList, transform, "Sun"); //si tocamos una piedra evolutiva evolve = new Evolve2(pokemonData, touchedStone, updateAstarCover, aStar); FollowArrived arrived = new FollowArrived(followPath, transform); //si llegamos al objetivo de follow PokemonInCoverPoint otherInMyCover = new PokemonInCoverPoint(aStar, sightSensorPokemon, transform); //si vemos que un pokemon se metio en nuestro escondite TimeOut alertTimeOut = new TimeOut(5f); setAlertTime = new SetTimer(alertTimeOut); TrueCondition alwaysTrue = new TrueCondition(); //4. TRANSICIONES: List <Action> transitionsActions; List <Action> noActions = new List <Action>(); transitionsActions = new List <Action>() { setAlertTime }; Transition heardCloseHuman = new Transition(heardHumanClose, transitionsActions, alert); Transition seemsSafe = new Transition(alertTimeOut, noActions, wait); Transition heardVeryCloseHuman = new Transition(heardHumanVeryClose, noActions, followCoverPoint); transitionsActions = new List <Action>() { }; Transition sawAhuman = new Transition(sawHuman, transitionsActions, followCoverPoint); Transition sawAstone = new Transition(sawStone, transitionsActions, followStone); Transition pokemonInMyCover = new Transition(otherInMyCover, transitionsActions, followCoverPoint); //transiciones dummy transitionsActions = new List <Action>() { evolve }; Transition evolving1 = new Transition(alwaysTrue, transitionsActions, followCoverPoint); Transition evolving2 = new Transition(alwaysTrue, transitionsActions, wait); transitionsActions = new List <Action>() { evolve, removeDefaultSpriteAction, removeRunSpriteAction, removeRunSpriteAction2 }; Transition touchStone1 = new Transition(touchedStone, transitionsActions, evolveState1); Transition touchStone2 = new Transition(touchedStone, transitionsActions, evolveState2); //si evolucionamos debemos quitar las transiciones relacionadas a las stones removeSawStone = new RemoveStateTransition(sawAstone, followCoverPoint); removeSawStone2 = new RemoveStateTransition(sawAstone, alert); removeTouchStone = new RemoveStateTransition(touchStone1, followCoverPoint); transitionsActions.Add(removeSawStone); transitionsActions.Add(removeSawStone2); transitionsActions.Add(removeTouchStone); Transition arrivedFollowEnd = new Transition(arrived, noActions, wait); //4.1 AGREGAMOS TRANSICIONES A ESTADOS List <Transition> transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { sawAhuman, heardCloseHuman }; wait.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { sawAhuman, sawAstone, heardVeryCloseHuman, seemsSafe }; alert.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { evolving1 }; evolveState1.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { evolving2 }; evolveState2.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { touchStone1, sawAstone, pokemonInMyCover, arrivedFollowEnd, sawAhuman }; followCoverPoint.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { touchStone2, arrivedFollowEnd, pokemonInMyCover }; followStone.transitions = transitions; //5 MAQUINA DE ESTADOS State[] states = new State[] { wait, alert, followCoverPoint, followStone, evolveState1, evolveState2 }; eeveeMachine = new StateMachine(states, wait); }
public HashSet <GoapGoal> CreateGoals(ClassConfiguration classConfig, IBlacklist blacklist) { var availableActions = new HashSet <GoapGoal>(); List <WowPoint> pathPoints, spiritPath; GetPaths(out pathPoints, out spiritPath, classConfig); var playerDirection = new PlayerDirection(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, logger); var stopMoving = new StopMoving(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader); var castingHandler = new CastingHandler(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, logger, classConfig, playerDirection, NpcNameFinder); var stuckDetector = new StuckDetector(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, stopMoving, logger); var followRouteAction = new FollowRouteGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, pathPoints, stopMoving, NpcNameFinder, blacklist, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig, pather); var walkToCorpseAction = new WalkToCorpseGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, spiritPath, pathPoints, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector, pather); availableActions.Clear(); if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.CorpseRun) { availableActions.Add(new WaitGoal(logger)); availableActions.Add(new CorpseRunGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, spiritPath, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector)); } else if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.AttendedGather) { availableActions.Add(followRouteAction); availableActions.Add(new CorpseRunGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, spiritPath, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector)); } else { if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.AttendedGrind) { availableActions.Add(new WaitGoal(logger)); } else { availableActions.Add(followRouteAction); availableActions.Add(walkToCorpseAction); } availableActions.Add(new TargetDeadGoal(wowProcess, logger)); availableActions.Add(new ApproachTargetGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig)); if (classConfig.WrongZone.ZoneId > 0) { availableActions.Add(new WrongZoneGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig)); } if (classConfig.Parallel.Sequence.Count > 0) { availableActions.Add(new ParallelGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, classConfig.Parallel.Sequence, castingHandler, logger)); } var lootAction = new LootGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, addonReader.BagReader, stopMoving, logger, classConfig); lootAction.AddPreconditions(); availableActions.Add(lootAction); if (classConfig.Loot) { lootAction = new PostKillLootGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, addonReader.BagReader, stopMoving, logger, classConfig); lootAction.AddPreconditions(); availableActions.Add(lootAction); } try { var genericCombat = new CombatGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, logger, classConfig, castingHandler); availableActions.Add(genericCombat); availableActions.Add(new PullTargetGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, NpcNameFinder, stopMoving, logger, castingHandler, stuckDetector, classConfig)); foreach (var item in classConfig.Adhoc.Sequence) { availableActions.Add(new AdhocGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, item, castingHandler, logger)); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex.ToString()); } var pathProviders = new List <IRouteProvider> { followRouteAction, walkToCorpseAction }; if (classConfig.VendorLocation.X > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(classConfig.VendorTargetKey)) { var vendorAction = new VendorGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig, pather, this.addonReader.BagReader); availableActions.Add(vendorAction); pathProviders.Add(vendorAction); } else { logger.LogWarning("Vendor location or target key is not defined, so no vendoring when bags are full."); } if (classConfig.RepairLocation.X > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(classConfig.RepairTargetKey)) { var repairAction = new RepairGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig, pather, this.addonReader.BagReader); availableActions.Add(repairAction); pathProviders.Add(repairAction); } else { availableActions.Add(new ItemsBrokenGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, logger)); logger.LogWarning("Repair location or target key is not defined, so bot will stop if gear is red."); } this.RouteInfo = new RouteInfo(pathPoints, spiritPath, pathProviders, addonReader.PlayerReader); } return(availableActions); }
void Start() { //INICIALIZAMOS LA DATA DEL EXTERIOR kineticsAgent = agent.kineticsAgent; steeringAgent = agent.steeringAgent; //POKEMONES pokemons = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Pokemon"); //barajeamos lo pokemones (new Utilities()).Shuffle(pokemons); pokemonKins = new Stack <Kinetics>(); //creamos la pila de kinetics de los pokemones for (int i = 0; i < pokemons.Length; i++) { pokemonKins.Push(pokemons[i].GetComponent <static_data>().kineticsAgent); } //obstaculos GameObject[] obstacles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Obstacle"); obstacle_data[] obstaclesData = new obstacle_data[obstacles.Length]; for (int k = 0; k < obstacles.Length; k++) { obstaclesData[k] = obstacles[k].GetComponent <obstacle_data>(); } //Inicializamos grafo y A* graph = graphComponent.graph; aStar = new PathFindAStar(graph, null, null, null, walkable); //Inicializamos seek seek = new Seek(kineticsAgent, kineticsAgent, maxAccel); //Inicializamos lookwehereyougoing look = new LookWhereYouAreGoing(kineticsAgent); //COMENZAMOS A CONSTRUIR LA MAQUINA DE ESTADOS //1. ACCIONES: UpdateAStar updateAstar = new UpdateAStar(pokemonKins, aStar, graph, kineticsAgent, walkable); FollowPathOfPoints followPath = new FollowPathOfPoints(steeringAgent, seek, null, false); RemovePokemon removePokemon = new RemovePokemon(pokemonKins); UpdateFollowPathWithAstar updateFollow = new UpdateFollowPathWithAstar(followPath, aStar, obstaclesData); StopMoving stop = new StopMoving(kineticsAgent, steeringAgent); //2. ESTADOS: List <Action> entryActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciondes de entrada List <Action> exitActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciones de salida List <Action> actions; //aqui guardaremos todas las acciones intermedias //2.a estado para seguir path