void LateUpdate()
        Vector3 cameraPosition = gameObject.transform.position;

        if (cameraPosition.x > threshold)
            cameraPosition.y = 0f;
            cameraPosition.z = 0f;
            Object[] objects;
            cameraControl.interpolateLock(); //Freezes camera's relative position to player for interpolateLockCount(found in SmoothCamera.cs) frames
            player.transform.position      -= cameraPosition;
            levelObject.transform.position -= cameraPosition;

            // move active particles from old Unity particle system that are active in world space
            objects = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(ParticleEmitter));
            foreach (Object o in objects)
                ParticleEmitter pe = (ParticleEmitter)o;

                // if the particle is not in world space, the logic above should have moved them already
                if (!pe.useWorldSpace)

                Particle[] emitterParticles = pe.particles;
                for (int i = 0; i < emitterParticles.Length; ++i)
                    emitterParticles[i].position -= cameraPosition;
                pe.particles = emitterParticles;

            // new particles... very similar to old version above
            objects = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(ParticleSystem));
            foreach (UnityEngine.Object o in objects)
                ParticleSystem sys = (ParticleSystem)o;

                if (sys.simulationSpace != ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.World)

                int particlesNeeded = sys.maxParticles;

                if (particlesNeeded <= 0)

                bool wasPaused  = sys.isPaused;
                bool wasPlaying = sys.isPlaying;

                if (!wasPaused)

                // ensure a sufficiently large array in which to store the particles
                if (parts == null || parts.Length < particlesNeeded)
                    parts = new ParticleSystem.Particle[particlesNeeded];

                // now get the particles
                int num = sys.GetParticles(parts);

                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    parts[i].position -= cameraPosition;

                sys.SetParticles(parts, num);

                if (wasPlaying)

            if (physicsThreshold > 0f)
                float physicsThreshold2 = physicsThreshold * physicsThreshold; // simplify check on threshold
                objects = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Rigidbody));
                foreach (UnityEngine.Object o in objects)
                    Rigidbody r = (Rigidbody)o;
                    if (r.gameObject.transform.position.sqrMagnitude > physicsThreshold2)
                        r.sleepAngularVelocity = float.MaxValue;
                        r.sleepVelocity        = float.MaxValue;
                        r.sleepThreshold = float.MaxValue;
                        r.sleepAngularVelocity = defaultSleepVelocity;
                        r.sleepVelocity        = defaultAngularVelocity;
                        r.sleepThreshold = defaultSleepThreshold;