public ScrollCase()
     First.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Disarm",
         Level  = 1,
         Incant = "Disarm your <target>",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     First.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Light",
         Level  = 1,
         Incant = "build a Light",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     First.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Lesser Investment",
         Level  = 3,
         Incant = "build a Lesser Investment",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     First.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Fortress",
         Level  = 1,
         Incant = "build a Fortress",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     First.Add(new Scroll(1, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     First.Add(new Scroll(1, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     First.Add(new Scroll(1, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     First.Add(new Scroll(1, SpellFlavor.Flame));
     Second.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Weapon Shield",
         Level  = 2,
         Incant = "a Weapon Shield",
         Type   = SpellType.Protection
     Second.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Pin",
         Level  = 2,
         Incant = "Pin you",
         Type   = SpellType.Binding
     Second.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Repel",
         Level  = 2,
         Incant = "Repel you",
         Type   = SpellType.Binding
     Second.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Slow",
         Level  = 2,
         Incant = "Slow you",
         Type   = SpellType.Binding
     Second.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Mend Armor",
         Level  = 2,
         Incant = "Mend 10 Armor",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Second.Add(new Scroll(2, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     Second.Add(new Scroll(2, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     Second.Add(new Scroll(2, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     Second.Add(new Scroll(2, SpellFlavor.Flame));
     Third.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Bind",
         Level  = 3,
         Incant = "Bind you",
         Type   = SpellType.Binding
     Third.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Shatter",
         Level  = 3,
         Incant = "Shatter your <target>",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Third.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Wall of Force",
         Level  = 3,
         Incant = "build a Wall of Force",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Third.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Solidfy",
         Level  = 3,
         Incant = "Solidfy you",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Third.Add(new Scroll(3, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     Third.Add(new Scroll(3, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     Third.Add(new Scroll(3, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     Third.Add(new Scroll(3, SpellFlavor.Flame));
     Fourth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Awaken",
         Level  = 4,
         Incant = "I Awaken you from commands",
         Type   = SpellType.Fixing
     Fourth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Banish",
         Level  = 4,
         Incant = "Banish you",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Fourth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Enhanced Blade",
         Level  = 4,
         Incant = "an Enhanced Blade",
         Type   = SpellType.Protection
     Fourth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Shun",
         Level  = 4,
         Incant = "Shun me",
         Type   = SpellType.Commands
     Fourth.Add(new Scroll(4, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     Fourth.Add(new Scroll(4, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     Fourth.Add(new Scroll(4, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     Fourth.Add(new Scroll(4, SpellFlavor.Flame));
     Fifth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Release",
         Level  = 5,
         Incant = "I Release you from binding",
         Type   = SpellType.Fixing
     Fifth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Spell Shield",
         Level  = 5,
         Incant = "a Spell Shield",
         Type   = SpellType.Protection
     Fifth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Subjugate",
         Level  = 5,
         Incant = "Subjugate you",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Fifth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Lesser Magic Storm",
         Level  = 5,
         Incant = "Lesser Magic Storm",
         Type   = SpellType.Evocation
     Fifth.Add(new Scroll(5, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     Fifth.Add(new Scroll(5, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     Fifth.Add(new Scroll(5, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     Fifth.Add(new Scroll(5, SpellFlavor.Flame));
     Sixth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Elemental Shield",
         Level  = 6,
         Incant = "an Elemental Shield",
         Type   = SpellType.Protection
     Sixth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Sleep",
         Level  = 6,
         Incant = "Sleep",
         Type   = SpellType.Commands
     Sixth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Wizard Lock",
         Level  = 6,
         Incant = "build a Wizard Lock",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Sixth.Add(new Scroll(6, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     Sixth.Add(new Scroll(6, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     Sixth.Add(new Scroll(6, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     Sixth.Add(new Scroll(6, SpellFlavor.Flame));
     Seventh.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Charm",
         Level  = 7,
         Incant = "be Charmed",
         Type   = SpellType.Commands
     Seventh.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Confine",
         Level  = 7,
         Incant = "Confine you",
         Type   = SpellType.Binding
     Seventh.Add(new Scroll(7, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     Seventh.Add(new Scroll(7, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     Seventh.Add(new Scroll(7, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     Seventh.Add(new Scroll(7, SpellFlavor.Flame));
     Eigth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Dispel",
         Level  = 8,
         Incant = "to Dispel",
         Type   = SpellType.Protection
     Eigth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Reflect Magic",
         Level  = 8,
         Incant = "a Reflect Magic",
         Type   = SpellType.Protection
     Eigth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Stun Limb",
         Level  = 8,
         Incant = "Stun your <limb>",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Eigth.Add(new Scroll(8, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     Eigth.Add(new Scroll(8, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     Eigth.Add(new Scroll(8, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     Eigth.Add(new Scroll(8, SpellFlavor.Flame));
     Ninth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Circle of Power",
         Level  = 9,
         Incant = "build a Circle of Power",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Ninth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Magic Storm",
         Level  = 9,
         Incant = "Magic Storm",
         Type   = SpellType.Evocation
     Ninth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Prison",
         Level  = 9,
         Incant = "build a Prison",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Ninth.Add(new Scroll
         Name   = "Ward",
         Level  = 9,
         Incant = "build a Ward",
         Type   = SpellType.EForce
     Ninth.Add(new Scroll(9, SpellFlavor.Stone));
     Ninth.Add(new Scroll(9, SpellFlavor.Lighting));
     Ninth.Add(new Scroll(9, SpellFlavor.Ice));
     Ninth.Add(new Scroll(9, SpellFlavor.Flame));
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            One obj = new One();


            Second Secondobj = new Second();

            Secondobj.Number(25, 25);
            int Sub = Secondobj.Sub();

            Console.WriteLine("Subt is " + Sub);

            GetSetProgram getSetProgram = new GetSetProgram();

            getSetProgram.Pro1 = 10;
            getSetProgram.Pro2 = 20;

            InheritanceChildClass NewChildClassObj = new InheritanceChildClass();


            Polymorphism NewPolyObj = new Polymorphism();

            NewPolyObj.Display("Rahul Bheemanathi");
            NewPolyObj.Display(10, 5);
            NewPolyObj.Display("Honey", "Rahul");

            Abstraction NewAbstractionObj = new Abstraction();


            GetSetNumbersOutPut getSetNumbers = new GetSetNumbersOutPut();

            getSetNumbers.sum(10, 10);
            getSetNumbers.sum(20, 30);

            ReverseNumberProgram reverseNumberProgram = new ReverseNumberProgram();


            char[] a = new char[] { 'S', 'R', 'I', 'D', 'E', 'V', 'I' };
            ReverseCharactersPrint reverseCharactersPrint = new ReverseCharactersPrint();


            FizzBuzzProgram fizzBuzzProgram = new FizzBuzzProgram();


            Char[]           ReverseChar      = new char[] { 'R', 'A', 'H', 'U', 'L' };
            ReverseWhileLoop reverseWhileLoop = new ReverseWhileLoop();


            char[] Forward = new char[] { 'R', 'A', 'H', 'U', 'L' };
            FrowardandReverseStringProgram frowardandReverseStringProgram = new FrowardandReverseStringProgram();


            //ConstructorProgram Constructor = new ConstructorProgram();
            //ConstructorProgram constructorProgram = new ConstructorProgram("Rahul Bheemanathi");


            CityChildClass cityChildClass = new CityChildClass();
            string         city           = cityChildClass.YourCity();