entryActions = new List <Action>() { updateAstar, updateFollow }; //al entrar al estado debemos //actualizar astar y el camino nuevo que da aStar darselo a follow actions = new List <Action>() { followPath }; //durante la accion seguimos el camino exitActions = new List <Action>(); //al salir no hacemos nada State followState = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.b entryActions = new List <Action>() { stop }; actions = new List <Action>(); exitActions = new List <Action>(); State stopState = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //3. CONDICIONES: AllCaught allCaught = new AllCaught(pokemonKins); //ayudara a saber si todos los pokemon fueron atrpados CurrentWasCaught currentPokemonCaught = new CurrentWasCaught(pokemonKins); //ayuda a saber si el pokemon actual en la pila fue atrapado PokemonMoved pokemonMoved = new PokemonMoved(pokemonKins, aStar); //ayudara a saber si el pokemon que estamos siguiendo se sale de su triangulo //4. TRANSICIONES: Transition caughtTarget = new Transition(currentPokemonCaught, new List <Action>() { removePokemon }, followState); Transition movedTarget = new Transition(pokemonMoved, new List <Action>(), followState); Transition caughtAllTargets = new Transition(allCaught, new List <Action>(), stopState); //4.1 AGREGAMOS TRANSICIONES A ESTADOS List <Transition> transitions = new List <Transition>() { caughtAllTargets, caughtTarget, movedTarget }; followState.transitions = transitions; stopState.transitions = new List <Transition>(); //5 MAQUINA DE ESTADOS State[] states = new State[] { followState, stopState }; rivalMachine = new StateMachine(states, followState); }
protected void StopMovingMethod(object?o) { Velocity = new THUnity2D.Vector(Velocity.angle, 0); StopMoving?.Invoke(o); }
public HashSet <GoapGoal> CreateGoals(ClassConfiguration classConfig, IBlacklist blacklist) { var availableActions = new HashSet <GoapGoal>(); List <WowPoint> pathPoints, spiritPath; GetPaths(out pathPoints, out spiritPath, classConfig); var playerDirection = new PlayerDirection(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader); var stopMoving = new StopMoving(input, addonReader.PlayerReader); var castingHandler = new CastingHandler(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, classConfig, playerDirection, npcNameFinder); var stuckDetector = new StuckDetector(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, playerDirection, stopMoving); var followRouteAction = new FollowRouteGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, playerDirection, pathPoints, stopMoving, npcNameFinder, blacklist, stuckDetector, classConfig, pather); var walkToCorpseAction = new WalkToCorpseGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, playerDirection, spiritPath, pathPoints, stopMoving, stuckDetector, pather); availableActions.Clear(); if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.CorpseRun) { availableActions.Add(new WaitGoal(logger)); availableActions.Add(new CorpseRunGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, input, playerDirection, spiritPath, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector)); } else if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.AttendedGather) { availableActions.Add(followRouteAction); availableActions.Add(new CorpseRunGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, input, playerDirection, spiritPath, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector)); } else { if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.AttendedGrind) { availableActions.Add(new WaitGoal(logger)); } else { availableActions.Add(followRouteAction); availableActions.Add(walkToCorpseAction); } availableActions.Add(new ApproachTargetGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, stuckDetector)); if (classConfig.WrongZone.ZoneId > 0) { availableActions.Add(new WrongZoneGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, input, playerDirection, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig)); } if (classConfig.Parallel.Sequence.Count > 0) { availableActions.Add(new ParallelGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, classConfig.Parallel.Sequence, castingHandler)); } if (classConfig.Loot) { var lootAction = new LootGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, addonReader.BagReader, stopMoving, classConfig, npcNameFinder); lootAction.AddPreconditions(); availableActions.Add(lootAction); if (classConfig.Skin) { availableActions.Add(new SkinningGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, addonReader.BagReader, addonReader.equipmentReader, stopMoving, classConfig, npcNameFinder)); } } try { var genericCombat = new CombatGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, classConfig, castingHandler); availableActions.Add(genericCombat); availableActions.Add(new PullTargetGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, npcNameFinder, stopMoving, castingHandler, stuckDetector, classConfig)); availableActions.Add(new CreatureKilledGoal(logger, addonReader.PlayerReader, classConfig)); availableActions.Add(new ConsumeCorpse(logger, addonReader.PlayerReader)); foreach (var item in classConfig.Adhoc.Sequence) { availableActions.Add(new AdhocGoal(logger, input, item, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, castingHandler)); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex.ToString()); } foreach (var item in classConfig.NPC.Sequence) { availableActions.Add(new AdhocNPCGoal(logger, input, addonReader.PlayerReader, playerDirection, stopMoving, npcNameFinder, stuckDetector, classConfig, pather, item, blacklist)); item.Path.AddRange(ReadPath(item.Name, item.PathFilename)); } var pathProviders = availableActions.Where(a => a is IRouteProvider) .Cast <IRouteProvider>() .ToList(); this.RouteInfo = new RouteInfo(pathPoints, spiritPath, pathProviders, addonReader.PlayerReader); this.pather.DrawLines(new List <LineArgs>() { new LineArgs { Spots = pathPoints, Name = "grindpath", Colour = 2, MapId = addonReader.PlayerReader.ZoneId }, new LineArgs { Spots = spiritPath, Name = "spirithealer", Colour = 3, MapId = addonReader.PlayerReader.ZoneId } }); } return(availableActions); }
public TouchEffect(Grid self, Trace t, double minRange) { center = t.Center; InputDevice d = null; MainBall = new Ellipse { Fill = DefaultBrush, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Height = t.Radius * 2, Width = t.Radius * 2, Margin = new Thickness { Left = t.Center.X - t.Radius, Top = t.Center.Y - t.Radius } }; Ball = new Ellipse { Fill = DefaultBrush, Width = t.Radius, Height = t.Radius, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, }; Line = new Line { StrokeThickness = t.Radius / 11, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Stroke = DefaultBrush, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, IsHitTestVisible = false }; EventHandler <TouchEventArgs> start = (s, e) => { if (Disabled || d != null) { return; } d = e.Device; MoveTo(e.GetTouchPoint(self).Position); t.Released = false; var sc = RandomColor(); Ball.Fill = MainBall.Fill = new RadialGradientBrush(sc); Line.Stroke = new LinearGradientBrush(sc); ReadyToMove?.Invoke(t.Clone()); }; MainBall.TouchDown += start; Ball.TouchDown += start; Line.X1 = t.Center.X; Line.Y1 = t.Center.Y; MoveTo(t.Center); self.Children.Add(Line); self.Children.Add(Ball); self.Children.Add(MainBall); Func <TouchEventArgs, bool> tryMove = e => { if (e.Device != d) { return(false); } var to = e.GetTouchPoint(self).Position; t.Direction = to - t.Center; MoveTo(to); return(true); }; self.TouchMove += (s, e) => { if (tryMove(e)) { Moving?.Invoke(t.Clone()); } }; self.TouchLeave += (s, e) => { if (!tryMove(e)) { return; } d = null; t.Released = true; if (t.Direction.Length < minRange) { t.Direction = new Vector(); Reset(); } else { StopMoving?.Invoke(t.Clone()); } }; }
private void AnalyzePacket(byte[] aBuffer, PacketDirection aType) { switch (aType) { case PacketDirection.ClientToServer: break; // maybe later case PacketDirection.ServerToClient: // TODO : Here should be different types of mu protocol packets with parsing and event-based processing CommonServerToClientPacket cstcpTemp = new CommonServerToClientPacket(aBuffer); switch (cstcpTemp.ClassType) { case PacketClass.C1: switch (cstcpTemp.MesTypeC1) { case MessageTypeC1.PublicSpeech: if (OnPublicSpeach != null) { using ( PublicSpeech pspTemp = new PublicSpeech(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnPublicSpeach, pspTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.CharacterList: if (OnCharacterList != null) { using ( CharacterList clTemp = new CharacterList(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnCharacterList, clTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.DamageReceived: if (OnDamageReceived != null) { using ( DamageReceived drTemp = new DamageReceived(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnDamageReceived, drTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.Death: if (OnDeath != null) { using ( Death dTemp = new Death(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnDeath, dTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.OpenCreateGuildWindow: if (OnOpenCreateGuildWindow != null) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnOpenCreateGuildWindow); break; case MessageTypeC1.OpenVaultWindow: if (OnOpenVaultWindow != null) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnOpenVaultWindow); break; case MessageTypeC1.PlayerPosition: if (OnLivingPosition != null) { using ( LivingPosition ppTemp = new