/// <summary> Used to call the GloveDetected event. </summary>
 private void OnGloveDetected(SenseGlove glove, int gloveIndex)
     if (GloveDetected != null)
         GloveDetected(this, new GloveDetectedArgs(glove, gloveIndex));
Beispiel #2
    // Connection Methods

    /// <summary> Link this Sense Glove to one of the SenseGlove_Manager's detected gloves. </summary>
    /// <param name="gloveIndex"></param>
    public bool LinkToGlove(int gloveIndex)
        if (!this.IsLinked)
            this.trackedGloveIndex  = gloveIndex;
            this.actualTrackedIndex = gloveIndex;
            this.linkedGlove        = SenseGlove_DeviceManager.GetSenseGlove(gloveIndex);

            this.linkedGlove.OnFingerCalibrationFinished += LinkedGlove_OnCalibrationFinished;
            //TODO: Subscribe to more events if needed

            //uodating once so glovedata is available, but not through the UpdateHand command, as that one needs the glove to already be connected.
            SenseGloveCs.GloveData rawData = this.linkedGlove.Update(UpdateLevel.HandPositions, this.solver, this.limitFingers, this.updateWrist, new Quat(0, 0, 0, 1), false);
            this.linkedGloveData = new SenseGlove_Data(rawData);

            this.OnGloveLink(); //Fire glove linked event.

            Debug.LogWarning("Could not Link the Sense Glove because it has already been assigned. Unlink it first bu calling the UnlinkGlove() Method.");
    public void SetBrakeBuzz(int[] ffb, int[] buzz)
        if (CanTestBuzzMotors && CanTestFFB)
            int[] FFBcmd = FFBLvls;
            for (int f = 0; f < 5 && f < ffb.Length; f++) //ensures it works even if levels is not large enough
                FFBcmd[f] = Mathf.Clamp(ffb[f], 0, 100);
            FFBLvls = FFBcmd; //updates latest

            int[] buzzCmd = BuzzMotorLvls;
            for (int f = 0; f < 5 && f < buzz.Length; f++) //ensures it works even if levels is not large enough
                buzzCmd[f] = Mathf.Clamp(buzz[f], 0, 100);
            BuzzMotorLvls = buzzCmd; //updates latest

            SenseGlove iGlove = (SenseGlove)senseGlove.GetInternalObject();
            if (iGlove != null)
                iGlove.SendBrakeBuzz(FFBcmd, buzzCmd);
                Debug.Log("Could not send commands because we have no Glove");
Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Disconnect and retry the connecting to the SenseGlove,
    /// such as when a different glove is connected or when the (manual) connection is lost.
    /// </summary>
    public void RetryConnection()
        if (this.connectionMethod != ConnectionMethod.HardCoded)
            if (!SenseGloveCs.DeviceScanner.IsScanning())
                SenseGloveCs.DeviceScanner.pingTime  = 200;
                SenseGloveCs.DeviceScanner.scanDelay = 500;
        else //we're dealing with a custom connection!
            if (canReport)
                SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("Attempting to connect to " + this.address);
            Communicator PCB = null;
            if (this.address.Contains("COM")) //Serial connections
                if (this.address.Length > 4 && this.address.Length < 6)
                    this.address = "\\\\.\\" + this.address;
                PCB = new SerialCommunicator(this.address);
            if (PCB != null)
                if (PCB.IsConnected())
                    this.glove = new SenseGlove(PCB);
                    this.glove.OnFingerCalibrationFinished += Glove_OnFingerCalibrationFinished;
                else if (canReport)
                    SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("ERROR: Could not connect to " + this.address);
                    canReport = false;
            else if (canReport)
                SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("ERROR: " + this.address + " is not a valid address.");
                canReport = false;

