public void CreateShore(Vector3 position) { if (shoreModel == null) { shoreModel = new Shore(position); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { mainController = (FirstController)SSDirector.GetInstance().CurrentSceneController; this.leftShoreModel = mainController.leftShoreController.GetShore(); this.rightShoreModel = mainController.rightShoreController.GetShore(); this.boatModel = mainController.boatController.GetBoatModel(); }
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button btnAction = (Button)sender; Shore _shore = (Shore)btnAction.CommandParameter; DisplayAlert("Responsible: " + _shore.Name, "Duty: " + _shore.Category, "OK"); }
public void loadResource() { mylight = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Directional Light", typeof(GameObject)), new Vector3(0, 3, 0), Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; leftShore = new Shore("left"); rightShore = new Shore("right"); Priest1 = new Person(new Vector3(-6, -1.5f, 0), "Priest"); Priest2 = new Person(new Vector3(-8, -1.5f, 0), "Priest"); Priest3 = new Person(new Vector3(-10, -1.5f, 0), "Priest"); Devil1 = new Person(new Vector3(-7, -1.5f, 0), "Devil"); Devil2 = new Person(new Vector3(-9, -1.5f, 0), "Devil"); Devil3 = new Person(new Vector3(-11, -1.5f, 0), "Devil"); Ship = new Ship(); leftShore.passengers.Add(Devil1); leftShore.passengers.Add(Devil2); leftShore.passengers.Add(Devil3); leftShore.passengers.Add(Priest1); leftShore.passengers.Add(Priest2); leftShore.passengers.Add(Priest3); }
public static void Main() { //var car = new Car("Toyota"); //Console.WriteLine(car.Name); //var shorenorth = new Shore("North Side"); //Console.WriteLine(shorenorth.Name); //var shoresouth = new Shore("South Side"); //Console.WriteLine(shoresouth.Name); //var ferry = new Ferry("Titanic"); //Console.WriteLine(ferry.Name); ////THE CAR IN THE FERRY IS NOT PRESENT (NULL) //var whenNullCar = ferry.loadedCar; ////WE ADD THE CAR TO THE FERRY //ferry.loadedCar = car; //var whenNotNullCar = ferry.loadedCar; //Console.WriteLine("The car inside the ferry " + ferry.loadedCar.Name); //Console.WriteLine("The car inside the ferry in another var (pointer) " + whenNotNullCar.Name); //Console.ReadLine(); // # 1 Create Cars var toyotaCarEast = new Car("toyotaEast"); var toyotaCarWest = new Car("toyotaWest"); // # 2 Create Shores var eastShore = new Shore("east"); var westShore = new Shore("west"); // # 3 Create Ferry var uniqueFerry = new Ferry("Unique"); // # 4 time 0 ALL Objects just created Console.WriteLine("###################################################"); Console.WriteLine("time 0"); Console.WriteLine("###################################################"); toyotaCarEast.print(); toyotaCarWest.print(); eastShore.print(); westShore.print(); uniqueFerry.print(); Console.ReadLine(); // # 5 time 1 Car arrive to the shore and Ferry arrives to the west Shore Console.WriteLine("###################################################"); Console.WriteLine("time 1"); Console.WriteLine("###################################################"); //cars Arrives westShore.waitingCar = toyotaCarWest; eastShore.waitingCar = toyotaCarEast; //Ferry arrive westShore.waitingFerry = uniqueFerry; toyotaCarEast.print(); toyotaCarWest.print(); eastShore.print(); westShore.print(); uniqueFerry.print(); Console.ReadLine(); // # 6 time 2 westCar is loaded to the ferry and westShore Remains empty of car Console.WriteLine("###################################################"); Console.WriteLine("time 2"); Console.WriteLine("###################################################"); //load the car to the ferry uniqueFerry.loadedCar = westShore.waitingCar; //empty the