LivingPosition(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnLivingPosition, ppTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.PutItem: if (OnPutItem != null) { using ( PutItem piTemp = new PutItem(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnPutItem, piTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.ServerText: if (OnServerText != null) { using ( ServerText stTemp = new ServerText(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnServerText, stTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.TraiderInfo: if (OnTraiderInfo != null) { using ( TraiderInfo tiTemp = new TraiderInfo(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnTraiderInfo, tiTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.StopMoving: if (OnStopMoving != null) { using ( StopMoving smTemp = new StopMoving(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnStopMoving, smTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.GameServerAnswer: if (OnGameServerAnswer != null) { using ( GameServerAnswer gsaTemp = new GameServerAnswer(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnGameServerAnswer, gsaTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.UpdateHealth: if (OnUpdateHealth != null) { using ( UpdateHealth uhTemp = new UpdateHealth(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnUpdateHealth, uhTemp); } break; case MessageTypeC1.UpdateMana: if (OnUpdateMana != null) { using ( UpdateMana umTemp = new UpdateMana(aBuffer) ) AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(OnUpdateMana, umTemp); } break; } break; } if ((cstcpTemp.ClassType != PacketClass.Unknown) && (cstcpTemp.Length < aBuffer.Length)) { byte[] subArray = new byte[aBuffer.Length - cstcpTemp.Length]; Array.Copy(aBuffer, cstcpTemp.Length, subArray, 0, aBuffer.Length - cstcpTemp.Length); AnalyzePacket(subArray, aType); } break; } }
public HashSet <GoapGoal> CreateGoals(ClassConfiguration classConfig, IBlacklist blacklist) { var availableActions = new HashSet <GoapGoal>(); List <WowPoint> pathPoints, spiritPath; GetPaths(out pathPoints, out spiritPath, classConfig); var playerDirection = new PlayerDirection(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, logger); var stopMoving = new StopMoving(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader); var castingHandler = new CastingHandler(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, logger, classConfig, playerDirection, NpcNameFinder); var stuckDetector = new StuckDetector(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, stopMoving, logger); var followRouteAction = new FollowRouteGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, pathPoints, stopMoving, NpcNameFinder, blacklist, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig); var walkToCorpseAction = new WalkToCorpseGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, spiritPath, pathPoints, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector); this.RouteInfo = new RouteInfo(pathPoints, spiritPath, followRouteAction, walkToCorpseAction); availableActions.Clear(); if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.CorpseRun) { availableActions.Add(new WaitGoal(logger)); availableActions.Add(new CorpseRunGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, spiritPath, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector)); } else if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.AttendedGather) { availableActions.Add(followRouteAction); availableActions.Add(new CorpseRunGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, spiritPath, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector)); } else { availableActions.Add(new ItemsBrokenGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, logger)); if (classConfig.Mode == Mode.AttendedGrind) { availableActions.Add(new WaitGoal(logger)); } else { availableActions.Add(followRouteAction); availableActions.Add(walkToCorpseAction); } availableActions.Add(new TargetDeadGoal(wowProcess, logger)); availableActions.Add(new ApproachTargetGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig)); if (classConfig.WrongZone.ZoneId > 0) { availableActions.Add(new WrongZoneGoal(addonReader.PlayerReader, wowProcess, playerDirection, logger, stuckDetector, classConfig)); } if (classConfig.Parallel.Sequence.Count > 0) { availableActions.Add(new ParallelGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, classConfig.Parallel.Sequence, castingHandler, logger)); } var lootAction = new LootGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, addonReader.BagReader, stopMoving, logger, classConfig); lootAction.AddPreconditions(); availableActions.Add(lootAction); if (classConfig.Loot) { lootAction = new PostKillLootGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, addonReader.BagReader, stopMoving, logger, classConfig); lootAction.AddPreconditions(); availableActions.Add(lootAction); } try { var genericCombat = new CombatGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, logger, classConfig, castingHandler); availableActions.Add(genericCombat); availableActions.Add(new PullTargetGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, NpcNameFinder, stopMoving, logger, castingHandler, stuckDetector, classConfig)); foreach (var item in classConfig.Adhoc.Sequence) { availableActions.Add(new AdhocGoal(wowProcess, addonReader.PlayerReader, stopMoving, item, castingHandler, logger)); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex.ToString()); } } return(availableActions); }