        this.elapsedTime = 0;
        this.standBy     = false;
 /// <summary> Checks for any new events that have come in from the SenseGloveCs library. </summary>
 /// <remarks> Events are queued and fired here so that they are Unity-Safe: They could be fired from asynchronous worker threads,
 /// and certain Unity functions are only accessible from this main thread. </remarks>
 private void CheckEventQueue()
     //New gloves detected since the last Update
     if (this.queuedGloves.Count > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < this.queuedGloves.Count; i++)
             SenseGlove detectedGlove = this.queuedGloves[i]; //keep a refrence here, since the RemoveAt may make it go out of scope.
             Debug.Log("Found a new unattended Glove: " + detectedGlove.DeviceID());
         this.queuedGloves.Clear(); //clear after we're done(?)
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Disconnect the glove and stop updating until the RetryConnection is called.
 /// This allows a developer to change the communication variables before calling the RetryConnection method.
 /// </summary>
 public void Disconnect()
     if (glove != null)
         this.glove.OnFingerCalibrationFinished -= Glove_OnFingerCalibrationFinished;
     this.gloveReady = false;
     if (this.gloveData != null)
         SenseGlove_Manager.SetUsed(this.gloveData.deviceID, false);
     this.glove   = null; //The DeviceScanner will still keep them, specifically their communicator, in memory.
     this.standBy = true;
    // Connection Methods

    protected override bool CanLinkTo(IODevice device)
        if (device != null && device is SenseGloveCs.SenseGlove)
            if (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.NextGlove)

            SenseGlove glove = ((SenseGlove)device);
            return((glove.IsRight() && this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.NextRightHand) ||
                   (!glove.IsRight() && this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.NextLeftHand));
    protected override void SetupDevice()
        this.linkedGlove = (SenseGlove)this.linkedDevice;
        //this.linkedGlove.OnFingerCalibrationFinished += LinkedGlove_OnCalibrationFinished;
        //uodating once so glovedata is available, but not through the UpdateHand command, as that one needs the glove to already be connected.
        SenseGloveCs.GloveData rawData = this.linkedGlove.GetData(false);
        this.linkedGloveData = new SenseGlove_Data(rawData);

        //Device has been linked, now retrieve calibration.
        string serialized;

        if (SG.Calibration.SG_CalibrationStorage.LoadInterpolation(SenseGloveCs.DeviceType.SenseGlove, linkedGloveData.gloveSide, out serialized))
            //Debug.Log("Loaded Calibration for the " + (linkedGloveData.gloveSide == GloveSide.LeftHand ? "Left Hand" : "Right Hand"));
            linkedGlove.SetInterpolationValues(serialized); //sets internal values
Beispiel #9
    /// <summary> Unlink this glove from the manager. </summary>
    public void UnlinkGlove()
        if (this.IsLinked) //only is we are actually linked.
            this.wasConnected = false;

            this.OnGloveUnLink(); //fire unlink event

            this.actualTrackedIndex = -1;
            this.trackedGloveIndex  = -1;
            if (this.linkedGlove != null)
                this.linkedGlove.OnFingerCalibrationFinished -= LinkedGlove_OnCalibrationFinished;
            this.linkedGlove = null;
    /// <summary> Attempt to link a new glove to one of our assigned SenseGlove_Objects. Fire a GloveDetected event afterwards.? </summary>
    /// <param name="glove"></param>
    private void AssignNewGlove(SenseGlove glove)
        if (GetGloveIndex(glove.DeviceID()) < 0)   //It is a new glove

            int  index   = detectedGloves.Count - 1;
            bool linked  = false;
            bool isRight = glove.IsRight();

            //attempt to assign it to existing SenseGlove_Objects?
            for (int i = 0; i < this.senseGloves.Count; i++)
                if (this.senseGloves[i] != null)
                    if (!this.senseGloves[i].IsLinked && SenseGlove_Object.MatchesConnection(isRight, senseGloves[i].connectionMethod))
                    {   //This Sense Glove is elligible for a connection and is not already connected.
                        bool succesfullLink = this.senseGloves[i].LinkToGlove(index);
                        if (succesfullLink)
                        {                                                       //only when it is actually assigned do we break.
                            SenseGlove_DeviceManager.gloveLinked[index] = true; //we linked the glove at Index.
                            linked = true;
                {   //Warn devs when their SenseGlove_Objects have not been assigned.
                    Debug.LogError("NullRefrence exception occured in " + this.name + ". You likely haven't assigned it via the inspector.");