westshore westShore.waitingCar = null; toyotaCarEast.print(); toyotaCarWest.print(); eastShore.print(); westShore.print(); uniqueFerry.print(); Console.ReadLine(); // # 7 time 3 Ferry travels to eastShore and westShore remains empty Console.WriteLine("###################################################"); Console.WriteLine("time 3"); Console.WriteLine("###################################################"); //move the ferry to the east eastShore.waitingFerry = uniqueFerry; //empty the westshore of ferry westShore.waitingFerry = null; toyotaCarEast.print(); toyotaCarWest.print(); eastShore.print(); westShore.print(); uniqueFerry.print(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public IndoorWheel(int diameter, int width, int hardness) { Diameter = diameter; Width = width; Hardness = new Shore(hardness); }
// The engineLoop thread executes RunEngine() function. This thread waits until a signal is received // (frameReady.WaitOne()). In this case, the signal means that the copy of frame bytes is ready. // Since the engineLoop thread is not the UI thread (the thread which manages the interface), // it cannot modify objects belonging to the interface. A Dispatcher object (the last line of the function) // is necessary for updating the interface. void RunEngine(object state) { // Acquire frame for specific reference //if ( //{ lock (lockThis) { ColorFrame frame = colorRef.AcquireFrame(); // It's possible that we skipped a frame or it is already gone if (frame == null) { return; } uint size = Convert.ToUInt32(frame.FrameDescription.Height * frame.FrameDescription.Width * 4); frame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToIntPtr(kinect.Camera.PinnedImageBuffer, size, ColorImageFormat.Bgra); frame.Dispose(); content = engine.Process(kinect.Camera.PinnedImageBuffer + 1, 1920, 1080, 1U, 4, 1920 * 4, 0, "GRAYSCALE"); if (content == null) { return; } ShoreList.Clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < content.GetObjectCount(); i++) { try { ShoreNetObject sObj = content.GetObject(i); if (sObj.GetShoreType() == "Face") { Shore shore = new Shore(); shore.Eyes.Left.X = sObj.GetMarkerOf("LeftEye").GetX(); shore.Eyes.Left.Y = sObj.GetMarkerOf("LeftEye").GetY(); shore.Eyes.Right.X = sObj.GetMarkerOf("RightEye").GetX(); shore.Eyes.Right.Y = sObj.GetMarkerOf("RightEye").GetY(); shore.Gender = (sObj.GetAttributeOf("Gender") == "Female") ? "Female" : "Male"; shore.Age = (int)sObj.GetRatingOf("Age"); shore.Happiness_ratio = sObj.GetRatingOf("Happy"); shore.Surprise_ratio = sObj.GetRatingOf("Surprised"); shore.Anger_ratio = sObj.GetRatingOf("Angry"); shore.Sadness_ratio = sObj.GetRatingOf("Sad"); shore.Uptime = sObj.GetRatingOf("Uptime"); shore.Age_deviation = sObj.GetRatingOf("AgeDeviation"); shore.Region_face.Left = sObj.GetRegion().GetLeft(); shore.Region_face.Top = sObj.GetRegion().GetTop(); shore.Region_face.Bottom = sObj.GetRegion().GetBottom(); shore.Region_face.Right = sObj.GetRegion().GetRight(); ShoreList.Add(shore); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("error shore" + e.Message); } } lblFaceDet.Invoke(new Action(() => { lblFaceDet.Text = ShoreList.Count().ToString(); })); } if (ShoreList.Count() != 0) { ShoreData = ComUtils.XmlUtils.Serialize <List <Shore> >(ShoreList); //Console.WriteLine(sceneData); yarpPort.sendData(ShoreData); ShoreData = null; // se non cancello col tempo mi occupa tutta la memoria } //} }
public DetailShore(Shore shore) { InitializeComponent(); ShoreDetail.Text = shore.Name; }
private void ListShores_ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e) { Shore _shore = (Shore)e.SelectedItem; Navigation.PushAsync(new DetailShore(_shore)); }