public override void Pulse() { #region Pulse - check for conditions that we should not Pulse during /* * if (!StyxWoW.IsInGame) * { * if (DateTime.UtcNow > _nextNotInGameMsgAllowed) * { * Logger.WriteDebug(Color.HotPink, "info: not in game"); * _nextNotInGameMsgAllowed = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30); * } * return; * } * _nextNotInGameMsgAllowed = DateTime.MinValue; * * if (!StyxWoW.IsInWorld) * { * if (DateTime.UtcNow > _nextNotInWorldMsgAllowed) * { * Logger.WriteDebug(Color.HotPink, "info: not in world"); * _nextNotInWorldMsgAllowed = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30); * } * return; * } * _nextNotInWorldMsgAllowed = DateTime.MinValue; */ #endregion _pulsePhase++; if (_pulsePhase == 1) { if (WaitForLatencyCheck.IsFinished) { Latency = StyxWoW.WoWClient.Latency; WaitForLatencyCheck.Reset(); } // output messages about pulldistance and behaviorflag changes here MonitorPullDistance(); MonitorBehaviorFlags(); /* * // now if combat disabled, bail out * bool combatDisabled = Bots.Grind.BehaviorFlags.Combat != (Bots.Grind.LevelBot.BehaviorFlags & Bots.Grind.BehaviorFlags.Combat); * if (combatDisabled != _lastCombatDisabledState) * { * _lastCombatDisabledState = combatDisabled; * Logger.Write(Color.HotPink, * combatDisabled * ? "info: botbase disabled BehaviorFlags.Combat" * : "info: botbase enabled BehaviorFlags.Combat" * ); * } */ // check time since last call and be sure user knows if Singular isn't being called if (SingularSettings.Debug) { TimeSpan since = CallWatch.TimeSpanSinceLastCall; if (since.TotalSeconds > (4 * CallWatch.SecondsBetweenWarnings)) { if (!Me.IsGhost && !Me.Mounted && !Me.IsFlying && DateTime.UtcNow > _nextNoCallMsgAllowed) { Logger.WriteDebug(Color.HotPink, "info: {0:F0} seconds since {1} BotBase last called Singular", since.TotalSeconds, GetBotName()); _nextNoCallMsgAllowed = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(4 * CallWatch.SecondsBetweenWarnings); } } } UpdateDiagnosticFPS(); } else if (_pulsePhase == 2) { // talentmanager.Pulse() intense if does work, so return if true if (TalentManager.Pulse()) { return; } // check and output casting state information UpdateDiagnosticCastingState(); UpdatePullMoreConditionals(); // Update the current context, check if we need to rebuild any behaviors. UpdateContext(); } else if (_pulsePhase == 3) { _pulsePhase = 0; // Pulse our StopAt manager StopMoving.Pulse(); PetManager.Pulse(); // Double cast maintenance Spell.MaintainDoubleCast(); HotkeyDirector.Pulse(); WatchAurasForProcs(); } if (Me.Class == WoWClass.Warlock) { ClassSpecific.Warlock.Common.CancelBurningRushIfNeeded(fromPulse: true); } // Output if Target changed CheckCurrentTarget(); // Output if Pet or Pet Target changed CheckCurrentPet(); // check Targeting pulses if (HealerManager.NeedHealTargeting) { BotBase bot = GetCurrentBotBase(); if (bot != null && (bot.PulseFlags & PulseFlags.Targeting) != PulseFlags.Targeting) { HealerManager.Instance.Pulse(); } } else if (TankManager.NeedTankTargeting && Group.MeIsTank) { BotBase bot = GetCurrentBotBase(); if (bot != null && (bot.PulseFlags & PulseFlags.Targeting) != PulseFlags.Targeting) { TankManager.Instance.Pulse(); } } }
public float radiusRun = 15f; //radio para huir void Start() { //INICIALIZAMOS LA DATA DEL EXTERIOR kinGlameow = glameow.kineticsAgent; steeringGlameow = glameow.steeringAgent; kineticsTarget = target.kineticsAgent; kineticsTrainer = trainer.kineticsAgent; kineticsRival = rival.kineticsAgent; Vector3 center = (kinGlameow.transform.position + kineticsTarget.transform.position) / 2; //COMENZAMOS A CONSTRUIR LA MAQUINA DE ESTADOS //1. ACCIONES: //este es seek pero en verdad como meowth le hace seek tambien pareciera que huye FollowTarget seekTarget = new FollowTarget(steeringGlameow, kinGlameow, kineticsTarget, maxSeekAccel); //el target es null porque todavia no sabemos cual trainer se acercara ArriveToTarget arriveTrainer = new ArriveToTarget(steeringGlameow, kinGlameow, null, MaxAccelerationArrive, glameow.maxspeed, targetRadiusArrive, slowRadiusArrive); Kinetics[] targets = new Kinetics[2]; targets[0] = kineticsTrainer; targets[1] = kineticsRival; SetArriveTarget