            if (!linked)
                this.OnGloveDetected(glove, index); //only fire event if the glove was not assigned.
            Debug.LogWarning("GloveDetected event was fired twice for the same device. Most likely you have two instances of DeviceManager running. "
                             + "We reccommend removing duplicate instances.");
 public void SetBuzz(int[] levels)
     if (CanTestBuzzMotors)
         int[] buzzCmd = BuzzMotorLvls;
         for (int f = 0; f < 5 && f < levels.Length; f++) //ensures it works even if levels is not large enough
             buzzCmd[f] = Mathf.Clamp(levels[f], 0, 100);
         BuzzMotorLvls = buzzCmd; //updates latest
         SenseGlove iGlove = (SenseGlove)senseGlove.GetInternalObject();
         if (iGlove != null)
             Debug.Log("Could not send Buzz command because we have no Glove");
Beispiel #12
    // Communication methods.

    #region Communication

    /// <summary>
    /// Extract a SenseGlove matching the parameters of this SenseGlove_Object from a list retieved by the SenseGloveCs.DeviceScanner.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="devices"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private SenseGlove ExtractSenseGlove(SenseGloveCs.IODevice[] devices)
        for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
            if (devices[i] is SenseGlove)
                SenseGlove tempGlove = ((SenseGlove)devices[i]);
                GloveData  tempData  = tempGlove.GetData(false);
                //SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("Dataloaded = " + tempData.dataLoaded + ". IsUsed = " + SenseGlove_Manager.IsUsed(tempData.deviceID) + ". isRight = " + tempData.isRight);
                if (tempData.dataLoaded && !SenseGlove_Manager.IsUsed(tempData.deviceID))
                {   //the SenseGlove is done loading data AND is not already in memory
                    if ((this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.FindNextGlove) ||
                        (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.FindNextLeftHand && !tempData.isRight) ||
                        (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.FindNextRightHand && tempData.isRight))
    public void SetFFB(int[] levels)
        if (CanTestFFB)
            int[] FFBcmd = FFBLvls;
            for (int f = 0; f < 5 && f < levels.Length; f++) //ensures it works even if levels is not large enough
                FFBcmd[f] = Mathf.Clamp(levels[f], 0, 100);
            FFBLvls = FFBcmd; //updates latest

            SenseGlove iGlove = (SenseGlove)senseGlove.GetInternalObject();
            if (iGlove != null)
                Debug.Log("Could not send FFB command because we have no Glove");
Beispiel #14
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!standBy)
            if (this.elapsedTime < SenseGlove_Object.setupTime)
                this.elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            else if (this.glove == null) //No connection yet...
                if (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.HardCoded)
                    //no glove was ever assigned...
                    this.RetryConnection(); //keep trying!
                    SenseGlove myGlove = ExtractSenseGlove(SenseGloveCs.DeviceScanner.GetDevices());
                    if (myGlove != null) //The glove matches our parameters!
                        this.glove = myGlove;
                        SenseGlove_Manager.SetUsed(this.glove.GetData(false).deviceID, true);
                        this.glove.OnFingerCalibrationFinished += Glove_OnFingerCalibrationFinished;
                        if (this.canReport)
                            string message = this.gameObject.name + " looking for SenseGlove...";
                            if (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.FindNextLeftHand)
                                message = this.gameObject.name + " looking for left-handed SenseGlove...";
                            else if (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.FindNextRightHand)
                                message = this.gameObject.name + " looking for right-handed SenseGlove...";
                            this.canReport = false;
                        this.elapsedTime = 0;
            else if (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.HardCoded && !this.glove.IsConnected())
            {                           //lost connection :(
                this.canReport = true;
                this.RetryConnection(); //keep trying!
            else if (!gloveReady)
                if (this.glove.GetData(false).dataLoaded)
                    bool runSetup = this.gloveData == null; //used to raise event only once!

                    float[][] oldFingerLengths  = null;
                    float[][] oldStartPositions = null;
                    if (this.gloveData != null)
                        oldFingerLengths  = this.GetFingerLengths();
                        oldStartPositions = SenseGlove_Util.ToPosition(this.GetStartJointPositions());

                    this.gloveData = this.glove.GetData(false); //get the latest data without calculating anything.
                    this.rightHand = this.gloveData.isRight;    //so that users can use this variable during setup.