setTrainer = new SetArriveTarget(targets, arriveTrainer); //seek closes StopMoving stop = new StopMoving(kinGlameow, steeringGlameow); ShowIcon showHeart = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Heart"); DisableIcon disableHeart = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Heart"); ShowIcon showSweat = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Sweat"); DisableIcon disableSweat = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Sweat"); ShowIcon showExclamation = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Exclamation"); DisableIcon disableExclamation = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Exclamation"); //2. ESTADOS: List <Action> entryActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciondes de entrada List <Action> exitActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciones de salida List <Action> actions; //aqui guardaremos todas las acciones intermedias //2.a estado para huir de anamorado (meowth) entryActions = new List <Action>() { showSweat }; //al entrar al estado ponemos un corazon actions = new List <Action>() { seekTarget }; //durante el estado perseguimos al enamorado exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableSweat }; //al salir quitamos el corazon State stalked = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.b estado para alertarse de entrenador cercano entryActions = new List <Action>() { showExclamation, stop }; //al entrar al estado debemos mostrar un signo de exclamacion actions = new List <Action>(); exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableExclamation }; //al salir quitamos el signo State alert = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.c estado para perseguir enamorado al entrenador entryActions = new List <Action> { setTrainer, showHeart }; actions = new List <Action>() { arriveTrainer }; exitActions = new List <Action> { disableHeart }; State stalkTrainer = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //3. CONDICIONES: TooCloseToPoint closeCenterTrainer = new TooCloseToPoint(center, kineticsTrainer, radiusAlert); TooClose closeTrainer = new TooClose(kinGlameow, kineticsTrainer, radiusAlert); TooClose veryCloseTrainer = new TooClose(kinGlameow, kineticsTrainer, radiusRun); TooCloseToPoint closeCenterRival = new TooCloseToPoint(center, kineticsRival, radiusAlert); TooClose closeRival = new TooClose(kinGlameow, kineticsRival, radiusAlert); TooClose veryCloseRival = new TooClose(kinGlameow, kineticsRival, radiusRun); //Estas son las que de verdad necesitamos OrCondition anyTargetCloseCenter = new OrCondition(closeCenterRival, closeCenterTrainer); OrCondition anyTargetClose = new OrCondition(closeTrainer, closeRival); OrCondition anyTargetVeryClose = new OrCondition(veryCloseRival, veryCloseTrainer); NotCondition noOneClose = new NotCondition(anyTargetClose); List <Action> noActions = new List <Action>(); //4. TRANSICIONES: Transition anyHumanClose = new Transition(anyTargetCloseCenter, noActions, alert); Transition noHumanClose = new Transition(noOneClose, noActions, stalkTrainer); Transition anyHumanVeryClose = new Transition(anyTargetVeryClose, noActions, stalkTrainer); //4.1 AGREGAMOS TRANSICIONES A ESTADOS List <Transition> transitions = new List <Transition>() { anyHumanClose }; stalked.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { noHumanClose, anyHumanVeryClose }; alert.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>(); stalkTrainer.transitions = transitions; //5 MAQUINA DE ESTADOS State[] states = new State[] { stalked, alert, stalkTrainer }; glameowMachine = new StateMachine(states, stalked); }
public float radiusRun = 15f; //radio para huir void Start() { //INICIALIZAMOS LA DATA DEL EXTERIOR kinMeowth = meowth.kineticsAgent; steeringMeowth = meowth.steeringAgent; kineticsTarget = target.kineticsAgent; kineticsTrainer = trainer.kineticsAgent; kineticsRival = rival.kineticsAgent; // Centro de masa de glameow y meowth sera util pra cierta condicion Vector3 center = (kinMeowth.transform.position + kineticsTarget.transform.position) / 2; //COMENZAMOS A CONSTRUIR LA MAQUINA DE ESTADOS //1. ACCIONES: FollowTarget seekTarget = new FollowTarget(steeringMeowth, kinMeowth, kineticsTarget, maxSeekAccel); FollowTarget seekWorried = new FollowTarget(steeringMeowth, kinMeowth, kineticsTarget, 100f); Kinetics[] targets = new Kinetics[2]; targets[0] = kineticsTrainer; targets[1] = kineticsRival; RunFromTargets runFromTargets = new RunFromTargets(steeringMeowth, kinMeowth, targets, maxSeekAccel * 5); StopMoving stop = new StopMoving(kinMeowth, steeringMeowth); UpdateMaxSpeed moreMaxSpeed = new UpdateMaxSpeed(meowth, meowth.maxspeed * 5); // esto ayudara a aumentar la maxspeed UpdateMaxSpeed speedBackToNormal = new UpdateMaxSpeed(meowth, meowth.maxspeed); // esto guarda la maxspeed original para volverla a poner asi ShowIcon showHeart = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Heart"); DisableIcon disableHeart = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Heart"); ShowIcon showSweat = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Sweat"); DisableIcon disableSweat = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Sweat"); ShowIcon showExclamation = new ShowIcon(this.gameObject, "Exclamation"); DisableIcon disableExclamation = new DisableIcon(this.gameObject, "Exclamation"); //2. ESTADOS: List <Action> entryActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciondes de entrada List <Action> exitActions; //aqui iremos guardanndo todas las acciones de salida List <Action> actions; //aqui guardaremos todas las acciones intermedias //2.a estado para perseguir enamorado (glameow) entryActions = new List <Action>() { showHeart }; //al entrar al estado ponemos un corazon actions = new List <Action>() { seekTarget }; //durante el estado perseguimos al enamorado exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableHeart }; //al salir quitamos el corazon State stalkTarget = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.b estado para alertarse de entrenador cercano entryActions = new List <Action>() { showExclamation, stop }; //al entrar al estado debemos mostrar un signo de exclamacion actions = new List <Action>(); exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableExclamation }; //al salir quitamos el signo State alert = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2,c estado para perseguir sin corazon entryActions = new List <Action>();//al entrar al estado ponemos un corazon actions = new List <Action>() { seekTarget }; //durante el estado perseguimos al enamorado exitActions = new List <Action>(); //al salir quitamos el corazon State stalk = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.d estado para huir del entrenador entryActions = new List <Action>() { moreMaxSpeed }; actions = new List <Action>() { runFromTargets }; exitActions = new List <Action>() { speedBackToNormal }; State runAway = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //2.e estado para preocuparse por alguien y seguirlo preocupado entryActions = new List <Action>() { showSweat, disableHeart, disableExclamation }; actions = new List <Action>() { seekWorried }; exitActions = new List <Action>() { disableSweat }; State worry = new State(actions, entryActions, exitActions); //3. CONDICIONES: TooCloseToPoint closeCenterTrainer = new TooCloseToPoint(center, kineticsTrainer, radiusAlert); TooClose closeTrainer = new TooClose(kinMeowth, kineticsTrainer, radiusAlert); TooClose veryCloseTrainer = new TooClose(kinMeowth, kineticsTrainer, radiusRun); TooCloseToPoint closeCenterRival = new TooCloseToPoint(center, kineticsRival, radiusAlert); TooClose closeRival = new TooClose(kinMeowth, kineticsRival, radiusAlert); TooClose veryCloseRival = new TooClose(kinMeowth, kineticsRival, radiusRun); //Estas son las que de verdad necesitamos OrCondition anyTargetCloseCenter = new OrCondition(closeCenterRival, closeCenterTrainer); OrCondition anyTargetClose = new OrCondition(closeTrainer, closeRival); OrCondition anyTargetVeryClose = new OrCondition(veryCloseRival, veryCloseTrainer); NotCondition noOneClose = new NotCondition(anyTargetClose); NotCondition noOneVeryClose = new NotCondition(anyTargetVeryClose); WasCaught targetCaught = new WasCaught(kineticsTarget); List <Action> noActions = new List <Action>(); //4. TRANSICIONES: Transition anyHumanCloseCenter = new Transition(anyTargetCloseCenter, noActions, alert); Transition anyHumanClose = new Transition(anyTargetClose, noActions, alert); Transition noHumanClose = new Transition(noOneClose, noActions, stalk); Transition anyHumanVeryClose = new Transition(anyTargetVeryClose, noActions, runAway); Transition noHumanVeryClose = new Transition(noOneVeryClose, noActions, alert); Transition targetWasCaught = new Transition(targetCaught, noActions, worry); //4.1 AGREGAMOS TRANSICIONES A ESTADOS List <Transition> transitions = new List <Transition>() { anyHumanCloseCenter, targetWasCaught }; stalkTarget.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { noHumanClose, anyHumanVeryClose, targetWasCaught }; alert.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { anyHumanClose, targetWasCaught }; stalk.transitions = transitions; transitions = new List <Transition>() { noHumanVeryClose, targetWasCaught }; runAway.transitions = transitions; worry.transitions = new List <Transition>();//es un sumidero //5 MAQUINA DE ESTADOS State[] states = new State[] { stalkTarget, alert, stalk, runAway, worry }; meowthMachine = new StateMachine(states, stalkTarget); }