                    if (oldFingerLengths != null)
                    }                                                                          //re-apply old fingerlengths, if possible.
                    if (oldStartPositions != null)
                    }                                                                                  //re=apply joint positions, if possible.

                    this.convertedGloveData = new SenseGlove_Data(this.gloveData, this.glove.communicator.samplesPerSecond,
                                                                  this.glove.TotalCalibrationSteps(), this.glove.TotalCalibrationSteps());
                    this.calibratedWrist = false;
                    this.gloveReady      = true;
                    if (runSetup)
                        this.originalLengths = this.gloveData.handModel.GetFingerLengths();
                        this.originalJoints  = this.gloveData.handModel.GetJointPositions();
                        SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("Sense Glove " + this.convertedGloveData.deviceID + " is ready!");
                        this.GloveLoaded();  //raise the event!
            else //glove != null && gloveReady!

                //Update to the latest GloveData.

                //Calibrate once more after reconnecting to the glove.
                if (!calibratedWrist)
                    this.calibratedWrist = true;

                //Update the public values automatically.
                if (connectionMethod != ConnectionMethod.HardCoded)
                    this.address = glove.communicator.Address();
                this.rightHand = glove.IsRight();
Beispiel #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Sense Glove C# Core Library");

            if (DeviceList.SenseCommRunning()) //check if the Sense Comm is running. If not, warn the end user.
                SenseGlove testGlove;
                if (SenseGlove.GetSenseGlove(out testGlove)) //retrieves the first Sense Glove it can find. Returns true if one can be found
                    Console.WriteLine("Activating " + testGlove.ToString() + " on key press.");

                    //std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)); //vibrating for for 200ms.
                    testGlove.SendHaptics(new SG_BuzzCmd(0, 80, 0, 0, 0)); //vibrate the index fingerat 80% intensity.
                    testGlove.SendHaptics(SG_BuzzCmd.Off);                 //turn off all Buzz Motors.

                    SG_Model model = testGlove.GetGloveModel(); //Retrieve device information
                    Console.WriteLine(model.ToString(true));    //Log some basic information to the user. (true indicates a short notation is desired)

                    //Retrieving Sensor Data (raw). The lowest level data available
                    SG_SensorData sensorData;
                    if (testGlove.GetSensorData(out sensorData)) //if GetSensorData is true, we have sucesfully recieved data

                    //Retrieving Glove Pose: The position / rotation of the glove, as well as its sensor angles placed in the right direction.
                    SG_GlovePose glovePose;
                    if (testGlove.GetGlovePose(out glovePose))
                        //As an example, lets calculate fingertip positions.

                        //If we wish to calculate hand variables, we need a "hand profile" to tell the Sense Glove our hand lengths.
                        SG_HandProfile handProfile  = SG_HandProfile.Default(testGlove.IsRight()); //create a default profile, either left or right.
                        Vect3D[]       tipPositions = glovePose.CalculateFingerTips(handProfile);  //calculates fingertip position

                        Console.WriteLine("Fingertip positions relative to Wrist:");
                        for (int f = 0; f < tipPositions.Length; f++)
                            Console.WriteLine(((SGCore.Finger)f).ToString() + ": " + tipPositions[f].ToString()); //writes "thumb: ", "index: " etc.
                        float dThumbIndex = tipPositions[0].DistTo(tipPositions[1]);                              //calculates the distance between thumb (0) and index finger (1), in mm.
                        Console.WriteLine("The distance between thumb and index finger is " + dThumbIndex + "mm.");
                    Console.WriteLine("No sense gloves connected to the system. Ensure the USB connection is secure, then try again.");
                Console.WriteLine("SenseComm is not running. Please start it and try again.");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
 /// <summary> Create a new instance of the GloveDetectedArgs. </summary>
 /// <param name="glove"></param>
 public GloveDetectedArgs(SenseGlove glove, int gloveIndex)
     this.DeviceID    = glove.GetData(false).deviceID;
     this.RightHanded = glove.IsRight();
     this.DeviceIndex = gloveIndex;